
I liked how they introduced her, like "her mother died in an insane asylum thinking she was Queen Victoria" and my thought was, I like where I think this is going. I was not disappointed.

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Messages - hirley0

Aneristic Illusions / Re: Fall of English La
May 20, 2012, 12:30:52 AM
Read 277 times
READ UP ^ clearly
I do not do FB MySelf.
however if an existing name / PW would appear HERE
i would give it a shit | Probably Requires Flash 10

Quote from: Triple Zero on May 19, 2012, 10:12:16 AM
Quote from: The 3 wolf moon is a harsh SHUTUP on May 19, 2012, 01:55:49 AM

It's quicker to reg a new account every time, just click "I dont have Facebook" and make up some random email address, they don't need confirmation. You're logged in upon completing the registration form, plus you get to fill it with all sorts of rage and profanity.
Techmology and Scientism / Re: Astronomy thread
May 19, 2012, 09:01:17 AM
:fnord: Link2 PERIGEE.BAS program {Source of ?'s
Astronomy, BautForum Link  :fnord:
/\ /\ /\
9:46 PM 5/20/2012 .1 My Hi hopes for the matlab renderings of J.M.'s books
were dashed upon the max command to A c compiler? & i may as well mention
the page & chapter reference were wrong for the library vesion i had ?/?

&2 | if i can only remember ?: oh yeah the new clues | to the direction i
was headed in {not tward c+ | was found on page 342 chapter 47 Position of
th moon 2nd edition 1998 QB51.3.E43M42 | Believe what you like

p342par1 A1~Venus A2~Jupiter L'flatten\Earth? What are the Lines?
THUS if the VENUS{page338)~is 119.75+131.849*T then TABLE 47.A
Line 1 is probably NOT VENUS acting. same for Jupiter | i guess

1:20pmPDt STILL at 12:20pSt
THE {MatLab) Hi hopes were dashed when MEX command came into view

11:45:?? Still cloudy at 10:45:07 AM
11:05 AM 5/20/2012  todays {Later) Eclipse has my attention distracted
a Line wasted in my search for ch22p143 "CHAPRONT's" Lunar Theory &
ch47p337 Chapront "ELP-2000/82 LUNAR THEORY[1] | THE BOOK is no help

i get lost in 1582 p59ch7par3 J/G ?/? thus i did close the book &
will ty the web ver. | 6 session(s) are active | busy day ?/?

that gives me A new way to look at this? May  6  3:34 356953 km ++ | not4me ? ? 4 me ?

10:24  CAMERA READY? CLOUDS=weird clouds :{color bal
(P1) Partial begin    20:56:07 (U1) Total begin    22:06:17
Greatest eclipse    23:53:54 {{{ around 00:00U  24 - 7 = 17-12=5PM PDt
(U4) Total end    1:39:11 (P4) Partial end    2:49:21,_2012

1:45:56 PM  My attempt to solve a single perigee equation FROM
260 DATA 320,1,1,0,-1,0 | A1=320 C0=1 C1=1 C2=0 C3=-1 C4=0

.1 uniform time scle {Dyamical Time| i on the other hand AM not
improve expression for the arguments CHapter 47 |Position/Moon
ch22p143(22.1) T = (JDE-2451545)/36525 V (BAS) ? SKIP IT 4NOW

p342. JDE=2448724.5 T=-0.077221081451 {EXPRESSED in centuries
p338 L' =218.3164477 + 481267.88123421 *T -0.0018819 *T^2 ...
t^3/538841 -T^4/65194000 | Lost me already | ? T^3 T^4 etc

12:12:47 AM  Sat 5/19}
10:42 PM 5/18 by this time (in all probability)-+ all 3 starting
points are now located? the last found, for this 1st paragraph
is the 1st two paragraphs of page 263 | CHAPTER 37 "PLUTO"

10:46 NOW THAT jpl DE405 (3 asteroids} are in place ? Turn with
me if you like to this paragraph 2 TABLE 47 CH47 Position of

10:56 PAR3 TABLE 22 SAME 4 ARGUMENTS + 5th, omega | once the
page 263 concept has been grasp {not right away) the process
of going thru the 4 main Arguments can then take place LATER.


