
It's not laughter if you're just going through the muscle movements you remember from the times you actually gave a fuck.

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Messages - Bogus Magus

Sorry about that Ratatosk.

I really didn't think I had described all members of this forum in any way, Hoopla, and totally agree with yer tattoo suggestion.

I only remember describing the personal impression I got when I came for a visit, and should have shut my fucking mouth, and lurked a while, instead of diving in.   

But hey - the follies of youth.
I guess that nasty little barb comes from the English accent...
I didn't say this whole forum and all its users was 2nd Circuit, and it was some other guy who acted all smug and suggested MLA was more 5th Circuit.

I agree that using the model to try to score points seems really stupid.

Myself, I just used it as shorthand at the time, to try to describe the 'feel' of the response I got the first time I came in here. 

I shouldn't have used jargon, just said I got a good kicking and be done with it.

After a while lurking and wandering in here I came across far more interesting stuff, but your archive is so vast. 

And as someone suggested at the time, if it wasn't my kind of place I should just go, no-one would miss me, and if I thought I might fit in, to stick around, lurk and read a bit before trying to join in.

I feel astounded that all this still exists over here, from two years ago.

The MLA forum lost all its past long ago. MLA Admin may have stashed it somewhere, but we can't get to it. It's just about dead in the water.

Anyway - I'm off to read more of yer forum.
Quote from: Mourning Star on June 02, 2007, 05:58:09 PM
Okay.  For those of us that are having difficulty in locating A4 paper... (8 1/2 x 11 is slightly smaller)  are there other versions available?

Also, I believe the numbers in the assembly guide are muddled...

The Marquis de Sade, who did not want to be disturbed, went to see
if the door of his cell was tightly shut. It was double-locked from outside,
He closed the inside bolt, obtained through the kindness of the
warden, returned to his table and started once again to write.

I have read this thread, but realise I need to read a lot more (the wiki etc) before daring to comment on content, approach, etc.

First impressions:

The Instructions for Assembly do not match the pages in the version I have downloaded, as Mourning Star said.

I got a nice copy by doing this:

28 & 1      back to back with   2 & 27
26 & 3      back to back with   4 & 25
24 & 5      back to back with   6 & 23
22 & 7      back to back with   8 & 21
20 & 9      back to back with   10 & 19
18 & 11   back to back with   12 & 17
11 & 13   back to back with   14 & 15

I have A4 paper (UK), but I would say the gutter needs moving just a little, because once folded in half the even-numbered pages get too close to the stapled point.

Although I love words, one of the joys of PD still comes from the random mix of type faces, graphics, styles, etc.  All very McLuhan / Burroughs cut-ups, etc.

My opening quote? A ‘Pataphysical take on ‘prisons’ that somehow reminded me of Leary and his irritating grin (suggested to him by McLoon,  I heard) apparently cheerful, even in jail.

[I found the De Sade quote in an old Evergreen Review (p70), back in the 60s. You can still find paper copies, but Lulu also offers a PDF at a very reasonable price (for the content you get.]  author: Jean Ferry

Quote from: Enrico Salazar on June 07, 2007, 12:46:07 PM
Quote from: Bogus Magus on June 07, 2007, 11:21:13 AM
Quote from: Enrico Salazar on June 07, 2007, 01:23:56 AM
So, Bogus.  Can Enrico count on smelling your ass soon?
Nah, I have a dog to do that for me.

He thinks I'm a genius (although he seems to prefer me when I haven't washed).

Enrico is not certain you are genius yet (he hasn't seen you play Uno) but he also like you better unwashed.  You don't mind Crisco, he hope?
Sadly, I have an allergic reaction to Crisco.

I am afraid I have to insist on Skunk Oil, or I can't even consider your suggestion...
Quote from: Baron von Hoopla on June 07, 2007, 12:59:19 AM
Sure, you could start a forum based on that type of thing, or even just chat in a regular forum (such as this, in case you weren't paying attention) but its hard to get people to do readings so that everyone is on the same page (eh, so to speak) and to keep people on topic.  Paying money has a way of keeping people focused.  Its really not overly expensive, and if you're a fast-talking shyster like me you can even get in for a reduced fee.
I agree about paying customers, and it does mean we don't have to surround such talk with barbed wire (or barbed comments) - but then you still get the whingers who complain the course material isn't what they expected for their money. I remember RAW getting pretty fed up with such types, given that the whole thing was an experiment anyway.

And right now, with the dollar/pound exchange rate the way it is, it seems real cheap to people from the UK!    :evil:
Quote from: Enrico Salazar on June 07, 2007, 01:23:56 AM
So, Bogus.  Can Enrico count on smelling your ass soon?
Nah, I have a dog to do that for me.

He thinks I'm a genius (although he seems to prefer me when I haven't washed).
Thanks LMNO.

I just keep seeing new posts in a thread I wanted to let die, so I drop back in.

