
Yeah, fuckface! Get ready to be beaten down. Grrr! Internet ain't so safe now is it motherfucker! Shit just got real! Bam!

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Literate Chaotic / Re: the golden fiddle
January 25, 2014, 02:17:10 AM
Part 5
...For the next two years, Johnny wandered around the south, never staying anywhere too long, keeping hid, staying off the interstates and out of Georgia. After he left Esther Jane, he had no other refuge from the storm.  Only the fiddle sustained his hardened heart for him. He lived only to play...and play, and play.  He'd put it down when the stabbing pain began between is shoulderblades every night, and get up to work odd jobs when he had them, and weep quietly, and long for his fiddle.

The love he felt for the unearthly and beautiful instrument set daggers in his heart and became a kind of hate.He played his fiddle every night, and while it still enraptured him...He began to realize what it had cost.
No sweet nights of cool beer and warm song, no pretty girls to charm, no warm bed at night, no safe place to lay his head. No more family...And while he was able to make enough money doing odd jobs and drifting? It just wasn't much of a life. Not much but Sweetheart and the music. Not much but survival and fear, like a wild animal.   Inside he was cold and empty.

  Getting near Christmas time on the second year...he was sitting outside in the truck cab, running the heater to keep warm in some podunk town he'd never heard of....and he saw it. 
It was the end.
You wouldn't have thought it was much, it was just a family sitting down to a nice dinner, tucking into fried chicken in a little local place.  The dad was drinking his coffee black, Mama dressed pretty, the kids all smiling and clean, drinking their soda pop....
There was a nice warm, cosy familiar love there.  It was right there, where you could see it..

Johnny's heart began to gnaw itself from the inside out, burning like fire in his chest.  He started to tremble in agony and sadness and rage.
He cranked up the truck.  He drove to the edge of town.  He pulled up in front of an old gas station that had become a used car lot for a brief time and then closed doors for good. He took the fiddle out of the back, took her out of her case, and laid her on the ground. Gently though, despite what he had it in his heart to do.  So gently.
He went and fetched his tire iron from where it was stowed.
Someone else melt her down?  No.  Johnny was going to melt down the beautiful, alluring, poisonous thing himself!  He'd get his own back!  He deserved it, after all the misery this seductive bitch had caused!
He roared in rage and brought the iron down on the bridge. *Clink!*  The tire iron clattered on the old and gator-skinned blacktop, striking a spark, jarring the hell out of Johnny's arm, stinging his hand.

Johnny blinked.  Had the thing moved?  No.  No, it lay gleaming, seductively as always, on the very same stretch of pavement that he'd laid its' loveliness down on.  He swung again, this time not as hard.  His tire iron again smote the pavement.
How did that happen?  HOW???
Johnny frantically swung and swung, screaming, and each time, he hit to the side of the fiddle.  He could not strike it. Furious and desperate, he dropped the tire iron with a clatter.  He picked the fiddle up by the head with both hands.  He swung the fiddle itself at the ground; only to find, like a magician's trick, he was cradling it instead.  As he cradled it he could not help but notice its' unutterably beautiful and mocking thing.
He tried to throw it, and found  it was tucked under his arm instead.  He tried again, and found it tucked under his chin, tempting him to play, and play, and play, until his hands were wore to the bone, until he was not but a skeleton.
Play, play, play!
He could will himself to harm it, but he couldn't carry through. 
He could not.

SO he set the thing down.  He picked up the iron, chucked it in the back.  Shut the tailgate.
He'd leave it.
He'd just leave the cursed thing.
So he got back in Bessie's cab, cranked her up, started to pull out.
A gleam caught his right eye, and he looked over.
Sweetheart was there, cupped in the divot of the old bench seat.  Johnny screamed aloud.
But there it was, sitting there, calling to him...
He reached across, pushed the passenger side door open, pushed her out.  The sound she made on the pavement made him cringe.  He hit the gas, hauled ass...
A moment later he wasn't surprised to see her golden length sprawled out like a lazy cat.
...He pulled over and cried.  Tears of sorrow and desperation, that gradually dried into realization.