10 CHICCHAN :32:Lo 7:32:17

Hu? it is today already? Shirley is Quiet oh well ?/?
all weekend to plot me next key press? What to do?what to dO
.1 find GoFre she {$hirley Should have ACcout Already = No D delay
2: never mind the cost it is 100% MiLLi $ timing & current C Ā¢onVERsion

3? in ARS
It. Is cLick Hair photo |
=4 it is the current drop of Mayan tong Blood

My guess is that its a buy at the price of silver | just a min |  28.82 currently ? who has a SHare   | No options found

Fine by me | So Shirley ? How much for 1 of your 29 June Calls ? Humm Babe

1:23p goog June650 chart 5PM page change ?
Even though the spy is in a free fall | My guess is this sector is NOt

besides it looks to me as though there will be a sharp/profitable bounce ON
or possibly below the purple line. GET in line | Who is the goFr 4this Humm?

12:45 further its probably 500 Argintine (aka K herself}
i do not have 1 ? i do have some Chilli N Mex Peso | So count me in line |
Mid Week or sooner | say 2 or 3 OZ Ag | meet up tbd i'poise
Literate Chaotic / Re: 2012-14.mth
May 18, 2012, 10:00:21 PM
This 1 will take TiMe ay at 01:01:54 PM

189 GOSUB 900
190 U = U + 1: IF U = 2 THEN U = 0
192 NEXT

READ obliqueLy
Literate Chaotic / Re: 2012-14.mth
May 18, 2012, 09:08:10 PM
Fine by me we went to the WEST Cafe | table for 6
well actually there are 2 tables there small High Large Low | about 6:16
WEST Cafe is in Portland Oregon, in the Cultural district,
1201 SW Jefferson? on the sunny side of the street.

Quote from: Triple Zero on May 18, 2012, 02:45:28 PM
wow .... BASIC sourcecode, with line numberings !! That brings me back some memories!

Goodii Finger it 4me i wanna add .a
282 DATA 19,1,-1,4,-1,0
282.a ATA 21,0 0,-2,2,+4.0    REM /-/A/-/A/-/A
283 REM **
Literate Chaotic / Re: 2012-14.mth.Fri
May 18, 2012, 01:12:58 PM
StD Sat Green | it seams very clear to me that i would like to
add a 31st line of DATA ?282.A? THAT HAS A LONG TERM PERIOD.
at first i thught it was 1000 years period, lately numbers as low as 300
invade my thoughts, 666 is another idea2. currently {sat) i have
no idea about where to look | i did see T^3 & T^4 TODAY| i guess

yes: this SM is on Mount'N DayLight Time . at 12:00:13 PM  & tbD
Fri 11:45 AM 5/18/2012 iterating it? page 145 table 22.A
SO? DOES { i mean do the numbers of he table MATCH the #'$
of the ( i mean My} Perigee.bas as i glued together several
S&T programs to arrive at My.ver | { Never mind) | Line 2
|-2 0 0 2 2 | -13187 -1.6T | +5736 -3.1T |(MY reason for
chosing line 2 is some prior reader has footnoted it &
penciled in ?: (-13187(sin(-2D+2F+256))-1.6T)*10^(-4) EO?
basic line 254 DATA 9531,0,-1,2,0,0 (Just totally lost}:
= NO MATCH (um} | Back to looking for NASA Asteroid ###

12:0 page 168 last pragraph The periodic terms | ? |
? TABLE ? 53p378 52p368-95 50p358-62 49p354  47p339
i find no list of tables p339 ? #/Argements DMM'F=4

i on the other habd seek table for 6 ?????? 37p264=3A
22p146=5A DMM'F &OMEGA | ? Ex 22.a T | CH47 50 V 37
I DID NOT FIND Asteroid.NASA i did fnd Ceres p 235 12:44p

5:12:?? T TBC 4AsT 12:03:06 PM 5/18 ?/?

DIM A(30), B(30), R(30), A1(30)
DIM C0(30), C1(30), C2(30), C3(30)
DIM C4(30):

DECLARE FUNCTION Date2Serial& (DateX$)
DateX$ = DATE$
PRINT DayOfTheWeek$(DateX$) + " " + DateX$; "  JD "; Date2Serial&(DateX$)
  D1& = Date2Serial&(DateX$)
DateX$ = "01-26-1938"
PRINT DateX$ + " ON a " + DayOfTheWeek$(DateX$); Date2Serial&(DateX$)
  d2& = Date2Serial&(DateX$)


PRINT "My age in days       "; D1& - d2&
PRINT "My age in moons        ";
PRINT INT((D1& - d2&) / 29.530588#), (D1& - d2&) MOD 29.530588#; "/28 "


