
Today, for a brief second, I thought of a life without Roger. It was much like my current life, except that this forum was a bit nicer.

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Topics - Jasper

Techmology and Scientism / Dean Kamen, what a loon.
April 22, 2008, 11:06:22 PM
He invented the Segway.  As we all know, an incaclulable boon to mankind.  Lately, he's been wasting his time inventing a machine that purifies water, generates power, and runs on cow shit.  Lame, I know.
Techmology and Scientism / Robot eats people.
April 22, 2008, 11:03:48 PM

It's called "Robokiyu", which is engrish for "Robot Kills You".  Be afraid, human filth. :lol:
Techmology and Scientism / MATH IS HARD
April 22, 2008, 03:50:26 AM

Actually it isn't.  Math videos by some cool blogger guy. 

This thread is now about educational material.
Techmology and Scientism / Magnaview Fluid
April 19, 2008, 03:36:15 AM
MagnaView Fluid is a colloidal suspension of microscopic, individual magnets in a liquid carrier.
These tiny magnetic particles have an average size of about 10 nanometers, and are coated with a stabilizing dispersing agent which prevents the particles from sticking together even when a strong magnetic field is applied. In the absence of a magnetic field, the magnetic polarity of the particles are randomly distributed, and the fluid has no net magnetization.
However, when a magnetic field is applied to MagnaView Fluid, the magnetic polarities of the particles orient along the field lines almost instantly and the fluid itself conforms to the magnetic field.
Since MagnaView Liquid responds immediately to changes in an applied magnetic field, when the
field is removed, the magnetic particles once again randomize quickly.

This is really beautiful stuff.  Example of it used in art:

"IBM has announced a next-generation nonvolatile memory as “racetrack”, where Big Blue expects it to replace flash memory in the near future and eventually hard disk drives, although I must say that flash memory is also currently in the race to usurp hard disk drives with not much success since both platforms have their own camps of supporters which results in a happy co-existence. The main technology used in “racetrack” is spintronics - where the storage of bits generated by the magnetic spin of electrons rather than their charge was recently demonstrated by IBM. Storage and retrieval of information is achieved by “massless motion”.

According to Parkin IBM, “We have now demonstrated a current-controlled, domain-wall, shift register which is the fundamental, underlying technology for racetrack memory. We use current pulses to move a series of domain walls along a nanowire, which is not possible to do with magnetic fields.” IBM’s main aim is to use the similar square micron that currently houses a single SRAM memory bit, or 10 flash bits, and drill down into the third dimension to store spin-polarized bits on a sunken racetrack-shaped magnetic nanowire. A silicon area of just 1 micron wide and 10 microns high is able to store up to 10 bits compared to one, doing away with flash memory. In the near future, IBM hopes to develop this even further to achieve storage of 100 bits in the same area, making it dense enough to replace hard disk drives.

IBM has also estimated that an iPod running on racetrack memory could potentially hold up to 100 times more information, and it also holds the advantage where components cannot wear out unlike solid state devices which makes it all the more compelling. 1.6TB of media on an iPod in the future? I’ll take one, thank you very much."
Techmology and Scientism / Programmable Matter
April 07, 2008, 07:36:02 AM

I'm reading the book right now.  Shit's hard to follow.
It's the biggest science news blog I know of.
More of the like, except focuses on tech and less on science.
This is actually more science fiction, but they occaisionally post the more wild reality based stuff too.
Gadgets and geek stuff with vulgar humor thrown into the bargain.
Pretty standard fare, good quality gadget news.

I could go on, why not post your own? :)
Discordian Recipes / unusual ways to do pasta?
February 13, 2008, 05:50:46 PM
The other night I made a pasta with all the ingredients prepared separately and mixed at the end, which was interesting.  Also, pan-fried eggplant is pretty good.

I think technology will pick up where the surrealists could not follow in their main goal.  Technology will transform the mind and all that resembles it.  It's already done so when compared with how we used to live. 

