
Goddammit.  Another truckload of bees.

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Messages - Rumckle

Quote from: Nigel on January 21, 2012, 05:23:57 AM
Quote from: The Freeky of SCIENCE! on January 20, 2012, 11:43:03 PM

Wow, this Gotye band makes some really interesting videos.  Even the normal looking one feels more like a bad fever dream than a music video.

I have a ticket for Gotye at the Crystal on April 11, I am so stoked! I love "Somebody that I used to know" so much.

I've seen him live twice, and both times were great.
Also, this is my favourite video of his:
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: Dream Logic
January 22, 2012, 04:50:41 AM
Quote from: Billy the Twid on January 19, 2012, 09:34:30 PM
Ive had dreams that made me feel down for the first waking hour. Exgirlfriends have had dreams that made them angry at me even though they knew that was silly.

I've had dreams that made me angry at my roommates when I woke up, thing is though the dream was rather plausible, something about my roommate eating my food, or some such. It wasn't until I look in the fridge that I'm sure that it was a dream or not.
Dude, this looks freaking sweet! Thanks for the link
Techmology and Scientism / Re: Mirror Universe?
January 20, 2012, 10:52:46 PM
Quote from: Queen_Gogira on January 20, 2012, 02:58:32 PM
Also there's an awful lot more habitable landmass north of the equator, so odds are pretty good any dominant culture would have started out from that half of the planet.

But that just makes the world top-heavy and unstable.
Literate Chaotic / Re: Sherlock
January 20, 2012, 09:52:07 AM
I just finished watching it yesterday, I really like the series, but I didn't like the final episode that much (especially the ending), maybe because there was too much focus on trying to humanise Sherlock, or the focus on Moriarty.

Anyway, if you liked Sherlock, you should watch Jekyll (if you haven't already seen it), which was Moffat's 2007 re-imagining of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, I really liked that series.

Also, thanks for those suggestions, Cain, they sound pretty cool.
In more internet censorship based news, it turns out the authorities have shut down MegaUpload and arrested the owners.
Techmology and Scientism / Re: Mirror Universe?
January 20, 2012, 01:40:38 AM
A magnetised needle doesn't just point north, it points both north and south at the same time. Because you cannot have a north magnetic pole (in general terms) without also having a south. So it wouldn't really make a difference.
That is true, but they aren't doing much either (apart from the Tea Party, but, of course, they lost their way as soon as they started)
Quote from: Cain on December 29, 2011, 07:58:20 PM
Quote from: Areola Shinerbock on December 29, 2011, 07:51:32 PM
Better than doing nothing cain.

Pretty damn close to doing nothing but...

How, exactly?  As in, I'd like a step-by-step, logical argument to explain how this is better than doing nothing.

Note: I will not accept "giving yourself a warm, fuzzy feeling of Being Involved In Political Activism" as an argument.

Hmm, in some ways, I think it may actually be worse than nothing. It shows Obama that he can piss of the liberals that voted for him, and the worse they will do is sign a meaningless online petition. If that is all he has to worry about form these people, then his life is pretty peachy.
Quote from: Cain on December 29, 2011, 10:22:18 AM
  But whoever said they were going to fight fair

I'm not really surprised, but I still find that hilarious.
Why do all the girls have to buy pink stuff and all the boys have to buy superheroes?

Quote from: Cramulus on December 23, 2010, 06:42:31 PM

Rumckle: I curse you to lose your keys and then find them, after some frustration, in a place you already looked

You bastard, this happened at least twice this year
Quote from: LMNO, PhD (life continues) on December 23, 2011, 02:09:39 PM
From what I understand, it wasn't all that misused.  He simply decided to make the Multiple Universes theory the correct answer to the quantum problem, and extrapolated from that.

And the realization that Arbe and the other planets the Geometers are from are alternate copies of Earth Prime is pretty damn cool.

Yeah, it wasn't so much the multiple universe theory of quantum mechanics that I had a problem with (though in general I think there are problems with it), rather it was:


The quick changing between worlds at the end, when Raz and Ja went into the other universe where everybody was all dead. But because that bit was so confusing and multiple world quantum physics is also confusing, maybe it did make sense and I just had trouble understanding it.

As for the writing, I didn't have too much of a problem with it, probably because lately I've only been reading non-fiction, plus I'm used to reading philosophy works.

Quote from: Igor on December 23, 2011, 03:48:41 PM
Really? What I got from it was that Arbe was more Platonic than Earth. (And Earth more Platonic than the other two worlds)
Although that may have just been the ideology of one of the groups on the spaceship; that they were on a continuous journey towards more perfection.

I thought that was implied by the talk about how information can only flow down through the multiverse flow (or whatever it was called), and that implied that the spaceship could only go up the flow