
if the thee off of you are revel in the fact you ds a discordant suck it's dick and praise it's agenda? guess what bit-chit's not. hat I in fact . do you really think it'd theshare about shit, hen you should indeed tare-take if the frontage that you're into. do you really think it's the hardcore shite of the left thy t? you're little f/cking girls parackind abbot in tituts. FUCK YOU. you're latecomers, and you 're folks who don't f/cking get it. plez challenge me.

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Started by bucket of truth, November 30, 2004, 07:42:35 PM

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bucket of truth

Reposted by permission of the author, Mike Berst:

We desperately need to get some basics established that will allow an intelligent and productive conversation to go forward. There is nothing wrong with people's opinions differing, but there is something very wrong with people robotically throwing talking points and clever barbed phrases at each other for the express purpose of spiritually destroying the person with whom you are conversing.

The whole point of having political discussions is not to "win" - winning being defined as driving the person you are talking to into an abject and miserable state of frustration or anger - but to explore and develop ideas, reach consensus and identify areas of differing views and opinions and learn how to accept and respect those.

Endless jeering mocking one-liners and "gotchas" are certain and telling expression of a deep almost sociopathic emotional immaturity. It is the mindset that would enjoy torturing a small animal or pulling the wings off of insects. It is the mindset that gets secret pleasure imagining the humiliation and degradation of others. It is the mindset that can not distinguish between the emotions of love and compassion and the thrill and hormonal rush of cruelty and sadism. It is a sign and a symptom of a society gone very, very wrong.

The level of discourse in this country is on a par with a shouting match between 12 year old bullies on a playground - worse! actually when I think back to the most obnoxious, malicious and violent kids in my working class neighborhood.

That is inexcusable behavior by civilized adults, and continuing to behave that way is damaging to the social fabric of the country - that which sustains and supports us and makes life worth living. I have often appealed to people's patriotism as a last resort call for intelligence and common sense and fair play and decency towards their fellow citizens. Not only does that get nowhere, but the very fact that I call for it makes me the target of yet more derisive and mean-spirited abuse. I am not complaining, as I have come to accept the fact that a shockingly high percentage of adult Americans are the functional equivalents emotionally of badly abused and poorly socialized, uneducated, ignorant and obnoxious over-grown juvenile delinquents.

Patriotism is no longer a shared set of common values and principles. "Things aren't like that now!" people say if you cite the words of the founders of the country, or "what did they know" or "he has been proven wrong!"

Common courtesy is mocked and jeered at. Winning is everything, and winning means making your fellow human beings as miserable as possible. Isolation and independence and self gratification are praised, while compassion and consideration, altruism and sacrifice are derided and dismissed as sentimental and weak.

The coarser the language the better, and taking care to use the English language as an educated, civilized person who respects others, and has respect for their own thoughts and a desire to express them to others, is seen as though IT were the discourteous, rude or hostile approach. "How dare you come across so high and mighty like you know more than us!" is the response. S
Perversely, people are more comfortablr with screaming and name-calling - this seems more friendly, or at least familiar to people, and they are content and happy knowing that the other speaker is a fellow hog wallowing in the mud of stupidity, bigotry, sefl-centeredness and depravity.
if you can read this, you're too damn close! - joseph of aramathea

saint aini

Dear bucket of vermouth,

I applaud your efforts to find civilization in this dismal swamp we call Earth.  However, until the Cthulthu return to devour mankind or everyone becomes part of the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement ( ), please note that life will continue to poor, nasty, brutish and short.  There will be no Lord of the Rings, just Lord of the Flies for strife, greed and pain are in the very nature of man while joy and playfulness are in the very nature of fairies.   A mere coursing through the history of man will readily demonstrate that man is a killing machine that ought to be extinct.

As for civil discourse, it helps not that leet is a common tongue for these cunning linguists for leet is used only by "n00bs", those trying to impress people with their leetness when they are just newbies (even after many years one can still be a n00b as H0r4b.-0n3 demonstrates) and those playing counterstrike.

As for the rest of what I was going to say, I have forgotten it for the moment and thus it must have been too important.

