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Topics - Aufenthatt

Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Just... no.
January 24, 2010, 03:07:41 PM

Demons steal body, decide to wobble on the floor.
Aneristic Illusions / Gitmo to close 2010
January 22, 2010, 10:04:33 PM
Task force on the US prison camp at Guantanamo Bay has advised that 47 inmates should be held indefinitely without trial, officials say.

It is thought to be the first time that officials have given a figure for those who might be held without charge.

Some 35 prisoners have been recommended for prosecution through trials or military commissions.

The news came as the deadline US President Barack Obama had set himself for closing the prison camp passed.

The task force, led by the US justice department, recommended that while 35 people could be prosecuted, 110 could be released either now or at a later date, unnamed officials said.

The other nearly 50 detainees are considered too dangerous to release, but cannot be tried because the evidence against them is too flimsy or was extracted from them by coercion, so would not hold up in court.


Congress has laid down that only those to be tried can be moved to US soil, so the question of what to do with those to be detained indefinitely without trial has yet to be resolved.

The BBC's Adam Brookes says the outcome will dismay civil liberties groups, and will also dismay many of Mr Obama's supporters who hoped the president would end the practice of detention without trial.

A White House official stressed that this was only a recommendation, which Mr Obama does not have to accept.

The task force's findings are subject to review by the National Security Council.

More than 40 detainees have been transferred out of the prison under the Obama administration.

But diplomatic hurdles and domestic opposition to the government's plan to house suspects on US soil have hampered his plans to close it down completely.

Plans to move detainees approved for trial to a prison facility in Illinois remain under consideration.

Yemen suspension

The task force recommended that among those cleared for release, 80 detainees, including about 30 Yemenis, could be freed immediately, the Washington Post said.

The panel said the release of another 30 Yemenis should be contingent on an improved situation in Yemen, the newspaper reported.

However, the US recently suspended the repatriation of Yemeni prisoners indefinitely, following an airliner bomb plot that was allegedly planned in Yemen.

Yemenis account for approximately half of the inmates at Guantanamo.

Mr Obama set himself the 22 January deadline a year ago, shortly after being sworn in.

He has subsequently said he wants the camp closed this year, without setting a specific deadline.

If these people are so obviously guilty that it would be retarded to let them go, how did the pentagon screw up so badly that they can't have a trial? I know they were stupid enough to think it was all going to go away, but you'd think they'd be experienced enough to cover their backs.

The US secret services are really going the same way the Royal navy did, cocky bastards.
Or Kill Me / Shit your hate or you will die
April 12, 2009, 12:11:28 PM
Do it.
Shit it out.
Right now, on this thread.

Some people see 'shit your hate' and think that its a reminder not to takes things seriously, to let it go.
In many ways that's what it says, because that's how you interpret it. But I don't.

I see shit your hate and think, lets get this fucker out. Are you angry? Yes? Good, now use that motivation and do something. Just for once do something. When I see shit your hate I also think, bullshit makes the flowers grow. Bullshit does not have to be nice or creative or anything. Bullshit is the motivation and the flowers are creativity. Bullshit is the rage or the love or the depression that drives the flowers from the ground like a hydraulic badger.

Yesterday I was in the city watching a stand up with a few friends, we'd had to wait a while after because one of us had lost her engagement ring. We couldn't find it, there were tears, it was sad. I stood on the stairs of the place, with her crying on my shoulder, I noticed on the wall something unusual. There was some graffiti art, and it was good. I like graffiti art, its one of the many things that I never say. I don't want to be put in that box. Most of the graffiti around here is pretty crap, if I could be bothered I could paint this town like they've never known, but I don't want to, its not worth the sentence. But there, there, was something that was far better than mine. Three in a row, one snarling youth, a modern 'the scream' and a silhouette standing arms spread like an eagle on a slanted ruddy line, the sun set behind him, the darkness below.

