
What about those weed gangsters that are mad about you giving speeches in Bumfuck, Maine?

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Messages - Slyph

Quote from: Cain on August 29, 2014, 08:22:07 PM
Reflexologists can fuck right off, though.

If your discipline talks about energy and you're not some kind of engineer or physicist, you will all be thrown out the airlock with no regrets.

Saw an article once, wish I knew what to google, in which a Reiki healer EMPLOYED BY THE NHS was caught lulling his patients long enough that they were relaxed enough for him to fuck off into the corner and read the Sun for an hour.

If that was me? I'd have just been like "Yeah, I'm just THAT GOOD. I can operate on my dudes from this distance, and multitask at the same time."
I dig, but the guy was all like "HERE'S WHAT I'M INSECURE ABOUT"
"Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 120 days."

Literate Chaotic / Re: The Death of the Vampire Trope
August 28, 2014, 06:06:00 PM
Quote from: von on August 01, 2014, 08:18:41 AM
Quote from: LuciferX on July 31, 2014, 09:52:19 PM
I was wondering whether these tropes constitute a form brainwashing  Although I consciously relate to the zombie as a metaphor, I subconsciously might be admitting the "double-tap" as a reasonable way to deal with whatever zombies represent.  The metaphor leaves a kind of dehumanizing residue.  Zombies are less human than vampires, so the resultant trope is stronger?

Ever heard of groups like "zombie squad"? Basically, you have groups of modern survivalist preppers who use the thinly veiled trope of the zombie to basically represent a stand-in for riotous, unarmed looters that tend to crop up in disaster scenarios.
In more extreme cases, ive even seen "zombie preppers" justify themselves by saying stuff like "zombies = niggers. Of course we dont believe in a real zombie apocalypse" (naturally, NOT on ZS's official forums, but in more ephemeral places where zombie survival gets discussed).

So definitely allows people to dehumanise others. Maybe not as some sort of "woo evil brainwashing", but certainly in the form of it being co-opted and sold as something innocuous when it really isnt.

But yeah...all sorts of fucked up shit hides itself in the zombie "movement".

I saw some piece of meme once, it's pretty muddled in my mind, it might have been a comic, it might have been a paragraph long story, I completely forget the form, but the content was like a newscaster being all like;

"We apologize for being so premature in telling you to kill zombies, turns out, there's TOTALLY a cure... Sorry you staved your dad's head in."
Quote from: The Right Reverend Nigel on May 15, 2014, 04:55:05 PM
Quote from: LMNO, PhD (life continues) on May 15, 2014, 02:54:49 PM
But it's not what you'd think.

QuoteNearly half of U.S. employers test job applicants and workers for drugs. A common assumption is that the rise of drug testing must have had negative consequences for black employment. However, the rise of employer drug testing may have benefited African-Americans by enabling non-using blacks to prove their status to employers. I use variation in the timing and nature of drug testing regulation to identify the impacts of testing on black hiring. Black employment in the testing sector is suppressed in the absence of testing, a finding which is consistent with ex ante discrimination on the basis of drug use perceptions. Adoption of pro-testing legislation increases black employment in the testing sector by 7-30% and relative wages by 1.4-13.0%, with the largest shifts among low skilled black men. Results further suggest that employers substitute white women for blacks in the absence of testing.

Wait, who are these people who assume that drug testing would have negative impact on black employment?

Well, if a person doesn't grasp the full extent of profiling, a person might be forgiven (even though that person is still a racist) for assuming that given the disproportionate amount of arrests and convictions...

Yeah, going to just trail off there.
I'm too ignorant to have a coherent philosophy, so I don't really talk about what *I* believe a whole lot.

One of my favorite things to do though, is to talk *about* philosophy, especially with people who've never encountered Any.

People LOVE the Trolley Problem!
Quote from: Regret on August 20, 2014, 05:21:43 PM
Quote from: Slyph on August 20, 2014, 03:45:07 AM
short, stumpdicked, poor, bald, plebian, chubby pedestrian, unemployed and unpopular I think
Hey now, I know quite a few nice people that are any combination of short, poor, bald etc etc. Don't use things that aren't insults as insults.
Come to think of it, most insults usually aren't as insulting as the insulter thinks.

Lot of that shit applies to me too. I'll let yall guess which. I'd say SOME of that applies to OP... Some of which he has a chip on his shoulder about.

Some people can rock the shortness, use the stump, own the poor, be the bald, possess plebianism, be a citadel of chubby, walk the fucking walk... roll the nickels and dimes... etc etc.

Sartre had a googly eye, Diogenes jerked it in public...

Then some people just fucking blow, attitudinally.
hey, don't knock it... DBZ teaches us that even a bald, frail midget can do alright.
Read some of the Homeopathy topic, and I was like thinking to myself; "Wow, this guy claims a MSc in Neuroscience, a Degree in Philosophy, a Doctorate in Dental Sciences and a fuckin Congressional Medal of Honor, or whatever... And I'm just sitting here, with my Certificate of Being a Fucking Janitor... With Honours annd I know this guy's full of shit."

Feels Good, Man.
Online dating websites? Pfff...

I met my wife the traditional way (Dragonball Z website)

edit: (This is actually the truth)
Dunno if this counts as a philosophy joke but *cough*


Why did the Libertarian cross the road?

edit:(ugh, can't find his name... Apparently when pussies delete FB posts, they disappear from your activity log as well.)
Post on Discordian Selfies just got deleted:
(at least I can't see it anymore)

This one guy (forgot the name, whoops) said he was messing with a Filipina girl who was "hilariously gullible" like she totally believed a raccoon was a type of cat after seeing a picture of one! Also she "talked in hilariously broken English" and probably wanted to marry a rich foreigner to emigrate!! !!!!

I called him a cunt, and asked him whether an "ulupong" was a frog, a lizard or a snake.
Britain is blessed with really good pork sausages.