Disrespectfully yours,
Mary: Let me ask you something.
[Grabs his hand]
Mary: Why are you alive?
John Preston: [Breaks free] I'm alive... I live... to safeguard the continuity of this great society. To serve Libria.
Mary: It's circular. You exist to continue your existence. What's the point?
John Preston: What's the point of your existence?
Mary: To feel. 'Cause you've never done it, you can never know it. But it's as vital as breath. And without it, without love, without anger, without sorrow, breath is just a clock... ticking.


Fuck that shit, you homo!

Mad Skillz

ay-yo, kato! I don' know 'bout yo' whitebread, "working" class neighbo'hood, but 'round these parts, whne fools come jawing that slick-ass college-boy talk, they usually just get shot in they face fo' tha trouble...then they get robbed, and they girlie gets taken to tha crack house and passed aroun' to all tha hardcore freakz. so, what I'm tryin' to say to you is, feel free to come to tha projectz anytime for a more in-depth discussion of yo' views and opinions. and bring ya' girlie wit' you, dawg, that azz is bangin'.
Go 'head an' th'ow yo' set, dawg, cuz I'se a'edy th'owin' HEAT!!

saint aini

Quote from: LMNOFuck that shit, you homo!

Are you a talking to me?
Mary: Let me ask you something.
[Grabs his hand]
Mary: Why are you alive?
John Preston: [Breaks free] I'm alive... I live... to safeguard the continuity of this great society. To serve Libria.
Mary: It's circular. You exist to continue your existence. What's the point?
John Preston: What's the point of your existence?
Mary: To feel. 'Cause you've never done it, you can never know it. But it's as vital as breath. And without it, without love, without anger, without sorrow, breath is just a clock... ticking.

saint aini

Quote from: Mad Skillzay-yo, kato! I don' know 'bout yo' whitebread, "working" class neighbo'hood, but 'round these parts, whne fools come jawing that slick-ass college-boy talk, they usually just get shot in they face fo' tha trouble...then they get robbed, and they girlie gets taken to tha crack house and passed aroun' to all tha hardcore freakz. so, what I'm tryin' to say to you is, feel free to come to tha projectz anytime for a more in-depth discussion of yo' views and opinions. and bring ya' girlie wit' you, dawg, that azz is bangin'.

You could have just meeped.

It would have been much cuter and less violent while conveying the same info.
Mary: Let me ask you something.
[Grabs his hand]
Mary: Why are you alive?
John Preston: [Breaks free] I'm alive... I live... to safeguard the continuity of this great society. To serve Libria.
Mary: It's circular. You exist to continue your existence. What's the point?
John Preston: What's the point of your existence?
Mary: To feel. 'Cause you've never done it, you can never know it. But it's as vital as breath. And without it, without love, without anger, without sorrow, breath is just a clock... ticking.


Quote from: aini
Quote from: LMNOFuck that shit, you homo!

Are you a talking to me?

Oh, uh, I....

Just trying to be offensive and aggressive.


saint aini

Quote from: LMNO
Quote from: aini
Quote from: LMNOFuck that shit, you homo!

Are you a talking to me?

Oh, uh, I....

Just trying to be offensive and aggressive.


good.  that's what this thread is about.

Mary: Let me ask you something.
[Grabs his hand]
Mary: Why are you alive?
John Preston: [Breaks free] I'm alive... I live... to safeguard the continuity of this great society. To serve Libria.
Mary: It's circular. You exist to continue your existence. What's the point?
John Preston: What's the point of your existence?
Mary: To feel. 'Cause you've never done it, you can never know it. But it's as vital as breath. And without it, without love, without anger, without sorrow, breath is just a clock... ticking.

Horab Fibslager

Quote from: bucket of truthReposted by permission of the author, Mike Berst:

We desperately need to get some basics established that will allow an intelligent and productive conversation to go forward. There is nothing wrong with people's opinions differing, but there is something very wrong with people robotically throwing talking points and clever barbed phrases at each other for the express purpose of spiritually destroying the person with whom you are conversing.