"For Ste"


Months ago a building was finished in the center of the town, I could see it across from our playhouse where I stood then. It was an arts center, music, it had its own cinema screen, it was nice. A few weeks later a guy walked up onto the roof and stood on the edge. The mob gathered. There were hysterics, mutterings, and from the back a cry. "Jump". Some scaly female voice.
Another voice "yeah fuckin do it you pussy".
Some people shouted "no don't" some just stood. No one did anything.

I hate humanity.

He stood there for about ten minuets, and then put out his arms, stood on the edge of that slanted roof and fell.


That light mark on the pavement where they cleaned it with bleach.

Maybe that art is nothing to do with what happened those months ago, maybe the mix of seeing the building and the sadness I was feeling just triggered it. Maybe some will see this as just a urban vision. But I don't.
What I see in that is someone shitting their hate, letting out what they saw in these painted flowers.
And they are beautiful.

It could just be me seeing meaning there that isn't. I call that Aufenthatt.
When I was in school I did German, right up intill the point I could drop languages all together.
One of those nights I remember reading through a German dictionary, fuzzy eyed, looking for a word for a homework that would not be marked. I found it, looked away, grasping for a pen. Then, without noticing I copied the word above it.
Aufenthalt, it means stay. In my semi conscious state, neither did I notice I had crossed a second T.
Aufenthatt, my really real German word. I handed in the homework, it wasn't marked. I was satisfied with my tick and threw it in the pile of other things I don't care about.   

A year later I was throwing out all that shit so I could fill the space with more shit. I picked it up, and noticed. No one ever questions Aufenthatt, they see it and think "oh, that's a German word" but its not, its mine. Aufenthatt is the in-between parts of the law of fives, the meaning that isn't there.
Aufenthatt is the universe.

It may be Aufenthatt that I see what I see in those paintings, but forever that silhouette will be Ste.

Ste did not shit his hate.
Ste may not have been able to shit his hate.
Maybe ste lived in a crap house where he wasn't loved.
Maybe ste had no future and no prospects.

If Ste had shit his hate he could have done something that the morons who owned the building below him would have paid him for. But he didn't. The monkeys screeched for the kill.

Shit your hate or you will die.
Or Kill Me / Who are the Zenarchists? *2
April 08, 2009, 12:55:37 AM
Ancient influences on
the Zenarchists

QuotePhilosophical inquiry conducted by my method is supposed to be not a contest between opponents (eristic), but a co-operative search for truth and understanding (dialectic)
Socrates - Plato's dialogues, Phaedium

Influences on our movement (1948)
David Mander
Chapter four

Malacylpce the Doomsinger.

Of all historical figures Malacylpce the doomsinger is the least deserving of his title. Not so much a profit of the doom, Mala was more of an ancient poet Orwell. However in the enlightenment of the 1800s 'Malacylpce the the cautionary story teller' was a name that failed to inspire intrest, so, to borrow a term from modern politics, he was given a 'new spin'.

A Phoenician philosopher, he was gifted by a vision from the Gods. In a dream he was told that the key to the perfect number system was a digit of no value. Some historians have argued that Mala was a user of narcotics, a claim backed up by evidence from Peter Rex (Pre Greeko-Roman civilisations, 1929) a cambridge professor, who states that
Quote...the better trade links throughout the middle east due to technological advanced lead to opium from what is now Afghanistan being traded as far as the Iberian paninsular.

Mala is openly critical of the unquestioned structures within society.
In what remains of his writings Mala explains:
QuoteIf I add one lump of clay to another, I do not have two lumps of clay, I have a single large one.
QuoteThe complexity required to explain what is little more than the putting together of earth invalidates mathematics as a tool by which to live everyday life. Outside of the narrow and questionable concepts math does not explain the complexities of man, but concerns itself with discusion of unnatural shapes.

The comment of shapes is believed to be a mockery of a early Greek school of thought, which eventually lead to the development of the works of Pythagoras.

Mala doesn't ever directly attack math in itself as a concept, but indirectly he does reject it, claiming that the world in internal and subject to the perception of the individual.

