
That line from the father's song in Mary Poppins, where he's going on about how nothing can go wrong, in Britain in 1910.  That's about the point I realized the boy was gonna die in a trench.

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Topics - Don Coyote

Or Kill Me / Night Mares
September 28, 2011, 05:04:44 AM
You know that feeling.

You wake up.

It's dark.

You can't see.

You can't move.

Then you start to see things in the Dark looming over you.

Looming closer.

You try to move.

You can't.

You try to scream.

You can't.

You are stuck halfway between dream and awake.

You try to rationally attack the problem.

You can't

Your monkey brain is screaming at you.

It ends.

You feel relief.

You piss.

You drink.

You go back to sleep.

We all seem to be stuck there.

Only it is worse.

The Things in the DarkTM aren't always just your brain looking for patterns in the Abyss.

They are real.

They don't even hate you.

It's worse than that.

They don't even care.

You are beneath their notice.

When they notice you noticing you, they grin at you.

Rotten teeth.

Green within green eyes.

Long fangs.

Mandibles that click and clack.

A little kiss is all they give you.

And every time you wake up, you can move a little less.

Soon you won't be able to scream.

The question is if you will stop caring before or after that.

The only time you can hear your screams is from the mirrors.

They are mirrors right?

Sometimes you can't tell.

Sometimes you see other people's faces.

Sometimes they scream at you first.

But it doesn't matter.

The reflections are wrapped up in shining pastel plastic strands with blinking LEDs in every color.

Tied to metal death machines.

Screaming over poured stone and old oil.

Tied to glowing bits of glass that show you what you want to see.

Even the things you don't want to.

The sad thing is you know you can wake up, but you don't know if you want to.

The Night MareTM is all you have ever known, and you don't want to destroy the only thing you have ever known.


Commercial for the National Italian American Foundation.

This is probably ill-advised do the number of East Coast spags who have some ancestors from Pizzaland, but WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK?????????

I am staying on this fucking coast away from that brand of weirdness.

QuoteThe paper, which you can read here, suggests that wrinkled fingers actually provide drainage for water so as to ensure greater traction, just like tires on a car. By examining the soaked fingers of 28 subjects, the scientists discovered that each finger showed a similar pattern of wrinkles: as the New York Times puts it, "unconnected channels diverging away from one another as they got more distant from the fingertips." That allows water to drain away more efficiently from the fingers as they are pressed against an object, giving more surface area and a firmer grip.

I was unable to read the original article for some reason.

But it does make an intriguing point.

Of course I know the real reason. It's to tell you when to get out the pool.
Or Kill Me / Paranoia?
September 18, 2011, 06:39:55 PM
Lately I've been questioning everything I've been watching and reading.

Questioning the real reason why those words were chosen, and to what end.

I watched Contagion, and it left me afraid of the message "the government will solve things even if it scrambling. it will solve the problems. All you have to do it wait while things collapse and then you will get a shot and barcode to show you got the shot and all will be alright"

I've been watching the G1 Transformers knowing that is designed to sell toys, and it doesn't scare me. I already know the angle. It says "look at how cool this guy is. Buy his toy."

I watch Ghost in the Shell and wonder what kind of society would make all those cybernetic implants so wide spread among normal people. What did they do to be given them.

I watched Kingdom of Heaven, and have to dismiss everything. There is too much 21th century in it. I see the message of "organized religion makes people crazy" and it is a good one, but is that all?

I'm rambling. I just spat this out.

Coyote, overthinking things maybe.



There is hope.


Help is on the way.


In conjunction with  :supertard: and his merry  :teabagger1:

Are on their way to save us from Doktor Howl and his League of Not Very Murrikans

:bob: :spag: :curly: And The Demon Queen  :tyra:




But just then

And then all  :cramstipated:

And it was mustaches everyfuckingwhere

This is not about one one of the monkeys running for office, and I don't know if I am so cynical that is merely inspires loathing or if that feeling I have is horror. It may be so horrible that it has shocked me.

Virginia girl found eating herself in cage in mobile home; parents Brian and Shannon Gore charged

QuoteThe malnourished girl, believed to be either 5 or 6, was discovered in a crib that was converted into a makeshift cage after police arrived at the home in Gloucester County to investigate a burglary last week.

It gets worse.

QuoteHowever, the gruesome twosome now faces first-degree murder charges after the remains of what authorities believe to be another child were found buried outside their mobile home.

Fucked up thing is they got caught because of some theft.

QuoteA nearby homeowner reported his house was broken into and claimed gold bullion, a vacuum cleaner, a passport, $2,000 in cash and other items had been stolen, according to a police report.

Investigators trailed the bullion to an auction house, which claimed to have bought the gold from 25-year-old Shannon Gore.

Authorities arrived at her mobile home in Gloucester with a search warrant when they made the shocking discovery.

And this is the fucking kicker.

Quote"They seemed like nice people," neighbor Tim Hudnall told the newspaper. He noted he had seen the baby boy, but never saw a girl with the Gores in the six years they've been neighbors.

