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The Usual Bullshit

Started by Z³, October 25, 2004, 01:49:19 AM

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I was just thinking about it, and I realized that there are a few things that piss me off.

1. The Titties & Beer Mentality. I'd like to include all manner of fart jokes and jock type humor here, and mind you I'm not pulling the PC card, I just make a distinction between "funny" and "not funny". This is coming from a person who is capable laughing at other peoples misery , I laughed all the way through Requiem For A Dream (come to think of it, I can really only laugh at fake/staged misery, not the other kind). Anyway, I feel this addresses all of the fat chicks/beer bong crap that goes on here. Its not that its offensive, its just that its fucking lame.

2. People who type like they are fucking retarded. Seriously, I'm glad that years of drug abuse gave you insight into the inner mysteries of the universe... its too bad you lack the capacity to communicate it to anybody.

3. Self Pity. Y'know, its ok to feel like shit or to be depressed once in a while. I just wouldnt make a habit out of it.

Hey, you know what? Thats pretty much all I've got right now. I feel much better about life, though, getting all that off my chest. Now I'll go back to looking at the rest of the forum and slowly building up my anger again.

East Coast Hustle

umm...not that I mean to interrupt your venting session...but what the hell do you have agains titties and beer? are they not two of the three best things ever created?   8)
Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"

Hey, they're allright and everything, they're also the holy grail for a lot of extremely shallow people. Whatever you want to do for a good time, I guess, but that doesnt mean I'm going to respect people for it. Self gratification at any cost: The American Dream. Titties are so awesome, yeah... of course they are, but who cares? At least we dont have idiots on this messageboard who post all that stupid lindsay lohan or paris hilton "trashy slut of the week" bullshit.

Hey, sure, I fall in with the treat women like human beings crowd. That doesnt mean I dont appreciate titties. It just means I think the over-preoccupation with it is a little unhealthy, not to mention the trademark of the give me hollow self gratification or give me death generation.

Mind you, I live in the midwest. Where I am isnt all that bad, really, but I'm about half an hour from dumb fratboys who worship, and offer libations of bud ice upon the alter of titties, to football.

So when I say "titties and beer" I dont literally mean those things, what I mean is the whole fucking archetype of personality that goes with it. I dont know if I've been very clear in demonstrating that.

When it comes to offensive humor, I'm a bit of a hypocrite, but I try not to be. You see, I dont dislike offensive humor because its distasteful. I dont get offended by it. I just think that in the hands of the unfunny, its just fucking stupid and should be left alone. In the right context, a person can use the word nigger or cunt (good example: David Cross), and I'll fucking laugh at that. Some people would think me less of a person for doing so. However, in the hands of the unfunny, its a double whammy: because not only are they being insensitive, but they arent being artistic about it, and therefore its a hell of a lot worse in my mind than the guy who knows how to keep his mouth shut.

The best example I can give you right now is death metal. You see, I love death metal, when its done well its some of the most technical and brilliantly done music out there... however, with most of the various flavors of death/black/whatever metal, you have the single largest intelligence gap between musician and fan. Not to mention the fact that Cannibal Corpse, Mayhem, and Cradle of Filth seriously suck.

By the way, thanks for responding to the topic, because this is some shit that seriously needs to get out of my system before I snap and and launch a guerilla war campaign against the internet in general. If we're discordians, I think that we are obligated to be ripping each other apart on a daily basis. Progression through conflict, from aneris springs eris./= Eat a bowl full of dick.


People who want to have it both ways with their kids, and expect me to go out of my way to accommodate this.  Especially the fuckers who seem to expect that all the grownups in a room have the responsibility to keep Junior from sticking a fork in an electrical socket, but heaven help you if you catch it in the act and decide to swat it on the ass to teach it not to do that anymore.  Sorry, but if you're going to charge me with raising your snotling for you, you're going to give me the power to discipline it as I see fit.  If you don't like how I discipline kids, then keep them away from me, and we'll all be much happier.

(I know there are some cultures - Middle Eastern and Mexican come to mind - where there is the communal attitude toward child-rearing.  But again, all the grownups also have the power to discipline anybody's kid if need be.)
- DJRubberducky
Quote from: LMNODJ's post is sort of like those pills you drop into a glass of water, and they expand into a dinosaur, or something.

Black sheep are still sheep.

East Coast Hustle

Quote from: Z¬?Hey, they're allright and everything, they're also the holy grail for a lot of extremely shallow people. Whatever you want to do for a good time, I guess, but that doesnt mean I'm going to respect people for it. Self gratification at any cost: The American Dream. Titties are so awesome, yeah... of course they are, but who cares? At least we dont have idiots on this messageboard who post all that stupid lindsay lohan or paris hilton "trashy slut of the week" bullshit.

Hey, sure, I fall in with the treat women like human beings crowd. That doesnt mean I dont appreciate titties. It just means I think the over-preoccupation with it is a little unhealthy, not to mention the trademark of the give me hollow self gratification or give me death generation.