Quotedoes the mighty elephant see the same world as the humble fly?

Malacylpce was an important influence on Protagoras, who may have been a late period Malarchist.
A critic of dogma, Mala questions the validity of any system which over complicates a simple act to the point it is indistinguishable as one.

QuoteAny deep philosophy, once sufficiently complicated is indistinguishable from the ravings of the mad

Mala apeairs to be a early spiritualist, who struggles thoughout his life with the question of existence. He sees no little difference between humans and animals, however he questions what makes his existence different from that of common matter. He never comes to a conclusion on that issue, merely suggesting that those who do not explore their existence may as well be rocks.

While he openly criticised the following of any concept that does not leave its core beliefs to be considered and questioned he does exhort the virtues of humor, Known famously for his love of visual illusions, Mala explains the importance of beingclear to your audience and the dangers of misinformation. To explain, when he first arrived in Carthage he entered the south of the city bearing a sign.
In ancient Phoenician you can make the word idiot or dumb (no plural) into doom by obscuring a single line.
On his first day he stood on a rock with his sign and gave a speech. The citizens ignored him, thinking he was nothing more than anther mad man.

On the second day he entered the city from the north, holding the sign which now cleaned said idiot. The people of the northern quarter, intrigued by why he would carry such a message, gathered around him. When he began his speech he mimicked his story using deliberately awful acting. People found this performance humorous and listened to him. While he was trying to make a serious point about the problems caused by the Phoenician colonisation of the Mediterranean coast, and its effects on the indigenous populations, without the humor his point would not have been made.
By posing as both a street preacher and a jester he shows his teachings on the importance of delivery, and the consideration of what will be seen as valid by a audience.

QuoteIt is better to be a considered fool than a forgotton God

The use of humor and cultural sensitivity would later win many supporters to his way of thinking from across the Phoeican world and beyond. Malacylpce's movement was centered in Catherage, mainly for geographical reasons. Mala himself is believed to have been born in a colony in what is now southern France.

These Malarchists as they were derogatorily known, are similar to the later Zenarchists (nearest translation, literally - Thought society) from the early 1500s. Until they were driven out from Carthage by religious conservatives they began to develop an new culture which was deliberately unconcerned with what those outside their (open) circle thought of them. A highly controversial concept in what was a deeply religious and traditionalist society.

The Malachists believed that the inevitable consequence of a rebelion was dogma. In going to war with one set of values the void that leaves will be filled by something else, without you noticing because you are too busy fighting.
QuoteBlack sheep are still Sheep

Instead of a social revolt they chose to be open minded, allowing all concepts to be considered.
QuoteAll things contain a little of the truth
but maintained enough objectivity to reject ideas that proved to be harmful.
Interestingly, dispite rejecting the concepts of good and evil and having a society mostly uninterested in the offence it caused to its nabours, Malachists lived remarkably moral, civilised lives. Open to debate they built forums or meeting places wereever they congregated.
One Malarchist is reported to have drawn a particularly unflatering, satirical picture of a town elder on the outer walls of his city in southern Sicily. Using a piece of graphite the youth of reported artistic talent is rumored to be the source of the term 'graffiti'.

While Malacylpce and is followers perished in the dessert after the Exodus from Carthage his disciples, who by that point spread across the Mediterranean carried on his message, eventually evolving into other movements out of choice or necessity. One of the major decedent groups whose name anglicises as lighten, or illuminate went on to become powerful merchants, building the city of Venice with their profits.               
Or Kill Me / The Wisdom of the zenarchists
April 04, 2009, 10:46:08 PM
Who are the Zenarchists?

In ancient Rome, the scholars would often complain about the language they were forced to use. Greek held little problem to most people, and often they would simply transfer a word straight into their language if they had no Latin for it.