"He was really a nice guy," Brian Gore's ex-girlfriend, Sandy, told WTKR 3 News in Norfolk. "He went to church and everything."


QuoteFitocracy turns fitness into a social game

Surpass your fitness goals by turning exercise into a game. Earn points for your workouts, unlock achievements, and tackle special challenges to push yourself forward. Level up in Fitocracy and level up in real life.

Bring and Brag / The Litany Against PANCE
August 20, 2011, 07:09:06 AM
I must not wear pance.
Pance is the mind-prolapser.
Pance is the SPACE/TIME that brings total libidoation.
I will remove my pance.
I will permit it to pass off me and on the floor.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the pance has gone there will be horror.
Only I will remain.
This is the first I heard of Tim DeChristopher, who somehow by bidding in a public land auction for oil companies caused the federal government and the public to lose money.

Various tidbits.

QuoteThis is not going away. At this point of unimaginable threats on the horizon, this is what hope looks like. In these times of a morally bankrupt government that has sold out its principles, this is what patriotism looks like. With countless lives on the line, this is what love looks like, and it will only grow. The choice you are making today is what side are you on.

QuoteThe rule of law is dependent upon a government that is willing to abide by the law. Disrespect for the rule of law begins when the government believes itself and its corporate sponsors to be above the law.

QuoteThe authority of the government exists to the degree that the rule of law reflects the higher moral code of the citizens, and throughout American history, it has been civil disobedience that has bound them together.

From his statement it appears his intent was to stop an illegal sell off of public land that would greatly profit the oil industry while destroying public land and the environment. His actions brought to light a bunch of shifty stuff. I am going to do some more reading, but from his statement I support his actions and decry his sentencing.
ITT I will post essays and statements required by colleges as part of the admission process.
Comments on the content are welcome.
Comments and suggestions on the structure are very helpful.

Coyote is a fucking retard with just beyond a high school level of writing ability.

And fuck, my thumbdrive is in my acu jacket at my GF's house. :kingmeh:

Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / ATTN Koyotes
August 03, 2011, 10:14:34 PM



I just noticed that the author is Warren Ellis.
Um ya, guess whose fourday weekend involves not going anywhere.

This guy. Why? He has to put up and take down the post flag. Upside is Fort Lewis will be open to public for non-military spags.

And there should be some kind of attractions and shit but who cares.

You decide

This is a project I and a few of my WMA acquaintances have undertaken.
Blurb from the Wiktenauer
QuoteThe CGM 3711 is a German fencing manual created by Jörg Wilhalm Hutter in 1523.[1] The original currently rests in the holdings of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich, Germany. The manuscript seems to be another redaction of the teachings of Johannes Liechtenauer, but unlike the glosses of the previous century, Hutter's work is fully illustrated. The latter part of the CGM 3711 seems to be a copy of the earlier, text-less Codex I.6.4°.5, which Hils described as Hutter's sketchbook.[citation needed] It also contains a section on Bloßfechten (based on Liechtenauer) not found in that manuscript.

We are specifically working through the first 51 plates, the illustrated section on unarmored longsword fencing.

The plate I am currently working on is 03v or 04r. The wiki has it labeled as 03v and is displaying the plate from Cod.I.6.2°.2.

A pdf of CGM 3711 can be found here

The transcription of that horrible chicken scratch

QuoteDer stat im oberhaw Das ist der Zornhaw von
der glingkn achseln
Das ist der Zornhaw auff der lingken Seitenn
und den selben nim von der lingken achseln und
haw im schnel hinein lang zu dem kopff und
vorheng und wind damit und lass aber dir [velld]
läuffen und schlag aber wie vor gschriben stat
hnd hindersich hinweg

And my current translation.

QuoteHe stands in oberhau.
This is the Zornhau from the left shoulder.
This is the Zornhaw on the left side
and take the same from the left shoulder and
quickly cut long into the head and
cover and wind with it and leave but the Veller
run and hit but as before written stand
and hinder away
RPG Ghetto / Monte Cook presents "Iron Heroes"
June 07, 2011, 07:02:05 AM
This book here

I frequently glance at it on Amazon or when I am at a used book store. I find myself WANTING it, but I always find reasons not to get it.

Thoughts on it?

Bad thing that jumped out at me.



QuoteAma Chan is aiming her mobile at small, square, printed, barcode tattoo that resembles a splattered space invader.

You will find their like plastered all over Japan. This one is printed on a Tokyo bus stop, so she clicks the camera shutter and peers happily at the result.

Her prize? A timetable appears instantly on the phone's screen, plus the estimated arrival time of the next bus.

When the oddly retro-style bus arrives, she uses her phone to pay by swiping at the front as a Londoner might flutter an Oyster smartcard on entering the Tube.

QuoteWith the right clam-shell, iridescent "keitai", subscribers get a seriously high-resolution camera, a projector, and the all-important radio chip that works as a train/air/entrance ticket/boarding pass.

This radio tag can also check you into hotels and even open the room's door for you.