10 INPUT "Y,M,D "; Y, M, D
15 G = 0
20 D1 = INT(D): F = D - D1 - .5
25 J = -INT(7 * (INT((M + 9) / 12) + Y) / 4)
30 IF G = 0 THEN 50
35 S = SGN(M - 9): A = ABS(M - 9)
40 J1 = INT(Y + S * INT(A / 7))
45 J1 = -INT((INT(J1 / 100) + 1) * 3 / 4)
50 J = J + INT(275 * M / 9) + D1 + G * J1
55 J = J + 1721027 + 2 * G + 367 * Y
60 IF F >= 0 THEN 70
65 F = F + 1: J = J - 1
70 PRINT #1, J; F; "STARTING J.D. "

99 JK = J

112 REM
114 REM
116 R1 = 3.14159265# / 180: U = 0
122 K0 = INT((Y - 1900) * 12.3685)
124 T = (Y - 1899.5) / 100
126 T2 = T * T: T3 = T * T * T
128 J0 = 2415020 + 29 * K0
130 F0 = .0001178# * T2 - .000000155# * T3
132 F0 = F0 + .75933 + .53058868# * K0
134 F0 = F0 - .000837 * T - .000335 * T2
136 J = J + INT(F): F = F - INT(F)
138 M0 = K0 * .08084821133#
140 M0 = 360 * (M0 - INT(M0)) + 359.2242
142 M0 = M0 - .0000333# * T2
144 M0 = M0 - .00000347# * T3
146 M1 = K0 * 7.171366127999999D-02
148 M1 = 360 * (M1 - INT(M1)) + 306.0253
150 M1 = M1 + .0107306# * T2
152 M1 = M1 + .00001236# * T3
154 B1 = K0 * .08519585128#
156 B1 = 360 * (B1 - INT(B1)) + 21.2964
158 B1 = B1 - .0016528# * T2
160 B1 = B1 - .00000239# * T3
162 FOR K9 = 0 TO 60
164 J = J0 + 14 * K9: F = F0 + .765294 * K9
166 K = K9 / 2
168 M5 = (M0 + K * 29.10535608#) * R1
169 M6 = (M1 + K * 385.81691806#) * R1
170 B6 = (B1 + K * 390.67050646#) * R1
171 F = F - .4068 * SIN(M6)
172 F = F + (.1734 - .000393 * T) * SIN(M5)
173 F = F + .0161 * SIN(2 * M6)
174 F = F + .0104 * SIN(2 * B6)
175 F = F - .0074 * SIN(M5 - M6)
176 F = F - .0051 * SIN(M5 + M6)
177 F = F + .0021 * SIN(2 * M5)
178 F = F + .001 * SIN(2 * B6 - M6)
182 J = J + INT(F): F = F - INT(F)
184 PRINT #1, J;
186 IF U = 1 THEN PRINT #1, "FULL MOON ----------- ";
188 IF U = 0 THEN PRINT #1, " NEW MOON ----------- ";
189 GOSUB 900
190 U = U + 1: IF U = 2 THEN U = 0
192 NEXT

