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Kirby Meets the Devil [ASCII comic#1]

Started by devilinme, May 20, 2006, 09:43:26 PM

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Kirby Meets the Devil

This is the first issue of a series of comics charting the rise and maybe fall of Kirby. In this story he, as the title suggests meets the Devil. Later stories will also feature: !ROBOTS! !NINJAS! !ZOMBIES! !VAMPIRES! so stick around. Each  story will come in multiple parts which will be updated whenever I feel like it. I don't know where the original idea for Kirby Comics came from but the only other one I know of is written by Super Tails 3000  and is called Lady Stalker:

I've also heard of a "Bible According to Kirby" but I haven't yet got a copy of it.

Part the First

Kirby: *whistles while he strolls*

Kirby: *keeps whistling and strolling*

Kirby: look is this getting anywhere or am I just going to whistle and stroll forever?

Kirby: ¬ø!OMGWTF!?

Kirby: ¬ø!ZOMG! who the **** are j00?!

Satan: Hi! I'm the devil & I'd...

Satan: to purchase your soul.

Satan: Bugger! Why do I keep getting that reaction?

Satan: Oh well better get after him I suppose.

Will Kirby manage to outrun Satan? Or will he be caught and have to do battle to protect his soul? Well what do think? Hmm? Be a pretty dumb comic if he just runs away for ever wouldn't it? Anyway you'll find out as soon as I post Part the Second.

Suggestions are welcome.


Part the Second

Kirby: Huffhh. Huffhh. Need air! Must rest!

Kirby: Wonder if I'm safe yet.

Satan: Yoohoo! You only went 4 inches away you know!

~~much running later~~

Mrs Jesus Freak: Praise the Lord!
Mr Jesus Freak: Praise the Lord indeed!

Mrs JF: !Holy ****! ¬ø!WTF is that!?
MR JF: !Godamnn he looks stoned! Must be a hippy! And don't swear!
Kirby: hhnfghhnnn need air! hghnghghnhn must rest!

Mrs JF: !Quick kill him! Kill him!
Mr JF: !Stop or I'll shoot you dead where you stand!
Kirby: !!HGNHGGNNNNNN!! !Satan! !Satan!

Mrs JF: !¬øWTF?! !He must be a Satanist!
Mr JF: !Right, that's it boy, you dead!
Kirby: !NO! Satan's after me! He wants my soul!

Mrs JF: Oh he is just on drugs.
Mr JF: Yup. Still better shoot him. Only doing my duty.
Kirby: No! Please I'm teling the truth.

Mrs JF: !Wait a minute! ¬ø!WTF!?
Mr JF: Stop swearing woman! You'll go to hell!
Kirby: AHH ****! Not you as well!

Will the Jesus Freaks kill Kirby? Will they try and kill Satan? Or will they just wind up fighting each other? And what of Kirby? Is he completely screwed or will he manage to maintain a hold on his soul? And will Satan ever stop smiling? Find out in Part the Third. Coming whenever I damn well feel like!



Man I must be so bored - heres part 3 already now I have got to go do something else so it might be a couple of day's before the next update. ;_;

Part the Third

Satan: !TADA! Bet you never thought you'd be glad to see me!
Mrs JF: **** you! I'll say whatever I feel like! *******!
Mr JF: Shut the **** up or I'll blow you away myself!

Satan: How terribly romantic!
Kirby: You're really weird, you know that?
Mr & Mrs JF: #####CENSORED#####(trust me it's really bad)

Mr & Mrs JF: #####CENSORED#####(trust me it's still really bad)
Satan: Anyway while these two lovebirds are occupied let's get back to the matter of your soul.

Mr JF: Shut the **** up! Me and the ***** are having a discussion here!
Kirby: I'm sorry! I'm Sorry!
Mrs JF: Yeah? Well you better be ****head!

Satan: We'll just move up a bit and give you your privacy
Kirby: Rock, hard place, rock, hard place, rock...etc.

( ^.^)
Satan: That's a bit better.
Kirby: For you maybe - it still looks like I'm screwed.

( ^.^)
Satan: You don't have to sell it to me if you don't want to.
Kirby: Well I don't!
Satan: Can't you at least hear me out?
Kirby: No!

( ^.^)
Satan: Ok you see that giant bunny over there?
Kirby: Yeah. So?

( ^«%¥%»^)
Satan: So:

o(")_____( ^__(\_^)__(>6_6)>_(")_(\__<('-_-'<)?í
Kirby: OK! I can totally listen to your offer!
Satan: I knew we could be friends!