However, at the time the revered civilization was the Phoenicians, who had allegedly invented math science and philosophy, although some people said it came from before them.
The Phoenicians were very famous because of a man called Malacypse the doomsinger, who in a vision ordained from the ancient gods invented bowling. While discovering bowling he was told that the key to the perfect number system was a figure of no value.
Following this advise he invented a number system that consisted of several numbers, each worth nothing. Needless to say the Phoenicians were less than amused by bowling, a game in which even those who failed to meet the objectives ended up with the same score as the 'winners'.
The Greeks may have been victims of indigestion, but the Phoenicians were simply stupid.
Annoyed with bowling they invented numerals of ascending value, but with no valueless number, the concept of which they banned in a fit of rage, simply declaring that all things are valuable and relevant.   

Most of the official names of very serious important roman things were named in Phoenician, from plants to laws. This was very irritating to the normal Romans, who firstly couldn't afford to learn Phoenician and secondly weren't pretentious.
So a law was passed that all things should be named in Latin so all people could understand what they meant, and never again would the ruling class gain a monopoly on knowledge.

The naming of normal things in Latin is a tradition we keep to this day.       

Herman OVS Aufenthatt ~ the love socialist
Or Kill Me / And now you think you are a chicken
March 27, 2009, 10:20:33 PM
What are you?

"A chicken"

I increasingly find myself to be a rebel without a sockhat, not in with the zeitgeist, not down with the revolutionTM. People I hold in high regard suddenly destroy my illusion of them.
Just because you win the argument does not mean that you are right, nor your opponent wrong.

Logic is flawed.
See, humanity is not meant for pure reason, it is meant to survive. One of the biggest walls of your prison is the past. Not even your past, but the past of life itself. I say "meant", but I don't mean that. Its chaos out there, and in here. No purpose, is that so terrible?
If I reject human logic as a side of the triangle, people say "but a triangle with two sides is impossible". Is it?
The triangle is just something that makes logical sense to a monkey that really is a platform for continuing DNA. Circular, like a spiral through time, ever changing but always staying the same.
Look, I add white to Black and I get gray! But do I?

"I could say, and eleven sided shape? That's impossible" and with a animal that developed in a certain way would see that as logic, a self evident fact.
Then again, humanity has a history of mistaking human custom for human nature.
What do I know, maybe an eleven sided shape is impossible. Maybe the two sided triangle is staring in my face and I can't even see it.

I'm too drunk to remember the subtlety of my use of the logical fallacy of logic as a logical falus, but I can tell you this, you know fucking nothing, "I think therefore I am" make sense? Are you really sure? Deep down does that play on words really prove your existence more than the fourth side of this triangle?
What if you don't exist? Can YOU comprehend your none existence? Can YOU comprehend the size of the universe?

Even if you were to be held as a philosophical icon of your time, you would be no more free from the memes circulating in your time than the most deranged beggar.
Plato was an idealist, Freud a sexist, Gregory hill obsessed with humor.

So, I tell you this, as the founder of the atheistic church of true belief theology, fuck the contradiction, screw the stupidity and rape the planet, because the bottle I hold in my hand contains no more truth than the mush inhabiting my skull. 

I blame all spelling mistakes on a combination of what I like to call dyslexia and what most people call alcohol.

Or kill my bloated corpce.
Chapter one

In the beginning there was a log.

Some would say it was an ex-tree, as it was positions quite close to a stump of similar thickness. Others would not. Upon this log were two grooves, one wide and the other narrow. Between them was a custom made drinks holder.
Two men would often sit here an consider the view while talking about very serious important things of no real consequence. And so it remained for many years, stopping only for toilet breaks and to read the paper, sometimes simultaneously.

Until one day they found that they had nothing left to talk about. They would sit staring blankly trying to think of something new. Sometimes one would open his mouth as if to speak, but then close it with a sigh.

After a while they got bored and wandered down the same path to the old town, passing as they went a skeleton holding a sign which read 'doom'. That night, drunk and giggling the two very serious important men of no real consequence got lost on their way back to their sheds. In the morning they found themselves slumped on a log, half naked and holding an inflatable sheep.  

