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Unified Vidya Games thread

Started by Cain, November 21, 2013, 05:10:58 PM

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OK then.

So, as I've previously mentioned, I'd been considering doing a Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2 playthrough, with the twist of user feedback driving the main in-game decisions.

For those of you who don't know, DAO is a game published in 2009 by Bioware.  It was billed as a "spritual successor" to the extremely popular and critically acclaimed Baldur's Gate series, which made Bioware's name as the creator of stories with multiple, branching endings and convincing, engaging characters.

Bioware chafed a little under the IP restrictions which the owners of Dungeons&Dragons put them under for that series, and so sought to develop their own intellectual property which they could then take in the direction they wanted.  After 5 years(!) in development, Dragon Age: Origins was the result. 

I won't give too much of the story away, but suffice to say, whicever Origin is chosen, the main character gets drafted into the Grey Wardens, a Templar-esque transnational order of warriors, whose main purpose is to defend against the Blight - periodic invasions by creatures called darkspawn - by any means necessary.  And then things get all complicated.  There's more than a hint of influence from certain modern fantasy stories too, such as George RR Martin's A Song of Fire and Ice, Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time and (more in the second game) Steven Erikson's Malazan setting.

Just so you are aware, the choice of Origin does have an in-game impact, and can change the possible choices of how the game ends.  The event which causes your drafting will have repurcussions later on in the game, though even if you chose another origin, some of those events will still have happened (the elves in Denerim riot regardless, a power struggle breaks out in Orzammar, Arl Howe kills the Couslands).  It can, however, make certain confrontations and story lines have a bit more resonance.

And if you ask me personally, I like either the Human Noble or City Elf (Female) storylines the best, for that resonance.

Gender primarily influences who you can romance in the game. There are always two hetrosexual and one homosexual romance option for each gender.  It can also have an influence on the ending, depending on in-game choices and origin story.

There are three classes in the game: Warrior, Rogue and Mage.  As per usual, warriors are the heavy hitters and the tanks, who can wear the heaviest armour and use the heaviest weapons, deal out and take the most damage.  Rogues are the agile burst DPS specialists - if you really need that one character dead, right now, they're your best friend.  Mages are the distance based, crowd control specialists.  Blowing things up, setting things on fire, boiling people's blood while its still inside know the drill.  They can also heal, however, in a slight departure from standard RPG fare.  Don't go crying to a priest if you cut yourself, unless you just want a sermon.

Each class has 4 specializations, which give certain stat bonuses and open up a new talent tree.  Rogues get Assassins, Duellists, Rangers and Bards, Warriors get Templars, Champions, Reavers and Beserkers and Mages get Arcane Warrior, Spirit Healer, Shapechanger and Blood Mage.  Since they fall under character build and, in some cases, require specialised builds to properly utilise, they will be down to my discretion, though again popular demand may influence me in certain ways.

I've showcased each different type of fighting style in each playthrough.  As I intend to keep control of the build for whatever character you select, that doesn't really matter much, but I may take into consideration preferences on the subject.  So for warriors, there is sword and shield style, which primarily helps defend the character, there is two-handed weapons which is primarily offensive in nature, there is two-weapons style and archery as well. 

Two-weapons and archery are mostly intended for rogues, though they can work on the warrior as well.  Two weapons is, of course, up close dual-wielding, and archery involves hanging back and using precision strikes to take down the enemy.  And mages are entirely different.

You may also be wondering why my characters are starting off with some high level, powerful gear.  These are the result of completing certain achievements for DLC in the game.  For instance, the Battledress of the Provocateur involves finding the six scraps of leather in Leliana's Song, and the Dragonbone Cleaver is obtained by defeating the Varterral on Hard difficulty in Witch Hunt.  They are extremely powerful...but they come with restrictions like all the game items, and since they are high-tier, some of those restrictions mean it can take quite a bit of levelling up before those items are available for the classes they are intended.

