
It's funny how the position for boot-licking is so close to the one used for curb-stomping.

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Messages - BluTakDuck

Quote from: Iason Ouabache on August 02, 2010, 08:26:44 AM
Quote from: Father Kurt Christ on July 31, 2010, 09:14:46 PM
Quote from: Aucoq on July 31, 2010, 07:15:50 PM
I wonder how this will affect that Life of Christ trilogy she was in the middle of writing.  I wait with bated breath to find out.  :lol:
Jesus was a vampire. The end.
I would like to know what would happen if you crucified a vampire. Or put one through a meat grinder. Or locked one in a full blast furnace for several hours. Or used a machine gun to turn one into swiss cheese. Or tossed one off the Empire State Building.

Someone find me a vampire. I have a shit-ton of experiments I have to try out.

These guys claim they are...and would probably be willing to try and prove as much.


you're welcome.  :)
Or Kill Me / Re: Words that piss me off.
August 02, 2010, 08:53:01 AM
Quote from: Triple Zero on August 02, 2010, 07:58:33 AM
Quote from: Xooxe on August 02, 2010, 03:38:49 AM

I've started seeing that one in politics a lot recently. Used as icing to sell a plan of action.

It helps if you imagine the word to be a portmanteau for ROBOTIC BREASTS.

like this?
As Clarke slowly climbed the creaking stairs he felt a familiar sensation pass behind his back. He spun around to see what it was that had brushed his spine and sent shivers of tension through his ribs, only to find a lack of any thing behind him. No apparition, no beast, no colour, no sound. Nothing. He prickled at the sudden rising excitement that manifested as fear in his easily affected mind and returned to climbing the stairs, finding it more difficult than it had been previously. Not through an inability, but through an unwillingness. He wanted to retreat back down the steps and out of the door, full steam ahead into the artificially lit street, but he could neither continue nor go back. Something shapeless gripped him to the spot and he found himself unable to move. ‘Is it simply a fear of the dark,’ he wondered? He felt compelled to press on, yet unable. And there he stood until the clock chimed half past the hour, the resonating bell somehow proving that there was no spirit barring his progress to bed and to dreams.

For as long as he could remember there had always been a clock in the kitchen. His first memories as a child revolved around it, and it was the clock he learned to tell the time by. His mother had thought it more practical to purchase the biggest clock she could find so that it would be visible from the other side of the room, even when her eyesight inevitably began to fail her. For as long as he could remember, the staccatto thud that accompanied the movement of the clocks innards had been a noise in the background, the rhythm of the thing keeping time just as much as the numbers did. There had been times when he’d wished that for one second the clock would cease it’s labours and give him some peace, there had been times when he’d gone as far as wrenching out the batteries from the flimsy compartment on the back just to buy himself five moments of silence. Each time he did he would almost instantly replace the batteries with fresh ones, presently unaware that he had originally intended to leave the clock dead. It was only more recently that he had come to realise how much he relied upon the clock, as a friend and as a keeper. When there was no-one there to talk to him, the clock would be reminding him of the time, and after his mother had left and there was no-one there to complain that he was wasting his time, the clock was there still, counting. It occurred to him that his mother would have been able to get through to him better than picking at his concentration ever could simply by counting. It wasn’t even the sound of the numbers that made the counting important, just the knowledge that there was one, and one previous, and one to follow on. These three taps, that endlessly repeated were enough to tell him that things were still progressing. That time had not slowed down, that things were as they always were. “Dependency is such an ugly word,” he thought to himself, and so he merely sated his self loathing with the knowledge that it was not only him that was addicted to the clock, everyone had a clock, and everyone needed to know that it was there beside them, tirelessly counting the moments, seconds, minutes and hours between now and then.

One day, the clock stopped.
Quote from: Telarus on August 01, 2010, 07:50:52 AM

Well I'm sorry we don't have the special effects department that you guys do. In my country we have to paint the lightsaber onto our shirts.
Or Kill Me / Re: Words that piss me off.
August 02, 2010, 06:11:06 AM
Moist LipWig sounds like some sort of victorian hip hop star.

MC Moist LipWig.

I can't think of a single situation where monocle smile would be an innappropriate response.
I had this idea for leaving leaflets and pamphlets in the racks they have at doctors surgeries/bus stations/offices etc. Anywhere that any sort of general interest reading material gets put. It would be a sort of basic introduction to quitting your job and starting a fulfilling life. With tips and general advice on what to do instead, where to find local help, how to figure out your passions/skills. Aimed purely at people who already hate what they do but don't have the balls to find something they'd prefer. So i wrote the introduction and i was wondering about other content and what, if anything, would need changing.


So you open your head and all this nonsense comes shooting out of it. Shocked and stupid and unable to exist in a space where it does not have a way to explain itself. It's all the little bits and pieces of every time you've shrugged your shoulders and said "nothing really" whenever anyone has asked you what is wrong. It's every wave of rage you repressed because you've had to smile and pretend to be part of the gang when you know that everything the gang represents just seems wrong to you. It's keeping your head down for a slice of the quiet life. It's the little bit of time before going to bed on a night when you say "Tomorrow i'll just stay in bed." But you know you're going to be there like always.