He knew what he had to do. 

Part 6

How does one go about finding the Devil?  Well...tradition has it you go down to the crossroads at the stroke of Midnight. It doesn't say WHAT crossroads. You might take some tobacco and something strong to drink, as the Devil's known to like the liquor.
And  then you wait.  He ain't gonna just show up the first night.

...Johnny started driving until he found what felt like just the right place. It took him a couple of days...Down by the river.He was driving along and when he passed the place where the rough gravel ways passed, the hair stood up on the back of his neck, and he knew.  It felt right.
It was swampland, untenanted, obviously flooded often, now left alone.  Not a house for a ways. Cypresses loomed like troubled souls off the sides of the old county gravel way that was crowned at the top and sloped downward like giving way...a man-made thing through the kind of place where the moccasin makes you watch your step, where the gators would look out of the filthy water with wary eyes.  But it was too cold for that now.
Not an icy cold, but a dank painful gnawing cold, and the sky was overcast, dark, ominous.  Like it might want to murder you but was content to sit off and wait a spell. 
Johnny found a little spot right handy to camp out in the truck.  There was a house there, covered in weeds.  The roof caved to abandonment, the old windows like empty eyes.

That first night he walked the little ways down to the crossroads.  He sat and waited, smoking some, with the fiddle on his lap.  There was nothing, nothing.
The second day turned colder, with a howling wind that rattled the rusted-out roof of the dead house, and a damp driving drizzle.  Damn, but it was cold.
He mostly stayed in his sleeping bag
He cooked food over a sterno can in the back of the truck with the cap vents open, and waited.
When it was midnight he dutifully returned to the crossroads; despite the rain, but no luck.

The third day, the overcast lightened a little, and the weather got a bit warmer.  The rain stopped.  Johnny was getting mighty sick of ramen and canned beans, but he knew he had to set it out.
...This time he showed up to the crossroads early with his good whiskey and his tobacco...and he was able to play.  His fingers, stiff from the cold, soon warmed up and he felt that familiar golden glow.
And then a presence.
Something stood there, blacker than blackest night.
Someone he'd met before.
Johnny poured the Devil a shot, pouring himself one too.
...A hand too dark to see took the Jack and the figure knocked it back.  He handed over a cigarette.  The figure managed to light the smoke on his own, and the cherry glowed.

"Well there, Johnny, and well-met again."  Said a man's voice sweet as honey."I see you've need to talk to me again."
"Devil-man," Johnny said,"I may be the best that's ever been, but some things just ain't meant for men.  This is one'a them."
"I know, my friend, I know."  A head nodded, indecipherably in the flowing dark."But I was under orders, as always."
The Devil took a good pull on his smoke, and then sighed.
"I trust you've been taking care of her?" He asked.
"Yessir, yessir,." Johnny replied. "Though I tried to harm her at the end.  Couldn't do it."
"That's because it wasn't made by a maker who wanted it harmed," the Devil said mildly. 
"Huh," Johnny said. 
Then, after a minute's thought, "You knew it was gonna wreck me, din't you."
"The lovely thing has wrecked before." The being replied."She's wrecked in many guises.  I knew she would do so." He paused. "I'm quite sorry," the Devil said.
The Devil took his smoke in one hand, poured himself another whiskey shot, knocked it back, then replaced the cigarette in an unseen mouth.
A hand extended. "Let me see that fiddle, my friend.  Let me see her."
Johnny handed over the fiddle, as a hand reached out to take it.  As the Devil touched the lovely, shining thing the shadows went away like they'd never been, and revealed was a many winged being of blinding glory, such that Johnny's eyes watered, but he could not look away, he could not...
A bow was extended of fire, and the being began to was unearthly.  The watering of his eyes mixed with tears of joy at the music. It was music that wounded and healed all at once. It was like nothing Johnny had ever heard, or ever would again, and it was nothing...NOTHING that he could ever hope to play as good as.
Johnny was listening to the best that had ever been.

