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Messages - Payne

Or Kill Me / Re: Wellcome to the gun show
March 30, 2007, 04:42:50 PM
A "young father of one" was shot'n'killed here recently. The shooterists defence was that he didnt know the gun was loaded, and was only trying to scare him. Of course the shootererist had already stabbed the guy in the chest....
Or Kill Me / Re: Wellcome to the gun show
March 30, 2007, 04:24:05 AM
In the UK, very few people have guns. Only (mostly) farmers tend to have them. For shooting at rampging death squads of mutinous foxes I imagine.

The cops don not carry guns, unless they are guarding somewhere very important, like the prime ministers ass, or suchlike (you catch my meaning).

However, this does mean that its very rare that shootings take place.

In london a little while ago, there was a spate of killings related to gun crime, and that was national news for weeks. The total number of deaths could be counted by the fingers of two hands.

I will perhaps look up some statistics to back up what i say, or totally shoot down my argument. We'll see.

However, in conclusion, I think that the right to bear arms automatically morphs (in some peoples heads) as the right to use arms.




In England and Wales of the UK in 2004/2006 there were in total 10,964 recorded crimes involving firearms, of these 1/5 resulted in some kind of injury and only 1/40 resulted in death.

Im sure you have access to better statistics for the US, as you know where to find them.

Also these figures do not include those killed "legitimately" by our government such as Jean Charles de Menezes, they guy who was shot in the head on the london underground by armed police, who suspected he was a terrorist.
I did a bit of research before i signed up in here. I read the threads pertaining to n00bs.

One analogy was some random desperate attention junky butting into your conversation at the boozer. I like this analogy, it makes perfect sense to me, cause its how I feel comin in here.

I'm not gonna do an ambassador Kaos and try to get involved or show how discordian I am. Im gonna use these first 50 posts to get my name known and ask pertinant questions. Then I'm gonna bone up on all the discussion had in the past by others more steeped in the lore than I.

Any contribution I could make just now would be dumbassed, or very much in the wrong forest, never mind the tree, so i'm gonna keep shutted up for now.


you're my hero hunter.
Or Kill Me / Re: Reverse Brainwashing: A Guide
March 29, 2007, 04:25:38 AM
Because it's YOU, I will try. I cannot make any promises, as the 'txtual spk' of the age seems to have rotted my previously "Proper English Language Bully" brain.

Hell I used to moan about apostrophes and all, now I'm trying to get my head around apostasy.


The Gin and Dr. Pepper are now all gone. And I'm out of weed.
Or Kill Me / Re: Reverse Brainwashing: A Guide
March 29, 2007, 02:03:35 AM

Feel the need to stick my nose into this debate, even though no one here has said much to me, if at all... And Vice-Versa.

I am a complete newcomer, and yes, perhaps a condensed version of what this is about would be good. However I feel it more productive to trawl through all the earlier discussions and find out HOW this stuff was put together.

Of course, I have the time to do that, cause I am a total bum. Hell I've even raided the only booze/mixer in the place and sip merrily as i write this nonsense (gin? and dr. pepper? not recomended folks, unless ur {edit: you're} desperate)

Don't mean to step on any toes or stick my nose in, but let the ppl do their work.

P.S Cheers for the directions LMNO, I chose the path but u {edit: you}vaguely waved at it in a noncommital way...

{edit:  8)}
Literate Chaotic / Re: The Haiku Game
March 28, 2007, 10:56:40 PM
Pixels make square clouds
artistic temper tantrum
caused by sneezing paint

certified school yard chant, by the good folks of aberdeen, who know where its at.

Steven Payne went to spain,
in a chocolate aeroplane,
when he got back, his face was black,
this was the end of steven payne.

to be recited endlessly, with various orchestral sections. in place of percussion, a healthy kick to the kidneys will suffice.

meh! bother me not with this pocket calculator stuff.
Quote from: Rev. What's-His-Name? on March 28, 2007, 08:09:42 PM
Oh, and by the way.  Welcome Mr. Payne.  Pardon the lame funny.  Deadline pressure and all that.  

quite all right old chap, pressure gets to us all  8)
The extra finger was bitten off recently in an encounter involving real hot twins.

I was told goats will eat anything, but did i listen???
Quote from: LMNO on March 28, 2007, 07:36:32 PM
ANNOUNCER:  ...And Payne gets another 3 points!  Folks, this kid is just rocketing up the charts.

However, your screename reminds me of an extremely bad Wayans bros. movie.

Yeah I know, see the thing is, before i was gettin about this bitch, i checked it, and everyone has the total inter(mittant)net masks on, with mondo bizzaro names.

Payne is my actual IRL last name. And it sux like my sheep...
23, blah blah blah, mystical 17 etc blah, 5 testicles on the right hand path of magic. blah.

personally, reading illuminatus trilogy while stoned turned me off all the numerology. that and jim carrey.
if it helps, im actually the bearer of a canadian passport as well as the plague.

I only live here for my sins.
My introduction.

Yowza! Im a total noob, having only read PD, very quickly, and a couple RAW bks while totally zonked.

My chat will be boring and inane.

I hail from Stonerhaven in Scotland, consider myself a drunken bum with various unsavoury addictions and habits, a speaker of shite and general waste of space.

Where N=Cabbage, I am N+1. Maybe.

Flame me....