Mind you, I live in the midwest. Where I am isnt all that bad, really, but I'm about half an hour from dumb fratboys who worship, and offer libations of bud ice upon the alter of titties, to football.

So when I say "titties and beer" I dont literally mean those things, what I mean is the whole fucking archetype of personality that goes with it. I dont know if I've been very clear in demonstrating that.

When it comes to offensive humor, I'm a bit of a hypocrite, but I try not to be. You see, I dont dislike offensive humor because its distasteful. I dont get offended by it. I just think that in the hands of the unfunny, its just fucking stupid and should be left alone. In the right context, a person can use the word nigger or cunt (good example: David Cross), and I'll fucking laugh at that. Some people would think me less of a person for doing so. However, in the hands of the unfunny, its a double whammy: because not only are they being insensitive, but they arent being artistic about it, and therefore its a hell of a lot worse in my mind than the guy who knows how to keep his mouth shut.

The best example I can give you right now is death metal. You see, I love death metal, when its done well its some of the most technical and brilliantly done music out there... however, with most of the various flavors of death/black/whatever metal, you have the single largest intelligence gap between musician and fan. Not to mention the fact that Cannibal Corpse, Mayhem, and Cradle of Filth seriously suck.

By the way, thanks for responding to the topic, because this is some shit that seriously needs to get out of my system before I snap and and launch a guerilla war campaign against the internet in general. If we're discordians, I think that we are obligated to be ripping each other apart on a daily basis. Progression through conflict, from aneris springs eris./= Eat a bowl full of dick.

I gotcha...and I agree for the most part...I love titties and beer, but I do find the whole meathead frat-boy culture repulsive...I think titties are wonderful because they are part of a woman, as opposed to thinking that women are allright because they have titties....and while I LOVE beer, I do not think that there is any Anheuser-Busch product that deserves to be categorized as such...or that matter, I'm right with you on the death metal too...I fucking LOVE Candiria, Nile, Unearth, Poison the Well, Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch, etc....but you'll never find me wearing their t-shirts because people will automatically put you in with the morons who make up 99% of the fanbase...although I admit, I do like Cradle of Filth's newest album...much more musical than their previous efforts, and lighter on the irritating know the one I'm talking about....

perhaps we could genetically splice a meathead frat-boy and a satan-loving metalhead....create the ultimate moron....then unleash him at political rallies....that'd be fun.... 8)
Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"

Quote from: Turdman
perhaps we could genetically splice a meathead frat-boy and a satan-loving metalhead....create the ultimate moron....then unleash him at political rallies....that'd be fun....

I've met tons of people like that. In a lot of cases it seems like the grey area between fratboy and metalhead is almost entirely cosmetic.

Anyway, its good to know that we agree on something.


My big bitch at the moment is people who don't know how to drive and still insist on getting behind the wheel of death machines. I spent a lot of time on the road this weekend and I'm still suffering from road rage. I saw one horrendous accident that happened because someone in the fast lane was driving way under the speed limit......until someone tried to pass him. He's probably dead, but other people were hurt because of his stupidity.
just like in a dream
you'll open your mouth to scream
and you won't make a sound

you can't believe your eyes
you can't believe your ears
you can't believe your friends
you can't believe you're here


I like Cradle of filth.  At least they have energy, which is what I listen to them for.  And although the lyrics are largely reliant on a complicated and poorly wielded vocabulary, it's ok to me.

Runaway five kick a lot more ass anyday.  8)

Horab Fibslager

/me hides the football altar covered in beer and tittie stains.... :mrgreen:
Hell is other people.


Quote from: Z¬?At least we dont have idiots on this messageboard who post all that stupid lindsay lohan or paris hilton "trashy slut of the week" bullshit.

shhh...don't jinx it you fool.


Quote from: Z¬?The best example I can give you right now is death metal. You see, I love death metal, when its done well its some of the most technical and brilliantly done music out there... however, with most of the various flavors of death/black/whatever metal, you have the single largest intelligence gap between musician and fan. Not to mention the fact that Cannibal Corpse, Mayhem, and Cradle of Filth seriously suck.

remember sturgeon's law

95% of everything is crap

that goes for discordianism as well as death metal

agent compassion

I propose we infiltrate non-Discordian message boards and do what comes naturally.

'I'll take you out for a meal with Mr. and Mrs. Pain, order up some violent quiche. Do you want some?' - ++++++ Moon

Quote from: fluffy
Quote from: Z¬?The best example I can give you right now is death metal. You see, I love death metal, when its done well its some of the most technical and brilliantly done music out there... however, with most of the various flavors of death/black/whatever metal, you have the single largest intelligence gap between musician and fan. Not to mention the fact that Cannibal Corpse, Mayhem, and Cradle of Filth seriously suck.

remember sturgeon's law

95% of everything is crap

that goes for discordianism as well as death metal

I very much agree fluffy.


I've always thought of it as "100% of everything is crap, but some kinds of crap are good for your garden".
- DJRubberducky
Quote from: LMNODJ's post is sort of like those pills you drop into a glass of water, and they expand into a dinosaur, or something.

Black sheep are still sheep.