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Messages - Chaplin_Sinatra_Fonzarell

Or Kill Me / groupthink clusterfuck nerdism
September 07, 2005, 05:22:38 PM
Quote from: ..y.E.R.M.O.M.
Quote from: Chaplin_Sinatra_Fonzarell
Quote from: ..y.E.R.M.O.M.I'm laughing my ASS OFF :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

You're the only one
good :!:  I'm only here for my own amusement anyway.

Come back when you're more serious about not being serious
Or Kill Me / Alright
September 07, 2005, 05:07:50 PM
Quote from: LMNOYou can buy a gun otc at WalMart.  That usually clears it right up.

A gun! THat would solve everything!
Or Kill Me / groupthink clusterfuck nerdism
September 07, 2005, 05:05:40 PM
Quote from: ..y.E.R.M.O.M.I'm laughing my ASS OFF :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

You're the only one
Or Kill Me / groupthink clusterfuck nerdism
September 07, 2005, 04:47:51 PM
Quote from: LMNOHey, I can give you my manager's email, and you can discuss it with him.


Jesus Christ.

I'm sorry, sometimes I forget other people have jobs.
Or Kill Me / Alright
September 07, 2005, 04:46:35 PM
Quote from: East Coast Hustle
Quote from: ..y.E.R.M.O.M.because Bob hates ERIS. The Book of Subgenius(EVERY BOOK IN PRINT SHOULD BE BURNED) says that ERIS is "mostly evil" which is simply untrue. ERIS is (as we all know) half "good" half "evil" and half "excluded middle".

STAMP OUT BOB :evil:  :evil:  :evil:

you'd hate Eris too, if you knew what "bob" knows.


Namely, that she gave him syphilis and ran over his cat.
Or Kill Me / groupthink clusterfuck nerdism
September 07, 2005, 04:44:35 PM
Prudes :roll:
Or Kill Me / groupthink clusterfuck nerdism
September 07, 2005, 04:34:53 PM
Quote from: LMNOI'm sorry, I wasn't paying attenton...

Did you have anything new or interesting to say in that post?
Why are you talking to it?
Or Kill Me / groupthink clusterfuck nerdism
September 07, 2005, 04:32:57 PM
Quote from: ..y.E.R.M.O.M.
Quote from: East Coast Hustle:yawn:

the Russian judge gives you a 0/10

What makes you think I wanted any of you fucking yettis ERIS damned approval? :roll:

Quote from: LMNOImage tags removed due to work safety issues.  You want to keep me around, I gotta keep my job, y'know?
Principia Discussion / OVERRATED THINGS
September 07, 2005, 03:39:04 PM
Quote from: Pope T.Mangrove xvii
Quote from: East Coast Hustleyeah, as much as I think Donk and CSF fucking rock, they are the exception. Hippies are the gheyest thing since the ghey train left gheytown with mayor McGhey on board.


what about 'freaks' rather than hippies?

the 'dead, donovan etc = hippies

zappa, hendrix = freaks

the velvet undergound = so not hippie it's scary

Yeah, I could go with that.

But Donovan's OK.

And DiL, the "I hate hippies" thing is kind of old. And while hippies are lame, I'm not going to sit back and have my kind ridiculed by an EMO KID. Turd can do it because he's genuinely better than we are.

But seriously, an emo kid? Macrovore furries who write Harry Potter fanfiction should be making fun of you.
Or Kill Me / groupthink clusterfuck nerdism
September 07, 2005, 03:36:23 PM
Quote from: DiL12aeris=teh slut

she puts it out to everybody

She gives great head, too.
Or Kill Me / Re: groupthink clusterfuck nerdism
September 07, 2005, 03:34:48 PM
Quote from: ..y.E.R.M.O.M.Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought this is a discordian forum.

What makes you think that?

It's CLEARLY a Bob Dole discussion forum

QuoteWell if it is, what are all these ERIS damned Xist loving Yetti and subgenii doing here?

Eris doesn't damn, yo. She cool. The SubGenii are alright. Mark Methowsburough, R. Crumb, and the guy from Firesign Theatre are all SubGenii. So take your FASCIST BULLSHIT somwehre else.

