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Messages - Cephrin

Or Kill Me / Slightly in Shock
April 08, 2005, 07:56:44 AM
Hey, good job.

It sounded like you took the high ground with the fundie mom, and you stood up for yourself and your friend. If I were you, I'd keep a reasonably low profile with these people for awhile, to let the mommy cool down. Angry Christians can be awfully violent and malicious, leading to very dangerous situations for the unprepared.

You didn't do anything wrong, and hopefully, you'll help your friend in never turning out like his mother. Just don't make bigger waves than you have to, and end up getting both you and your friend into unneccesarily complicated situations.
Or Kill Me / The Flight of Roger
March 25, 2005, 04:31:16 PM
How 'bout "Creamy D." A bit heard to ignore a character that type in all caps,  heavy usage of emoticons, and uses words like "OPIES".

Just a guess, really......
Or Kill Me / The Flight of Roger
March 25, 2005, 04:19:45 PM

Is TGRR actually JRBobDobbs of Fucked Company forums?  :wink:
What play are you working on now, gnome?

And I'd love to see that musical  :D

(My paranoia levels have went down considerably, I just needed an environment change long enough to get away from the yahoos, (was starting to get one of them Oswaldian persecution complexes... my run-in's with crazed Fundies have been occuring way too frequently lately) and gather my thoughts.)
Quote(P.S. neo-con-xianity is just a fad. the truth shall set them free.)

I certainly hope so.... but paranoid instincts want to tell me otherwise... of course, I could be wrong.

QuoteAnd doomed.

We're all doomed in some sense or another. And that's acceptable. We don't have much choice. There's many things we can do in the meantime, depending on how we're approaching life. Can't guarantee it means anything, but there's a lot of opportunity to try *something*. And if all else fails, they'll kill me. Whatever, I'll deal.  :wink:
In case in one was curious, I thought I'd present this link.... this organization was the one most quoted during the presentation.... and, I spent much of the evening reading through it (yes, I am entirely aware that I have a great deal of free time), associated websites, and critiques of it.... but, for those who prefer to know their enemy....

This stuff is nasty, ultra-fundamentalist Christianity at it's finest, and I have to admit, these people are a bit more scary than laughable. The propagandizing quality is admittedly *very* professional.

These people and their ilk are out to make the Christian Bible the "ultimate authority" in *YOUR* life. Just be aware.
The above, was me.....
Or Kill Me / [NAFR] JIHAD sermon 10
March 02, 2005, 06:52:15 AM
I liked that one. Thought-provoking, with pointy, pointy teeth.
Or Kill Me / C.O.G.
March 01, 2005, 07:53:02 PM
[ambiguous foriegn accent]

Argh! Filthy capitalist pig-dog!

[/ambiguous foriegn accent]
Or Kill Me / C.O.G.
March 01, 2005, 07:10:05 AM
Ancient Rome had privatized tax collection. Can put a real nasty squeeze on the unfortunate masses, but it would generate profit for *somebody*.

We've got a lot in common with the Romans, just now we've got all kinds of nifty technologies that could allow for a level of sustainable brutal exploitation that the ancients couldn't even have *dreamed* of.

Just saying.
Quote from: Cyric_The_MadAll well and good, except for one point...
This is important.  They are pop.  Hardcore, whiney ass pop.
You want modern punk, you'll have some trouble finding it, but look to Anti-Flag or something.
::mumble,mummble::bitchy emo kids::mumble::
"Eating Emo kids for Breakfast."  -Some Shadows Fall T-shirt I saw

  :shock:  :lol:  :wink:
Literate Chaotic / I <3 Wikipedia
February 04, 2005, 07:20:07 AM
Wikipedia's great.... though sometimes I check the vandalism logs just to see  if there's anything amusing there, I really do think Wikipedia is nifty, and wouldn't want to ever see it seriously screwed up:)
Principia Discussion / A challenge for all Bush-Haters
January 20, 2005, 07:36:22 PM
Perhaps we'd all be better off with a gnome for president.

Humans seem to have a bad track record in politics, and it dosen't seem to me like the chimpanzee we're trying right now is faring any better.

I suppose if the gnome dosen't work out, we might just be better off voting for Cthulhu.

Just saying.
Principia Discussion / A challenge for all Bush-Haters
January 20, 2005, 02:31:34 AM
The first post of this thead, seems to assume that all "Bush-haters" supported the Democratic Party, or John Kerry. This assumption would be inaccurate. Many people only supported Kerry out of general fear and loathing of Bush, and some abstained or voted third party because they found that selecting between the major candidates would be a "lesser of the two evils", etc.

It also assumes that all, or at least most "Bush-haters" do not attempt to be informed about the positions and values of politicians they disagree with. This again would be inaccurate.

Personally, I know where Bush stands... I have kept track of his decisions, speeches, and related news. And being that I know where he stands, I will not, and did not support him. Niether would I have supported Kerry, because I had also kept track of him, and did not entirely trust him, even though I am a so-called "liberal".   I have issues and values that I care about, and I can't trust any of the major candidates to represent them.

People can be a lot more complicated than political propaganda make them seem....