
Everyone who calls themselves "wolf-something" or "something-wolf" almost inevitably turns out to be an irredeemable shitneck.

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Messages - Zurtok Khan

Or Kill Me / Reposted: There was a point in time.
October 18, 2006, 07:19:29 PM
Reposted as for ECH's request:

There was a point in time that never existed when honorable men sat on thrones of air through which they fell. And the people, never satisfied with the truth, wanted lies and entertainment, wanted saviors to save them from some evil invented in the minds of mediocre men who had not yet realized that good is never good enough, as the Cold War of Words escalated and the world feared for each plant and microbe with each new invented bomb, with each misdirecting act of war to cover private indiscretions. The monkey's in suits dancing to accordian tunes rejoiced at the pretty colors, neither shocked nor awed nor sympathetic for the plight of people thousands of miles away in a place so devoid of "humanity" it was a crime for it to exist. And, something grew larger with each laugh as missles flew from ships an impossible distance away and there was anger, and a desert of fire ants ready to give them hell with a rifle. Swarming distant cries, resistance from all corriders when dreams of heaven float on both sides, misunderstood misdirection that never made it through the haze of flies on dead bodies bloated in the hot sun. How simple how sane the moments the insane incite, and how cold are thoughts of steel and hot fussion in disturbed neurons reserved for a select few thoughts from now on.

-Zurtok Khan
Oct. 12th, 2006
Or Kill Me / Re: Church and state
April 25, 2006, 09:46:44 AM
Quote from: WolfpoetThis has always aroused my curiosity. Everybody knows that our Colonial-cousins-from-across-the-pond (or if your a redneck our Colonial-kissing-cousins-from-across-the-pond) have a little and oft-preached clause in their most glorious constitution thingy, right next to the right to arm bears:


That's real purty!

Which basicly means to be elected in American politics you have to be a rabid, right wing, fundamentalist, crusading, Darwin hating conservative type.

Now I fully appreciate you had your little tantrum and declared independence but do we realy have to burn down the whitehouse again before you colonial types figure out that the best way to deal with this problem is the patented British model?

Just follow this simple step-by-step guide:

1) Have a head of state

2) Have a head of the national religion

3) Make these two people one and the same (also if you need to divorce your wife and the Pope won't let you, this works for it.)

4) Remove their power, but let them have all the cute little doggies they want.

The result is a happy society where peopel don't give a good God damn about religion but spend all their time whining about the Monarchy.

Quote from: Sonick Elevator Backdrop
Quote from: East Coast Hustle"Magick" is a dangerously seductive delusion which keeps you from reaching your inborn potential as a human being. there is no mysterious power, no unseen force, no physics-defying sorcery. there is only YOU and things you are or are not capable of, which are completely divorced from your perceived ability to bend the universe to your will in defiance of natural laws.

in other words, drop the "magick" bullshit and take responsibility for your actions (or lack thereof).
Hey you seem to be a very good Magickian! Why ask me for a demonstration or an explanation when you have perfected the art of self-delusion right here? You have effectively banished Magick from your "reality" by re-affirming your own bullshit, sorry... belief system, to yourself. What kind of "Discordians" are you people? I think the lot of you are "real" fakes that can't handle even a small dose of a fake "reality", i.e. an Erisian simulacra.
Quote from: eighteen buddha strikeEvocations are acts of deliberate self delusion
I relatively agree with this assertion in some sense. See East Coast Hustle's post for a good example of how it works. Observe the magickal mechanics at work there seemingly triggered (evoked) by "mysterious powers" and "unseen forces" that seem contradictory to hir own. Blah, blah, blah, ad nauseam to infinite regression.

On the other hand, if evocation is just an act of self-delusion then East Coast Hustle actually has the expaining to do. Explain why I have been successful in evoking your bullshit in this thread.:razz:

HOWEVER, none of this was the point of this topic. Was there a point or did all of you just make one up after the fact out of lack of vision?

Or Kill Me / Even Jesus had a sense of humor
April 25, 2006, 09:14:03 AM
Quote from: Machine Grind DreamStop mocking the Hebrew people you fucking prick!

Pfft.  I'm one of the Hebrew people.
Or Kill Me / The Futility of Oppression
April 25, 2006, 05:04:08 AM
Quote from: East Coast Hustleif everyone understood how supply and demand works in the context of the capitalist system, the system would cease to function.

Umm, then explain Economists to me, because I'm missing something here.
Or Kill Me / Even Jesus had a sense of humor
April 25, 2006, 04:58:23 AM
I've decided I'm not a White Supremisist, I'm a Jewish Supremisist with a Zionist complex.

The whole world is my Zion, fucker, get the hell off.
Or Kill Me / Even Jesus had a sense of humor
April 24, 2006, 11:33:44 PM
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
-Albert Einstein

I was reading Joseph Cambell's "The Power of Myth" last night, and in answer to one of the questions his interveiwer is asking he relates the story of the 3 temptations of Jesus while he was fasting.

Jesus goes out to fast for 40 days.  So, Satan comes and is all up in his face, "Yo, motherfucker, if you're hungry you can make these rocks into bread."  Jesus declines.

So, Satan tries again, "Look at all these people here, they could ALL be your bitches if you wanted them to be."  Again, Jesus declines.

In one last attempt Satan says, "Alright, dude, if you're so holy you don't need any of this shat, why don't we go to the top of the Temple and you can throw yourself off to allow God to save you, just to show how holy you are."

The way I picture it Jesus put a little smile on his face and says, "You should not tempt the Lord, your God."

I've read this before in the Bible, but it never struck me as so funny, or as Ironic.

Here's Jesus saying, look, God is happy to help you help yourself, but if you're a dumbass, he is going to laugh at you, just like the rest of us.

I guess this just proves that Eris had her hand in the Bible too.

After all, if you tie the noose and put your head in, you deserve to be hung.
Quote from: East Coast Hustle
Quote from: Zurtok Khan
Quote from: Machine Grind DreamI don't think so.

Here, try this new white supremacist energy drink:

Is it possible to be a gay jewish white supremisist?

it's possible, but it's about as likely as someone being a gay white conservative wal-mart employee from Utah.

Don't work at Wal-Mart anymore, I work for the SADS Foundation.

Quote from: Machine Grind DreamI don't think so.

Here, try this new white supremacist energy drink:

Is it possible to be a gay jewish white supremisist?
Quote from: Machine Grind Dream
Quote from: Zurtok Khan
Quote from: Z¬?The PC movement is wussifying our society.
Charlie Sheen would not approve.

Chuck Norris.


Haven't we had this arguement before?
Or Kill Me / Why Won't You...
April 13, 2006, 06:10:57 AM
Stop writting such long rants.  I can't concentrate for that long on narcotics.
Quote from: Z¬?The PC movement is wussifying our society.
Charlie Sheen would not approve.

Chuck Norris.
Quote from: mian tiao noodleNeverwhere by neil gaiman

This is YES AND HELLO!  Have you read American Gods?
Or Kill Me / Top Ten Ways The World Will End...
April 05, 2006, 08:30:32 AM
Way Number 12
This woman farts
Or Kill Me / Re: Something Noteworthy
April 02, 2006, 07:06:43 AM
Quote from: Pope T.Mangrove xvii
Quote from: IranonThe Goddess likes it when you put up with Greyfaces.

Quote from: The Goddess

Stop telling people what I like and don't like.

Teh Mangrove wins.

Hands down.