
If it quacks like a sociopath, but also ponders its own sociopathy, it's probably just an asshole.

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Messages - Reeducation

Bring and Brag / Drawing of Eris/Something
November 10, 2012, 03:58:50 PM

I have done a few of these (cartoonish ones with bright colors/simple and "funny") but this might be the best so far.
I did this one at work and I had a little hangover and so on, so it kinda sucks but I like it.
I'm drinking Chartreuse. Very good stuff.

And I just watched this

It's awesome.

Flex Mentallo! Might be good? :) Just got it.

Goner - The Final Travels of UG Krishnamurti. Very funny stuff.
Some books written by Julius Evola, Rene Guenon and Frithjof Schuon.

Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: Film Flam
August 31, 2012, 09:16:02 PM
I just (yesterday) watched The Rules of the Game (1939).

It's a french movie about rich and not so rich people who are, in short, somewhat fucked-up.
I'm not sure if it was just that I was tired or something, but damn there was stuff going on in almost every scene, non-stop.
The movie starts slowly, but when it gets going, you'll be like "wtf is going on?" and then there is screaming and oh, the movie ends.
I liked it a lot! :)

But yeah, I should watch it again soon, because I was VERY tired when I watched it.
(There is a possibility that some parts of the movie, that I remember seeing, were not actually happening at all.)
Or Kill Me / Re: Claiming Immunity
May 26, 2012, 08:26:27 PM
Great stuff P3nT4gR4m. I dig.
Quote from: DECI4 on March 14, 2012, 07:08:40 AM
Yea guys lets back up Nigel on this, she is much more popular. Even if no one else has any stake or involvement in the conversation, lets all give our opinions and really talk this out.

Quote from: Jasper on February 02, 2012, 04:35:25 PM
Reeducation, if you'd said that the 8 circuit theory was bad based on it not making predictions, or being unfalsifiable, or made some kind of argument based on its quality as a theory like that, then maybe people would have responded better.  Instead, you gave them "8 circuits in my ass".

We all have fun making fun of RAW, but still many people here do respect him.

Yes I worded the thing badly. And don't get me wrong, I respect the dude as well, but I just see his books as a one long zen koan.
I can't really explain it better.

edit: Of course I could be wrong. I don't know. :)

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on February 01, 2012, 10:04:14 PM
Quote from: Reeducation on February 01, 2012, 11:38:38 AM
Just read (again) Cosmic Trigger 1-3, Quantum Psychology and Prometheus Rising by RAW.
When I first read these, my english was not so good and things were new and interesting, but now I get the message:
8-circuits in my ass.

It's like when you take psychedelics and you go all WOAH, this is real, but then after a while you understand it's not.

Right now, I'm:   :sad: :eek: :lulz:

And if somebody is offended, I'm sorry, but it's time to wake up. Again.

edit: I never believed that there were 8-circuits or any circuits, but like many I believed I could "use" that model to "improve something". But it's impossible to "use" models, because they do not exist. All you can do, is to spin them around inside your head. That's about it. With every model.

Yes, I know.  All those maps we had in the army were just used as modern art.


1.  You're a fucking idiot.  Which model do you think advertisers and political action groups use?  Do you dispute that they are in fact effective?

2.  You're a fucking idiot.  If you were "sorry for offending people", you wouldn't have followed the apology with a fucking condescending remark.

Now fuck off.

I think you misunderstanded something.
I meant psychological/mental models. Ones like 8-circuit, ego/id, shadow, gods and that kind of stuff. I thought it was obvious, because I was talking about the 8-circuit model. And the 8-circuit model is only in your head, not out there and you can't bring it out from your head and put it to use except in words. Unlike maps and other concrete things like a plan to invade some country. Those things can be put to action and that's a different thing.

Also english is my second language. Just saying.
Now reading Death of an Ordinary Man by Glen Duncan.
It's been a good read so far. On page 100.

It's about this dude who is dead, who then tries to solve what killed him and so on.
Just read (again) Cosmic Trigger 1-3, Quantum Psychology and Prometheus Rising by RAW.
When I first read these, my english was not so good and things were new and interesting, but now I get the message:
8-circuits in my ass.

It's like when you take psychedelics and you go all WOAH, this is real, but then after a while you understand it's not.

Right now, I'm:   :sad: :eek: :lulz:

And if somebody is offended, I'm sorry, but it's time to wake up. Again.

edit: I never believed that there were 8-circuits or any circuits, but like many I believed I could "use" that model to "improve something". But it's impossible to "use" models, because they do not exist. All you can do, is to spin them around inside your head. That's about it. With every model.
"Right, Dominic. You're next."

I think it is just too "passive" to watch a dude who is on the computer.
When my daughter was younger, I would sometimes check the weird (not the weird weird mind you) world of the internet with her. Then there were no problems.
I would explain what was going on and even though she could not understand anything I was saying, she was quite happy, because there was talking and she was noticed to be there and so on.

So like if there is not anything going on, they will demand it.
She never complained when I was painting the walls or doing the dishes, for example.

She saw me with a paintbrush and started to play with her toys.
She saw me just sitting there and started to wonder: "Is something wrong here?"

Or something. I never thought about these things.
Quote from: RWHN on January 09, 2012, 01:02:14 AM
For any of you Doors fans out there, a "lost" track is being officially released by the band at Noon time on their Facebook page. 

Given the sad state of affairs that is current day rock and roll, I look forward to this moment with great anticipation.

Aaand thank you! Great way to end the evening.