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Messages - ShoobyDB

I'm feeling a tinge of negative energy. I'm not too sure what you meant by that. I'm not by any means saying that I go out everyday with a cape and change the world with my super-human problem solving skills. If you are going to go out and try to get what you want, and you have a large following, maybe posterboard and a sharpie aren't going to accomplish your goals. There are things I want to change, sure, and I have a plan for that. It just seems so damn difficult for a working action plan to happen and so easy to form a picket line. People seem to have more courage in a group. This is certainly true for me atleast. Its always nice to have people agreeing with you. When somebody stands alone, most of the time they aren't even considered as anything but crazy. Yet, history shows us the majority is often wrong.
Yes and no. It is being done, but not by the people wasting effort holding a sign. I guess I'm saying get behind a person, not a piece of cardboard. I feel like I'm stating the obvious, but telling me I'm doing that is also stating the obvious. I'm not even sure we're on the original subject.
I think its not the protestors fault. I've always said I admire them just for standing up for something. I see them all the time with the Honk for Peace signs, and I honk, and somewhere else somebody gets shot. Damn. But, the problem is that the people capable of making change don't really care about the opinions of the masses. Now, if you get one guy, and he'd probably have to be wearing a suit, to make a well worded speech and get the media invovled, it also helps if he/she pisses a bunch of people off, THEN we might see some progress. Protesting is like voting libertarian; it obviously has the best intentions, but nobody else cares and it gets swept under the rug. The next best thing is to vote for somebody who will make a little bit of a difference and work our way slowly out of the hole we've dug.
Or Kill Me / Re: The First Church of the Holy Lie
April 22, 2008, 05:44:24 AM
Ok, I was probably innacurate in some things, but I think you get the point if you don't get too literal. Of course getting smashed with a barstool will hurt; it would hurt whether you thought it would or if you thought it wouldn't or if you had no idea either way. I think you'd find that out for yourself. Now, whether or not the earth is flat, you going to take somebody elses word for it?

Also, I went ahead and skipped that horrible Maine winter this year. I've been in the Middle East for the past four months. So have fun shoveling the drive, I'll be home when the sun is out.
Or Kill Me / Re: The First Church of the Holy Lie
April 21, 2008, 12:24:45 PM
Quote from: SillyCybin on April 21, 2008, 10:00:30 AM
Quote from: ShoobyDB on April 21, 2008, 09:11:44 AM
I hope you guys don't mind if I talk about the topic for a bit...

There is no difference between reality and your opinions; which could be percieved respectively as truth and lies. You believe your opinions whether they are true or false. What other people present as true, you make think that they are "full of shit" or otherwise false. Your world will not change due to my reality. Remember, everything you hold as true is because somebody else simply told you it was. Maybe they were wrong.

1 - Who the fuck are you?

2 - Murk Loar

3 - Barstool


Or Kill Me / Re: Cain contra Robert Anton Wilson
April 21, 2008, 09:49:31 AM
How a book affects somebody or something is anybody's fault but the author's. I am entirely capable of reading something and disagreeing with it; even if only part of it. I mostly like Mr. Wilson because he stated many things I already agreed with before I read it. If you read something and its all new, and you believe it, then you're just gullable. Really, peoples reactions to something (whether its genuine or crap) is more or less a schmuck filter. Cause and effect. The cause is never bad, only the effect. Don't shift the blame.
Or Kill Me / Re: The First Church of the Holy Lie
April 21, 2008, 09:11:44 AM
I hope you guys don't mind if I talk about the topic for a bit...

There is no difference between reality and your opinions; which could be percieved respectively as truth and lies. You believe your opinions whether they are true or false. What other people present as true, you make think that they are "full of shit" or otherwise false. Your world will not change due to my reality. Remember, everything you hold as true is because somebody else simply told you it was. Maybe they were wrong.
None, protesting never changed anything. Its the easy way to say you care and condemn those who don't. The fact of the matter is that bitching about something not good enough is simply for ones own entertainment. If you want change, make change. If all you seek is credibility just lie about it. Otherwise get out there and join/start some sort of organisation. Unfortunantly for me, this post automatically makes me a hypocrite. Also, in my defense, anybody who responds is one too.

The people who tell bums to get a job are the same people who would never hire a homeless person.