The being played the song to its' finish, and bowed a head made of fire.
"Thus I have played in my Father's house...long ago."  The being said.  The shadow covered over the light again...and the devil was gone, gone as if he'd never been...except for the cherry of the cigarette, winking like a little eye in the dark as it too disappeared.
Literate Chaotic / Re: the golden fiddle
January 25, 2014, 12:49:24 AM
The fact that I never finished this has been bugging me for a while.

Quote from: Dirty Old Uncle Roger on January 24, 2014, 02:12:24 PM
  However, it now occurs to me that the decision has already been taken from her by the state, given that they refused to allow the DNR, thus making the decision as the state that the fetus was a baby.
Precisely so, and this is very scary.
Quote from: Dirty Old Uncle Roger on January 24, 2014, 07:21:12 PM
Quote from: Junkenstein on January 24, 2014, 07:19:08 PM
It's times like that I'm grateful for my crowbar.

Make sure the repair is slow and expensive. If it doesn't all explode anyway first.

I am not going to make sure of anything.  I am staying completely out of this.  And when the fucking thing goes sideways, I am going to ask the three knuckleheads involved PRECISELY how they want it fixed, since I require desk jockeys to tell me how to do shit.

I will probably be fired.  I don't care.

Dilbert principle in action?
I'm really sorry you have to put up with this shit.
Quote from: :regret: on January 24, 2014, 02:10:18 PM
  So the real you is not the you you observe, it is merely an abstraction. You can even say there is no such thing as a 'you' it is just a name you gave to a pattern you think you are seeing. As you said, akin to an optical illusion.

Thinking about this makes my brain go weird.
...A name you give to a pattern you think you are seeing... :)  Does feel weird, doesn't it?

...Freezing drizzle predicted here until afternoon.
It's not so much that it's not safe to drive in this stuff as it's not safe to drive like a Houston driver in this stuff.
It's gonna be dicks on ice.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Random News Stories
January 24, 2014, 09:43:08 AM
Quote from: Telarus on January 22, 2014, 04:56:23 PM

Oh, you FDA. You MADE the manufacturers put acetaminophen in Vicodin & other opiods ON PURPOSE (it's an "adulterant" that is supposed to "deter addiction"). And then you went "oops, maybe they should put less of that in those drugs".

My friend died of liver failure a few years ago because the first hospital he saw looked at his yellowed, jaundiced skin and went "You're a drunk, go home" instead of being aware of this and asking how much opiates he had been prescribed/taking.

Fuck those people.
Quote from: THE PHYTOPHTHORATIC HOLDER OF THE ADVANCED DEGREE on January 24, 2014, 08:53:18 AM

I still experience nothing and form no new memories, and experience and memories are still dependent on machinery.
So you are the machinery?

When you first brought this up; I thought of something my girlfriend told me.
...Apparently I often mutter "I love you," in my sleep when I'm staying at her place.
So,what I think of as me still demonstrates some evidence of being there while I'm sleeping.
I've had a few instances of doing some rather bizarre things in an ostensibly awake state and not clearly remembering that I had done them.

Quote from: P3nT4gR4m on January 24, 2014, 09:00:39 AM

My personal theory is that "you" is the program. When the program runs, that's you.
I'm not sure, but will have to think about it too.
Quote from: Telarus on January 07, 2014, 07:10:28 AM
There are a few people on FB claiming that this drug kills your liver (overdose regime unspecified).

This, this is COOL.