I may have said that I don't debate ideas in this thread when acting the asshole, but in general I have posted a couple of simple things elsewhere on the site, and happily discuss/debate them with anyone. And no, I don't randomly delete/edit posts in the normal course of events.

I just don't think I have anything new to tell you guys, it seemed to me, (you made it pretty clear) as most of you didn't seem that interested in the MLA.

I'll go read the BIP stuff, and stop feeling tempted to answer back. 

And the theoretical knowledge of the 8-Circuit system doesn't make much difference, maybe, but I recommend Antero Alli's very practical (get away from that computer) course.  I did it about a year ago, and he's running it again right now.  Great stuff.  Over and Out.
Hey ho, gotta stop using you guys for stress relief as I spend my day acting polite to punters complaining about the network.

Perhaps I'll pull up the meatspinner video, to really surprise 'em...

The last guy looked at me like a dog who'd been shown a card trick...
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on June 06, 2007, 07:16:32 AM
Quote from: Bogus Magus on June 06, 2007, 04:15:02 AM
(to a rich magickian

Nothing else you have to say has any merit whatsoever, after that.

Magickian.   :lulz:
I only do it to annoy 'em...but I like all yer 'j's and 'g's and 'd's...I might borrow that...
Quote from: Baron von Hoopla on June 06, 2007, 03:54:25 AM
See that's exactly the problem with some Discordians.  That MLA forum is a perfect example.  

They set them selves up in a little bubble reality, pretending that all other Discordians will think exactly like them, talk exactly like them, and all be interested in the same things.  They might as well live in a gold submarine in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

Someone sticks their head into their club and says something they don't expect (eg: "Fuck you") and they all pat each other on the back and exchange 'there but for the grace of Eris' natter natter natter . . .  Well, guess what?  Some people express themselves by saying things like "fuck you".  It happens out here in what we lovingly refer to as IRL.

Little ponds are fine, but that's all they are . . . you can't delude yourself to believe that all other "Discordians" are going to behave exactly as you think they should, or exhibit what you believe is a courteous manner.  Some Discordians are assholes, some aren't - such is life.
Eh, sorry, but not all member of MLA consider themselves Discordians, I feel fairly sure. [not that I can speak for them all, of course]. Actually, I don't consider myself a Discordian, either, but I didn't know you had to, just to talk to people who like to label (libel) themselves.

As the first person to feel the urge to say 'Fuck You'  in 'nice, polite' MLA (to a rich magickian who reckoned the US economy had got destroyed by the Mexican immigrants - a concept that genuinely deserved that response, and no other) I felt quite pleased to see it posted for the second time. Thanks. I don't feel so alone. 

And we knew about the bubble reality, which I guess is the reason that Admin opened the door to let people jump in.  :fnord:

Gee thanks for the moustache job, now I almost feel welcome, kind of...
Just a mistake from a nOOb.

Sorry to waste your time.

The preceding responses answered some stupid shit I posted to try to be funny. I haven't edited myself to make them look stupid, but because I know nothing of online forum behaviour, and attracted a deserved (if over the top) kicking.

Not that some people may let it drop, because apparently they just like kicking people when they're down, and apologies are pointless, and probably display weakness.  I just find 2nd Circuit stuff boring far too quickly.

But I apologise anyway - and will lurk, or try to make intelligent contributions when I feel I have something to add.

I have posted the same information at the beginning of the thread.  What more can I say?
Hey ho. Well,  have no fear.

Someone just popped into MLA to shout "fuck you!" which really impressed the locals. So I guess you could say "we're even".  If I had any caution I'd have used an anonymous avatar. As a relatively unarmoured entity I still blunder about in a good-natured way - assuming goodwill.

And there I was, hoping for a little creative exchange... (sigh) they're just ephemeral words on a screen guys, and I already found far more interesting parts of the PD site to read.

BIP seems a fascinating project, and the Quantum thread already intrigues me, and I intend (outside of this thread) to show respect.

But this thread won't go away, or sink into oblivion, and I don't need a nOOb safety zone or anything, so I have REALLY contributed to the Chaos and Confusion now.

So it goes.
Quote from: Baron von Hoopla on June 05, 2007, 11:57:13 PM

These people aren't going out of their way to be assholes, and neither am I.  This is how this forum is.  Either you like it, or you don't . . . people have tried to change it and it doesn't work.

You either merge to some degree, or you eventually find other places to post which fit your personality better.

It's not the end of the world.
Well, come on now. I didn't go out of my way to be an asshole either. I invited fellow newbies into one thread to share their confusion, and got stomped by people who've been here for years.

I don't care, but I don't see where the problem lies.

I'd have put it somewhere more discrete, but it said:

Principia Discussion
Talk about the book. Ask questions. Pick each other's brains. Pick fleas out of each other's fur. We don't care.

Foolish of me, I know, but I believed the heading.

Hey ho.

If you can't change a forum, how the fuck can you expect to change yourself or the world? I got my BIP, you got yours.