210 J0 = JK - 30 * M
211 PRINT J0
212 P0 = 2415024.89#: M0 = 27.554551#
213 J0 = P0 + M0 * INT((J0 - P0) / M0)
214 GOSUB 243: FOR C1 = 1 TO 60
215 FOR I = 1 TO 3: P1 = 0: P2 = 0
216 T = (J0 - 2415020) / 36525: T2 = T * T
217 M1 = R * (296.105 + R1 * T + .009192 * T2)
218 D = R * (350.737 + R2 * T - .001436 * T2)
219 M = R * (358.476 + R3 * T - .00015 * T2)
220 F = R * (11.251 + R4 * T - .003211 * T2)
221 E = 1 - .002495 * T - .00000752# * T2
222 FOR J = 1 TO 30
223 A(J) = A1(J) * E ^ C0(J)
224 B(J) = C1(J) * M1 + C2(J) * D + C3(J) * M
225 B(J) = B(J) + C4(J) * F
226 P1 = P1 + A(J) * SIN(B(J)) * R(J)
227 P2 = P2 + A(J) * COS(B(J)) * R(J) * R(J)
228 NEXT J
229 J0 = J0 - (36525 / R) * (P1 / P2)
230 NEXT I
231 P = 950724
232 FOR J = 1 TO 30:
233 P = P + A(J) * COS(B(J))
234 NEXT J
235 K = 6378.14 / SIN(R * P * .000001)
236 K = INT(K + .5): PA$ = "PERIGEE  "
237 IF P2 < 0 THEN PA$ = "APOGEE   "
238 PRINT #1, J0; PA$; K; " KM  ";
239 J = INT(J0): GOSUB 900
240 J0 = J0 + 13.78
241 NEXT C1
242 END
243 R = 3.1415926536# / 180
244 R1 = 477198.8491#: R2 = 445267.1142#
245 R3 = 35999.0498#: R4 = 483202.0251#
246 FOR J = 1 TO 30
247 READ A1(J), C0(J), C1(J)
248 READ C2(J), C3(J), C4(J)
249 R(J) = C1(J) * R1 + C2(J) * R2
250 R(J) = R(J) + C3(J) * R3 + C4(J) * R4
251 NEXT J
253 DATA 51818,0,1,0,0,0
254 DATA 9531,0,-1,2,0,0
255 DATA 7843,0,0,2,0,0
256 DATA 2824,0,2,0,0,0
257 DATA 857,0,1,2,0,0
258 DATA 533,1,0,2,-1,0
259 DATA 401,1,-1,2,-1,0
260 DATA 320,1,1,0,-1,0
261 DATA -271,0,0,1,0,0
262 DATA -264,1,1,0,1,0
263 DATA -198,0,-1,0,0,2
264 DATA 173,0,3,0,0,0
265 DATA 167,0,-1,4,0,0
266 DATA -111,1,0,0,1,0
267 DATA 103,0,-2,4,0,0
268 DATA -84,0,2,-2,0,0
269 DATA -83,1,0,2,1,0
270 DATA 79,0,2,2,0,0
271 DATA 72,0,0,4,0,0
272 DATA 64,1,1,2,-1,0
273 DATA -63,1,-1,2,1,0
274 DATA 41,1,0,1,1,0
275 DATA 35,1,2,0,-1,0
276 DATA -33,0,3,-2,0,0
277 DATA -30,0,1,1,0,0
278 DATA -29,0,0,-2,0,2
279 DATA -29,1,2,0,1,0
280 DATA 26,2,0,2,-2,0
281 DATA -23,0,1,-2,0,2
282 DATA 19,1,-1,4,-1,0
283 REM *************************
286 REM  SCOPE, NOV 87, PAGE 529
287 REM *************************

905 F = 0
910 REM INPUT "J,F ";J,F
915 G8 = 1: REM INPUT "JC (0) OR GC (1) ";G
920 F8 = F + .5
925 IF F8 < 1 THEN 935
930 F8 = F8 - 1: J8 = J + 1
935 IF G8 = 1 THEN 945
940 A8 = J8: GOTO 955
945 A91 = INT((J / 36524.25) - 51.12264)
950 A8 = J + 1 + A91 - INT(A91 / 4)
955 B8 = A8 + 1524
960 C8 = INT((B8 / 365.25) - .3343)
965 D8 = INT(365.25 * C8)
970 E8 = INT((B8 - D8) / 30.61)
975 D8 = B8 - D8 - INT(30.61 * E8) + F8
980 M8 = E8 - 1: Y8 = C8 - 4716
985 IF E8 > 13.5 THEN M8 = M8 - 12
990 IF M8 < 2.5 THEN Y8 = Y8 + 1
995 PRINT #1, "DATE: "; J; F; Y8; M8; INT(D8)

'* FUNCTION Date2Serial&
'*    Returns the astronomical Julian day number given a date in the
'*    standard date format.  Note that the year must be 1583 or greater.
FUNCTION Date2Serial& (DateX$) STATIC
   Month% = VAL(DateX$)
   Day% = VAL(MID$(DateX$, 4))
   Year% = VAL(MID$(DateX$, 7))

   IF Month% > 2 THEN
      Month% = Month% - 3
      Month% = Month% + 9
      Year% = Year% - 1

   TA& = 146097 * (Year% \ 100) \ 4
   TB& = 1461& * (Year% MOD 100) \ 4
   TC& = (153 * Month% + 2) \ 5 + Day% + 1721119
   Date2Serial& = TA& + TB& + TC&

'* FUNCTION DayOfTheWeek$
'*    Returns a string stating the day of the week given a date in the
'*    standard date format.
   CONST DAYNAMES$ = "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun"
   DayOfTheWeek$ = MID$(DAYNAMES$, ((Date2Serial&(DateX$) MOD 7) + 1) * 3 - 2, 3)

