
Bigotry is abound, apprently, within these boards.  There is a level of supposed tolerance I will have no part of.  Obviously, it seems to be well-embraced here.  I have finally found something more fucked up than what I'm used to.  Congrats. - Ruby

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Messages - Slithis

Not only have I seen a lot of those, I OWN a lot of those.  :shock:

But I love B-movies and I've been to that site long, long ago. It used to dictate my shopping list.
My favorites list is a treasure chest of some of the greatest gems and foulest, most disgusting links known. I'll be sure to post some from time to time if there's what I perceive to be an interest. And you can bet as soon as I get access back to LL, the nauseating links topic will be filled with cephalopod & eel porn, cumbersome objects being jammed through the urethra, and eyes falling out of their sockets among other things... if it's not already linked, of course.

And for all of you writers out there, here's a list of the "official names" of sexual fetishes. It may come in handy when you're writing "Jim, the itching won't stop and I like it" or "Is that a gerbil in your pocket or am I going to have to send you back to the pet store?"
Literate Chaotic / Ask Bella
June 20, 2006, 12:01:49 AM
Dear Bella, if one would like to, say, form a cult for the purpose of having a disposable army of drones that do their leader's bidding without second thought, pamper their leader to his/her every want and desire, and willingly wear the uniform of their leader's choice, how could one go about obtaining this goal? Is there any literature on the subject? Perhaps a website even?
Literate Chaotic / ITT: Your top ten favorite books
June 14, 2006, 05:53:22 PM
You'll have to excuse my poor memory, I was in 1st grade when I read it and at that age, I didn't care who bloody wrote the thing because there were monsters in it and that made it cool.
Literate Chaotic / ITT: Your top ten favorite books
June 14, 2006, 04:55:52 PM
Make Your Own Damn Movie - Lloyd Kaufman
Where the Wild Things Are - ?
The Rats in the Walls - Lovecraft
America the Book - Jon Stewart
I don't much fancy reading due to poor time management.
The part where your mind has been blown is when you realize that God has been so close to you and filling your body for years with carbohydrated goodness.
I think the Bible, much like the Principia Discordia, was originally a "is it a religion or is it a joke" that a lot of people took too seriously. The fact that it is fallible is more than enough evidence to, at the very least, take it light heartedly without fear of being intolerant.
Hmmm, your mind is like a closed plastic bag, it only scuttles along the sidewalk a bit when the wind picks up. My mind/bag (two words that are completely interchangable), being as open as it is, got picked up by the wind and blown off into the sky. It must be the realization that I am a thrall to the Flakes and the Tiger is my guide.
Maybe you have a "great truth" that I didn't hear about. Care to enlighten me of your ways?
I'm sure you're all familar with the Bible. You know, big book, black, lots of words, etc. It's believed by some to be completely infallible and hold great truths, prophecies, and have funny stories about whales and what have you. Keep in mind the following passages were taken from different translations (but all of them are "real" and in no way made up... for reference).

If: John 4:8
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
And: Corinthians 13:4
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous. Love is not proud and does not boast.
And: Exodus 20:5
You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me(...)
And: John 7:18
The person who speaks from his own mind only wants to be great himself. But the person whom God has sent wants to show that God is great. That person is true. He is not a bad man.
And: Matthew 19:17
Jesus said, `Why do you ask me about what is good? Only God is good. If you want to live for ever, you must keep God's laws.'
Then: God doesn't exist, love doesn't exist, and Frosted Flakes do not exist because they are more than good (better than god) and Grrrrrrrrrreat. Obviously, Frosted Flakes DO exist, which makes them better than God (assuming He does exist) OR they make Frosted Flakes God. Tony the Tiger is obviously a reference to Jesus Christ, a prophet letting all know how wonderful Frosted Flakes are. So how can we get closer to God? The grocery store, of course! We're even (traditionally) given Sunday off so we can GO to the grocery store! Flakey goodness makes a great body, and milk, like blood, is thicker than water. Some may argue that Tony the Tiger came long after the New Testament and can in no way be Jesus. Well then, I say to you: The NEW Testament came long after the OLD ONE! Praise the Flakes, for they are Frosted and good! Let us cast out those sinful Raisin Bran heretics and take back God's bowl! I'd really like to reveal more secrets to you all, and possibly write a book about it, but the Romans (Kellog) would probably crucify me.

Well? Did I blow your mind or what?