The whole point of having political discussions is not to "win" - winning being defined as driving the person you are talking to into an abject and miserable state of frustration or anger - but to explore and develop ideas, reach consensus and identify areas of differing views and opinions and learn how to accept and respect those.

Endless jeering mocking one-liners and "gotchas" are certain and telling expression of a deep almost sociopathic emotional immaturity. It is the mindset that would enjoy torturing a small animal or pulling the wings off of insects. It is the mindset that gets secret pleasure imagining the humiliation and degradation of others. It is the mindset that can not distinguish between the emotions of love and compassion and the thrill and hormonal rush of cruelty and sadism. It is a sign and a symptom of a society gone very, very wrong.

The level of discourse in this country is on a par with a shouting match between 12 year old bullies on a playground - worse! actually when I think back to the most obnoxious, malicious and violent kids in my working class neighborhood.

That is inexcusable behavior by civilized adults, and continuing to behave that way is damaging to the social fabric of the country - that which sustains and supports us and makes life worth living. I have often appealed to people's patriotism as a last resort call for intelligence and common sense and fair play and decency towards their fellow citizens. Not only does that get nowhere, but the very fact that I call for it makes me the target of yet more derisive and mean-spirited abuse. I am not complaining, as I have come to accept the fact that a shockingly high percentage of adult Americans are the functional equivalents emotionally of badly abused and poorly socialized, uneducated, ignorant and obnoxious over-grown juvenile delinquents.

Patriotism is no longer a shared set of common values and principles. "Things aren't like that now!" people say if you cite the words of the founders of the country, or "what did they know" or "he has been proven wrong!"

Common courtesy is mocked and jeered at. Winning is everything, and winning means making your fellow human beings as miserable as possible. Isolation and independence and self gratification are praised, while compassion and consideration, altruism and sacrifice are derided and dismissed as sentimental and weak.

The coarser the language the better, and taking care to use the English language as an educated, civilized person who respects others, and has respect for their own thoughts and a desire to express them to others, is seen as though IT were the discourteous, rude or hostile approach. "How dare you come across so high and mighty like you know more than us!" is the response. S
Perversely, people are more comfortablr with screaming and name-calling - this seems more friendly, or at least familiar to people, and they are content and happy knowing that the other speaker is a fellow hog wallowing in the mud of stupidity, bigotry, sefl-centeredness and depravity.

more evidence our efforts have not gone to waste.
Hell is other people.

bucket of truth

QuoteDear bucket of vermouth,

Rum, my dear, rum!

QuoteFuck that shit, you homo!

Right after I'm done with YOUR MOMMA!
if you can read this, you're too damn close! - joseph of aramathea


You know, if they're a homo, you probably don't have to tell them to fuck shit. They're probably way ahead of you.
Pope Prickly the Pielyamorous Porcupine of the Bent Quarter Cabal and, more recently, the Sunrise If You Dare Cabal

Before the beginning, there was a 50/50 chance of either something or nothing existing. So, something and nothing decided to flip a coin to decide which of them would exist. However, in order for there to be a coin to flip, something had to have already won the toss. Therefore, you only exist because something is a cheating bastard.

saint aini

Quote from: PricklyYou know, if they're a homo, you probably don't have to tell them to fuck shit. They're probably way ahead of you.

That is, unless they eat pussy.
Mary: Let me ask you something.
[Grabs his hand]
Mary: Why are you alive?
John Preston: [Breaks free] I'm alive... I live... to safeguard the continuity of this great society. To serve Libria.
Mary: It's circular. You exist to continue your existence. What's the point?
John Preston: What's the point of your existence?
Mary: To feel. 'Cause you've never done it, you can never know it. But it's as vital as breath. And without it, without love, without anger, without sorrow, breath is just a clock... ticking.

East Coast Hustle

wait...I eat pussy...does that mean I'm a homo?

I'm so confused....

Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"


Quote from: Turd Fergusonwait...I eat pussy...does that mean I'm a homo?

I'm so confused....


yes, you're a lesbian.

Horab Fibslager

all my life i've been a sexy hawt obese lesbians stuck in a skinny hairy man's body.

i have no problem with this.
Hell is other people.