Will the Jesus Freaks kill each other or live happily ever after? And who in their right minds is really rooting for the latter? Will Kirby manage to resist the temptations that Satan will surely be offering him? And should he? Even if he does will he ever get over the trauma of what happened to the bunny? Will you? If you do come back for Part the Fourth.

Shibboleet The Annihilator

I declare this thread fucking swote!


Part the Fourth

Kirby: Buuurrrrrrppppp! Good bunny! Oh and seriously nice trick with breathing fire to cook it!
Satan: Well I try.
O47: My wabbit it Assplode!

O47: Waaaahhhhh!
Kirby: Hello little girl.
Satan: Come and sit in Uncle Satan's lap!

O47: ¬ø!Pervert!?
Satan: I'll give you a cookie!

O47: Waaaghhhhhhhhhhh! Pervert!
Satan: Knew that would get rid of the little crybaby.
Kirby: That was mean.

Satan: Now about my purchasing that little old soul of yours?
Kirby: Well ok I'll listen to your offer.

Satan: Well just for starters how does a gagajabillion ,Ǩ sound?

Satan Just for starters - don't forget money can't buy you happiness.

Satan: Calm down in return for your soul I'd also like to offer you a the most beautiful woman in the world

Kirby: But what if she doesn't like me?
Satan: Of course she'll like you - I like you don't I?

Kirby: but what if you only like for my soul?
Satan: If you don't stop being an emo sissy I'll ****in' eat you! Anyway don't you want to meet her?

Kirby: Ok!
Satan: That's better!

Satan: She's called Kitty now be nice!
Kitty: Hi!

<World Through Kirby's Eyes>

______________(>¬§_¬§)><3___(. Y .)___<('??_??'<)?í
Kirby: Nice shiny pretty boobies
Kitty: Oh for ****'s sake
Satan: I knew he'd blow it! Why did I try for sex appeal?

[/<World Through Kirby's Eyes>]

Kitty: !OI! Writer! ¬ø!WTF!? - ¬øWhy are my breasts on display?
Kakoluqia: Ummm it's an ASCII comic on an internet forum. Why should I go for complex and subtle plot devices when your breasts will get me ten time the number of readers.

Kitty: Because this is degrading and insulting!
Kakoluqia: So what are you going to do about it?
Kitty: Go!

Kirby:Boobies! Huh! Where'd the boobies go?
Satan: She left because you're a pervert & you only cared about her breasts.

Kirby: You told me she'd like me!
Satan: You forgot to mention you were a sexist ass!

Satan: Now will just the gagajabillion ,Ǩ do?
Kirby: But I'm sad!

Satan: Cookie?

Kirby: Yay! Cookie!

Will Kitty & her breasts return? Will Kirby accept the offer of a gagajabillion ,Ǩ for his soul? What has happened to the Jesus Freaks since we last saw them? Where will the little girl go? But most importantly will Kitty & her breasts be coming back?


That Bible According to Kirby I mentioned in my first post? I got ahold of it now - if anyone wants a copy private message me with an email address & I'll send it out as soon as I have a spare moment. It's fucking hilarious.


Interval 01

Catch up time with the Jesus Freaks

Mrs JF:#####CENSORED#####(still really bad)
Mr JF: #####CENSORED#####(I'm starting to wish they'd stop swearing)

Mrs JF:#####CENSORED#####(now that's just plain nasty)
Mr JF: #####CENSORED#####(please stop)

Mrs JF:#####CENSORED#####(that's not very nice!)
Mr JF: #####CENSORED#####(your ruining my comic you know)

Mrs JF:#####CENSORED#####(Oi! no racism - now that really is disgusting)
Mr JF: #####CENSORED#####(hey! theres no need to be rude about me!)

Mrs JF:#####CENSORED#####(stopitstopitstopitstopitstopitstopit)
Mr JF: #####CENSORED#####(for ****'s sake! oh **** now you've got me swearing too - happy now?

Mrs JF:#####CENSORED#####(hey is that true?)
Mr JF: #####CENSORED#####(no, if that's true she's got a point)

Mrs JF:#####CENSORED#####(now watch it that could be libelous)
Mr JF: #####CENSORED#####(oh! so it <I>is</I> true)

Mrs JF:#####CENSORED#####(yeah you get him girl!)
Mr JF: #####CENSORED#####(WHAT!? she really did that?)

Mrs JF:#####CENSORED#####(OMG! you really did do that. nasty!)
Mr JF: #####CENSORED#####(yeah you get her now!)

Mrs JF:#####CENSORED#####(ooh nice comeback)
Mr JF: #####CENSORED#####(Oi! no death threats - I'm temporarily removing your gun!)

