
Testimonial: "Yeah, wasn't expecting it. Near shat myself."

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Here's an unoriginal idea

Started by monad, February 24, 2014, 10:58:24 AM

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The Good Reverend Roger

Quote from: Alty on February 24, 2014, 06:52:56 PM
How about any one of these:
" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.


Any or all of these would be sure to garner many quality posters, with creative, original, and inclusive material that will spread the message of Eris, that we chould all get along and be nicer to each other no matter what, to the far reaches of the globe.

The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.

The Good Reverend Roger

Dear Butthurt Really Really Real Discordians:

"I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."
- JR "Bob" Dobbs

What THEIR Discordia is, is different from YOUR Discordia or MY Discordia.  MY Discordia has an actual set of parameters, none of which include indulging patchouli-stinking hippies who think the height of original thought is screeching "SMOKE EVERY DAY!"  Nor is it finding ways to kiss the pimply arse of people from those OTHER RELIGIONS who spend all day trying to think of faux-witty, cutesy "proofs" with which to convert me.

And I'm reasonably sure My Discordia doesn't involve empathy or "expanded perceptions", or any of that other touchy-feely claptrap.  I in fact shit on the very idea from a great height.  My perceptions are FINE, it's what I DO with those perceptions that I have to work on...And if someone hasn't got empathy, that person is a Goddamn sociopath and it's TOO LATE for me to help him/her. 

There is no need to dress Discordia up in a nice suit (unless it's to get close enough to do something you couldn't otherwise do) to make the Pinkboys feel more comfortable about their pot obsession.  There is no need to pretend it's something that it's not so that Christians or 7th Day Adventists or Pastafarians will feel welcome.  If they're MY kind of people, even if they belong to the above groups, they ALREADY feel comfortable, and everyone else can just SHUT UP. 

ETA:  That's MY Discordia.  Yours may be different.
" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.

The Good Reverend Roger

Another thing:

The biggest tendency I've seen among Facebook Discordians is to treat anyone they disagree with as being less than human...And I'm not just talking about the TDS retards.  St Mae/Autumn Tyr-Salvia once flat-out told me I wasn't actually a person, because I disagreed with her about a protest.  She said something like

QuoteHamish, I know you're just a troll, but not now.  This isn't the time.

Needless to say, I blocked her on account of I don't take that sort of dehumanizing shit from anyone.  And it's not just her...It's so prevalent that I don't even bother with the FB Discordians anymore.

We may be assholes here, but at least we don't pretend that the people we're scrapping with don't actually count as humans.
" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.


While engaging with gonad is a total waste of time, I am interested in the discussion of whether we're using the right tech.

I'm a big fan at the moment of Discourse but it's still a very early build and not quite ready for production unless you have a few code-wranglers willing to beat it into behaving. I'll probably spin up a copy of it on Heroku at some point to play with it.

I have, throughout my time here, had a look at imageboard software for a 23chan, but seriously? So much nope. Bring Discordianism into the future by regressing to that? And the type of people that tool would attract. Horrible, horrible. Facebook Discordians and worse.

This is a serious place for serious Discord.


Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on February 24, 2014, 06:54:41 PM
Quote from: Alty on February 24, 2014, 06:52:56 PM
How about any one of these:

The Good Reverend Roger

Quote from: Pæs on February 24, 2014, 08:10:15 PM
While engaging with gonad is a total waste of time, I am interested in the discussion of whether we're using the right tech.

I'm a big fan at the moment of Discourse but it's still a very early build and not quite ready for production unless you have a few code-wranglers willing to beat it into behaving. I'll probably spin up a copy of it on Heroku at some point to play with it.

I have, throughout my time here, had a look at imageboard software for a 23chan, but seriously? So much nope. Bring Discordianism into the future by regressing to that? And the type of people that tool would attract. Horrible, horrible. Facebook Discordians and worse.

This is a serious place for serious Discord.

To each their own, I guess. 
" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.


