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Messages - DECI4

Thanks guys, I forgive you!
Or Kill Me / Re: In Defense of Juggalos.
September 05, 2012, 12:46:06 AM
Quote from: A Very Hairy Monkey In An Ill-Fitting Tunic on September 10, 2009, 07:44:17 PM


Oh my how original :roll:

Disgusting that you people would make fun of an icon like Mr. Richards simply because the ravages of old age have taken their toll. Here's a newsflash ladies. You will be seeing his face in the mirror every day once you reach your fifties and all the makeup and beauty products in the world won't get you a date. Hope you made enough money for plastic surgery!
It sounds like this poor man did his best to train his woman correctly but just wasn't able to save her from herself. We should commend this brave individual for taking a a stray into his home for rehabilitation.
Rush Limbaugh is a visionary and American hero. It's no wonder that this forum filled with feminazis and leftist cowards would sully his great name.

Have you no shame?
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Judging others.
August 29, 2012, 09:06:35 AM
Earlier today I felt as if I've been judging the losers and scum the streets swarm with around here 24 hours a day too harshly.

I called my priest for advice and he repeated to me this Bible verse :

(Matthew 7:1) "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull the mote out of thine eye; and behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast the mote out of thy brother's eye."

Praise The LORD!!!!!! :retard:
"Everywhere I go, including this website, I read and hear comments about how the world, and the United States in particular, is "fucked up," "out of control," and violent.

I have a breaking news story to announce to you all. The world is a thousand times softer than it was 70 years ago, and a hundred million times softer than it was 10,000 years ago, and a hundred trillion times softer than it was 700,000 years ago, and infinitesimally softer than it was 2.5 million years ago.

"Crimes rates have been consistently falling since the early 1990s in the United States, not that they were ever that high to begin with, but they are dramatically lower than they were then, especially with regards to rape, murder and physical assault. And, if you're like me, you believe that crime was even more under-reported in the past, and that the actual drop in crime has been even more dramatic than the drop in crime that can be statistically verified as having occurred."

For the past 30,000 years we have witnessed the consensual and self-imposed eradication of adulthood, where males have voluntarily castrated themselves, creating child-like beings who are capable of reason, wisdom and learning. There is no violence on Earth among human communities as there was several ages ago. The last 50 years have been particularly drastic, leading to the creation of an entirely new sub-species of hominid characterized by mushy testicles and 'micro-penises,' leading some demographers to classify people born in the 20th century as "Generation Faggot." We still have no clue as to what the 21st century born will be like, but it is highly probable that the children's cartoon "Teletubbies" is an accurate artist's conceptualization."
Become a barista.
Discordian Recipes / Re: Pancake of Waffles?
May 26, 2012, 07:12:54 PM
Fetal pigs in a blanket FTW
"There is no greater evil in this world than objects that are made out of ceramic and metal. It is no coincidence that these objects arose out of the worst period of Earth's history: the past 100,000 years. These demonic creations are capable of producing sounds so distasteful that they rattle me to the bone and shake the very foundation upon which my nervous system lies.

It is impossible to even break these horrid things without being hurt by the sounds that they make. They can only be carefully buried and hopefully never dug up again.

The only thing that even approaches this evil are homes made out of wood and carpeted floors. These are the only things that are nearly as distasteful and undesirable as objects made out of metal and ceramic."
"Before we get in to any discussion about optimal classroom sized we have to remember one very basic thing: all science is bullshit. Science is just a tool that differing ideologues use to compete with each other. There are scientific studies showing that small classroom sizes are optimal and there are scientific studies showing that large classroom sizes are optimal. Both are equally worthless. They have been made up.

It's just common sense that a larger classroom size is going to be more optimal than a small one. By "large" I am referring to a crowd of at least 10,000 people. 100,000-1,000,000 people should be the optimal classroom size. This is simply because any effort to teach 10,000 minds is going to have to be an honest effort. There can be no wishy-washy teaching in that environment. It's got to be macro-oriented; bold, basic, pure. None of that detail shit. And the kids are not going to socialize with each other because there is no medium upon which their egos can rest. They are going to be drowning in a sea of unidentifiable human shit. They'll never see the same person twice.

