News: Taoism in a clown costume.

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Messages - xXKazXx


Take it Bitches!
god dammit........ :argh!:
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on January 09, 2010, 12:21:23 AM
Quote from: xXKazXx on January 09, 2010, 12:20:20 AM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on January 09, 2010, 12:19:27 AM
Quote from: xXKazXx on January 09, 2010, 12:18:05 AM
i would complain but i have been over taken by the sudden urge to ejaculate off a cliff.

Like it would be the FIRST time, you fucking degenerate.  :crankey:

Of course it isint. you should try it! its like throwing thousands of babies to their death!

That's way more efficient than the way I do it.  :argh!:

I mean, there's plenty of babies to go around, but distribution is a problem that capitalism has not yet solved.

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on January 09, 2010, 12:19:27 AM
Quote from: xXKazXx on January 09, 2010, 12:18:05 AM
i would complain but i have been over taken by the sudden urge to ejaculate off a cliff.

Like it would be the FIRST time, you fucking degenerate.  :crankey:

Of course it isint. you should try it! its like throwing thousands of babies to their death!
i would complain but i have been over taken by the sudden urge to ejaculate off a cliff.
August 31, 2009 - Monday
   So I think until my coffee's cold. Listening to the Smooth Jazz that fills my room, I find myself drifting. Not from lack of sleep, but the many life stimulation's that I have collected. Stimulation's that are too many to list, but the more recent ones stand out. Its Four AM and I am doing laundry, Passing time until I catch the Six Forty Express to downtown. I'm in college now. Never in YEARS have I ever been up and preparing for something that is a pure responsibility. Sipping the morning Joe now, contemplating if I want to have a smoke or finish typing this memoir of the mornings tasks, Documenting my emotions, that are indeed, Very relaxing. the right music, the right flavor, the right temperature. all is stable. all but one thing. but I have to let it go and keep focus on what may lie ahead. I'm an adult now, and working my way to becoming a better one at that. I don't have time for the silly chase games anymore, but I have an entire life to pick it back up. After all, why keep trying for something that has let you down because you were human? why keep wasting time on something that used to Make you happy, and live for your next morning? Why keep pursuing something that let something as small as anew daily activity from advancing both party's Life together? Life has a sick way of telling you the answers to all that.

   funny how the time you have to spend on something is ultimately and justifiably shortened by the need to tend to something  else. both aspects of this negotiation lacks the gravity of other things...Such as the line between the time we've already lived, and the time we have yet to breath. I almost forgotten how much I loved the taste, smell, and soothing touch of Coffee. its aroma filling the house with comfort, and its warmth fleeting through my body. I think ill have that Cigarette now. Another one of life's simple pleasures. For those who choose to, a moment of peace, relaxation, the ultimate stress relief from everyday problems. Who would think that something so small and peaceful, would have such a morbid reality that can and will take place years after enjoyment... Much like life itself.
        I realize that that is a very dark way to think about something as beautiful as life, but we cant keep ourselves living in the shadow of plastic smiles, hopeless dreams and Fake Greetings at department stores. We all know deep inside that they could give half a damn about YOU as soon as YOU walk out those hydraulic metal framed doors that lead YOU right back to where YOU came. As if the products themselves weren't enough to interest the lower and middle class community, The corporation smiles in your face, making you FEEL like you are loved and plug the aspirations of returning for more later on. But with an economy on the fritz, and depressed Politicians, who wouldn't appreciate that subtle amount of happiness and gratification?

   I speak only of my own dealings, and personal experiences however, and who's to say people don't know this already? I sure didn't until life reared its ugly head right in front of my path in the form of a recession. What did I do to put an end to my own depression? Medication. I did it the mature and adult way by recognizing the signs and admitted myself into a Behavioral Clinic, With crossed fingers mind you. To this day the only thing I find that takes away any bit of the real world are these pills. would I go with out them if I had the chance again? no. I deal with things differently, I sleep better and I am more motivated. much like I am to write this. But here's the problem. I cant afford to keep this medication. Thank you individual status and not allowing me to qualify for state assistance at the moment.

   I guess my Point is this. Perhaps the purpose of the little lapse we all get, one way or another between preparation, and our endeavors of the day is to allow us to think how we really do not know what today holds for us. The day could be more adventurous and exciting than we have planned, or....It could be our last walk out the door, our last look at home, our last Cup of Coffee.......Its a good day to live.
4:13 AM
Ugggggghhhhh! I feel like hot sick in my headmeat!

But strangely aroused....

dear lord........i dont want to know that!!!!!
I swear people we are all sane in this house......