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Pamphlet Brainstorm Thread

Started by Cramulus, January 18, 2012, 03:18:28 PM

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This thread is for brainstorming trifold pamphlets. The idea here is to just throw out a bunch of pamphlet ideas, even if you have no intention of making one.


Kopyleft Notice: Any text or idea posted in this thread could be picked up and developed by somebody else. so don't post content you're not comfortable giving away.

Here's the rough structure... this is mainly to help you get started, you don't have to have the full concept thought out. Feel free to post bits of a concept, and leave a bunch of ???????s in the parts you haven't figured out. We'll chat about the idea and maybe come up with something to put in the blank spots.

Concept: a short description of the pamphlet's intention or goal. Is there a specific issue you want to raise awareness of? a specific idea that you want to draw attention to? Is there something you want to combat or address? A common misconception you want to challenge?

Front Cover: Generally, this is a title and an image. Sometimes you draw people in with a big question.

Inside: You've got about 200 words per panel to make your point. I wouldn't go over 200 or 300 words per column. And you should probably think of what images would go with the text. The body of the pamphlet is actually 4 pages, which people generally read in the following order:

Inside (left): a brief summary
Inside Flap: (the back of the inside right column)
Inside Center,
Inside Right

and finally, there's the

Back Cover: closing words and a hook. This could be our website, an e-mail address, or a way to get involved. The back cover launches the reader into action.

I have been ITCHING to make something awesome and then go blast it everywhere. So let's see if we can come up with something cool which will be fun to distribute.


Concept: Get excited about the End Times. This pamphlet shows people that even if the world isn't ending, it's a lot of fun to get all wound up about it.

Front Cover: "THE WORLD IS ENDING THIS YEAR" subtitle: "why you should be excited"

Inside (left): Presents you with a choice. Either get tweaked out about the end of the world, or believe that it's not happening. The real thing is not whether or not you'll be right, but which belief is more fun.

Inside Flap: lists some fun activities that you can do if you believe the world is ending

  • passing out pamphlets
  • feeling holier than thou
  • screaming at traffic
  • holding up DOOM signs

A few months later, nobody will remember whether you were right or not, so enjoy the hysteria while it's available.

Inside Center,
Inside Right
: list of possible apocalypse scenarios

Back Cover: a little ad for Discordianism

images: clip art of emergency situations


Concept: Fight the Power! the pamphlet talks about self-liberation and fighting back against the forces which seek to control us. It's filled with imagery that belongs in an #occupy leaflet. But then the concrete advice it offers is batshit tin-foil hat style nonsense.

Front Cover: "FIGHT THE POWER" subtitle: "Don't let THEM Immanentize the Eschaton!"

Inside (left): a copy and paste of some text explaining the reasons for #occupy

Inside Flap: continuation of inside (left)

Inside Center
Inside Right
: list of suggested ways to fight the power:

  • Lean to spot the Fnords, the hypnotic signals hidden in mass media. Fnords include patriotism, terrorism, and health.
  • Learn to receive the radio frequency being broadcast by Sirius, the Dog Star, follow its instructions
  • Put a little piece of tin foil in your shoe to prevent mind control
  • Put cash in shoe box, bury it in the swamp
  • Invest in gold, put it in mattress, bury mattress in swamp too
  • Inform people of the truth - our universe is just the interference pattern generated by Universe A (the good universe) and Universe B (the bad universe)
  • Write to your senators and congressional representatives and urge them to stop harvesting our life energies for the insectoid tyrants from Universe B
  • Bankers, lawyers, and stock brokers are actually insectoid creatures seeking to destroy human community and positive emotion and turn us into a race of slave drones serving Queen Krill

Back Cover: a little ad for Discordianism


Safe Sexual Practices For Kids!
Beneath that, a blank "coloring book" style drawing of pedobear riding a nharwhal (sp?)

Fun and games with Fun Factstm (fnord) about sex in  throughout.
Puzzles like "STD Word Search" and "Can you get the horny nahrwhal through the (GI tract) maze to the dental dam and the box of whippits?"
Many fun and loveable characters with Illuminated thought bubbles o'er their adorable heads.

"If You Think You Might Be Gay..." with some useful statistics, data and helpful numbers to the number for the Republican Party Headquarters and places a lady with a size 13 foot can buy women's shoes that don't look too school-marmish.

"Can you find all the missing birth control devices and marital aids in the picture?" A la the back cover of Highlights for Children.

Be sure to pass these out with those itty paks of crayons they give kids at like, restaurants n shit.

Nahrwhal should be very endowed in the horn department, nahmean, brah?


Concept: SAVE US FROM THEM. The pamphlet is written from the point of view of the 1%, and urges people to maintain the current status quo. I want to draw attention to the shitty tactics that get used to shoot down positive political action from behind.

Front Cover: ????????

Inside (left): A mis-characterization of the #occupy crowd. According to this pamphlet, there are only two types of people: Hard working people who make over 500K per year, and lazy entitled layabouts who leech off the system.

Inside Flap: Describes the way that our society is in danger: bank reform, campaign finance reform, online piracy

Inside Center, Inside Right: Here are some tips and talking points you can use to fight the nihilists who want to destroy society

  • Describe recent political uprisings as a bunch of filthy entitled hippies living out their woodstock fantasies
  • Tell people to suck it up and deal with being screwed. If the "job creators" don't flourish, society will immediately crumble.
  • The rich are more competent than the poor and deserve to be in charge
  • Attempts to change the system are useless wankery! The "I protested in the 60s and look where it got me" vibe.
  • other 1% apologist points

Back Cover: a little ad for the Illuminati

Q. G. Pennyworth


So, what's the actual pitch on these? Are you trying to recruit existing discordian leaning peoples to the forums, or convert normal cabbages?


well the main thing is that I just want something fun to hand out. It's a bonus if it gets more people this way, but in my opinion a pamphlet loses all relevance as soon as people think its an ad for a website or product or something.