Technology seems to dictate a huge amount of our culture and lifestyle.  More than I thought when I had this forum in mind.  Name one activity or aspect of life that is not altered or caused by modern technology.

And of course I mean YOUR life, not S'wada in Djambouti.
Techmology and Scientism / Attn Faust Re: Airship
February 09, 2008, 07:30:07 PM
Thanks for telling me about this!
Which I would choose over an airplane every single time, given the choice. 
There was another interesting related link involving alternate destinations in tourism.  All this stuff totally fits into social change.
Techmology and Scientism / The Tech Forum
February 07, 2008, 11:25:19 PM
So here it all is.  It doesn't seem like a lot of people want to post here yet, so tell me what you think and suggest to make it interesting.  I don't want this forum if nobody's interested, so air your opinions


It's a substance that you can mix other stuff with it, to cause contact ingestion.

Probably have all kinds of fun with it, with the right imagination.
Techmology and Scientism / Tesla Engine Builders Society
February 07, 2008, 08:47:11 AM
I know I go on about Tesla a lot these days, but these guys are assuredly legit, as my mother was a member for a while.
Techmology and Scientism / Scientific Supplier
February 07, 2008, 08:27:28 AM

Their page on magnets makes my nipples hard.  :evil:
Today was special, for a few reasons, so we decided to have something more upscale than usual.


1 lb. jumbo scallops
1 lb. jumbo prawns
ginger root
green onion
gemstone potatoes
shiitake mushrooms
1/4 C. pistachios
chicken fat
grapeseed oil
soy sauce

Fine as you can, slice 3 garlic cloves, an ounce or so of green onion, and 1 big shallot.  If they're thin enough so you can see the color of the cutting board through them, good enough.  Julienne 1 oz. of ginger.  Set all of that aside.  Half the gemstone potatoes and mix them in a bowl with oil and pepper.  Toss 'em in the oven, @ 360F or so, depending on your schedule.  Mince the pistachios into something like crumbly dust and set aside next to large chopped shiitake mushrooms.  Longer pieces are better looking, but it makes no difference really.  Chop up a few bigger pieces of ginger root, and fry them in a nonstick pan in oil.  You're going to get them brown, then mix the gingery oil with water in a bowl, where the scallops and prawns will sit for 30 minutes or so.  When the potatoes are nearly brown and crispy, saute the shiitake and pistachio in chicken fat if you have it, oil if you don't.  Try to get them at least partially browned, then set them aside and caramelize the prepped garlic, onion, shallot, and ginger in butter.  Add a dash of soy sauce.  When the garlic disappears after a while, and you were careful not to burn any of that flavorful browning stuff on the pan, add the seafood, and cook it until it's just barely done and not a second longer.

I didn't have wine with mine, so I have nothing to recommend except that you don't make my mistake.

Transistors grow themselves these days, it seems.
Techmology and Scientism / Don't tase me, bro!
February 04, 2008, 04:55:56 PM
I'll be keeping a list of civilian suppression equippment here, so you'll know what that horrible feeling is when they roll down times square.
Techmology and Scientism / Does anyone know about...
February 03, 2008, 07:11:37 PM
A way to turn radio static into usable energy?  I know I don't know very much EE or Physics, but there's got to be a way to convert it into current.

If that topic fails, what would you do with this?  Ideas for GASMs, pranks, or useful stuff.
That is in terms of surgery, medication, prosthesis, mutation, what have you.

I have my own ideas.  I think you stop being a human when you no longer need other people for any reason.  Everything else still seems human to me.  Even without anything recognizably human, if it still wants interaction with people on a social level like we all do, it still counts as fully human to me.
Anyone know about this stuff?  Scalar fields, Z Machines, rotary turbines and vacuum energy generators?  I've got a bunch of ebooks on it and I'm curious if anyone's done some research.
Discordian Recipes / Reason to live:
January 16, 2008, 03:03:11 AM
20 year old port.

