
You know what I always say? "Always kill the mouthy one", that's what I always say.

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Messages - The Good Reverend Roger

Or Kill Me / Rev Roger Sermon #22: The Machine
August 02, 2003, 06:43:58 AM
Quote from: OfficialOmiBob! What will I do without my pirates?

Well, there's always the infamous bankrobber & gangster, Richard Milhous Nixon.

He's a mean shot with a tommy gun, or so I hear.
Or Kill Me / Rev Roger Sermon #22: The Machine
August 02, 2003, 04:40:17 AM
Quote from: OfficialQuick! Get the rest of the pirates!

Sorry, I fed them to the squid when they would not take a bribe.

You're on your own, against me and my mechanical horde.
Or Kill Me / Rev Roger Sermon #22: The Machine
August 02, 2003, 02:46:21 AM
Quote from: St. Hugh, KSCIs the middle class of the path?

Ok, I see that I am going to have to give up the whole "non-violence" thing, oh, ye who miss the freakin' point!

Prepare to be destroyed.
Quote from: OfficialYep. Those violent assed librarians need to be liberated in Liberia.

You DON'T want to know what they do to people who have more than one over-due book...Good Gawd A'mighty!  THe horror...the horror...
Iraq?  Old news.  You aren't supposed to be looking at that anymore.

Now we are liberating Liberia for the Librarians!  :shock:
Or Kill Me / Rev Roger Sermon #22: The Machine
August 02, 2003, 02:12:27 AM
Quote from: St. TrollaxSo middle class IS a state of mind then Roger?
Give me about four or five years :D

It is both an economic bloc, and a state of it is a state of being.
Or Kill Me / Rev Roger Sermon #22: The Machine
August 02, 2003, 01:32:18 AM
Quote from: St. Hugh, KSC
There are real power dynamics out there that cause the untold suffering of billions of people. When the power dynamics change, the violence can lessen....maybe.

I had enough violence in my 10 years in the infantry.

Besides, a revolution for freedom isn't much good if that freedom is the freedom of the grave...witness Iraq for proof.

Though I consider my freedom as being more important than my life, I do not feel that I have the right to make that decision for others.
Quote from: TyallieIs any of this necessary? I see the point of this revoloutionary discourse yet i almost (but not entierly) fail to see how it can relate to anything on a non-materialistic level... all very inspiring and heartwrenching all the same


You can't eat haiku.

You can't be free in a chainlink cage...hell, these days you cannot be free OUTSIDE of one.,,and freedom is the ONLY state of being fit for a human.

Helathy body, healthy mind.
Quote from: SMFabalI didn't. The simple fact is, St Hugh DID. I know you don't like violence, Reverend. Unfortuantly, it is the first thing people see when we call for revolution. Or breaking down the machine.

I just think its more important to help Greyfaces and Sheople see the gears around them than tring to stop the gears of the machine. You grow a following, which could take generations, and the following can simply walk out of the machine and never look back.

And while I'm on the subject of the Machine, I'm still a little in the dark about what you mean by it. Please, I really do want to understand you point of view, but I'm (obviously) just not getting it. What is the Machine?

1.  I am 99.5% sure St Hugh was joking.

2.  The greyfaces will not listen.  That is why they are greyfaces.

3.  The Machine?  It will take some explaining.  Expect sermon #22 between now and tomorrow night.
Quote from: St. TrollaxSee roger... this is why I like you... We have similar ideals and differend methods of employment... We don't tear each other's heads off either (mind you mine is detachable) see. In six months it's already working.
I don't think it need take 100's of years... If It did, we'd remember past lives because our behaviour would take so long to alter... It's been 6 years for me... Still going... 20 years for your good self there... it's just a question of getting people to willingly (not forcing them as some would have us believe) unplug from the machine... But reaching that place is the problem... and there are so many competing theories... that's right COMPETING... because our pattern-seeking brains have this feedback loop that tends to exclude other possibilities...

It takes innovation to think of something different and audacity to do something differently ~Jonar C. Nader~

~Audacious Trollax~

You modern Discordians are too cerebral for me.

We've gone from tossing wrenches in the gears to TALKING ABOUT IT.


(That's not necessarily a bad thing, mind you, but it seems that the othos was changed since I was introduced to Eris.

I'm not sure the change is for the better...Discordianism welcomes change, but a change which neuters it is not, IMO, a desirable thing.
Quote from: SMFabal
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger
Quote from: SMFabalI don't take a sniper rifle and start hunting politicians.

WTF are you talking about?

Oswald. Hinkley. Idiots like them. The opposite extreme of taking no action: taking far too much uncontrolled action.

You are deliberately misunderstanding me.  Read the first few posts in this thread again (between me & St Hugh).  

Why do you assume that I am implying violence?
Quote from: SMFabalI don't take a sniper rifle and start hunting politicians.

WTF are you talking about?
Bullshit.  A whole lot can be accomplished in a lot less than 20 years...and In my 35+ years on this planet, I have seen some examples.

Now, your solution would be what?  Duck your head, and wait til it all blows over?

Lotsa luck.
Quote from: SMFabal
Damage to the social contract is never too great. We still enjoy greater freedom than, say, your average peasant from 1002 AD. Yes, our system is flawed. Yes, we have problems. Yes, our leaders lie, cheat and steel without regard for "traditional morality".
It's happened in Europe all the time. England created the Magna Carta. French stormed the Bastille. Germany tried to take over the world (OK, bad example). My point is, when you destroy our current world, waht would you replace it with? A Chaotic state, with our current population, would only span a MUCH m,ore repessive state than we have now.

You are too impatient, Roger. Why, this movement has only just begun. What, thirty, maybe forty years and you want the world to be ready? I'm reminded of a time, around 2000 years ago, when men quietly preached their messages to anyone who would hear. It took FOUR HUNDRED YEARS for even the smallest part of that message to be heard! Patience, my Good Reverend.

Incidently, finding only one young mind, one lost soul for the future, is more than enough to justify all the poetry, Zen and general silliness. Laughter, my Good Reverend, is what will keep us moving forward when all the Doom and Dumb weighs on us, treatening to drag us back into the Sheeple's Greyfaced Flock.

1.  Impatient?  I have been doing this actively for the last 20 years!

2.  This is no longer an issue of poetry, zen, OR lost souls.  Look around you...If you live in America, welcome to the machine.  If you DON'T live in America, watch out for the machine!  There's some seriously bad juju coming doen the pike, my friend; and war without end is JUST THE BEGINNING!