QuoteThese guys unfortunatly can't be Bobbies because the plot I see unfolding here is to insidious to have been actually thought of by the likes of them. I chose Discordianism over many other religeons because there was no "tithing" no copy rights. Also ERIS doesnt plaster her face all over everything.(The pictures I've seen around are of a close freind of hers and not actually her. She HATES press.)  
  Heres the way I see it:these fucking yetti and their underlings the subgenii have been promoting J.R. "Bob" Dobbs for a long time ON THIS SITE!!  Then "Bob" in turn promotes JHVH1 and his moronic good/evil duality.
  Don't get me wrong. I can see the alure of the Dobbs Head. The maniacle grin, the dots, the perfectly sculpted hair,...the dots... the dots...
::at this point Drutis begins drooling. Suddenly ERIS Herself appears to him through his pineal gland and slaps smartly him and says"SNAP OUT OF IT DRU". The dots, so mesmerizing... She slaps him again screaming" DON'T LET THE DOBBS HEAD TAKE YOU!!!!" Thanks babe. Say could you come back later and do that when there's not so many people watching. At which point she turns herself into a Zoloft commercial and leaves the St. Pope Dr. alone with.............................a bunch of fucking yetti and subgenii!  ::"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" he begins his battle cry, "Hail ERIS! All hail DISCORDIA! Be nice to other people, they outnumber yo::For the next five minutes and five seconds Drutis"T.D." spouts cheesey kitchy inane Discordian sayings(which any 'True Discordian' should know is like sulfuric acid to yetti and subgenii brain cells)at such an alarming rate, Eminem looks over and says"Shit, if that guy had any rythm, I'd be out of a fucking job!"::
...keep prices down!.
"'I PICK THE GOD DAMNED terror of the fucking gods out of my  nose. Blah blah etc. etc.' Don't you guys realize we Discordians are 'THE GOD DAMNED terror of the gods'. We are the only ones who can do anything about this fucking stupid idea of the gods (the whole good/evil duality thing)and these ERIS damned subgenii would pick us out of ther noses like so many boogers. FUCK THAT DUMB SHIT! Hell I bet these guys masturbate(or feminate as the case may be)over the ERIS damned Dobbs Head every day.  I say we troll the shit out any subgenius posts on here. These fucking perverts and their Dobbs preaching bullshit need to go someplace else And while we're at it we should burn every subgenius book and peice of literature we can find!! But lets not stop there, we should take a page from the Koran and "kill the infidels.
  FUCK!!I'm almost through and I've stuck to the same topic the whole time. Quick say something REALLY inane.
  Learn how aliens known as "Orane Ones" actually impregnated Barb Bush and are the "real fathers" of George W.
  Learn about "MK Ultra" a C.I.A. mind control program that works with a combination of Anti-depressants and television.
  Learn about chem trails, chlorine and florine in our water, pesticides in our produce, hormones and anti-biotics in our meat and other attemps to poison and control us.
  The Council on Foreign Relations announced today their intention to stop"... all free enterprise by December 21st 2012."
  The Food and Drug Administration announced today that"Allfoods not containing F.D.&C.Yellow #5 will be illegal by December 21st 2010."
  The Drug Enforcement Agency announced today thier intention to make "...cafeine, nicotine, and alcohol illegal by December 21st 2008."
  The Central Intelligence agency announced today"Thats O.K., we intend to see you all dead by then."

St. Pope Dr.Drutis "The Destroyer" D.M.T, D.D.T, pHD, K.S.C.
Woodstock Cabal or Why Everone Requires Merry Operation Mindfuck

Disclaimer:We are not affiliated with the Church of Subgenius. In fact we have never heard of the Church of Subgenius..........or "Bob".


Sorry kid, it's Chinatown

Normally I'd give you a D, but you get a B for effort

also, read this if you haven't, yet
A) The OP fucking rules
B) I like Crowley but detest all of his followers, kind of like Jesus
3) I second whoever said that is the place to experiment with novice Discordianism. This is advanced Discordianism, because everyone on here is jaded from talking to other Discordians and realizing they're assholes.
Principia Discussion / OVERRATED THINGS
September 06, 2005, 11:38:59 PM
Quote from: DiL12a
Quote from: DonkeyotayEMO MUSIC


no wait, they need to be rated first  :roll:

You appear to be testing
Principia Discussion / Give us your best philosophy joke
September 06, 2005, 04:07:20 PM
what did the Discordian say to the hot dog vendor?
Nothing, because the Discordian only had 50 cents and a bus pass.
Quote from: ..y.E.R.M.O.M.:lol:  :lol: really tthankyou all for making me feel so loved.  
first I'd like to say I'm not acabbage but thanx for asking.  second I don"t spell well.  third I'm not going away if you guys keep this up. this is the most fun I've had since I found the Principia. I'll try to be more origanal.  As for the rest of your "rules" shove it!!  That is all.

They aren't coercive authoritarian rules, they're more like "everyone on thias board has read the Principia Discordia more than 50 times, so it takes more than a little bit of Dadaist noise to mindfuck us. If you called into your local call-in show and did that, yes, that'd probably be a mindfuck. But to mindfuck us, you'd actually have to do something clever like sincerely convince us you were a Republican troll or something" rules. if you just want to post gibberish on a emssageboard for fun, that's great, but none of us will care.