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The Erisian revival

Started by Wolfpoet, May 13, 2006, 03:31:36 PM

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Reading cain's post on Eris and reading BMW's post on reverse brainwashing i had a thought. Why don't we use Christianity's most succesful tool against them?

What am i blabbing about? Let me describe the process.

"Believe in the power of Jesus or you will burn in hell!"

Popular Christian party line and a succesful one. Read the bible and try to find the fire and brimstone pit of hell. You won't, why?

Hell originates with the Greeks and their concept of Hades which was then swiped by the Romans. The Roman cult was Christianity's chief enemy in the old days, persecuting them and feeding them to household pets (Lions, tigers, wolves etc).

The Roman faith is heavy on the Gods fucking over Humanity. Funny, kinda reminds me of allot of the old testament stuff.... I wonder why....

To get Romans to convert the Christians changed a hell of allot about their religion and adapted it to the Roman worldview. They lost allot of the peace and love stuff but it stopped them getting cut up into kitty-treats and scooby-snacks.

Roll forward a few centuries to Saxon England. Christians converted the Pagan Saxons pretty well, again by adapting Christianity. a little known example si the ponds and lakes, such sites where Holy to the Saxons, a hold over perhaps from the previous Celts. Each holy site had an attendant spirit to protect it. Chrisians got rid of the spirits but said "yes this is holy and Saint *insert name here* watches over it in heaven". seeing the pattern?

Then came the Norse whose recreational activities included raping Christian women, murdering christian men and nicking their stuff.

This helped the Christians at first, they had a real bogeyman to keep the sheep in line. But raids became invasions and invasions beacme settlements. So how do the Christians convert the Norse? adaptation again!

Two concepts of Saxon Christianity: 1) Paradise, 2) Hades.

Two concepts of norse belief: 1) Valhalla, 2) Hel's hall.

In Norse religion the brave get sent to Valhalla where they fuck, drink, eat and have fun till the end of the world and they get to fight the biggest battle of all time.

Fairly easy to adapt the concept of Christian paradise with this, tap into revelations for the end of the world and they are hooked.

The dishonoured and the cowards go to Hel's hall. Hel is te Norse God of the underworld and her hall is where the poor buggers who didn't make the grade eat mouldy food, drink vinegar and forced to couple with hags.

The Christians of England dropped the hades line, adopted the term Hell and there we go, Norse Christians.

So today's Hell has nothing to do with Christianity at all. In point of fact the original Jewish concept of the opposite of Heaven was the absence of God, pure nothingness.

Now what the bloody hell am i rambling about?

Eris as Cain presented her would be a HUGE turn off for Christians. Could we re-invent her with a slant that appeals to christians?

Archangel of Discord. Giver the old cow a new outfit.

Christian teens are just as disilusioned as atheistic ones ad looking for the same things. They get brainwashed by the preachers, let's give them something they can believe in that drags them into Discordianism.
It's not so much that we fear the Wolf that howls outside, we fear the Wolf that howls within our soul.

Paladin, Iman, Rabbi and Fa Shih of the Erisian revival.

There are 3 sides to any conflict, winners, losers and arms dealers. Eris does a damn good deal at competitive prices.