In my brainstorming, I wanted to come up with
-a straight-faced idea with an actual point, and
-an absurd idea that would make people who pick up the pamphlet think they've wandered into the twilight zone

Most of the material I make has a pretty simple intent: the universe which these pamphlets came from is fun, creative, welcoming, and hilarious. And you can access that universe by slightly shifting your perspective.

Sometimes I see pamphlets as "signposts for the others". I know there are other batshit people in my neighborhood, and I know it's hard to be weird sometimes. I want to show them that other ecstatic whackjobs are out there, and come play with us!


my favorite absurdist vibe for propaganda is material that the reader just honestly isn't equipped to figure out.

Like, if you can figure out what it's saying, you're left with this confusion as to why somebody would say that.

I have this missing cat poster I like putting up (it's in Postergasm: Volume Dingus). It's a picture of a cat, and the headline "MISSING CAT" and the text is something like "help me, these robots are controlling me and I cant' stop putting up these posters".

It's like -- why would somebody waste their calories putting these up all over the place? there's no message, there's no point... But yet, somebody found this to be a meaningful activity, even though it's incongruent with anything else in the environment.

That sort of stuff indicates (to me at least) that reality is a lot more fun and interesting than you might have been aware of.

Iron Sulfide

Concept: To get people who usually don't to try breathing for a minute. That's it. This is also along the lines of cold reading, in that it should seem like it's tailored for a specific demographic across several demographics.

Front Cover: ????? Parody of a generic Apocalypse mantra????

Inside (left): A wind-up mini rant about how the literal End of Time is approaching.

Inside Flap: Bulleted crib sheet of common modern "evidences" of the end times.

Inside Center: Here the rant can segue into emotionally charged rhetoric about how it's every True Believer's duty to help bring about this divine event. Allusions to "killing time" come to mind, or "put[ting] an end to time".

Inside Right: (Image: a lotus/someone in meditation) A tool to help expedite the End of Time (disguised Pranayama), explaining how intense concentration on the present moment tears time to pieces.

Back Cover:  Uncle Sam: I Want YOU - To Help Put An End To TIME! (and maybe a url without further explanation).
Ya' stupid Yank.

Triple Zero

Quote from: Cramulus on January 18, 2012, 04:04:14 PM
Concept: SAVE US FROM THEM. The pamphlet is written from the point of view of the 1%, and urges people to maintain the current status quo. I want to draw attention to the shitty tactics that get used to shoot down positive political action from behind.

Front Cover: ????????

What about this one, I designed it for some AWS:OM project but I don't think it ever got used:

Quote from: navkat on January 18, 2012, 03:52:33 PMFRONT:
Safe Sexual Practices For Kids!
Beneath that, a blank "coloring book" style drawing of pedobear riding a nharwhal (sp?)
Be sure to pass these out with those itty paks of crayons they give kids at like, restaurants n shit.

Nahrwhal should be very endowed in the horn department, nahmean, brah?

I don't have a Narwal but here's another good one that might fit:

(disclaimer: I didn't make this one, it's probably copyrighted, though I did soup it to be more suitable for print)

Here's another one that might fit with some random political cognitive dissonance weirdness:

And maybe this one for the END OF THE WORLD PARTY INVITATION pamphlet--though you probably want to invert the image for better printing, and maybe the "zombie apocalypse" thing is a bit played out, OTOH this one just says "apocalypse" and doesn't mention zombies. Plus it'll appeal to the general public thanks to series like Walking Dead etc:

Quote from: Cramulus on January 18, 2012, 05:08:40 PMI have this missing cat poster I like putting up (it's in Postergasm: Volume Dingus). It's a picture of a cat, and the headline "MISSING CAT" and the text is something like "help me, these robots are controlling me and I cant' stop putting up these posters".

This is probably my personal favourite poster that you made (well, next to the DON'T JUST DEFEND YOUR RIGHT TO BE WRONG--EXERCISE IT!! one, my favourite non-memebomb one, then :P). Sometimes when I print posters they linger around in my bag or folder too long and they get smudgy and crumply so I can't really put them up anymore and expect them to look good, but that never happened to any of these two, they always found a spot real soon because--wait a minute, did you make this poster yourself, or did you get it from one of those friendly robot-looking dudes? :eek:
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.


ñͤͣ̄ͦ̌̑͗͊͛͂͗ ̸̨̨̣̺̼̣̜͙͈͕̮̊̈́̈͂͛̽͊ͭ̓͆ͅé ̰̓̓́ͯ́́͞

Quote from: Queen_Gogira on January 18, 2012, 04:55:02 PM

Me too!
P E R   A S P E R A   A D   A S T R A


I want in on this.
Let me find my thinking gun.
"At first I lifted weights.  But then I asked myself, 'why not people?'  Now everyone runs for the fjord when they see me."

Horribly Oscillating Assbasket of Deliciousness

Q. G. Pennyworth

I've got a trifold template set up now, so if people put down the ACTUAL WORDS they want on these I can womp something together quickly. Don't have the time right now to write content myself.