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Started by Redheaded Doomsayer, November 25, 2004, 02:39:50 AM

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Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Hell Yeah!!  Where's my towel?
11 (68.8%)
Huh? I've been living in a cave.
2 (12.5%)
Just shoot me.
3 (18.8%)

Total Members Voted: 15

Voting closed: November 25, 2004, 02:39:50 AM

East Coast Hustle

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger
Quote from: Turd Fergusonfo' real, though!

I mean, I'm a wicked bad music snob, but I like good music, regardless of what super-over-hyphenated sub-niche-category it falls into...

though I must admit, I'm a really big fan of avant-noise-politi-post-punk-metal....

which just means that I've been listening to Refused and The Icarus Line alot lately...

Bah.  You kids wouldn't know GOOD music if it ran up and bit ya.

says the Grateful Dead fan....

Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"

agent compassion

*sharpens the fangs on her CD collection*

'I'll take you out for a meal with Mr. and Mrs. Pain, order up some violent quiche. Do you want some?' - ++++++ Moon


Quote from: agent compassionWow. I thought I was a harsh critic, but....geez, Hotsuma. You just take the cake. I mean, dismissing an entire GENRE...even I couldn't do that...bravo...


damn right. I'm the overlord of critics. all other critics funnel just a small portion of my mind.

I'm also an asshole.

Horab Fibslager

Quote from: Turd Fergusonrage against the machine sucks my ass, and should not be referred to as political music, but as corporate teat-sucking hypocrisy-metal...check out Refused...I don't think you'll be disappointed...


i don't know abotu refused(sounds familiar, but lots of band names do), but i totally agree about the rest.

i do liek teh band work in the first two albums, but replayability got severely limited due to the faux politicality / child with a temper tantrum vibe.
Hell is other people.

agent compassion

The thing that always pissed me off about Rage was that their lyrics just kinda went on and on, without any sort of thought as to the flow, like they were reading their high school essays set to music...and also, that guy screamed too damn much, and not in a COOL way. And it was like, obvious rants, played-out superficial political rants.

I much prefer SOAD for when I wanna get my politics on....better lyrics, better singing, they're just BETTER and they don't present as some kind of "statement."

"manufacturing consent is the name of the game - the bottom line is money, nobody gives a fuck!"

'I'll take you out for a meal with Mr. and Mrs. Pain, order up some violent quiche. Do you want some?' - ++++++ Moon

Horab Fibslager

i liek the first soad album, 2nd one is alright. from what i've heard of thei r later albums, iw asn't particuarly impressed, just not particularly innovative or catchy like the first one was.

there was one rage song with tool that was cool, but i dunno if it came on any buyable cd, i found it on kazaa once "you can't kill the revolution"
Hell is other people.

agent compassion

Quotei liek the first soad album, 2nd one is alright. from what i've heard of thei r later albums, iw asn't particuarly impressed, just not particularly innovative or catchy like the first one was.

"Steal This Album" is friggin awesome. :)

Quotethere was one rage song with tool that was cool, but i dunno if it came on any buyable cd, i found it on kazaa once "you can't kill the revolution"

Well, yeah, I mean, Anything+Tool=Cool.


'I'll take you out for a meal with Mr. and Mrs. Pain, order up some violent quiche. Do you want some?' - ++++++ Moon

Horab Fibslager

Quote from: agent compassion
Quotei liek the first soad album, 2nd one is alright. from what i've heard of thei r later albums, iw asn't particuarly impressed, just not particularly innovative or catchy like the first one was.

"Steal This Album" is friggin awesome. :)

Quotethere was one rage song with tool that was cool, but i dunno if it came on any buyable cd, i found it on kazaa once "you can't kill the revolution"

Well, yeah, I mean, Anything+Tool=Cool.


hmm maybe i'll take a closer look. i threw a few songs from some album(don't even know the name) that was on teh jukebaox at my pub. was mighty technical, but nothing new. also to add to the post further up there, i found toxicity a bit too catchy.

and yer right about tool there.
Hell is other people.

East Coast Hustle

in the interest of brevity, I'm just gonna say that I agree wiht both of you for the last few posts...although, Tool maybe should have called it quits before they released the same song under 14 different names on one album (Lateralus)...but they still rule...and so does SOAD, and I also like the first album the two should REALLY check out Refused...they're unbelieveably good, and they deserve a little exposure...the 2 albums you'll want to hear are "the shape of punk to come" and "songs to fan the flames of discontent"

Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"

Horab Fibslager

yeah i hear ya about laterlus to a certain extent.

alot more tech than aenima, but i ike aenima way better.
Hell is other people.

Redheaded Doomsayer

Personally I was always a bigger fan of their older albums Opiate and Undertow.  Not saying Aenima isn't good (which it is).  And Lateralus is fine if you're on an ounce of shrooms, otherwise it's just ok.
Communist Wenches General, NSRA
Czar of all things Oi
Chief Propagandist, Doom Prophetist
POEE Division.

Drawing back on my early highschool years of listening to Tool, I still feel that ?Ünima was definately their peak musically, Opiate was crap, and Undertow had maybe two or three songs that I felt to be genuinely good. Anymore, I cant get over how "angsty" Tool really sounds to me, but I can still go back and listen to ?Ünima without any prejudice against them for their fan-base, Undertow is just too simplistic overall, and Opiate is pretty much the same case as Undertow... only more-so.

I dont care what Turd, or Hotsuma, or anyone else says...

I am the single most pretentious music snob to post on this forum, hands down.


I challenge you to a music snob duel.

My credentials:
-Music editor for Lollipop Magazine // for 5 years.
-Music Critic for Lollipop, The Noise, Etecetera and Counterpoint magazines for 10 years.
-Graduate of Berklee College Of Music, Majoring in Music Production and Engineering.

::slaps Z3 with copy of Spinal Taps' "Smell the Glove::

You're a graduate of berklee? Thats kind of impressive.

I think I know how this is going to turn out, but I'm willing to go with it.

My Credentials -
- Has been in a band with a drummer who used to play back up for BB King
- Opened for an indie band that made their own instruments out of sheet metal
- Listens to japanese noise music, a variety of japanese noise music (not just merzbow)

You gave me three, so I give you three. Although I must say, you definately have a degree of professionalism (IE work experience/diploma) that I lack, however... I assure you that I make up for it through tenacity, and obscurity.


::Cracks Knuckles::

-Plays in a band with a guitarist who traded leather jackets withJohnny Thunders
-Played in a band who opened for Jesus Lizard
-Got high with Thurston Moore & Kim Gordon
-Considers Merzbow & Masonna fairly good examples of Noise, but prefers Non and old Throbbing Gristle.