They also act as e-wallets. With up to 50,000 yen credit siphoned into the phone, customers use it to buy groceries at convenience stores, pay the taxi driver and persuade Japan's ubiquitous vending machines to cough up.

QuoteOvernight stay

The county's hotel industry is also benefiting from a dash of hi-tech gloss. Check into the entirely swish 9h (nine hours) capsule hotel in Kyoto and you might experience the teched-up future of budget hotels.
9h pod Guests at the 9h capsule hotel in Kyoto can relax in super hi-tech 'pods'

Ultra-futuristic, the Kubrick-inspired pods go for about 4000 yen a night via their website.

Kyoto might be rich in heritage but this doesn't stop it over-dosing like the rest of urban Japan on hi-tech treats. For evidence, visitors might want to check out the phone chargers available in even the most venerable temples.

The futuristic travel experience that 9h offers (perhaps a model for a Mars trip accommodation?) includes a pod, not a bedroom, with a "Sleep Ambient Control System", that "lulls to a comfortable sleep". The same system awakens guests with light, not an alarm clock.

Spartan, functional, but fun for a night.

I know. If you can't fucking drive in a full on fucking sandstorm in a desert you should fucking strip naked and let the winds scour the flesh from your fucking bones.



I am afraid. The very real possiblity of me not getting a paychek in the following months puts me in a horrible place. Furthermore, I HAVE to report for duty. I do not have the option of not showing up. Sure I could choose not to, but despite how dishonorably They are conducting business I do not feel that makes it acceptable to not show up for duty. Of course the real reason I do not want to let down the rest of the supply room during this shitty change of command inventory.

I am afraid of not getting my money for the work I do.

BUT, I am more afraid that even if we go a full month without pay that once we get our money, things will return to normal. I am afraid that we are just going to keep showing for duty, doing the right(?) thing. That we will forgive those fucking bastards that put us in this situation.

I WANT the government to shut-down. I WANT us all to get fed up and DO something about it. If they can't do the job, WE need to remove them, and replace them with better people.

I am afraid that the citizenry will pick up the slack, and the government will not change, or get worse.

I didn't join for a fat paycheck.

I joined out of a misplaced and misquided sense of national pride, patriotism and a desire to become more and be a part of something much bigger.
At no fucking time did I join thinking that they would be so heartless and soulless that they would use the military like this.
This is a massive betrayal.

I fear what I might do.

And I am afraid that I might do nothing.

Or Kill Me.

Coyote, still sober.
Aneristic Illusions / From DFAS RE: Military Pay
April 08, 2011, 08:42:03 PM

QuoteStatement on Possible
Government Shutdown

The Administration hopes that a government shutdown can be averted, so that servicemembers and DoD employees can be paid in full and on time. If the funding bill is enacted at the last minute, it is possible that payroll payments could be split into two electronic deposits or checks, but the total amount normally paid will not be affected.

If a funding bill is not passed, resulting in a government shutdown, the Department of Defense will have no legal authority to pay military members or civilian employees for the days during which the government is shut down. The current Continuing Resolution Act (CRA) expires at midnight on April 8. Active and Reserve military members will be paid on time for pay earned prior to the expiration of the CRA -- approximately half of their normal mid-month payment. Civilians will be paid for each day worked through Friday, April 8. Because the normal pay period ends Saturday, April 9, this will usually equate to a full paycheck. The shutdown will not affect payments to retirees or annuitants because they are not paid from CRA appropriations.

Once another CRA or an appropriations act is signed into law, normal disbursement of pay will resume for pay earned after employees return to work. Excepted employees who perform duty during the shutdown will be entitled to retroactive payments, as will servicemembers. For furloughed employees, Congress will have to provide authority for retroactive payments to be made.

From the FAQ

QuoteQ2. Will I remain on duty?
Active duty and reservists on active duty will continue to report for duty.

Given the choice, which 'school' would you attend?


und warum?



   Our Soldiers, and especially our noncommissioned officer corps, are the envy of every Army in the world.  This kind of respect does not happen overnight.  However, this respect and trust breaks down when we, as senior noncommissioned officers, fail to meet the charge to uphold the Army standard and live the Army Values.

Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage are not just a group of individual ideals, but a collective ethic.  These values are at the core of what makes us a profession and serves as our moral compass.

This is why it pains me to see senior noncommissioned officers punished for gross incompetence and negligence. Sexual assault and harassment, driving under the influence, and contract fraud are just a few of the major issues I see across my desk on a daily basis.  These are not junior NCOs breaking the law.  It is our senior NCOs with many years of service, the ones our junior Soldiers look to for guidance, mentorship, and counseling, who are not upholding our Army standard. 

I do not doubt for a second that most of these incidents could have been stopped earlier in the process.  Most of the time, a peer sees or hears something, but turns a blind eye.  It takes Personal Courage for an NCO to pull a peer aside and say, "I saw what you did, and it needs to stop now.  You are compromising your values." I Will Not Leave a Fallen Comrade does not just apply to the battlefield.  This part of the Warrior Ethos applies to our everyday life.  We must police our own.