Groaning, Herman dragged himself up onto a sitting position and, while nursing his head, opened his fuzzy reddened eyes. Blinding white light flooded into his vision, but as he grew accustomed to it the world became clearer, and he was struck down with awe.
Before him was an entirely new world, full of different things and places. Everything glimmered with the promise of discovery.
Then, turning his head to the left, Herman O.V.S Aufenthatt the very important and serious man, noticed that he was in fact perched upon his own log overlooking his own world, however he was sitting in the groove of his friend the also very important and serious, Dr Krancanius Mad. This slight change of angle had opened up a third dimension of existence to Herman, who suddenly realized that in all his time of thinking he had never really looked upon the earth and seen its beauty.
It was around this time Kranc began to vomit into a discarded wellington boot, stopping briefly to note how shitty the world looked today.
Or Kill Me / Please reply urgently
March 19, 2009, 09:33:20 PM
Dear Sir or Gammon

I am sincerely writing to you over the issue of the aforementioned 'nature' and her apparent ineptitude in the time keeping department.
Far be it from me to tell you how to run the universe, but in my day none existent metaphors used to cast a thin veil of personified control over a clearly chaotic and untamable universe, kept to their promises.

Big Brother watched them, power corrupted them and the cat was most certainly in the hat. Yet nature has not improved them. I was expecting some level of evolution by this stage of my contract. For example, the tail socket on the end of the spine is, as far as I can tell obsolete. Either a tail add-on needs to be procured for the unit or this design flaw needs removing. Nature, despite having had several thousand years to deal with this, and more than adequate office space (paid for by the tax payer I might add) has done nothing.

I think you will actually find that the type biological model issued to me on the premise of intelligence is in fact a gross case of deception, illegal under the trades descriptions act. The model actually only seems to fill its purpose when malfunctioning.
Here is one of my problems, the programming upgrades implemented by 'nature' only serve to increase population size and social conformity.
Without almost constant monitoring this combination of huge numbers, obedience and stupidity is impacting on the welfare of the other biological units in my aquarium.
I wouldn't be so bothered if they destroyed themselves, but the persistent buggers never completely die off, neither do they evolve, this is becoming a real nuisance.

I attempted to use some pesticides on a small area but it just made the problem worse, a new strain developed and the old one repopulated. Strangely they seemed to have some sense of what was going on, but they were highly confused and eventually just adopted new idiotic behaviors.

By this point 'nature' should have divided the population biologically as stated quite clearly in the manual. One large half would return to a lower form while a small section becomes an interesting addition and 'looks after' the 'natural order' I've spent literally months developing. I thought this happened when this set killed off a stupider one, but actually that was because they didn't like there noses. Later in another nose related genocide the stupid ones tried to kill off the cleverer ones.

To begin with I was impressed when they built boats, but they just used them to sail to the island from the island expansion pack and kill all the flightless feather dusters I'd cultivated.

So, would you advise I reset 'nature' or just boil the tank and start again?

Kind regards
G.ODD the love communist
Or Kill Me / My nine eyes
February 26, 2009, 10:06:52 PM
The Hallmark
Issue one - Principia Discordia

Look at the Bible.
Just for a second look at its words.
Centuries of different understandings of old and new have caused war, suffering and Mormonism.
How many different sects of Christianity are there?
This is just one of many religions, think how many divisions we have globally.

Just for one second, look at it from this perspective.

Imagine that "Thou" was a man.
Its not a command to humanity, its a letter to one human being, and its not you.
Ever try to work out an in-joke when you have few of the facts, no real clues?
Its borderline impossible, even more impossible is working out an in-joke which is two in-jokes the most modern being two thousand years old.
You think you understand the bible? Don't be daft.
How could you?
You'd have to be a moron to say you get it.

But that doesn't mean its worthless.
It can make you think. Ignore all the stupid people that raise it up as literal indisputable fact.
Did the people who wrote it take it seriously? Who gives a fuck.
Look at its ideas and consider them.
Try different perspectives, its in your interest.

