
Revenge is a dish best served salty, sterile, wet and warm.

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Messages - Nibor the Priest

I'm really sorry, altered. Solidarity to trans siblings. Love and anger.
Literate Chaotic / Re: A koan
June 12, 2020, 07:18:52 PM
Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on June 12, 2020, 07:11:21 PM
Quote from: robinj on June 09, 2020, 06:03:00 PM
Daibai said to Baso, “What’s with all those koans where the novice asks the master for wisdom and the master is like ‘Wash your bowl’ or something mundane, and hearing this, the novice was enlightened?”
Hearing this, Baso was enlightened.
Daibai said, “See what I mean? What I said wasn’t enlightening at all.”
Baso was even more enlightened.
Daibai said, “Stop i–“
I like this! can I do it up as a page for Holy Nonsense?

I don't know what that is, but sure! EDIT: I found out what it is, and please do!
Literate Chaotic / Re: A koan
June 11, 2020, 10:08:05 PM
A couple more that I made up Eris downloaded to my pineal gland recently:

Joshu asked Nansen, "If Zen monks are so serene, how come half the koans end with them hitting each other with sticks?"
Nansen hit him with a stick.

One hand that claps
Makes such a din
I had to put
One earplug in.
Ugh. I'm glad I got most of my growing up done before social media was a thing. If I'd gone looking for Discordians online and found something like that to feel identity with, yeesh.

And I remember RAW's brand of ultra-agnosticism. He took such an unshakeable, absolute, not-in-the-least-agnostic position on it. There's a sentence something like "At this point, you're either an agnostic or a stone paranoid - there is no middle ground" that stuck with me because it was so weirdly ironic. I read those books at the right time, and they made me curious and open-minded in a way that worked out well, but would have been easy to exploit.

My dad used to say "Don't be too open-minded or your brain will fall out," but I'm more bothered about what someone else could have put in there. (And now he's been turned into an alt-right wanker by the internet, but I digress.)
Quote from: Cain on June 10, 2020, 03:15:04 PM
Neither am I, but it was the pithiest example I can think of.

No no NO, you're supposed to double down and rant about how no-one has a sense of humour these days and if you say anything un-PC you'll be arrested and thrown in jail
Quote from: altered on June 10, 2020, 02:48:35 PM
I have to say, I like this new guy. I like them quite a bit. Active, intelligent, has horrible pinko commie America hating values. What more can you ask for?
My bad qualities include disorganisation, anxious depression, poor memory, muttering to myself, a clotting disorder and taking more than my fair share of finger food.
I'm not keen on the ableist slurs but yep, that.
Hi! I'm Robin or Robinj or Niborj or Nybor or something. I live in Scotland and work in videogame AI. Possibly my creations have killed you in an imaginary world.

I got into Discordianism in my teens, got far too obsessive about it and bored my friends senseless. Sorry. Then for a while I was an obnoxious atheist, till I noticed it had become inextricable with various types of awfulness. Recently I've been poking around in not-too-wooey Zenish Taoish stuff again. I love the idea that the self is an illusion and may try and write my thoughts on that out in a way that makes sense some day. I went to a Buddhist temple a couple of times and learned some Zen meditation, which I like and find I have a better day when I remember to do it, but it seems even slightly formal religion isn't for me.

Then I remembered Discordianism with its creativity and humour and freedom, dug out my old Principia, looked for Discordian facebook groups and oh god

And then I found this place with its explicit rule against alt-right wankery (how? do alt-right wankers? identify with Discordianism?) and it seems nice so far.

I make various stuff, which I've posted some of in Bring and Brag. I try to do a lot of things.

Honestly, the kind of people that end up as statues, I wouldn't like to be the one who had to rank 'em.

It'd be easier just to rename plinths "naughty steps".
Quote from: Cain on June 10, 2020, 12:05:52 PM
It's just like when we tore down all those statues of Hitler and now no-one knows who Hitler was  :sad:
Last week I was a world-class expert on the life and work of Edward Colston, but now they've thrown his statue in the fucking sea, I don't even know whether he was a slave trader.
People: *learn some history*
People: *become horrified to learn that they've been walking past a statue of Sir Slavery Rich-Whitedude every day for the past 20 years*
People: *throw statue in the fucking sea*
Millions of other people: *see this on the news* *learn about slave trader, take time to learn more about slave traders in their own area and what local statuary they may wish to consider throwing in the fucking sea*
Hello! I make text adventure and puzzle games at Eris gets a brief mention in The Xylophoniad.

I also made this audio series about George Orwell and H. G. Wells getting up to all sorts of time travelling shenanigans:
There are two episodes so far; the third is in production (i.e. I've got all the voicework from the actors but I haven't been arsed to edit it together yet.)

Share and Enjoy!
Literate Chaotic / A koan
June 09, 2020, 06:03:00 PM
Daibai said to Baso, "What's with all those koans where the novice asks the master for wisdom and the master is like 'Wash your bowl' or something mundane, and hearing this, the novice was enlightened?"
Hearing this, Baso was enlightened.
Daibai said, "See what I mean? What I said wasn't enlightening at all."
Baso was even more enlightened.
Daibai said, "Stop i–"
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Trump the Unifier
June 09, 2020, 02:38:15 PM
I spoke to George Floyd today, terrific guy, he said Mr Trump, I'm 100% with you