   We cannot expect our Soldiers to live by the Army Values when their leaders and mentors are not upholding the standard.  These values form the framework of our profession, and are nonnegotiable.  Values, plus the Warrior Ethos, guides the way we conduct ourselves as an Army and as a Profession of Arms.  We must be the uncompromising standard bearer for our Soldiers.  Leadership is the key ingredient.  Are you leading by example?  Army Strong!

The message made me  :horrormirth:.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / ATTN Trip
March 08, 2011, 02:14:23 AM
Quote from: Triple Zero on March 06, 2011, 07:59:42 PM
Quote from: Canis latrans eques on March 06, 2011, 05:33:01 AM
Quote from: Dr. James Semaj on March 06, 2011, 05:30:22 AM
A blatant failure as a social model.

We can't cooperate on anything, and each iteration gets worse, until you eventually have people plotting against each other, either online or IRL.  No shit.
Plotting? All I saw Rat being a dick and Cram claiming that negativity here had driven people away.

Which is essentially the majority of Rat's posting that I have seen, and about half of what Cram posts here.

Cue further shitstorming.

:| You think that's funny, I think it's unnecessary fuel on the fire, as well as insulting to my friends. And kind of ironic, seeing that, as I pause to think about what you come to post here, only thing that comes to mind is acronym-riddled whining. Which is okay, I don't understand it, but it probably sucks a lot and you can complain about it all you like.

It just doesn't really make you someone that ought to be judging people's posting quality in terms of whining and being-a-dick.

Also, this has nothing to do with you.

So what's with the "cue further shitstorming"?

Do you enjoy fueling the fire? Getting friends to turn on eachother? Tearing this community apart? Poking and stirring shit in arguments that don't concern you? Just tell me if that's what you come to do here, maybe I'll understand you better.

Because I a total fucking douche with no redeeming qualities, I will tell you something.

When I complain about the stupid shit I deal with in my life, I am sharing some of the true stupid of America with the rest of PD.

When Cram or Rat or any of the others bitch about someone, usually TGRR, creating an atmosphere of negativity and driving off new people, that is attacking someone on the board.

To clarify.
"Gee my day sucked and here is why" != "BWAAAA people on PD are mean and it's driving people away"

Seeing how it bloody says "Not for comments" in the title.
Comment here.
With a fucking link to what you are commenting on.

Or don't. But at least I can fucking read.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / ATTN: ECH
March 03, 2011, 08:39:07 PM
The Army is planning on using you to protect the heads of soldiers.

QuoteCole described the ECH as "a huge leap forward" and likened the change to going from an up-armored Humvee to a mine-resistant, ambush-protected vehicle, or MRAP.
RPG Ghetto / Coyote's DnD campaign.
February 22, 2011, 08:58:57 PM
I made some additions in italics.


A world made from the bits of other worlds that got smashed together after all the gods had an epic battle and died leaving their bodies to form the framework for the remnants of the the mortal world and the 'faerie' realms to stick to.
This was a war between the gods of the mortal realm and the faerie realms. It was so destructive that it not only killed the gods, destroyed most of the faerie realms and large chunks of the mortal realm, but set off a chain reaction that threatened to destroy Everything. The First sealed the bodies and lands off from the rest of Everything leaving the World to form from the bits that were left and what condensed from the Sea of Chaos that is the divine essence of the old gods(their souls).


One of the gods is still slightly alive. Unlike the rest of the gods that had their souls destroyed by the Chaos that surrounds the world, this god only had most of his soul destroyed, the other half is locked outside the Sea of Chaos. This drove him mad, but with him being mostly dead and mindless, nothing has happened for a few millennia. However, as a god he has been waking enough that his spawn have awakened and are hunting to gather the largest and most powerful of his remains to resurrect him. Since the majority of his body has long since become part of the world this is a BAD thing. Since he has only part of his original soul AND is insane that is double BAD.

The PCs are also going to be gathering the bits of him that are needed to resurrect him, to prevent him from being resurrected.

AND I am stuck at roughly that point. I wanted to make the world weird enough that it justifies all these random holes in the ground with weird shit and magic, but at the same time to have more reason to go into the holes in the ground to get epic loot.
Seriously what the crap WOTC?

So I decided to be 'lazy' as I build up some material for my upcoming campaign and bought some old 3.5 modules.

WHY THE FUCK IS THERE IS A EL 8 EL 7 and 2 EL 6 encounters in an adventure module published by the offical publisher?

HOW DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Or Kill Me / Pills? No thank you.
February 19, 2011, 01:30:53 AM
Hey fuckhead LT.

Yes you.

I assume your barely college educated ass can see my medical records with the multitude of times I have been in for pain in my leg over the course of 4 years. So why the fuck are you giving pills? Motrin? Nope. Naproxen? Nope. Mobic? Still no. I'm sorry LT Fuckhead, but I don't want more pills that don't cut the edge. Either fucking figure out what is really wrong. And btw cuz there isn't any swelling probably means something else is fucked up, and that hard lump in my ankle is not supposed to be there no matter what you say.