In terms of DLC I intend to play...I only think Awakening, Witch Hunt and Leliana's Song have any story impact or are of enough quality to do, besides those which are integrated into the game itself.  Golems of Amgarrak is a slogfest, and after the last time, I refuse to do it on Nightmare again, which I know you sadists would otherwise make me do.  Though it is delightfully creepy, I wont deny.  But no-one wants to sit through 500 reloads of "Cain trying to defeat the Reaper and getting frustrated at everything."

Each playthrough was done on Hard difficulty, which the developers consider the "baseline" difficulty for the intended DAO experience (why is this not the Normal setting?  People whining, most likely).

I have modded the game...slightly.  All my mods fall into three basic categories: bugfixes, graphics and lore. 

Bugfixes are simple.  When the game shipped, a lot of things didn't work properly.  Spells didn't draw threat, archery and two-handed weapon talents didn't work as described or intended, DoT damage for certain talents didn't work...all a mess.  A lot of this was patched, but Bioware have limited resources and cannot do everything.  Some rewards were also not given.

Graphics are also simple.  The game came out 4 years ago.  I think the graphics are fairly decent, but they weren't top-notch even back then, and so have suffered in the interim.  Some HD textures, tint changes and minor facelifts bring a new clarity to the game. 

Lore may be a bit more debateable.  One mod replaces the Cousland armory, to give weapons and armor a bit more suited to one of the most ancient noble houses of Ferelden.  Steel tier armor, to be exact, with a Silverite blade.  The blade has the normal strength restrictions, meaning it wont be used until mid-game at least, but it does come with a minor enchantment and two rune slots.  The armor is normal steel armor, but restricted to the main character alone.  It also adds a little bit more gold and some jewels to the Cousland treasury.

Another improves Warden's Oath, the necklace you are given when joining the Wardens.  It makes it a bit more competitive for end-of-game play, and with an enchantment that makes sense.

A third installs stamina potions, which are included in the expansion pack, but were apparently an oversight for the main game.

Finally, a mod is installed which means skill and talent points are not automatically assigned to the character on creation, allowing a bit more freedom when starting out.

So no godlike weapons, invincibility or nudity mods.  Sorry to disappoint.

To start with, we'll have three polls.  One poll for origin, race and gender, and one for class.  Please note, dwarves do not get to be mages, so don't vote for the dwarf origins, then that.  The mage origin is the same regardless of race. 

I missed the first half of the Human Noble origin because fraps crashed, but the story is essentially: you are the second child of the noble Cousland family.  Your father and brother intend to ride south and join the King at Ostagar, where Ferelden forces are planning to confront the darkspawn.  Arl Howe, an old friend of your father, intends to ride south with your father and brother, but his forces have been delayed.  And Duncan, a Grey Warden, is at your castle to see Ser Gilmore, in regards to recruiting him to the Wardens.  During the night, Arl Howe's men launch a surprise attack on the keep, which is where the action starts.

You may also like to know that Arl Howe is voiced by Tim Curry, who is a great choice.  In fact, great voice acting abounds in this game, with some very well known people voicing certain parts.

Human Noble (Warrior, Sword and Shield) playthrough
City Elf (Rogue, Dual-wield) playthrough
Dalish Elf (Rogue, Archery) playthrough
Circle of Magi (Human Male) playthrough
Dwarf Commoner (Rogue, Dual-wield) playthrough
Dwarf Noble (Warrior, 2-handed) playthrough

The final part of the Dwarf playthrough is uploaded, it just isn't yet processed.  It should be within the next 24 hours, however, so maybe watch that one last.

And as for the polls

Race, Gender and Origin
Class poll
Difficulty poll

And just one more question...when commentating, do you want me to read out the character's answer before selecting it?  No voice actor voices the main character in this game, as you'll notice.  And while on the topic, do you want the Codex entries reading out?  Some of the lore is quite interesting, and certain adds to the feeling of the game, but there is a fair bit of it as well.  It's up to you guys.

