
So essentially, the enemy of my enemy is not my friend, he's just another moronic, entitled turd in the bucket.

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Messages - Cuddlefish

Quote from: Ferka Zarco on August 03, 2010, 04:42:27 AM
I should probably have posted this somewhere, but I totally knew Pēleus  was going to start this thread.
Just sayin'.

YoU Has MahdGJICkaL ConTEnt

dO yOu mAkE ThE SiGiLs SoMETimeS ToO?
"I have called you out on some unfair, yet predictable and obvious inconsistancies, and therefore, I will go somewhere else and be all mahdjickally."

:aaa: :aaa: :aaa: :aaa: :aaa:
Quote from: FireWillow on August 03, 2010, 04:16:11 AM

HaHA hA! ThAT's fUnnY! I gEt IT. Haha
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: Your vote
August 03, 2010, 03:41:38 AM
YeAh! AllRIGht! i wILl Fix my damn caps key.
It wasn't intended to be funny. The kid is good.

Fix your damn caps key.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: Your vote
August 03, 2010, 01:09:14 AM
Quote from: Doktor Charley Brown on August 02, 2010, 04:09:11 AM
Do you vote?
Will you vote?
If not, why not?
Do you think voting is a civic responsibility?
Do you think your vote matters?
Should Independent voters be allowed to vote in primaries?


VoTing iS oNE pArt oF CiVic reSponSibiLity. But OnE VoTe Is NoT alL YoU hAvE. IssueS ShOuld bE discuSSed regUlarly WiTh YoUr pEIrs. ReaCH ConcenSuS wIth OthERs WhO aRe ActiVE iN ThEiR oWN lIVEs, as OppOseD tO SpeCTATorS = GET MOAR VOTES!
Quote from: Cain on August 03, 2010, 12:53:21 AM
I love the way you are struggling to remain in character while still making a point.  Reminds me of GIGGLES when he was trolling Hugh, back in the day.

cuddlefish changes shape


"DeNounCING CHriSTianity" aNd "denOUncing chrisT" aRe TwO DiFFerent ThiNGS. JesUS, as A HuMAn, aT lEAst Had SoME gOOD iDeas (RoManS caN bE nASty foR a RePuTATion) whIlE CHRISTianITY itSelf iS moRE oF a SECulaR tOOL thaN it iS a ToOl oF FaIth. THat is, iT iS MaDE to GoVERN, noT tO enLIGHTen.

AnY puBliC fiGurE pubLICly deNOUNCing tHe ChUrCh, fOr whATEver reasOn, is, aT lEASt, a SmAll ViCtOrY. ReGardleSS oF hoW proFitAble VAMPireS aRe.
HahA! YoU guisE Are SoOO fuNny! SiGIls? HahAHa!!!
wHeN I geT sCaReD, I CHAngE mY sHapE. DO It! IT's fuNNy!
CHainS... Haha! I GeT iT!

i WaS EXpectiNg SomeONe pLayInG dRUms on A BuNch oF FOUr-yEAr-OlDs...

MaYbe tHiS ISn'T thAt fUNNy?
iF boVinE SO mucH geNius, WHY waLk INTo tHiS THiNg?

UNleSS yOu meaN GeNus?