
Christians *have* to sin.
If they don't, it's like Christ died for nothing.

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Messages - AFK

You've perpetuated the made up bullshit too, including the "black lady" at work fairy tale.
You didn't ask permission to post my real name.

There was no cooperation.

But you are A-OK with greasing the wheels apparently.
I'm not seeing universal agreement ITT that spanking = good.
How are you going to "not allow" anything?  You have no control over what a dip-shit does IRL, and you even aid and abet them by

A) posting my real name and
B) making up bullshit that they gladly eat up.

Like the whole "black lady" at work thing.  Complete fabrication, but people believe it because you perpetuated it.  If you REALLY are concerned about people taking this IRL, you could help by not posting my name and making up shit.
No.  That's what outlet covers are for.  If they did try to mess with them, I'd just say, "No, ouch, hot" and move them away.  Seemed to do the trick.
Spanking really has no utility as far as getting the child to learn or adjust behavior.  It works in the short term, but it is consistent reasoning that is going to work in the long run.  I've never raised a hand to either of my children.  Reasoning worked fine.  You may not be able to reason with a 2 year old but spanking them doesn't teach them anything other than when you make Mommy or Daddy mad they are going to smack you. 
Quote from: Dirty Old Uncle Roger on October 22, 2013, 03:42:33 AM
Quote from: What's New Wildebeest? on October 21, 2013, 11:51:57 PM
Quote from: Kai on October 21, 2013, 11:46:55 PM
On second thought, I'm okay with him being erased. That way I don't have to be reminded of my gullibility. Reverend who? I've already forgotten. Not like he was anything substantive anyway. This was all a great big game of pretend life.

The community got exactly what it wanted.  After it decided that I was a villain because of my views and opinions, I became a villain.  Go back and look at those drug threads, look at how everyone froths at the mouth to get personal digs in, dragging in some very personal aspects of my personnel life.  And tell me this isn't what they wanted, including the people you look up to.

Well, here's the disconnect, RWHN.  You're not a villain because of your opinions and views.

Does anyone else find it a little, off, that he pays such close attention to details of my personal life?
Not going to happen. 


Do you hold little army guys and make "pew pew" sounds when you are "net-stomping" ?
Quote from: Kai on October 22, 2013, 12:30:13 AM
Quote from: What's New Wildebeest? on October 22, 2013, 12:27:13 AM
Quote from: Kai on October 22, 2013, 12:24:57 AM
Quote from: What's New Wildebeest? on October 22, 2013, 12:21:03 AM
Maybe someone should "net-stomp" me, teach me a lesson.


It's a waste of her time to even talk to you, much less call you out.

I got a "net-sassin" once, and barely survived it, I suppose a "net-stomping" might be a little more serious.


You were an asshole who got personal, and received personal in return.

Prove it. 
Quote from: Kai on October 22, 2013, 12:28:30 AM
Quote from: What's New Wildebeest? on October 22, 2013, 12:24:19 AM
And therein lies the problem.  Blind allegiance.

Whatever happened to Think For Yourself, Schmuck?

A man who I still argue with, who called me nearly every week for /years/, who has forgiven me plenty of bullshit. That's called friendship, but what would you know of it?

Plenty, with people who observe the whole "treat how you want to be treated" idea.  If someone wants to treat me like an enemy because of my viewpoints, then that is what they'll get from me.

Especially people who make shit up and perpetuate it without anyone questioning.
Quote from: Kai on October 22, 2013, 12:24:57 AM
Quote from: What's New Wildebeest? on October 22, 2013, 12:21:03 AM
Maybe someone should "net-stomp" me, teach me a lesson.


It's a waste of her time to even talk to you, much less call you out.

I got a "net-sassin" once, and barely survived it, I suppose a "net-stomping" might be a little more serious.

Can everyone hear CPD furiously digging through my old posts?