
Testamonial:  "My god, you people are depressing."

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Messages - Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy

Or Kill Me / This Won't Hurt a Bit
December 01, 2005, 10:26:15 PM
Quote from: East Coast Hustle
Quote from: Eldora, Oracle of AlchemyWell, everyone was really surprised when my nephew had to get his cast off and passed out.  He is about Turd's size only a little taller and slightly wider at the shoulder's, so it's not like anyone exactly wanted to try to catch him or anything.

I admit, I'm mildly curious as to how you'd know how wide I am across the shoulders.

was that YOU who installed the camera in my smoke detector?

Actually, last I knew he was wearing a 3X and I thought you ware a 2X, but I might be mistaken.  Anyway, he is down to about 320, I think.  The kid takes up a whole doorway.
Or Kill Me / This Won't Hurt a Bit
December 01, 2005, 04:51:25 PM
Well, everyone was really surprised when my nephew had to get his cast off and passed out.  He is about Turd's size only a little taller and slightly wider at the shoulder's, so it's not like anyone exactly wanted to try to catch him or anything.  That was the first clue they had that he has some abnormal vagal response.  The way I hear it, he turns kinda green, his eyes roll back, then out he goes.
Or Kill Me / This Won't Hurt a Bit
December 01, 2005, 03:49:08 PM
The sticking my arm doesn't bother me.  Yeah they need a big needle to get the blood out fast enough.  At the doctors they had to stick me twice one time because my blood began to clot.  The only problem I have now is I have had so much blood drawn that I have scar tissue building up over my veins so I usually bruise now, especially if I am dehydrated, like those stupid fasting first thing in the morning things, I hate those.
Or Kill Me / This Won't Hurt a Bit
December 01, 2005, 03:40:42 AM
Quote from: Marl FublewonkerThanks for the concern folks. I've been shaken up about it all day.

By the way Rabbid Badger, they said that a seizure is a rare reaction to the suction they use to remove the blood. It sounds plausible.

You guya are all so funny  :roll:  :P  :lol:  Glad I made everyone's day and that class with the 10 pound book did actually come in handy.

Anway, the vagas nerve is like the 10th cranial nerve.  It has control of a lot of stuff, like blood pressure, heart rate, stomache acid and I forget what all else.  It is a bunch of stuff that doesn't seem related that much and it is weird that it is all the same nerve.  They(tm) have experiemtned with cutting the nerve for people with sever ulcers, this was before the whole bacteria theory of ulcers and Prilosec.  Not much point in trying to figure out if it is that unless you start passing out a lot.
Or Kill Me / This Won't Hurt a Bit
December 01, 2005, 01:55:09 AM
Quote from: Rabid Badger of GodHow did getting a needle in the arm cause you to have a seizure?  Isn't that kind of your fault, not theirs?

Vagal something response.  Can make a person faint for no apparent reason, not sure about the seizure part.  One of those things you don't know you have it until something like this happens.
Or Kill Me / This Won't Hurt a Bit
November 30, 2005, 10:41:54 PM
I decided a long time ago the question and answer thing was way too annoying and pretty much pointless.  A lot of people who are carrying the HIV virus don't know it.  Then there was the case of someone who died after having been exposed to West Nile virus, donated her organs and at least one of the recipients died.  Can you imagine surviving transplant surgery and dying from some stupid virus, that would suck.
Or Kill Me / I HAD A DREAM
November 28, 2005, 09:33:04 PM
For me, I need cookies and pies to be able to deal with the shitstorm.  I need to have something worth fighting for.  I think there is also a tendency on this forum to assume that things are a lot worse today than they ever were.  That in some mythic yesterday things were a lot better.  For a few people it was better at some point back there.  It was more of a temporary illusion of it being better.  

1  The illusion that at some point in the past wives did not need to work.  that was only ever true for upper middle class whites, for the most part.

2  The illusion that government was ever on our side more than it is now.  We are at a low, I will grant you that, but I can already see the rats of the Republicans fleeing the sinking ship.  The last time government was on our side, in The States anyway, was probably sometime in the late 1700's.  As soon as the founding fathers started dying off, we started getting fucked just like before.

3  The illusion the General Motors helped the communities where its factories were located.  GM used extortion in order to not pay property taxes, saying it couldn't afford to stay in Flint otherwise, promised to stay and left anyway.  Sorry, this one will piss me off as long as I live.

I had other stuff to say, but it wouldn't be productive.  Some people need their illusions.

I have the opportunity to influence a young mind.  As much as some of you don't want to hear about it, that is my focus for the next few years.  If I can raise my son to be a free thinker, that will wreak more havoc than I could ever do alone.  Plus, it really is my job.  

I do a lot of little things.  Some people can do more damage to the machine by doing a bazillion little things.  Some people prefer to do fewer big things.  Doesn't make anyone right or wrong.  I don't think anyone here is so naive as to think the world is a perfect place.  I think everyone here does something to make it better.  It seems like we could put more energy into that some days.  

Turd:  It's not that we don't hear you, it's not that we don't care, it's not even that we don't agree.  We are not you, you are not us, this is not the goo goo g'joob, but somehow, we are all together  :wink: I have leftover piiiiieeeeeee :lol:  You want cherry or pumpkin.
Or Kill Me / Rant 146: The Big Lie
November 28, 2005, 06:00:42 PM
Thanks I needed that.  I sure am glad you aren't an idiot, so many doctors I have encountered are  :roll:
Or Kill Me / Rant 146: The Big Lie
November 28, 2005, 05:44:36 PM
Quote from: Irreverend Death to Poultry, KSCBut all of you seem to have forgotten Eris in your theories and calculations. For this snub you will be snot blocked.