Discordian Recipes / Cherimoyas
January 15, 2008, 09:48:36 PM
I just had my first one yesterday, and I am in love.

Any chance there's a good recipe for them?  If not, I'm perfectly happy eating them as is.

btw, If you haven't had them, you're wasting precious time reading this.
You know, I've been thinking about it and reading about it too.  Seems to me there's a strong possibility of some of the things, like cyberization and Moore's Law and AI.  But I really don't think it's in the cards as a digital rehash of the rapture.  Seems to me that's just escapism.
Or Kill Me / Choice
June 10, 2007, 06:00:46 AM
Quote from: Felix on June 10, 2007, 05:53:06 AM
You should be allowed to choose not to pay any tax.

And it's true.  If noone wanted to pay taxes, the government would have to play fair and enact actual democracy, which doesn't work.

Dammit, when did we become a nation of the less than free?  When we forfeited personal responsibility to freedom, that's bloody when!  When we said Stop Making Me Think, when we said Here You Hold The Baby when we decided that taking responsibility was for The Proper Authorities! 

HAH!  The proper SHITHEADS!  They want money too, bitches!  You want freedom, well you can't HAVE it!  HAAH!  Cry yourself to sleep on your couch in front of the teevee showing Fox News' latest glorious swindle, because freedom is for people who are free no matter what. 

Free speech is reserved for the Total Asshole willing to spend the night in the tank for using it.  For everyone else there's haagen-dazs and Jerry Springer.
Or Kill Me / What is wisdom?
June 04, 2007, 03:43:33 AM
Something BMW just posted elsewhere:

QuoteFrom an Editorial in American Laboratory magazine

Wise people are characterized by:

-patience and the exercise of restraint

-being open minded while always staying teachable

-sensitive--unbiased and fair, while constantly maintaining a multidimensional perspective on the human experience

-visionary--always approaching life from a proactive and holistic point of view

-perceptive--adept at using good judgement to resolve problems in win-win ways that are not self serving

-always attentive, observant and shrewd enough to ask the right questions

-introspective and insightful

-leads a virtuous life

-properly prioritizes--knows whats worth doing and whats not, and likewise what cannot or should not be done and what can and should (like realizing people can only change themselves)

-foresight--the ability to anticipate and prevent rather than just reacting


-nothing to prove--not control freaks, are humble self confident and sincere, as well as genuine.

--stays true to their principles.

-the ability to think outside the box

Or Kill Me / Ego, Heroism and Ideaology
May 26, 2007, 11:23:07 PM
I,Äôll say right now that I,Äôm having some trouble correlating my thoughts into anything compelling, so I bring my ideas here unfinished.  What I,Äôm thinking about is the way we all seem to more or less live our beliefs and do so in a way that is intelligent and seemingly heroic compared to the normative way of people,Äôs self-conduct.  It,Äôs principle and extremism, it,Äôs ego and slack, it,Äôs bravery, it,Äôs putting your beliefs into actions, but it seems somehow more than all of that and boiling it all down into a more compelling arrangement is proving difficult.

We stand up and shout our guts up, bringing the thunder no matter what people want to hear.  We know our minds and we are not easily fooled.  I,Äôm willing to sacrifice some cool points by even mentioning it, in order to figure out what it all is.

It,Äôs like title of honor, being an asshat-yeti-mutant.  Anyone worthy of the title is immensely proud to be called so, yet aware that it is not a status that maintains itself- it is based upon performance.  New boot versus old guard constantly, because it,Äôs about who,Äôs best.  It,Äôs not peaceful, because the entire attitude cannot exist tranquilly.  It,Äôs about Mastery, Perception, Bravery, and Respect. 