QuoteThe side effects of valproic acid can include liver damage.  Hence, when the medicine is used clinically to treat seizures or bipolar disorder, liver function tests must be performed regularly, and blood levels of the medication must be monitored to keep its concentration from rising to toxic levels. 
Quote from: THE PHYTOPHTHORATIC HOLDER OF THE ADVANCED DEGREE on January 24, 2014, 05:52:15 AM
I cannot get past the idea that I habitually stop existing every night, and therefore will not survive physical death when my brain irreparably breaks.

Wants more data
Shit, my reply evaporated... :argh!:
What I said was something like this:

Evidence is that the brain, during sleep, still has *some* cognitive function occurring, if nothing more than REM housecleaning/jungian symbolmaking...
It's just that memory formation is mostly inhibited, due to the brain's need to flush metabolic toxins out.

So...Twid is still *there*, except Twid is not forming memory of Twid being there.
But Twid is still there about as much as anything is there, given what we know of particle physics.

So are you your ability to self-reflect?  Is that the entirety  of you? If that is not the entirety of you what IS the entirety of you?

Quote from: THE PHYTOPHTHORATIC HOLDER OF THE ADVANCED DEGREE on January 24, 2014, 08:00:11 AM
How is it, at least in the Christian model, that God had to give himself up in the worse BDSM experiment ever in order to forgive us?
A friend on Fetlife claims that Jesus just forgot the safeword, and was too proud to 'fess up and ask... :wink:

Quote from: THE PHYTOPHTHORATIC HOLDER OF THE ADVANCED DEGREE on January 24, 2014, 08:00:11 AMGiven that Reincarnation is real, where does Samsara end? Where is the lesson over? What is the point in repeating life? Life on Earth specifically to boot?

That's an entirely different question, probably just a human one. 
Humans find psychological comfort in projecting meaning. 
It's psychologically adaptive to make narrative out of what's really random shit happening, because this makes us feel we have more control than we actually do.
My own opinion? No meaning.
  Meaning seems (to yours truly) to imply something that stands outside and "above," the system, conferring meaning...and I doubt there is that.
Even though intellectually I think it has value to craft meaning, I can't seem to believe in the meanings and narratives I've crafted.
I think I'm naturally somewhat knurd in that respect?

At any rate, what could confer meaning on such a fantastic edifice?  I mean, in the Hindu cosmology, even the Gods are subject to death and rebirth, right?

Aneristic Illusions / Re: Unlimited Russia Thread
January 24, 2014, 05:50:55 AM
...Posting this link because...*shrug*
(Mainly so I'll remember to look through it myself tomorrow, really)

...And this happened a while ago, and my thought at the time was that it's indicative that...well, the guy's a dick.
Quote from: THE PHYTOPHTHORATIC HOLDER OF THE ADVANCED DEGREE on January 24, 2014, 04:33:18 AM
I'm in an odd place myself, even within my spiritual journey, so I probably shouldn't even comment. It's all glitchy on my end.

...Certainty is really comfortable, and safe.
I think a spiritual path ought to be uncomfortable.

Just my thought, your mileage may vary, please drive through...
I have found bottled lemon juice seems to be even better than vinegar for getting fruit flies to drown themselves politely.

*Has fruit flies often*
*has a really scary dwelling*

...Too bad there's not something similar for the giant flying roaches...not that they are invading yet.
Quote from: Eater of Clowns on January 23, 2014, 11:07:57 PM
My father, warning me about the shit inducing liquid you have to drink the night before a colonoscopy:

"Do not. Under any circumstances. Think you can get away with a fart."

He's never offered me much sage advice before, but that might make up for it.

...Hope everything comes out ok...   *Ducks*
Quote from: The Suu on January 23, 2014, 05:25:56 PM

Quote"According to the medical records we have been provided, the fetus is distinctly abnormal," the attorneys said. "Even at this early stage, the lower extremities are deformed to the extent that the gender cannot be determined."

The attorneys said the fetus also has fluid building up inside the skull and possibly has a heart problem.


... :sad:  Fuck.