Either give me the good shit or fucking get to the bottom of this.

Or die in a fire.
QuoteDo you have what it takes to operate independently, influencing foreign
governments and populations worldwide?  Have you ever wanted to have a
more dramatic impact on the lives of millions of people?  If so,
Psychological Operations should be your next career move.  A careful
review of your qualifications has indicated that you meet some of the
preliminary requirements for an assignment to the Psychological
Operations Career Field, MOS 37F. 

Psychological Operations Soldiers use persuasion to influence
perceptions and encourage desired behavior. The cornerstone of PSYOP is
truth, credibly presented to convince a foreign audience to cease
resistance or take actions favorable to friendly forces.  PSYOP Soldiers
are communicators who provide the commander with the ability to
communicate information to large audiences via radio, television,
leaflets and loudspeakers. The PSYOP Soldier's language skills, regional
orientation and knowledge of communications media provide a means of
delivering critical information to host-nation audiences.  Psychological
Operations are a vital part of the broad range of diplomatic,
informational, military, and economic (DIME) activities used by the U.S.
Government. PSYOP Soldiers use information to influence the behavior of
foreign audiences in support of U.S. policy and national objectives.

Used during peacetime, contingencies, and declared war, these activities
are non-lethal. They are force multipliers that use nonviolent means in
often violent environments.  Persuading rather than compelling
physically, they rely on logic, fear, desire or other psychological
factors to promote specific behaviors. The ultimate objective of U.S.
military Psychological Operations is to convince enemy, neutral, and
friendly governments, forces and populations to take actions favorable
to the United States and its allies.

Psychological Operations support national objectives at the tactical,
operational and strategic levels of operations. Strategic Psychological
Operations advance broad or long-term objectives; global in nature, they
may be directed toward large audiences or at key communicators.
Operational Psychological Operations are conducted on a smaller scale.
They are employed by theater commanders to target groups within the
theater of operations. Their purpose can range from gaining support for
U.S. operations to preparing the battlefield for combat. Tactical
Psychological Operations are more limited, used by commanders to secure
immediate and near-term goals. In this environment, these
force-enhancing activities serve as a means to lower the morale and
efficiency of enemy forces.

The Opportunity To Switch Is Now.  We will be holding Briefings on
Psychological Operations on 22-23 February at 1330 at the Evergreen
Theater, 3405 2nd Division Dr.


- Volunteer

- Rank of SPC-SSG

- TECH score of 101 to 105 or higher (depending on when you took the

- Physical Profile: 111111 or 111121 (No profiles or duty limitations,
glasses are ok)

- Retention:  3 year service remaining upon the start of the 37F MOS-T

- UCMJ / Financial:  No recurring patterns

- Security Clearance:  Must have an interim secret clearance to apply

- DLAB score of 85+

- Airborne qualified or willing to volunteer for airborne training

-APFT card current within the last 6 months

-1059s from NCOESs (if applicable)

-Most current 5 NCOERs (if applicable)

-Memo stating why you want to reclass to PSYOP

Packet Requirements (documents can be downloaded from our website):

- Volunteer Statement

- Updated ERB 

- TECH score of 101 to 105 or higher                         

- Security Clearance:  Must have an interim secret clearance to apply

- DLAB score of 85+

- Airborne physical (must be current within the last year) if not
already Airborne qualified

-APFT card current within the last 6 months

-1059s from NCOESs (if applicable)

-Last 5 NCOERs (if applicable)

-Memo stating why you want to reclass to PSYOP

I don't think the Army really wants me to learn how to mind fuck large populations.
Or Kill Me / ATTN
February 16, 2011, 05:18:20 PM
You are all retarded.
RPG Ghetto / Pathfinder vs 3.5
February 15, 2011, 02:46:49 AM
Pros and cons?
How much cross over can I get from 3.5 sources to pathfinder if I were inclined to get it?

I ask this because there is a strong strong possibility that my new friends (not the whiny spags that can't hack anything), will be up for a weekly RPG session.
RPG Ghetto / Pokethulhu
February 04, 2011, 05:50:31 AM
QuoteThat is not dead which can eternal lie,
and with strange aeons even death may die!
To bring down our masters on an icy night,
And to claim the power when the stars are right . . .
Derleth! Bloch! Team Eibon!
Stand fast to resist our rage . . .
Or flee to the safety of a new dark age!

Amid the sagging gables of old New England, evil lurks . . . and squirms, and scuttles, and purrs. Grownups are fleeing in terror, hiding behind the Elder Sign.

You're 10 years old. You're our last hope. Armed with a Shining Dodecahedron and the elder incantations to make it work, you capture the monsters and train them to use their power . . . But not for evil. For sport.