What am I talking about?
Or Kill Me / Enough
May 15, 2007, 03:15:29 AM
Too long has spirituality blinded the meek and gullible.  It is worse than pooping your pants, because you need more than a diaper to wipe clean the damage people have done because of it.  Too long has the raunchy stench of superstitious beliefs of popular cults inflamed my nostrils and stimulated my gag reflex.  I find it vomitous that people would insist in the existence of the paranormal.  You do it, I know you do.  I hate that shit.  Somewhere in your thoughts lies the hard-headed hope that there's some higher power waiting to tell you what a good job you've done, or whatever recognition you're expecting that won't come.  It makes me sick to my guts that people assume it so easily.  Because you're AFRAAAID.  Scared to shitting yourself silly that there's no big authority watching everything and making it all happen in some mysteriously justified fashion.  It simply isn't so.  Religion falls right apart under scrutiny, and the only people who ever believed it completely never cared to check.

I'm a fucking APE, and so are all of you!  Hahahaa!!  Religion is shit!
Or Kill Me / What the hell?
May 11, 2007, 12:32:39 AM
You look at someone, and you see a charachter.  A personality with identity and uniqueness.  Then you look into their eyes, though, and if you look hard enough you won't see a person, so much as an animal, an ape.  Not inhuman, but natural and elementally human.  For a moment you can glimpse what you really are just by observing another intimately enough.  It's trancelike, staring deep at someone's eyes.  You get an intuition of what they're thinking and feeling.  You know them.  It's impossible to think you're hot shit when you're staring at your best friend and seeing a mammal, and knowing inwardly that you're one of those.  Some of us get to a point at which we've accepted it and embraced it, and begin to see laughter in everything. 

Have you ever watched people doing people things, then superimposed your perceptions with the fact that they're all apes?  It makes anything absurd.  But why would something so normal be absurd?

That's the key.  Everything is absurd.  Even boring things.
Or Kill Me / Honor
May 08, 2007, 03:48:37 AM
Some guy lost his shit at my friend the other night.

My friend T, who is like a brother to me as that we grew up together, is a very sincere and up-front guy.  Says what he means.  Told a 'friend' of his that some ex-coworkers had some bad opinions about him.  Since it wasn't presented in a way that was flattering, the guy took tons of offense and started standing over T and ranting and spewing this insecure passive aggressive shit at him, all disrespectful like.  Called my friend 'socially retarded', told him how to be, told him he's emotionless, all in front of me.

I turned around and gave him what's for, telling him to check himself.  Called him on a number of issues, such as disrespect and the ethics of telling friends to change their personality.  He walked out before he started crying.

Guy thinks I hate him because I reacted to him like that.

But that's not the case.  

I hate everyone who hasn't proven they're better than that.  It's like what King Jr. said about friends.  The ones that don't do shit when you're in dutch.

I think that in terms of honor, compromise is akin to treachery.
Or Kill Me / Felix on societal futurism
April 14, 2007, 03:52:35 AM
Early man was a unique animal.  With no natural defenses, bodies that are in no way suited to proactive hunting, we are naturally scavengers.  We have a secret weapon, though: a well-designed brain.  The main advantage of our brain is the implementation of two powerful assets, the tool and the symbol.  Their function is synergetic; Tools, by definition, reduce labor.  Symbols record data and express it.  So profoundly built-in are these powers, that every single group of humans have in some way manifested them.  It is as if they are a part of us, expressed in everything we do.  Tools and symbols are the engines of progress and understanding, and are indispensable to any intelligent entity.

Time allows for refinement of tools and symbols, or T&S as I will refer to them from here on out.  And as T&S become more refined, it becomes apparent that their ultimate application is in building them into each other.  The end result is a device that reduces labor *and* communicates.  As T&S refine, involuntary labor and miscommunication will disappear.  Look at the age of independence, how it changed since the industrial revolution.  You would notice that young people are staying in their parent,Äôs care much longer, and the rate is steadily rising.  The apt term is excessive privilege, and it is a mark of reduced need for labor due to mechanization and T&S integration.  Schooling is ever more emphasized, as privilege allows more of us to take a degree of education at leisure.  The sentiment is hackneyed, but it remains tried and true that knowledge is power, and an educated people are a respectful people.  More and more, people are free to pursue their individuality.  People are following their dreams, and finding meaning in life. 