Mr JF:#####CENSORED#####(I've already told you about swearing at me!)
Mrs JF: #####CENSORED#####(¬øWTF? why are you backing him up?)

Mrs JF:#####CENSORED#####(no he doesn't have the right to do that)
Mr JF: #####CENSORED#####(and stop swearing at me!)

Mrs JF:#####CENSORED#####(alright fine I'll give it back - I don't care if he shoots you!)
Mr JF: #####CENSORED#####(here you go)

Mrs JF:#####CENSORED#####(actually what they're saying is fine...)
Mr JF: #####CENSORED#####('s just too gooey for my tastes)

Mrs JF: Hadn't we better go and check on how that boy is doing?
Mr JF: Yeah, I reckon so. Going to shoot me a devil!

So no sign of Kitty's breasts but at least you know what the Jesus Freaks are like. Not that anybody could really want to know. Pity about the lack of Kitty. Anyway maybe something interesting will happen next strip. But I doubt it. This guy can't write for ****.


Part the Fifth

Satan: So a gagajabillion ,Ǩ do?
Kirby: Well you were going to give me someone as well.

Satan: yeah but you a perv so she left.
Kirby: I want somebody! Anybody!

Satan: K

Mystery Guy: Man the things I do for cookies!
Kirby: Hey! No not like that!
Satan: Hehehe! Homophobe.

Kirby: That was not funny!
Satan: I laughed.

Kirby: *******! Anyway if I can't have girl I want a servant.
Satan: Mexican guy who'll work for shiny pebbles do?

Kirby: Nicely!
Satan: *whistles* Antonio!

... /##\........
Antonio: Si Senor!
Satan: You work for this guy now.
Kirby: Cool!

... /##\........
Antonio: Gracias Senor! No more surprise buttseckz!
Satan: I told you never to mention that! It was dark! I was looking for Kitty!

... /##\........
Kirby: Ok, Antonio you go get me coffee. And pr0n! Now!
Antonio: Si Antonio go now.

Satan: So we have a deal then I take it ?

Wow still no Kitty? I mean that's all anybody's reading for, right? This is teh internets: we want boobies! Oh and some people (who for some bizarre reason are not fascinated by breasts might be wondering - will Kirby sign the contract? Will Antonio manage to find coffee and pr0n in rednack land? How do I get cheap immigrant labour who'll work for shiny pebbles? Does anyone really think that any of these questions will be answered in the next strip?

Shibboleet The Annihilator

I less than three this post.

Best noob ever.


Thank you \m/.^_^:\m/ - for once actually not minding being called a n00b

Part the Sixth

... /##\........
Antonio: Hi! Anybody tell me where I can get coffee round here?
Mr JF: Holy **** a boarder jumper!

... /##\........
Antonio: Oh and I need some pr0n as well please senors.
Mrs JF: And a pervert! Shoot him! Shoot him!

... /##\........
Antonio: Ok! I'm going now!
Mr JF: Not so quick!


... /##\........
Antonio: Iiieeee! I die! And I never got to tell my burritos I love hiim!
Mrs JF: Woohooo! #####CENSORED#####(ahhhh not more racism again)
Mr JF: #####CENSORED#####(yup more racism. damn I hate these guys)

... /##\........
Mr JF: ¬øWTF was a [mexican guy]* doing round here anyways?
Mrs JF: I bet he has something to do with that hippy and the guy with the horns.

*No way am I typing that word

... /##\........
Mr JF: Yeah. We should check them out!
Mrs JF: Well, let's eat first!

~~a short while later~~

... /##\........
Mrs JF: Buuuurrrrrrrrrrppppp! Damn fine [mexican guy]* there!
Mr JF: Buuuuuuurrrrrrrrrppppppp! Yup he surely was!

*Still not bloody typing it!

... /##\........
Mr JF: Ok lets go kill the hippy and Satan
Mrs JF: Yeehaaww!


Satan: So if you just sign here, here & here. Oh and here + here & here.
Kirby: Mmmhmhmnn: !$!MONEY!$!

Mr JF: ¬ø!WTF!?
Mrs JF: You ain't signing that contract are you?!
Kirby: Well, yeah!

Will Kirby finish signing the contract? Why does Satan need his signature so many times? And just wtf is up with people called Jesus Freak eating people? Is this strip just being too rude to christians? Or is there really a conspiracy of christian cannibals? And where is Kitty? Next issue might just possibly answer some of these questions. But probably not. Don't get your hopes up.


Part the Seventh


Mr JF: No you ain't!
Kirby: *death rattle*
Satan: !****! !****! All that ****ing work up the ****er!