You've thrilled to the popular TV show. Now, you can play the game! Is your Shoplifting score good enough to sneak a page from your opponent's Pokénomicon? Is your trained Jigglypolyp powerful enough to defeat a devolved Fungal Cluster? This is the world of Pokéthulhu, and now it's yours to save – or conquer!

Because for SCIENCE.

I ran this game during lunch hour my senior year of high school. Excellent way to just kill time.
Blue Waffle.

And I was enlightened.

HEH FUCK OFF first and foremost.




What? You say you couldn't see the fucking FIRE??? Youcoudln't SEE YOUR FUCKING LIFE TICKING AWAY????!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!!!!

When someone tells you to die in a fire they are most likely telling you both die in a fire and that they think you are fucking toolbag dumb enough to actually stand in a FUCKING FIRE until you die. You see the problem is the Fire isn't always Fire. And as evident in WoW and other MMORPGs you have no physical feedback telling you OMFGDAMNITITSFUCKIGNHAWTMOVEYOUSUMBITCH.

What the fuck does this have to do with the real life?

A fuck ton you keyturner. Now listen the fuck up and learn to use your mouse to move and stop clicking your spells.

HAHA fuckers are now all tuning this shit out because it is referencing shit outside of your filters. it is referencing shit that only basement dwelling social outcasts understand. That means it has no bearing you at all.


The FireTM is anything that kills you, but not just you but kills you and by killing you KILLS EVERYONE FUCKING ELSE!!!!!!!
What teh fuck is this retard spouting? Has he finally gone pineal on us? Is this fuckhead drunk?

The FireTM is that shit is not only making your life harder, but wastes everyone elses' time and resources tryign to save your punk ass from.

The FireTM is your drug addiction. Your game addiction. Your cell phone. It can be anything. Sometime you need to pull your head of your ass and away from whatever it is that is so important for you to do so you can WIN.

The FireTM is your family growing distant from you because you spend all your fucking time in the fucking office earning money so you can buy shit you don't need like that luxury sedan with features you don't really fucking need, and probably only want becasue your two neighbors have the exact same car but from 2 years ago.

So, once and a while. Stop look around, make sure you aren't in the FireTM and see what else is going on in your life. Tunnel vision kills. And it doesn't always kill you.

Die in a fire or don't. You can choose. You just need to wake up and pay attention.
Now is when I reveal it was just a social experiment or some shit or that I am mocking someone but FUCK THAT NOISE IN THE NASAL SPHINCTER!!!!!
This is neither mockery nor a fucking homage to anyone here. My shit is merely the decay from the flowers that grew a mixture of shit from other people's fucking flowers. Shit no matter the smell is still shit. And flowers grow in shit. I used flowers so piss off with pedantic shit about mushrooms grow in shit or dungbeetles or scat porn. if you get the urge stab yourself in the fucking eye, maybe you fucking hit your fucking pineal gland and die.



First go fucking read Stranger in a Strange Land RIGHT FUCKING NOW  or at least read a fucking summary of it.
Second FUCKING GROK WHAT THE FUCKING Micheal Valentine meant.


For fucksake.


Ok listen up, wipe the semen from your fucking eyes and for the love the gods and human decency brush your fucking teeth.

This rant is not for you fucks that will read it. You already know this or if you don't already fucking know this you can at least comprehend enough of it, unlike the fuckwickits with their candles and beating off looking at sigils.

This rant is for the retards that think that spanking their cock and jizzing all over some fucking freaky lines they scribbled all the fucking time is doing anything other than creating a wonderful feedback loop in their fuckign heads. Dude, you are sexually stimulating yourself looking at SHIT THAT ISN'T SOMETHING YOU CAN OR SHOULD FUCK. If you want to beatoff LOOK AT SOME FUCKINg PORN.

You want to learn really real fucking magic?
Grow the fuck up and go back to school and learn some fucking sciences. Real hard sciences, and you can stop fucking snicking at hard you shitweasels. But don't stop there. Science is cool. Math is cool. But they ARE JUST FUCKING MASTURBATION FOR THE BRAIN.

You need to fucking be able to apply this shit. THAT IS THE REAL FUCKING MAGIC. Science is like mythology. It tells how or why shit is way it is. Sure you can get an idea on how to fucking use these fucking ideas to do real shit, but that isn't science. That is technology.

How about this smegma face. I have with my pitiful level of education been able to effect more fucking change you have with all your beating off or candle fucking light or fucking prayer.

I can make shit with my FUCKING HANDS. I can make shit that makes that makes more fucking shit. Can you fucking do that? Can your fucking servitor do that? Will your personal fucking deity do that shit for you?
But hey check this shit out. If I throw some fucking special mud on a wheel into a fucking vase I just made something. And DUDE it was like all magical and shit, but if you went some fucking third-world potter he would be all dude wtf it's just a FUCKING POT MADE OF FUCKING CLAY.

If you want to get stoned and talk to the fucking radishes in your garden go for it, but come to me trying to sell me your fucking shit. I will punch you in your face with my VERY FUCKING REAL FIST STEAL YOUR POT SMOKE IT AND TELL YOUR GODDBEDAMNED RADISHES WHAT I DID TO THE TURNIPS!!!!!!

