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Messages - lexi

Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Folk News
November 12, 2020, 02:30:08 PM
My history is hazy, but what role have Discordians played in the evolution of fake news? 70 million people still haven't gotten the joke. What's the plan?
Quote from: nullified on May 08, 2019, 04:27:17 PM
I really need some insight: where does this go from here? Because I'm having a hard time putting this together in my head. The implications are enormous, far reaching, and extremely scary. And the reactions are both expected and incredibly dangerous. It feels like handing quibbling children loaded shotguns and telling them not to shoot each other.
There has already been blood on the streets, death and unaccountable trauma from the guy who devoted his inaugural address to "American Carnage", who routinely suggests that his apolitical base would riot to defend him, and whose allies have already hacked vital utilities and have the power to remotely disable and seize control of them. Extrapolating those trends with recent events leads to some very exciting futures indeed.

I also see the bricks being laid in a wall to contain him. He gains more detractors over time than supporters. I think the reason he is acting out in such desperation is because he knows all the reasons and then some he has to be afraid that and his family are going to lose their empire, "reputation", everything. I'm confident the institutions will continue playing whack-a-mole with him until they win, because that's what bureaucracy does. Eventually.

So how many of his supporters will riot to defend him? The solid 33% in polls that loves him unconditionally? Probably not. Some, I assume, are good people. The bottom third of those.. 11%.. enough to persuade a population in theory, just not in practice during the last two fucking never-ending years.

trump divides with godlike power, and the US Aftermath is heading serenely out of port, destination known with horrifying certainty - but how many magas will jump when the future slowly dawns on them too?

As wretchedly frustrating as watching this entire show is, the longer this process goes on.. perhaps the better?

Six More Years  :lulz:
I'll try! Also, thanks to you and LMNO and all for the Chao Te Ching - it has helped me process through some rough times.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: Spagbook
April 26, 2019, 03:35:28 AM
Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on April 25, 2019, 09:09:34 PM
Quote from: purpleXi on April 25, 2019, 07:47:04 PM
Sorry, I'm a bit old at this - i'm seeing images in posts linked via facebook or attached.. but can anyone recommend a good free image server like photobucket used to be?

Something which doesn't come with any weird surprises after you've signed up would be nice!

imgur has been very solid for me.

Yeah - first time using it, but I like it - sleek design, efficient. I haven't compared, but it seems just as if not faster than uploading images to the forum.

Quote from: Faust on April 25, 2019, 08:26:54 PM
There is an attachments button on the bottom left of the post box

Thanks - I'll use that option for any personal images, but it seems just as easy to use imgur for anything else.

Oh wait, I don't see it the option - do I have have to hit a certain post threshold? I was planning on mostly lurking for a bit anyway :)

Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: Spagbook
April 25, 2019, 07:55:37 PM
Awesome - thanks!
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: Spagbook
April 25, 2019, 07:47:04 PM
Sorry, I'm a bit old at this - i'm seeing images in posts linked via facebook or attached.. but can anyone recommend a good free image server like photobucket used to be?

Something which doesn't come with any weird surprises after you've signed up would be nice!
In my defense: moonkitten

This was quite hard to find. The stupidest girliest name I could think of back then has since become a lot more popular  :lulz:
I wish I had your optimism :p
You're welcome - I hope that account is working out well for you  :lulz:
Missed you too!

Well, I am paying a fortune for these remote Reiki classes - I guess they must be working - yay!
Hey, it's fictionpuss, thought I'd say hi!