Aneristic Illusions / Fall of English La
May 17, 2012, 03:41:43 PM
Rise & fall of English Language ?/? Langwish for a moment
to the idea i do listen to 3 English lang. PRograms.
NHK, BBC, & Journal {aka DW.DE) ? it is the inefficiancy!
todays NHK about Iran, BBC about Brazil, & Journal {not
Listened to : the delays 7 interfrerance today to my post
covers many hours of inefficiancies?/? the wifi connection
has been effected on 3 levels | 1st connection not maid
a servay of the local stations reviel tha OHSU has entered
the area. No Joke 11/ {aka Ver Low) as UU is 54/ {max 4 me)
then once W/UU is up ? after ohsu speed is derived etc
then inposed delays {frozen mouse + etc) the WiFi was lost
& i decided to REMain off line to enter the ERA of designED
inefficiencies. face boo is worth $ ? Anyway in the Very
Long Safeway checkout line (1/4Hr} the Japenese ahead of me
were buying 10's$ with their plastic swips & i in my turn
was selling 1/2 Dollor coins as my bill was .38 cents (Oh
OK What next? the E v W ? SA? Portagees v Spanish eXchange
tbc elsewhere 7:35M et2po 33&1/3 Min /-/U?
Or Kill Me / Re: No Room For Rant
May 14, 2012, 06:04:21 PM
Quote from: Pixie on May 14, 2012, 02:15:15 PM
Quote from: ChloeBelle82 on May 14, 2012, 08:06:45 AM
This is amazingly wonderful.

Go on then! Do something about it if you don't like it! Bitch.

Welcome, noob!
SECOND: :21? Not an Apple ? Fine 108 A Ti?
Techmology and Scientism / Re: FIREFOX ?
May 13, 2012, 01:53:35 PM
3 ETZNAB v READ DOWN v {ead 424 t} +4/8Days=.5/
12:00:00.00 PM 5/12/2012 Anyway WHILE the GiRL$ R being EVEr so moRe
DaffyCult to .COM2 i may as well try to D'vice An OS Sys of
Minimal DimeMention'$ (md) for short. First(1St) i FurMat &
debug | by debug i mean change the volume number of C: to A date
that is DUN as follows: click command PRomT then type DEBUG |at _
l 0 2 00 10 |LOADS FROm C:
d0          |DUMPS  0- ?? conTENT$ = FIND SERIAL = in reverse
e40  |%%% it is necessay at this LiNE to change the serial number
%% UNfortunatly it does take TRial & ERRor | the space bar moves
% the cursor along the line (changes(4) made? { then hit enter
w 0 2 00 10 |WRITES the changes to c:
q           |QUITE to dos prompt ] TYPE dir then EXIT
- you now should see the drive serial number as the date(not Rand)
REALLY? this will take me a month or longer the idea is to get an
OS SO that i can copy it to a .1K usB to usE anywhere/-/A/-/A/-/A
12:34:56.789 PM pdT
R441+17Min0's 4 CAUAC ?  another day At trying to get the New
Ap to install WinDo | same somg | Not enough Memory | but there
eXists several gig | More {much more) tan required | SHIRLEY?
what gives, has the CPU an internal memory that tells it? It is
being /-/ackED? maybe WinD is looking in the RONG  place ?/?

"445"+4-me 2 &? 2day?

Read 453+8  another day of ?/? fix NOT dos:
@echo off
echo "Entries found in Setuplog.txt" > log.txt
find /i /n "installtype" setuplog.txt >> log.txt
find /i /n "installdir" setuplog.txt >> log.txt
find /i /n "detection" setuplog.txt >> log.txt
find /i /n "runningapp" setuplog.txt >> log.txt
find /i /n "rootfilesrenamed" setuplog.txt >> log.txt
find /i /n "error" setuplog.txt >> log.txt
find /i /n "failed" setuplog.txt >> log.txt
echo "Entries found in Bootlog.txt" >> log.txt
find /i /n "fail" bootlog.txt >> log.txt
find /i /n "error" bootlog.txt >> log.txt
find /i /n "dynamic load success" bootlog.txt >> log.txt
find /i /n "initcomplete success" bootlog.txt >> log.txt
echo "Entries found in Detlog.txt" >> log.txt
find /i /n "avoidmem" detlog.txt >> log.txt
find /i /n "detected" detlog.txt >> log.txt
find /i /n "error" detlog.txt >> log.txt
2 hrs till next try to CON & | My guess NyET