These pieces aren't you.

Do you remember the days when you swore those pieces would never be you? And yet here they are lying on the desk in a ball of blood and brain matter, nodes and rods and cones sprayed across the cheap vinyl worktop as though your head began to reject your inconsistent and ungrateful imagination.

SNAP! Your vision reels itself back in and slaps you between the eyes and you remember that you're sitting at a desk in a urine coloured office surrounded by thirty other people who feel exactly the same way. The radio might as well be yawning for all the good it's doing, the beat matching up perfectly with the ticking clock smirking at you out of the corner of your eye.

This is the point where you will decide the entire course of your life. This is the bit where you will make up your mind who you are for the rest of your days. Is it really such a difficult decision? You know deep down what the correct answer is, and it is so blindingly obvious that you cannot ignore it any longer. This time will be the last time you get to choose. This will be the final chance. Do you want to sit and daydream about having a life that at least seems like it's worth living? Or do you sit out the rest of your sentence? Let's make a list of pro's and con's shall we?

Reasons why you should stay.

Number one. Your partner won't start shouting at you for being irresponsible.
Two. Your parents will be proud of you for sticking with it.
Three. You'll fit in nicely with everyone else. Because no-one really likes work do they? I mean that's why they call it work. You're not supposed to enjoy it. It's just a thing you have to do to be able to make it in this world and call yourself a responsible adult. A grown up.

One. You will hate yourself for the rest of your life for not having the guts to do what you actually wanted to do with your life. Whatever that might be. At least you'd be free to travel, for example. Or write that book you're always talking about writing. Or taking that year to teach English in Japan. Or playing music to anyone who'll listen.
Two. You will always regret not taking this opportunity.
Three. You will always know that the people who love you now, truly love and care about you, don't love you for who you are. They love you for your salary and your career prospects. They are proud of the job title. They are happy because you are fitting in nicely, and you're so well adjusted. Thank the stars that you're not interesting or eccentric in any way. That might make you stand out from the crowd.

Are you not taking that step just because you're scared to be yourself? Or are you scared that other people will hate the real you?

Then again, if you're only in it for other people's opinions then there's really not much that I could say that is going to help anyway. Your mind has been made up, and unfortunately not by you.

Just supposing that you do take the chance to be completely and utterly yourself, not bowing to anyone else's demands, or for anyone else's approval. I mean what's the worst that happens? You quit, walk out and give yourself an honest go at life. You have some fun, things don't work out and you get yourself another job. You learn your lesson and everything goes back to normal. But you have to have a go, right?

So what do YOU want to do?"

Any suggestions/advice...? I don't know if there's already threads about this, but i thought since it was a new project a new thread would be best.
Very interesting. I've been thinking about making a game for a while, and i could do with a project to keep me busy for the next few weeks since i'll be having to sit up all night with very little to do except surf the interwebs. I'll start having a play around with it this week and see what i can come up with.
I'm looking forward to after the handheld version when they make the kids toy/practical joke version which will only be useful for knocking peoples hats off and pushing people off chairs.
Or Kill Me / Re: Words that piss me off.
July 22, 2010, 03:53:56 AM
When people use "Never" as a reaction. ("My brother won an award." "Never.")

The phrase "At the end of the day..."


Flavourful and Flavoursome.

When they stick the word "solution" after another word as shorthand. "Debt solution" "home office solution" "data management solution"

eco-friendly (it's never mentioned whether they mean ecology or economy)

I don't know whether it's appropriate to just post images for submission here. Apologies if it's bad form.

Techmology and Scientism / Re: OFAUK 3D MANDELBULB
July 20, 2010, 08:11:07 AM
I've never been able to get my head around complex mathematics, but seeing things like this really make me wish i could. I don't know what it is about fractals that is so intriguing. I think it has something to do with being able to create such complex, beautiful shapes and images from numbers. It's like the logic based sister of music.
I always take my gameboy for long journeys. 36 hours would be a decent enough lenth of time to finish a game. Something puzzle based works well since you can take breaks if you get tired and come back to it later.

You could try and distribute slogans or messages to as many people as possible on the bus.

Make up a questionnaire to ask people. Or just try and make friends (and then convert them). Like Pope Lecherous, learning as much about them as possible is also a good idea. You never know who you might end up staying in contact with.

A deck of cards is always a must too. Even just on a day to day basis.
If they love washing cars, help them out. Organise some sort of charity car wash drive, advertise it around your area, put ads in the paper etc. But just don't tell them about it.

V for Vendetta (Maybe useful just for quotes more than anything else)
Prometheus Rising?

Steal this book and the cookbook are definitely outdated. I came across steal this book again the other day, a few years since I last read it. It hasn't aged well against technological and societal advances. Its only still useful as an interesting relic anymore.