I once met a poet called Carrol Ann Duffy.
Fat woman, boring monotone voice.
She wrote a poem called Salome,


I'd done it before
(and doubtless I'll do it again,
sooner or later)
woke up with a head on the pillow beside me -whose? -
what did it matter?
Good- looking, of course, dark hair, rather matted;
the reddish beard several shades lighter;
with very deep lines around the eyes,
from pain, I'd guess, maybe laughter;
and a beautiful crimson mouth that obviously knew
how to flatter...
which I kissed...
Colder than pewter.
Strange. What was his name? Peter?

Simon? Andrew? John? J knew I'd feel better
for tea, dry toast, no butter,
so rang for the maid.
And, indeed, her innocent clatter
of cups and plates,
her clearing of clutter,
her regional patter,
were just what needed -
hungover and wrecked as I was from a night on the batter.

Never again!
I needed to clean up my act,
get fitter,
cut out the booze and the fags and the sex.
Yes. And as for the latter,
it was time to turf out the blighter,
the beater or biter,
who'd come like a lamb to the slaughter
to Salome's bed.

In tile mirror, I saw my eyes glitter.
I flung back the sticky red sheets,
and there, like I said -and ain't life a bitch -
was his head on a platter.

I intensely disliked this woman, my experience of feminists was arrogant self serving bitches that rally behind feminism as an excuse for being bigots.
I made my interpretation as another female proclaiming her superiority.

And then she told me, that poem is about Thacherism.
Eye opener.
Not my real eyes, my eyes of perspective.
So far I've found that if you look through nine totally different perspectives, you can find a solution that suits you, and benefits you indirectly. Finding solutions that most people like is a damn good way to help yourself later.

See, I can see where Carrol is coming from, like her I come from one of the mining comunities Thatcher ripped apart. But I hadn't considered it that way.

Some people say that there is no such thing as a selfless act.
They say that really, our every action is for ourselves.
We give to charity because it makes us feel good.
We help the vulnerable to avoid guilt.

Those people are wrong. You want to know what the truly selfless act is?
Its simple, you don't even have to think about it, sometimes you don't even move.
Ladies and Gentlemen the truly selfless act is... Falling over.

When you accidentally fall over, you aren't looking out for yourself, you don't do it because you'd feel guilty if you didn't. You do it because it happens.
A wise man once said "There are no rules in life, there is only what is"
Its still an act, falling over wouldn't happen if you weren't there, but it doesn't mean its your fault.
Don't be embarrassed by falling over, don't pretend that you could change it.
Just stick your hands out and hope you land on something soft.

But not dog poo.

Don't bother too much about your birthday.

Time appears to move forward.
So the grayfaces tried to order it.
Set measurements of time, seconds, minuets.
You think, "Oh, this makes sense, shit, my time is ticking away"
Nature has no clocks, its shit at getting to appointments on time.

Seconds and minuets are abstract from reality. How many times has algebra taken the trash out for you? And yet people let it govern there lives and spend it cheaply.
Next time you see one of your friends go to a coffee shop and let the day die while you talk.
Watch the cabages run around trying to afford the Iphone or the shoes or whatever piece of masproduced identity they think is the experience they must have.
Something has to be fucking important to get some of my time.
That's why my mobile mysteriously dies every weekend.

Time is not set in neat seconds, it flows.
Put your marker points in things that really happen, not imagenary seconds.
I know exactly how long it is from the start of my favorite song till the guitar starts strumming.
How many seconds? I have no idea.

The big things are not your problem, the little ones are.
Society? Can't get rid of it. Crazy frog? Killed him with a brick.
Its not your fault unless you did it and you meant to do it.
Deal with now.

Look at Jesus, he said some pretty awesome things.
It all got corrupted.
History as a series of unintended events.
Don't worry about it, just try to keep things leaning the way you want them to be.