It's even funnier if you're on #discord

Quote<monad>Cain,  000, I've made a post in TfYS that's unlikely to be very popular but it  is well intentioned. I would be curious to know what you actually think, rather than being dismissed as trolling
<Cain>I'll have a look
<monad>I didn't use the most polite language in it, but from looking at older posts on the board it felt needed in order to pre-emptively defend what I was saying
<Cain>the declining numbers could have a possible number of causes
<triplezero>cause something hitting virality is basically a tiny random chance, due to all the small factors involved (that make it seem obvious in hindsight, if it weren'
<Cain>yeah, that wont help, the tone you used
<triplezero>weren't different small factos all the time)
<Cain>a lot of forums all over the internet are having troubles retaining numbers though
<Cain>it's not just PD
<Cain>a lot of social networking now takes place via websites like reddit, twitter and facebook, and not so much on forums
<monad>I think in many cases it's because a similar thing is happening in terms of the way the communities form
<triplezero>and then you get, like these pigeons who'd get food randomly, but as long as there's buttons and levers to press, they will invent ridiculous amounts of ritual, because that's certainly to do it
<triplezero>this may cause the average tumblr person to step up to ridiculous heights of preachery, because of the tiny random chance of suddenly hitting a large audience
<Cain>I think some of the Less Wrong posts about professing beliefs and cult death spirals also apply here
<monad>Believing in Magic: The Psychology of Superstition by Stuart Vyse goes into the pigeon thing quite well, tz
<Cain>I'd look up the exact ones, but I'm modding Skyrim (again)
<monad>that's quite a sound theory though
<Cain>personally, I hate things like FB and Twitter
<triplezero>i just had to think, tiny chance of huge success == people will go absolutely mental figuring out "the trick" (whether there is one, or whether one can reliably influence it, or not)
<Cain>I like the relative pseudonymity of a forum, and the simplicity of layout
<triplezero>im away
<monad>I agree
<monad>but the persistent personalities mean cliques form and people pick sides
<Cain>of course
<Cain>but that means people forming emotional attachments to the forum itself
<monad>what good is that if in doing so they kill it?
<Cain>that's what rules, an ethos and culture are for - to mitigate the extremes of emotional attachment when they become dangerous
<Cain>that's why almost all "general discussion" forums fail
<monad>I would suggest maybe you could have an imageboard variant which requires signing up, keeps user stats but doesn't make them too easily available
<Cain>because there is no guiding ethos aside from "having a chat"
<monad>but maybe I am biased.
<monad>but isn't the point to discuss dischordian things, rather than have little chats about day to day life?
<Cain>incidentally, I'm basically paraphrasing Machiavelli at this point, substituting "cities" for forums
<monad>that's alright, I have read his work
<Cain>on PD?  Sure.  but Discordian discussion can only be taken so far.  we had some very productive years where we picked apart things in detail, but there isn't a lot there to discuss without endlessly going over the same things time and time again
<Cain>and since everyone already knows where people fall on those arguments and so on, it seems a little bit pointless
<Cain>we've done quite a few writing projects too
<Cain>but, well, a lot of the people who did those are busy with things
<monad>it does seem that a focus on pushing forward into something new rather than having fiddly little debates over the old work would be sensible
<monad>whatever the case is
<Cain>yep.  we've done aspects of that.  but finding the time is tricky.  also the financial crisis hit a lot of people pretty hard.  I mean, I did some of my best PD posts while I was at Uni...nowadays I got bills to pay and stuff
<monad>it is currently dying and will continue to unless something changes. I don't really know what would need to be done, and I'm not trying to be a dickhead about it, it just seems clear enough. and apparently you see it too so I'm not really sure what else to say
<Cain>oh boy, yet another sweetheart deal from Stratfor.  because I really want to pay $129 a year for "open source intelligence", aka reading the papers
<monad>I understand that, I don't blame you for it particularly
<monad>or at all even, the financial bit anyway
<Cain>well, if you want to start a serious discussion on that, I would suggest putting it more in the terms and tone you have in our chat in a follow up post
<monad>at least you'll always be fed with all the free spam
<Cain>the free spam is occasionally amusing
<Cain>not least because it reminds me people are paying for their dreck
<Cain>and I suppose they keep Fred Burton away from any governmental positions where he could actually do real damage
<Cain>it's also worth considering the sometimes cyclical nature of internet communities too
<monad>I don't have the energy to try and have a sensible debate about it on the boards, I can't imagine a situation where it won't be responded to in much the same way as they've responded to every other "testimonial"
<Cain>when I joined up a decade ago, PD had just emerged from the "Discordian Civil War", and the aftershocks of that drove quite a few more people away, as well
<monad>the more you tell me the more hopeless it seems. which is a major pity
<Cain>if you don't have the energy for it, then people are going to treat your OP as your actual beliefs.  if you want a serious, nuanced discussion, you have to put up the goods first.  you're an unknown quantity, and people are going to base their opinions on you on the available data and act accordingly
<monad>I understand that but I have no particular reason to want to do that
<monad>I have my own communities to attend to
<Cain>well, I just felt like I wasted 10 minutes discussing this with you.  so well done
<monad>then I apologise for trying to be helpful
<monad>if you don't want to do anything about it, it's no skin off my nose and I don't think any less of you
<Cain>that's not being helpful.  I was being helpful, in telling you how to rephrase your original criticisms in a way that would get them perhaps discussed and debated, rather than dismissed.  if you're not going to bother because you have, and I quote "your own communities to tend to" then feel free to fuck off to them