Utopia, as it is called, is a state of ultimate societal betterment.  Intentionally vague, yes.  As men of science, we do not proclaim to see the future.  However, there are qualifiers and indicators that will signal an age of utopia.  Technology in utopia would be at a level to have eliminated all involuntary labor, and that means no need for a monetary system and no need for strong federal government.  Equality and independence of wealth, health, speech, status, political influence- Notice I do not say ,Äòfreedom,Äô.  Freedom implies impunity, which is nonconductive toward civilization.  Freedom without respect and honor got the United States in it,Äôs sorry state, circa 2007.  You cannot have freedom without responsibility, as anyone who willingly signed our Declaration of Independence would tell you.  Disrespect is the corrosion of any society, and it is promoted to ill effect by lack of education, lack of humility, and mental illness.  In short, poverty.  To the argument that this Utopia would leave us useless and selfish, I would point out that growing up and learning society,Äôs rules amongst one,Äôs peers is enough hardship and trial by fire to produce functional, principled, and productive individuals.  We teach each other how to be, no matter what level of privilege. 

In this future, there would be no room for tyranny of any variety.  The people will participate in their own governance in their own right, by whatever avenue they choose.  Assisted in this by a powerful T&S network of some kind, this society would in effect realize Thomas Paine,Äôs higher ideal of government.  His feeling was that government is ,Äúat best, a tolerable evil.  At worst, an intolerable one.,Äù  As well as Federal government, superstitious institutions would also be abolished.  It is a radical notion to cease all religious practice, I know, but is it not equally radical to let it continue to lie, cheat, steal, kill, disrespect, wheedle, and subvert truth and reason?  What entity is to answer for the dark ages?  At whom do we look whenever rational thought is sidelined, whenever compassion is trumpeted yet greed exists?  Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar, citizen?  It is religion, and all spirituality besides.  While personal spirituality cannot be truly abolished, and indeed it is a boon to those who practice it as a personal matter, institutions must never be allowed to act upon a superstitious agenda.  It is too much power to allocate to any one entity who refuses the evidence of their own sense and sensibility, and it stops now or utopia can never be realized.

The part that you play in this developing world is liquid.  It is an inevitable trend that will naturally occur, I think.  It is memetic in nature and too grand in scale for any one individual to have more than a passing effect on it, and the best any of us can do is to promote it in our own circles.  By respecting yourself and others, involving yourself in the community, thinking critically, and supporting the development of T&S you bring it ever closer just by emulating the necessary change. You could devote your life to your passions and dreams, not to someone else,Äôs dollar.

Or Kill Me / The harm in flawed Utopia
March 28, 2007, 07:40:36 PM
I think hardship can make people bad or good.

The more I consider it, the more I think it is a mixture of hardship and community.  The community is what handles the strife, and the more that people in a community respect and honor one another, the more beneficial shared hardship would be.  My main problem is that in this day and age people don't need one another to go about their slice of life.  People don't have to rely on each other directly, so everyone is more antisocial, a trait that is counter to the nature of our species.  You don't have to be respectful to people to get what you need anymore, and that's my problem.  Time was, you'd learn your life skills from a variety of people in the community.  You'd pick up a little wisdom from everyone.  Now the only exposure to adulthood kids have are their largely clueless or overworked parents and thier underpaid teachers.  Everything else, they teach each other.  It's wrong, and people need to take more responsibility for how they raise thier children.

Stop blaming the ethics of the media.  Stop blaming schools.  Stop blaming MTV, crappy fast food, video games, ungodliness, rapists, and every other scapegoat we use to avoid acknowleging the fact that we raised our kids on cereal, McDonalds, television, and other kids' company and didn't even involve the community, even shunned it. 