Read 464 10 CHICCHAN
SO YEAH:  i got tired & turned it over to the .RU'ers tw0 days ago?
details wednesday? NoOn ?/?
#2111 :fnord: RF

-3 ETZNAB ----nYet-(Read 24383 times) ====Comprenda'?  MAY 13th
3:33&1/3 Read 24350 +20 in 6.5Hr aka 1/4 day fix.ed
9AM ^READ UP^ d'La in effect Read 24330 times+34/1/5thDay
thread  (Read 24296 times)  Michele_Bachelet ?  May 2012 ?  2 CABAN 
May 6, 2012
May 9, 2012
Thu 10 May 2012
ily Almanac for: May 7, 2012. Skip N :fnord: 7A
go ... On Saturday, May 26 :fnord: /-/ ike
ursday, May 10, 2012 ... Updated: March 11, 2010. Mi :fnord: NY ? PD
- - -
3:45AM pdT May 11, 2012

THIS effort halts my system BIG time with long delays
& virtual memory loss latimes ?/? or-speeding/

pdx00782 says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
May 11, 2012 at 3:11 am
-mail / Friday, May 11, 2012 ?They said? 4:11:12.13 pdT

NopE whaT iReally said was -m | Get iT ? YEAH ? board time 3:16:??03:16:16 AM
                      20:20 03:20:27 AM
Monday, May 07, 2012 3:34 PM ?|en|
limited in time Edition } good
Your May 11, 2012 at 3:11 am comment is awaiting moderation. { GOOD
May 12, 2012 at 4:45 am comment is awaiting moderation.

No PE ? _ 3 ETZNAB i did Try2 :fnord: s awa mo _ May 13, 2012 at 5:15 am
                                                          K,c ? 5/9
:fnord: Monday |iguess any news is good news | F1  ? :fnord: YES I Guess"

5/7 Cc4U ?
To comment, write a letter to the editor to
Please make sure to include your full name and location.
Let hers must be 500 words or fewer. Submissions should be or


__ Read 24003 times ? My new 1 new post per day limit { probably in effect
              <Read 25591 times
Tue ? Fast car it is: Thus FEE-Mail THE CHinCHilla to set up
a 1/4 mile drag race on her soil. Stock car? off the lot? yours v hers
stagered start in effect, such that if you choose a very fast 5 sec 1/4
and she chose a 1908 classic {used car option) 25 second / 1/4
the computed delay for the dead heat finish would be know in
advance. the stagard start | once the race is over both cars to
be auctioned ofF on site. high bid 1st round has choice OR both
at the bid price each. if only 1 then a second bidding round

once the maiden is over, the next race (as a team} can be scheduled
in CHilli ? not necessarily in the capitol?/? but at for example indi
, datonna, etc class tract in Chilli / Against their top brands ?/?/?
& again the Gals {duo} cars to be auctioned at the track after race
_don't forget to put an envelope in the glove box with a thank U note & hair_?

12 IX SO IT GOES?  i did try to read the link. But there is
so much online interference,  it was impossible. (i call Saint Vitus dance} + U
need a pug in. /-/A . No. What i want is a schedule of events?/? today Wed?
this side of the date line, it will be 9-11 on the second story terminal?/?/?
So maybe i can read all of the B bs. But really i have no interest in Police
State Activity other than Ni report on NYPD car shadow movements East
of StOTT | not 4th coming naturally | oh well | ED | now where was i | oh Y
ea/-/. |HaHaHa | Cinco de May Has past | there were no real Quakes to
speak of, i really do not understand this actuallyHow can this
be? Where are the onliners at this time? Moving along anyway?/?
i sure do see A Hi probability of continued drops in Au. way down DEEP
as the Austerity planners Dump gold and force a Global 1. not that THAT
maters here or in Grease but DOWN by inTENT. S.A. Will have to do some
Fast Moves not to get caught in the Norths Bid to Dump the Metals
i the mean time More bad weather in the Low Lands LikeLy
With the SF Quakes on hold for some time | No chance of A Win Fall ?
as Far as Ca in general it looks like a very good crop year = drop in
grape prices too. the defence $ will most likely remainin & around the
Meditranian to prevent is drying up in September | & same Songs for
Yellow, & S. China 2.  MORE of the same | Beach weather ( W&E ) ?
break out you Hawaiian threads. & get on with Sun bathing 2012 ::
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