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Messages - bugmenоt

You don't ask people that kind of questions on the internet. They will lie.

I don't know you either but i know quite exactly how you look like.

In return i will say my real name. Just to be fair. I'm Silch.

I'm not a double account.
Makes me angry.
What's the point of Bulgaria being in the European Union if the b. government can randomly outlaw music/clothing styles? The EU should come and kick them in the nuts. But i think, once more, they don't care for such things.

I wish you good luck for your education.
@skieth: i added some more, it's still just 10MB.
Quote(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.1 No.1.pdf
(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.2 No.1.pdf
(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.2 No.2.pdf
(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.2 No.3.pdf
(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.2 No.4.pdf
(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.2 No.5.pdf
(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.2 No.6.pdf
(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.3 No.1.pdf
(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.3 No.2.pdf
(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.3 No.3.pdf
(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.3 No.4.pdf
(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.4 No.1.pdf
(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.4 No.2.pdf
(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.4 No.3.pdf
(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.5 No.1.pdf
(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.5 No.2.pdf
(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.5 No.3.pdf
(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.5 No.4.pdf
(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.6 No.1.pdf
(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.6 No.2.pdf
(en) Alchemy Journal - Vol.6 No.3.pdf
(en) DeForest B., Delmar - Lessons in the Unfoldment of the Philosophers Stone.pdf
(en) Gratacolle, William - Names of the Philosophers' Stone.pdf
(en) Kelly, Edward - The Stone of the Philosophers.pdf
(en) Kelly, Sir Edward - The Stone Of The Philosophers.pdf
(en) London E., Jesse - Philosopher's Stone A Study of the Quest for Perfection and Transmutation  .pdf
(en) Multiple - Hermes Trismegistos.pdf
(en) Multiple - Hermetic Alchemy.pdf
(en) Multiple - Hermetic Arcanum.pdf
(en) Multiple - Hermetic Articles.pdf
(en) Regardie, Israel - Philosophers Stone.pdf
(en) Unknown - A Lucid Description of the Stone.pdf
(en) Unknown - An anonymous treatise on the Philosophers' stone.pdf
(en) Unknown - Concerning the Material of the Stone.pdf
(en) Unknown - Concerning the Philosophical Stone.pdf
(en) Unknown - Gnostic Science Of Alchemy .pdf
(en) Unknown - Sophic Hydrolith - Water Stone of the Wise.pdf
(en) Waite, A. E. - On the Philosophers' Stone.pdf
the alchemy folder is about 800MB big. please be more precise. if many people want it, i may consider uploading it on some 1click-hosters.
a hobby of mine is collecting all kinds of files. for example ebooks. i mostly fish them out of p2p/irc networks or ftp servers.
i can't read most of them because there are too many and they partially suck. but i try to tag and sort them as good as necessary.
nor can i upload them all because doing so could cause trouble with the law and i don't want to filter the collection (furthermore there would have to be different filters for different countries and so on...)

so i decided to make a list of my current collection and put this list online. so if someone wants to have some of my ebooks (only books which cause no trouble with the law), you can post here and i will post a download link. it might take time.

here is the link to the list:

at the moment, only the sections "spiritual" and "action" (EDIT: and "fiction") and their subsections are listed.
that's because other sections like "philosophy" or "science" are not yet properly downloaded or tagged. this will take time.
this is now oficially das schlechteste forum im internet

i hope nobody tries to make another forum the worst forum on teh internet
ooh, thank you. i just thought my browser had a serious problem.
you have an inspiring face, roger.

can anybody tell my why the img-tag doesn't work for me?

EDIT: link fixed thanks to the guy with the asian name.
Literate Chaotic / RAW interviews and essays
July 03, 2008, 06:37:48 PM
i found a small collection of essays and interviews from raw. so i uploaded it. i didn't upload the audiobooks and ebooks, because i was told that for each illegal upload, god kills a little baby kitty.

the following should be legally ok.
Principia Discussion / Re: PD in translation?
June 22, 2008, 04:52:42 PM
Quote from: Discord on June 22, 2007, 08:16:13 PM
the german version from is very good, but the german book is crap.
They tried to translate all the word games to litaraly in the book and that made it a failure.
But the online Verion is good, for all of you who want to read it ;)

You're right, the german book is translated really crappy. But however, for native german speechers it may help to understand the english one if you have both versions next to each other for comparsion.
Or Kill Me / that old guy...
June 13, 2008, 06:45:22 PM
This is a true story written as kinda-poem.
I want to get some experience in writing english stuff.

[no title]

In the town where i grew up
there's that station and that pub.
And every time i'm passing by
I see that old strange-looking guy

His skin looks raw, his ears are huge...
huge and hairy, somehow scary.
Most of the time, his eyes are closed...
not a single blink, he seems to think.

Or maybe he's just sleeping.

So he's asleep or he is not,
now i'm getting to the plot:

There is that noise he always makes.

a whirring, humming, snoring something.

There's that man who makes that noise,
and absolutely noone knows
if it stems from his voice
or after all from his nose.

a whirring, humming, snoring something.

it could be both from his voice and his nose
but noone really knows.
except of him i guess.

One day I wanted to ask him.
But I don't speak his language.

There's that man who makes that noise,
and absolutely noone knows
if it stems from his voice
or after all from his nose.

It sounds so calm and wise.
And with his always closed eyes,

the guy looks like buddha.

A russian buddha or something.