Mrs JF: Hallejuh! You saved him!
Mr JF: I certainly did! Now I shall definitaly get to heaven!
Satan: ¬ø!WTF!? You murdering nutjob freaks just killed him!

Mrs JF: But now he won't go to hell!
Satan: Free will you sons of *****'es!
Mr JF: **** is up with that body?


Kirby: ¬ø!WTS!? What happened? Where am I?

Kirby: ¬øWT? What The Sugar? Hey, how come I can't swear? And why have I got wings?

...... /##\........
Antonio: Hola mis amigo!
Kirby:What are you doing here? Where is this? Where's my coffee & [fluffy bunny pictures]?

Kirby:!!¬øFLUFFY BUNNY PICTURES?!! What I can't think bad thoughts?
Antonio: Of course not this Heaven! It really boring. I even missing the surprise [tickleing]

Kirby: Right where's the manager? I want to complain?
Antonio: Is a queue - St Peter he get round to us eventually.

~~much waiting~~

St Peter: Right, name please?
Kirby: Kirby
Antonio: ¬øWT? I even get discriminated against in heaven?

St Peter: Yes.
Antonio: ![sugar]!

St Peter: And you said your name was Kirby, right? Waitagoddamnedminute?! ¬ø!Kirby!?
Kirby: Yes. Why, is there a problem?

Will Kirby fit in in Heaven? Is Heaven where Kitty lives? Can we please see her breasts again? Why is St Peter shocked to meet Kirby? And why are mexicans discriminated against everywhere? Answers next issue! Maybe.


Sorry for the delay!

Part the Eigth

St Peter: You're Kirby? [sugar]!
Kirby: Yes. What's the problem?

St Peter: You're going to have to come see God with me.
Kirby: Cool, but why?
Antonio: Can I come too Senor?

St Peter: No.
Antonio: Awwwhh!
Kirby: He's with me

St Peter: Alright but keep your mouth shut. This way
Antonio: Yay! *mutters*racist [sugar]

Kirby: Hey who's the blind dude?
St Peter : Shhh! That's God!
God: *muttering* stupid little springy bit! Where is it?

St Peter: Here it is sir!
God: Ahhh, excellent work there Gabriel! There put it back in!

St Peter: Sir, I'm Peter not Gabriel.
God: I don't care!
Kirby: Excuse me. God, what are you doing?

God: Huhh? Whazzzat? Oh I'm making watches - I believe you monkeys call them solar systems.
Kirby: But you're blind!
God: So? Discriminatory *******

Antonio: Hey Senor, you can swear!
God ¬ø!WTF!? A [mexican guy]*!? How the **** you get in?
St Peter *mutters* I told you to stay quiet.

Kirby: What's the matter - don't you like mexicans?
God: No of course not - if I liked them I'd have hardly have made Mexico would I?
Antonio: *mutters* Racist [sugar]

God: Anyway, who are you?
Kirby: I'm Kirby.

God: ¬ø!KIRBY!?

*You know even if God himself says it I'm still not going to type it.

Why is God so shocked to see Kirby? Why does god hate mexicans? Is the idiot writer just trying to offend or does he actually think that he's making a valid point about the problem of evil? Does the writer really think anybody on teh internets is going to get blind watchmaker jokes? ¬ø!AND WHERE IS KITTY!?



Part the Ninth

St Peter: Theres your walking stick sir!
God:  Thank you Mathew.

St Peter: It's Peter sir.
God: Again: Why should I care? Now, Kirby?

Kirby: Yes.
God: Why are you here. You're supposed to be getting tempted by my son.

Kirby: ¬ø!WT!? Satans your son? And he was supposed to be tempting me?
God: Of course Satan is my son! In fact he's my good son.

Kirby: Why was he trying to get my soul then?
God: It's a game we play every few years to see who's more popular.

Kirby: So who's winning?
God: I was up until I had Jesus - then the whole thing went to pot.

God: Anyway that's irrelevant - you're not supposed to be here yet or maybe even at all.
Kirby: Hey, I'm in heaven - you don't here me complaining!

God: Not for much longer! Back to Earth

Antonio: What about me Senor?
God: Wait a minute! **** I knew I forgot something! Here [mexican guy] take this with you!

St Peter: *mutters*And now I have to clean up the hat [sugar]
God: Why the **** should I care?

Satan: ****! I'm going to have to start all over again!
Kirby: Brains!
Mrs JF: Uh oh!

Meh. I've given up on ever seeing Kitty again. I hate this writer - only one pair of boobs in the whole damn comic and they would have to belong to a girl with an IQ higher than room temperature. I'm sulking.