Once an origin is decided, I'll put up another poll with choices relating to that origin.


I think I've beaten this game like 3 or 4 times! One of bioware's better games IMO. Not as good as Mass Effect, but I LOVED the combat. And it's nice to see RPGs that involve actual role playing. And choices that matter.

Clearly you want to play a Male City Elf Warrior who has crazy kinky buttsex with Zevran.


I would have suggested playing a rogue, but if Zevran is going to be in your party, you don't really need one. And rogues in DA1 kind of suck-- you have to waste so many points on lock picking that you'll suck at weapons until the middle of the game. Or you can just miss out on a shitload treasure. WHICH IS NOT AN OPTION

My most fun playthrough was trying to rock an all-mage party. (plus leliana, because mages can't open locks and I'd rather spend a weekend playing Superman 64 than miss a treasure chest) The mages can basically fill all the necessary party roles except rogue. If you have your main character learn Arcane Warrior, you can begin the battle by dumping all your mana into combat spells and buffs and then draw your sword and play like a warrior.

I've never played through the game with a pro-templar anti-magic stance, so I'd be curious to hear how that line plays out.


IMO a rogue can still be pretty viable.  Most of the treasure in locked chests is just junk anyway, there is nothing which is quest critical.  Besides, a for a rogue archer, there are several talents which are melee only, and so useless.  I mean, combat movement, and the one which means you do critical strikes against paralyzed targets?  Both worthless, as they only work with melee weapons.

So you have talents to spare anyway.  And the Warden will always be a better rogue than Zevran or Leliana.

That said, a three-mage Leliana party would be pretty powerful, and a pro-Templar character would be interesting.  Especially if they themselves were a blood mage or similar.

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Since I don't know anything about the game I'm just here to watch.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


I kind of like the Dalish.  The polling thing is indeed blocked for me, so there's my vote.

20 minutes an episode, huh?  Now I see why these games are so popular.  You really need to commit.


Quote from: Mrs. Nigelson on November 21, 2013, 07:08:04 PM
Since I don't know anything about the game I'm just here to watch.

I shall take your unused vote into my custody, and use it in the event of a tie-breaker. 
Quote from: LMNO, PhD (life continues) on November 21, 2013, 07:19:43 PM
I kind of like the Dalish.  The polling thing is indeed blocked for me, so there's my vote.

20 minutes an episode, huh?  Now I see why these games are so popular.  You really need to commit.

Oh yes.  Well, to be honest, the 20 minute per episode thing is more of a hard space limitation for me, plus a boredom limitation for everyone else.  Fraps records really, REALLY large files for some reason.  I render them down in Windows Movie Maker, but 20 minutes is still roughly 700mb to 1 gig, in 720p (and double that in 1080p).

And the time commitment is very high.  I checked my last playthrough...48 hours for the main game.  And I missed a couple of sidequests off that.  Awakening takes about 12 hours to do, 20 if you really string it out, and Witch Hunt and Leliana's Song can both be done in about an hour, if not less.

OK, so that's one vote for the Dalish.  Class, gender and difficulty?




Always meant to pick this up but never found the time. Voting for whatever gives the best plot. If you've been through it a few times already I don't see any need to inflict high difficulties either. Lower would probably be funnier for bad AI and overall faster completion?
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


In theory, but the fighting doesn't take up a huge amount of time.  Besides, boring AI is boring, and so not a challenge at all.  At least on Hard and Nightmare the game will occasionally surprise you, by throwing in a Scattershot or Crushing Prison when you least expect it.


If it's just boring AI, then go hard. I was thinking about some of the other AI issues other bioware titles had and assumed they carried over to this. Any good mods for this similar to the BG2 difficulty ones? Perhaps one of those could be the answer.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


A couple, allegedly, but I've never had the chance to try them.  Enemies do seem more likely to "chain" their abilities on Nightmare, though I'm not sure if that's by design or just chance.




Ok though.  Gender/difficulty?