We are social creatures.  Deny it, on the internet of all places.  We built this internet on the principles of open communication, reaching out to people, expression, and commerce of ideas.  We are desperately interactive and codependent to a fault.  We need each other.  One man can't take care of himself, not even ten people can live comfortably.  We're soft, hairless, ridiculous monkeys with bizzarre posture and huge foreheads; No natural weapons, few resiliences to speak of, little to no self-dependence, and we don't even specialize to a certain environment to optimize our effectivity like any other sensible life-form!

What the hell.  We're all out of our fucking minds.
Just a few ideas I had as far as building an AI.  Pretty rough notes, and I don't plan on unpacking a lot of this if it doesn't interest me to do so, I just want it typed somewhere on the net.  This is also going on my blargh tonight as the first entry.

Terms Govern Understanding, and an intelligence either organic or synthetic:

-Relates uncorrelated data to known terms
-Creates and Learns new terms
-Extrapolates new patterns of data to existing terms
-Optimalizes terms' definitions by continually testing vague terms
-Establishes metaconventions for apropriate use of terms in conflicting situations


"I know that it is considered foolish to run with scissors.  That is a useful convention for general safety.  I am also aware that in a medical emergency sometimes scissors are used by doctors and must be retrieved quickly, so I'll break the running with scissors convention for the sake of a more urgent one."

-The meaning/value of each convention is the metaconvention, critical data for effective use of convention-oriented intelligence.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / The Science Prison
February 21, 2007, 07:09:26 AM
First, there was everything, but it couldn't have the decency to happen in a convenient span of time.

Then, there evolved, through careful sets of probability and optimal conditions, living beings.

They did some stuff in the pursuit of jokes and snacks, a favorite being to deny this of others as a joke.

Thier intelligence was designed on cause-and-effect observations and inferential deduction. 

They were very clever.

They were smart enough to create ideas about thier ideas.

End Chapter One of The Science Prison.  The rest sort of tells itself, yes?
Propaganda Depository / The Threadjack Depository
February 05, 2007, 07:11:12 AM
and I haven't an idea of what I want to say.  Maybe someone who wants something read into a microphone could send me some material and I'd speak it nice and upload it somewhere.
Or Kill Me / Someone asks me, "who are you"?
January 26, 2007, 07:32:07 AM
I always want to answer the best I can when people ask retarded, obvious questions they don't care to have answered.

I'm a twenty year old aspiring computer genius participating in a fringe revolution.  I work in a mentally disabled home and sell plasma to earn money to meet the woman of my dreams.  I'm slightly addicted to energy supplements like coffee and adrenal support tonic.  I try to be nice to people on generous principle, but I'm vain, grandiose, and overoptimistic.  I hang out on the internet almost all the time, with people who believe or suspect bizzare, horrifying, and radical things and are raising children to thier standard of intellectual dis-inhibition.  We can be stopped but it's unlikely anyone with the authority and power to do so would notice us.  But that's neither here nor there, and you only asked me an innocent question.  As you were, fleshbag.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Has this been addressed?
January 13, 2007, 04:54:48 AM
The Cosmic Giggle

It was mentioned in the PD somewhere, I think.  More and more humor is becoming the preferred mode of spirituality for me and I'd hear other people's thoughts on this mysterious concept. 
Lady Godiva taught me that.  Love that girl.

I notice that, in my corner of the world, people always pardon themselves after making a joke.¬† "Haw!¬† Your MOM!¬† Just kidding, just kidding, sorry."¬† As a Discordian of the more humor-inclined flavor, it seems like bad taste to ruin any feeble laugh you might have gotten.  No good comedian (read: person) pardons thier gags.¬† Try letting it be for once, see if you get more laughs, nervous or otherwise.¬† Laughter is important these days, lest we become just another variety of greyface.¬†

"Ha ha, only serious" wants it's chair back.
Or Kill Me / SBOTD- Love or Hate
January 10, 2007, 08:53:13 PM
When it comes to application, the difference is irrelevant.  Just don't be numb. 