You can sit around smoking dope and getting high and stinking of patchouli all you fucking want, but when your fucking computer dies because you spilled essential oil all over it guess who is going to fix that shit for you? YOUR FUCKING GOD OR SOME GODDAMNED NERD?

And for every fucking candle you light to send healing "energy" to someone there is a fucking nurse, doctor and family helping that fucking person for real. All your candle does is make YOU feel better so you don't have to get your fat ass and DO SOMETHING.

First off, I don't give a FUCK if this idea has already been hashed out by someone else or several somebodies. That shit pisses me off to no fucking end. So fuckign sorry for behaving like a fucking pineal fnordraping really real discordian when I got here because I evidently was well versed in the fucking holy writ of your religion. Because guess what. I didn't read the Principia until 2 months ago.
Second off, I don't give a fuck if you like, love, hate, shit on this.
Third off, piss off I am going to just post shit in Apple talk because I fucking hate some of you, and those I don't I still fucking hate.

Everyone is a fucking Spider.
Everyone close to you weaves strands of their webs into your life, just as you weave strands of your web into theirs.
I know this because I have witnessed some of the most brilliant members of my family slowly succumb to the Spiders and when I am with them, and since I love my family that happens as much as fucking possible, I can feel their webs trying to envelop me. Even when I tell them I can see their Web or that Strand and that I deny that Strand access to MY Web. I can still see it and I can still feel it, because it tugs the other Strands in their Webs that are woven into my Web. And some of their Strands aren't so bad, and others are worse, but I can't free them from their Web because they would just reWeave it together when I leave or even as I try to cut them Free.
The Spiders are Everyone, and they Do want to you Feel Loved and Safe and HAPPY.

Now you may all merrily Die in a Fire.
I don't hate your butt hurt. I think your fucking ass raping tears are fucking hillarious.  What I fucking hate is you asshole fucksticks getting fucking ass rape hurt over someone elses anal fucking herpes. I ain't going to tell you grownup masses of decaying cytoplasm to grow the fuck up becuase it your right as post-pubescent fucks to act however the fuck you feel like. Doesn't change how I fucking feel about the asshurt about asshurt.

And yes I know I am getting asshurt from the analrape from the witnessed rectal bleeding of other people. OR FUCKING KILL ME!!!!

The best part is this comment.

QuoteMessage to all who worry about global warming
First, find a eco-unfriendly plastic bag. Second, locate a strong tie wrap. Third, put plastic bag over your head, fasten very securely. If you can breathe, it is not tight enough. This will capture all the carbon you are emitting from your mouth. Leave on for 1 hour or however long it takes for you to lose consciousness. Ta Da! You just saved the world from your horrible eco sins.
Or Kill Me / ATTN: Sustainment
January 22, 2011, 12:41:08 AM
You fucking suck.

Fuck logistics. Fuck sustainment. These kinds of units are the bottom of the fucking barrel. With bottom of the fucking barrel leadership.

"What's that? You don't want to reenlist? Ok, we aren't going to bother to move you down to a supply room like we should have 2 years ago, and we won;t bother to send up someone for you train up to do you job after you leave and while we are deployed. Oh and we aren't going to send you to the board, and we never planned on it once you said you weren't going to reenlist. By the way I need you go over the companies and tell me what they need in their conference rooms and then do the job that their repair & utilities NCO should be doing."
- Clueless CSM

"Hey I need you to get a count of how many empty rooms are in the barracks for this -hands email-" There are 74 "Which ones? I asked for a list of the rooms"  :| "go get me a list of the rooms" The guy who sent out the email is the same guy that you have to go to get that information and the first sergeants and platoon sergeants have copies of the barracks utilization report. "But it's not broken down by empty and filled rooms. I need you to make a spreadsheet of all the empty and partially filled rooms using this barracks report from last month"
- my clueless S4 NCOIC, who I am convinced is retarded. Not just stupid but mentally handicapped. Like she couldn't understand how I could get a different number from her by COUNTING. I had to count out-loud, slowly for her to follow along.

"I am tired of this foolishness with these FLIPLs(look it up). I am tired of having to flip around looking for the information that I need. I want you type up all this information on this sticky for each FLIPL and staple it to them"
On the sticky is the company

then the investigation number, which is composed of the unit identifier number, the company, the calender year and a sequential number saying which FLIPL of the year it is. SO right off the bat she is asking me to give her a piece of information TWICE.

then the document number

and finally, who lost the shit.

Now all but the document number is on the FIRST page of a 2 page FORM, and the document number is on the SECOND page. Clearly she can't fucking read well enough or be able to OPEN a folder and look at the FIRST form that is in it. This is but the latest in the long stream of "I need you do this because I am too fucking retarded/lazy to READ the form" bullshit she has had me do.
'I need a phone roster"
We have one
"I need one with commanders and supply sergeants"
We have one
"And the expendable/durable and non-expendable DODAACs (look it up)"
But we have a spread sheet of all the DODAACs and UICs
"I want them all in one spread sheet"
"But not the deployed ones"
That was after I had already done about half the deployed information :|
And she doesn't use it.
"I need the number for this supply room"

Or the spreadsheet for all the 92Ys in the BN with all the relevant training certificates.....and combat life saver and combatives....for no reason.
Which she also doesn't use.

