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its where you left it

Started by the dreadful hours, July 15, 2011, 01:13:11 PM

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the dreadful hours

it was left there
on the platform
the last few grains of hope
that somehow managed to survive
the long descent into the reality of man-made you-topia

in the deathly bowels
of an indifferent cement encrusted underworld

the dim light
the stale breath of the cavernous catacombs

the blank stares
into digital
into detachment
into the mainlined tether to


to ideas of relationships
that are as real as the tooth fairy
that are not of the hand to hand comradery

of yesteryear

how did it all come to this
why didn't anyone speak up
how did we traverse so far into these depths
without leaving a crumb trail back

and no one brought a fucking flashlight