I saw hailstones, and screamed.  Don't be dull, it's poor form.  Tear your hair out if you're frustrated. Emote in ways that go beyond keyboard facsimiles of faces.  Everyone is a charachter; some people more so.  Express yourself so hard that people actually remember you as you.  Cast off your emotionally inert habits.  Tell it like it is.  Stop me from speaking in cliches, I fucking dare you.  Make my day.  If you don't know how to dance, make up for it in enthusiasm.  They invented the beat long before the moves came by and complicated things, go back to that.  No matter what you believe, believe it.  No matter what you do, do it. 

May the goddess put fire in your belly and foam on your lips.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / What you have
January 10, 2007, 12:06:57 AM
I just read something that struck me.  LMNO said, "It's not a benefit if you don't use it."

This is important.  We are allowed access to so much.  The internet, a supermarket, your neighborhood, your home, your time.  How effective could I be if I never slept in, took short showers, played no games, and spent every moment either working, learning, creating, or engaging people in mental activity?  I think I could change a lot of my environment. 

Rest is dangerous, I think.  You can rest until you die, but you will live emptily.  You can work while resting too.  And that's what most people do, because they can't rest enough at home because they're neurotic.  This society will kill your soul if you aren't adamantly alive and thinking.  With access to untold information at our fingertips, how can we be content with anything but brilliant discovery and progress?

Or Kill Me / The thing about religions
November 07, 2006, 04:54:41 PM
The thing about religions is that they're all EQUALLY bollocks.

Throughout every religion, whether it be the big bad Xtians, the Jews, the Muslims, or any of those freaky-deaky new agers:

There is always a majority of foolishness.  No matter what religion, I've met a fairly even ratio of nice, thoughtful "..."ians across the board.  
NICE AND SMART ARE RARE, no matter in which group.  If you meet a group of ANYONE where EVERY SINGLE MEMBER is seemingly nice and possesed of fair mental acuity,

RUN.  They are faking.

There's always a rough 10:90 ratio of sincere thinkers in almost ANY place you can find yourself.  The rest are nothing but loathsome hairless apes, willing to grift you and leave you walletless at the next station.  Fucking apes.  

So I don't care what you think is true.  I couldn't give a damn if you're St. Gregory or fucking Lemmy down the alley, just treat people RIGHT, you sons of FUCKS!  It's not HAARD.  If you need someone as powerful as GOD to tell you to play nice, I don't think I fucking LIKE you.
Fucking fluffies!

I can't stand browsing MisticWyx.  [size=9]Whatever[/size].  I tried, just now.  I read a few threads and I think I'm ready to have a seizure.  I'm not sure if I even want to be a part of my generation if it's going to be known for New Age bullshit.  I know, I'll be as devoid of modern culture as possible just to avoid relating to them in any way.  Maybe I'll become the first fucking Discordian Amish, complete with hat and beard.  Have you read the things they say?  They all think they have answers for everything!  They even answer things they acknowlege they haven't answers for!  These people love talking.  These people love saying things that sound fucking wise.  Wise!!  Shit, and I thought wisdom was about not showing off how freaking serene and unique you are, just like everyone else!?  Let's all be goddamn individuals, let's all be so fucking magical and make laughy emoticons at the discordians!  Let's all make mysterious statements about a bloody FOCUS-GROUP ORIENTED SCHTICK OF A RELIGION only a delusioned victim of thier own emotions would subscribe to!  Let's all pay Mol to gander at each other's PUDS!  Let's all this that and the other one, fuck!  You know what?  Moderation be fucked.  I'm sick.  I'm simply not "well".  I think I might be mental, because I live in a society of SANE PEOPLE!  HUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNG, SANITYYY!  Your sanity is a shelved, non-refundable thought management system, and everyone who marries it is widowed by the end of the decade, so there can be a televised situational comedy show about the spirit of your youth!  ACKPTH!  I SPIT, for I taste feces.


Where's my Darwinatrix?