How do I know she doesn't use them? She STILL doesn't have a computer or ACCESS to the Ft Lewis intranet or Ft Lewis email account. Going on 5 months of this.

I don't hug, or touch or like being touched by people not in my immediate family unless they are women in my age group and are attractive OR my life in danger. I told her this several times. I DO NOT LIKE MY PERSONAL SPACE INVADED ESPECIALLY BY WOMEN WHO HAVE BEEN IN THE ARMY ALMOST AS LONG AS I HAVE BEEN ALIVE!!!!!! Don't touch me, period.

So, hey the Army is fucking easy. It's the retards in it, that somehow haven't been kicked out for incompetence, probably because of their soldiers just sucking it up and doing the work they should be doing so they look good. I am doing her job, my job, our OIC's job and the job the barracks manager. But they won't send me to the promotion board, have no intentions of doing so because I get out in less than a year(354 days) and won't shift me down to a company supply room like I was told would happen before we deployed, while we deployed and after we got back. Did I mention I have been in the same slot for 4 years? I have had 4 squad leaders, 3 section NCOICs, 4 section OICs, 5 platoon sergeants, 2 company first sergeants, 3 company commanders, 2 battalion commanders, 2 battalion command sergeant majors, 2 brigade commanders, 2 brigade commander sergeant majors, 2 corp commanders and 2 corp CSMs.

Why? Because I did my job too well. I wasn't enough of a fuck up. There was never a free 92Y in the whole BRIGADE to swap places with me. All the other good ones were hoarded and no one wanted the shitty ones. I could have reenlisted for station of choice, but to be honest I never really liked this MOS. And to be honest the only two MOSs I wanted to do I can't because my right eye is too fucked up. 'get your eyes lazored." FUCK YOU I CAN DO THE SAME FUCKING JOB FOR MORE MONEY IN THE REAL WORLD WITHOUT HAVING TO HAVE SURGERY DONE TO MY EYES!!!!!

But hey I have a bad attitude because I 'lack motivation' to be a sergeant. No, I lack the motivation because I don't know all my fucking job and I refuse to be one of you fucked up NCOs that lean on your soldiers and make them do your fucking work. I may not like some of the shit the Army and the Nation are doing but I still respect the IDEALS of what an NCO should fucking be. An NCO should fucking know their job, none of this I know what reg it's in. And being able to vomit up shit that you memorized in front of some senior NCOs doesn't mean you are fucking worthy of those stripes. Cheating on your correspondence courses to get your promotion points up defiantly doesn't mean you are worthy of those stripes.

But wait, what's that I could reenlist and reclass to counterintel and get automatically promoted sergeant in an MOS that has no lower enlisted? Oh fuck yea, wait still a private, just one with 3 stripes and more pay. Fuck you, no.

And by the way shit head retention NCO. I know how smart I am. I am too smart all the MOSs in the Army if you go by ASVAB scores, way to not be helpful with getting me a waiver to do one I wanted to do because I'm too smart for it.

Techmology and Scientism / "You are what you touch"
January 12, 2011, 05:50:53 AM

Ok after the childish giggling has subsided.

Looks like that old cliche about treating the sword/pen/car as an extension of your body might have some scientific evidence behind it.
QuoteStudies of monkeys learning to use a rake to obtain distant objects show that this may be more than a mere metaphor. Multisensory brain cells respond both to touch on the hand or visual objects appearing near the hand. When the monkeys used the rake, these cells began to respond to objects appearing anywhere along the length of the tool, suggesting the brain represented the rake as actually being part of the hand.
QuoteOur experiments provide empirical support for the notion that objects can be integrated into an extended sense of the body.

RPG Ghetto / DM/Player Ownage
December 03, 2010, 09:28:06 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on December 03, 2010, 04:45:03 PM
Quote from: Sir Coyote on November 28, 2010, 06:21:38 AM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on November 28, 2010, 05:04:40 AM
Other problem:  Ghost engulfs you, what, you just walk out of it.

It just isn't a ghost creature.  It's DR goes, 11 points of natural armor lost for 2 points of deflection bonus, all it's hit points go away, etc.

Needs something else.

I'm a bit hazy but......hand wave that this ghost can engulf.

You don't know my players.

You got those kind eh?
You can join MY church for the low low price of some roadkill.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / ATTN: ATTN
November 02, 2010, 07:40:07 PM
That is right ATTN you spagilicious fucklocker, I am calling your punk ass out for your crimes against my socks. I know you took all my left socks. How do I know? All the remaining socks got mysteriously labeled with a fancy 'R'. Now I have no left socks and have beenf orced to wear TWO right socks.