Or kill me

Hatt ~the love Communist 
Or Kill Me / Tiring of your shit.
February 20, 2009, 08:51:13 PM
Have you ever noticed that an intelligent observation repeated enough becomes nothing more than stupid dogma?

"Football is just some guys and a ball on a field, you shouldn't get so worked up about it"

Fair point.
However, some time between the above comment of an enlightened soul and now, the point of the message has been lost.

"Football is stupid, its just some guys running round a field with pointless goals"

Hmm, sounds a lot like life.

"Football is stupid" How can it be, its something you do,
Is opening the window witty?
Is walking funny?
Well I guess that depends on who you are. Really its the people that make something what it is.
Are the people that play sports dumb? Well, mostly yes, that's because people are mostly dumb, but not everyone.

Football isn't any more stupid than whistling or smiling.

"pointless goals"
Pointless is a matter of perspective. You teach your kid to ride a bike, you learn to make pottery. It would be far easier to get someone else to do it, but you do it, for the satisfaction.
Yeah, kicking the ball about doesn't solve world hunger, or cure Cancer but neither does art.

Art is like sport, its just a medium. You can use it to make money, make people think, raise awareness, whatever. Art, like sport, just is.
You play football, you get fitter, you have less stress, but sometimes you get injured.
I'd rather sprain my ankle from time to time than live in a hole hiding from the big bad world.

But people say sport is dumb, because they think that's what clever people say. They are buying into some huge intelligent sub culture, where they know what is and isn't right.
Its the same sort of people that think our system is as good as it gets, because they read the alternative in Orwell.

You have two options
You either shut up about how idiotic it all is, accept that we will do it anyway, and go do your own thing.

Or kill me
Principia Discussion / Ocean sat nav fail
February 16, 2009, 11:29:37 PM

Two nuclear submarines which crashed in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean were likely to have had their sonar systems switched off to prevent detection, instead relying on sensitive microphones to hear threats, experts have said.

Britain's HMS Vanguard and French sub Le Triomphant - both believed to have been carrying nuclear warheads - were damaged in the crash earlier this month.

Nuclear consultant John Large told Channel 4 News: "You've got these submarines lying around on the sea bed, virtually, with all their active sonar systems turned off so they don't detect each other."
Or Kill Me / Proudly stolen idea
February 15, 2009, 10:01:11 PM
The Machines is like the ocean.
You can't destroy it, but you can change it.
Individualy the difference you make is unsignificant unless you do something truly exeptional. Doing things like that tend to come and bite you in the ass.
Look at what happened to Jesus.
No, better to be in a collective and share the blame.
You live with those people along your strech of beach.

You don't know what started the waves.
You can't see what started the waves.
You can't stop the waves. Even as a collective.
If you want you can float on them,
Or jump into one and get knocked back by its power.
You can also Surf the wave.
This is the most fun.

You still end up back at the shore, just like everyone else, but you have more fun than the floaters and you don't get beaten as much as the jumpers.

Life is a beach.

Try to avoid the jellyfish.
Or Kill Me / Lime Green Boots
February 15, 2009, 09:06:56 PM
I didn't have any problem with the outcome, I expected it.
That's not what pissed me off. Its always him.
The petulant cunt just stands there, legs apart, in those stupid lime green boots.
Closes his eyes and thinks of fortified wine and small bananas with demonic fish.

He has so much talent. He could have been an actor or a chef! Given, he would never be any good at rugby, but that shouldn't hold him back!

The commoner wasn't half the actor he was, you could see it! But the commoner had more integrity, he didn't sell his soul or crash his car.
The whole way through the savage wanted to break his legs, you could see it. But even he showed more control.
What are the pretty mugs worth if you fell over to get them?
The city ground stand would have never accepted what he does. Just like at Leeds.

One day someone will snap and destroy him. I'll not be sorry.
Then his house of dirty attention seeking boots will decay. He can never go back home, because he thinks hes too good for his own.

Yeah, I have one thing to say.

Fuck yoo.