So, that's what happened to my sinuses.  No air will go through and my head hurts like someone beat me in my sleep  :evil:
I was just trying to point out that Roger has done this before, left for good, I mean.  This was the first example I found.  This was the one where he denounced Discordianism like he did last week.

Makes me wonder, what happens if you denounce other religions, like if I was raised Catholic and denounced it, do they let you back in if you say oops, I didn't mean it :?
Delete my post and yours then, that's fine.  I didn't mean to bring up anything bad for you.  There is just almost word for word comparisons to what he wrote the other day.  I can't delete my post now that you responded after it, but you can feel free, I don't mind.
Quote from: Anonymous
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger"Goddammit, Roger, I really hate you."
- Larry the Diseased Mountain Monk, after "The Incident", 1987.

- Chef, in our head, last week.

"Summer is over, the harvest is in, and we are not saved."
- The Old Testament

Brethren and Cistern, the time has come for The Good Reverend to renounce Discordianism as a failure...a rather silly failure, at that.  Nothing has been accomplished in two years of bullshit, "creative disorder" is a sad joke, and all the blog threads and imaginary bars  on the gloryhole haven't saved you.

Face it, you're fucked, and you have nobody to blame but yourself.  Instead of using discordianism to disrupt - even for a few precious seconds - The Machine(tm), you have used it to play haiku games and to form factions.  The "commandment" that Discordians must stick apart has been warped out of usefulness.  You remembered the "apart" thing, but not the "stick" part, didn't you?

Well, good.  You deserve every shitty thing that is coming down the pike.  The Grayfaces won, and you let them.  Personally, I think it's funny as hell.  Almost as funny as reading claims of magickl/psychic "powers".

What's that you say?  "Fuck you, Roger"?  Yeah, I am perfectly well aware that some of you hate my guts these days.  GOOD.  If you LIKED me, I'd re-evaluate the way I am living my life.  The LAST thing I need is "friends" who think that "Three Word Game" or "What are you eating" is a worthy use of your time.

Hell, at least She Who Eats Souls had the GUTS to SHIT HER HATE, even if she did so for the very goofiest of reasons.  She has my respect for that, though never again will she have my friendship (assuming she wanted it, which she has made very clear she doesn't).

What about the rest of you?  What have YOU done?  One of you played fuckaround behind the scenes with moderator/admin abilities.  Whoopie ding fuck for you.  Aren't you special?  What have you accomplished, save to further fracture an already useless group?  ...Well, you got rid of ME, and I guess that should count for something.

That's about it, isn't it?  Sure, the rest of you chose grand titles for yourself, created fictitious armies, and TALKED about smiting the Grays...but that's all you  Hell, some of you didn't even do THAT.  Listen up, you Goddamn monkeys...Discord isn't about hiding from the world, it's about giving the world a fucking rupture!

Wake up and smell the sodium pentathol, shitheads.  Posting stupid shit about face raping bats and goats is not only useless, it's not even original.  Jesus Tittyfucking Christ, you fucking moonbats...cribbing style is one thing, running it into the fucking ground is quite another.

Just looking at PISSES ME OFF.  I'd sic the troll army on your sorry asses, and end this fucking farce once and for all, but I promised someone I wouldn't.  The Good Reverend may do all sorts of shitty things, but breaking promises isn't one of them.  Pity.

So, in the words of St Kid the Rock, Fuck all y'all.  I'm returning to my Subgenius roots, and may you all enjoy the upcoming years of shame, failure, and degradation that you have earned so richly.  May the whirlwind that is surely coming sweep you up, and destroy you all.

Me?  I think I've made my point.  Now I'm going to fucking Disneyland.

Or Kill Me.

Don't pretend you know me outside this forum.  You have no idea what I do with my spare time.

Bumped for comparison to the current situation.  The bold in the first paragraph was added by me, in case anyone decides to have a hissy fit over copyright versus copyleft.
The name of the book is The Funny Thing Is.  
Or let's say I am walking out of my house, and I've just had a banana.  I have my banana peel in one hand and my car keys in the other.  I throw my car keys in the trash and walk out with my banana peel.  The other day I found my iron in the freezer.  And the only reason I found it is that I was looking for my sunglasses.

I have days like this a lot.  I don't think I would ever find my iron in my freezer, only because I never use my iron.  

QuoteFeel better?  Good.  That's what I'm here for.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I seem to be only using 8% of my brain right now.  I'm going to go on alittle expedition to look for the other 2%.  If I'm not back in a couple of days, don't worry.  Something shiny must have distracted me.

Which leads me to my next question, which one of us is Ellen Degeneres  :lol:
I am reading one of the books Ellen Degeneres wrote.  I figured it would be a good read-a-few-minutes-before-I-go-to-bed kind of books, but there have been some really hilarious moments.  She gets distracted by shiny stuff, for instance  :lol:
Or Kill Me / on the fundamental rights of man.
November 26, 2005, 05:16:51 PM
Quote from: Horab Fibslager
Quote from: DJRubberducky"There is only one basic human right: the right to do as you damn well please.  And with it comes the only basic human duty: the duty to take the consequences." - P.J. O'Rourke


that's my point.

i actually wanted to comment on turd's assertion that he and his had made their point.

i may be wrong, but the point, as it occurs to me, seems to be that they wish to have the right to dump on everyone else without suffering the consequences.

Quote from: East Coast Hustleah, so now you're speaking for the entire board again?

you insult these people by asserting taht they do not have the will nor the intelligence to stand up and speak for themselves if they so desire.

go away, little boy, and come back when you've gotten over your fit.


Horab made it very clear he was speaking for himself alone, you did not.