In order to achieve this, rural school should be shut down and the teachers laid off. All humans not living in major cities will be forced to relocate. There will only be a handful major human population centers in the USA (LA, Seattle, Chicago, Houston, New York City, etc.) There will be fewer than fifteen teachers in the entire country. All of the country's children in these cities will attend one "school" (a large square). There will be no tests, no books, you just show up and listen. Once you know how to speak English you are educated. This is all that is necessary for a functioning and efficient civilization."
One out of every threee malaria drugs are counterfeit (fake)

1 out of every 3 malaria drugs is totally fake and has no medicinal benefit whatsoever. Over 90% of malaria drugs are heavily diluted and basically ineffective. This is a fact that has been recently reported on in news media. However, what the media won't tell you is that the same thing is true for every other drug out there. Every single one. There are also widespread drug shortages all around the world, even in the world's strongest countries like the USA and the UK. This is a reflection of the failure of the medical industry, not necessarily because of incompetence on behalf of pharmaceutical manufacturers, but because the industry itself has passed the point of no return. There are little in the way of resources left to produce these drugs - everything has been exhausted and the market is so large that there is no choice for manufacturers but to fake and dramatically underdose these products.
"Anti Life"

Life is one big nasty mistake. I think it should never have come to exist in this universe. We don't know if there is life anywhere outside of our planet, and we're not sure how it got it's start here, but one thing is for sure: it is not good.

The first forms of life on Earth were probably simple-celled beings that lived underwater. This "life" itself would be fairly harmless were it not for the fact that it has the potential to evolve in to more advanced beings. Admittedly, the beings that these lifeforms would evolve in to were not so bad, in the beginning. There was a point in time where most of the creatures that existed were scaly, puritan organisms that did not really have the capacity to 'think.' They were simple; they ate. That was about it. Whenever biology took over they would procreate, but they didn't socialize. They didn't play, either. Two very ugly things.

Still, this was not very desirable, because these beings existed disgracefully.

After a while, land-walking creatures came about, like dinosaurs. Some of them even learned how to fly. Life had evolved pretty far by this point. Most organisms still generally lived the simple life. But then something happened. An extinction event. Whatever happened, it changed things for the worse. Very bad things began to happen on this planet.

Whenever the extinction even occurred, a lot of the older "righteous" mammals got destroyed. Some, like birds, survived. But they would eventually be destroyed by millions of years of evolution which would turn them in to modern creatures. Social creatures. And, in the mean time, newer creatures were coming about and they were taking the same course. They were becoming social. They developed the ability to 'feel good.' And with this came the ability to feel bad. Life on Earth was being prepped for MISERY. We refer to post-extinction life on Earth as the PAIN PERIOD.

The Pain Period was a most unpleasant time. Earth-beings were still eating each other and competing for territory, but by this time they had developed feelings and new, very queer behavior which left them confused and miserable. During the Pain Period the World's Least Favorable Animal, the ape, had begun evolving from post-extinction survivors. This ugly and disgraceful animal would spend an eternity sitting around and chewing on leaves and playing with feces until something special happened on this planet. An Ice Age occurred. Some of these apes got caught up in the Ice Age and over a period of hundreds of thousands of years they were shaped by their experiences in the snow. Because this environment was ruthless these apish inhabitants had to become powerful to survive. These apes developed qualities like those of the dinosaurs. On occasion they may have drawn a picture or told a joke, or had sex, but for the most part they just ate and tried to stay warm.

But the Ice Age ended fairly quickly, and the pure way of life was lost. Soon, EVIL SUNLIGHT came and turned the apes queer again. They went down and fucked with homosexual-Sapiens. From these people a queer generation was born, a generation that prided itself in sex, drawing, dancing, socializing and building structures. This generation was also even more self-aware and capable of feeling good/bad than the previous generations. From then on tens of thousands of years of suffering would go on, culminating in the present day where things are just about as bad as they can possibly get.

It does not seem that anything but bad things can come from the proliferation of life on Earth. It's time for another extinction event, and this one must be permanent. There's no way to tell how it will happen, but it will happen.

A no-life universe is preferable to a life-containing universe. Celestial bodies exist with perfect and Nihilistic elegance; they just exist. No awareness, no suffering, no impurity, no fear. They set the standard to which life could never live up to. This humiliating accident known as 'life' must be erased. It is an unspeakable crime.
Last edited by Jim "fuck latinos" Carrey; Yesterday at 05:07 PM.