Later on:

Quote<monad>cain, grow up and stop whinging about it. my tone was entirely justified.
- tumbleweed joined
<BDSimpleton>that's cute
* tumbleweed rolls across the channel
- tumbleweed left
<BDSimpleton>"i have 60 posts on a forum and i'm going to tell everyone that they're doing it really wrong. and i'm not going to be nice about it either."
<BDSimpleton>"deal w/ it"
<triplezero>"I stuck my dick in PD what could possibly go wrong"
<BDSimpleton>even the ppl who agree with you are telling you that your tone wasn't great
<BDSimpleton>i don't even want to think about that trip
<triplezero>"I didn't even read whatever thread but I know exactly what will happen" -- Triple Zero, February 2012

Quote<monad>I refer you to the line about the iceberg and the ship
<Cram>which line?
<BDSimpleton>the one where he's a prophet
<BDSimpleton>telling us all about how dead everything is
<BDSimpleton>like nobody already knew
<BDSimpleton>anyway brb dinner
<monad>my comments are valid whether I phrase them in such a way to please the natives or not I've pointed out the iceberg to the people on the ship. if they want to argue with me about it I really couldn't give a fuck
- BDSimpleton quit (Connection reset by peer)
<monad>that line^
<monad>I did pose it as a question in the OP post but I guess it's easier to be rhetorical about it than anything

Quote<monad>I can see that a lot of well intentioned and intelligent people have put a lot of effort into PD but right now it looks very much like it's not working
<monad>that most phbb forums are also dying is possibly related, it's an inherently difficult  way to maintain a community
<triplezero>is this the way you're also talking in that thread of yours?
<triplezero>because I'm really one of the nice guys and I also want to shout, you don't know shit about PD, what it "is" and what it's made of
<Cram>trip, he did the "Look at how much this forum sucks, you can tell because of the stats, and it's probably because of 2 or 3 of you" shtick :P
<Cram>you can imagine how that went over
<monad>I'm not telling you what PD is or what it's made of, I'm talking about communities
<monad>and I think it is because of some of the behaviour of some of them and from seeing how they've treated people in the past I don't really care for their opinions
<Cram>then why did you make a thread about your opinions?
<monad>because I felt like it and because it might in some small way contribute to someone being motivated to see through the bullshit
<monad>it was the least I could do.
<triplezero>monad you sound like every 5th guy that got driven away from PD. it doesn't matter what your exact reasons or opinions are, there's only a few things that can happen, and the reason why this is so is because PD is PD, and if it were anything else, you'd be somewhere else. they're just going through the motions, digesting you.
<triplezero>how many sandwiches did you eat in your life, monad? did any of them ever came out sandwich-shaped?
* Cram laughs
<Cram>!quote add triplezero how many sandwiches did you eat in your life, monad? did any of them ever came out sandwich-shaped?
<F-U-C-K-U-P>Cram: quote added.
<monad>I do understand that I'm not saying anything new, which really kinda supports my point
<monad>You're right, the reasons I think *why* it's dying are pretty subjective, it doesn't matter what they are particularly
<monad>but the fact remains that it's dying
<monad>or at least it appears to be

Quote<triplezero>you're talking like someone who wants to raze the "bad neighbourhood" to make place for something "better", because *literally* of the property values (of the domain name)
<monad>yes, it is a ghetto
<triplezero>but the mainstream is a sewer
<monad>since when are the really nice areas the mainstream ones?
<triplezero>not the point
<triplezero>you said you don't want to take part in that community because the "problem" can't be solved from the inside
<monad>hard to raze a neighbourhood if you're standing in it
<triplezero>YES WELL DUH
<monad>good thing you don't have to actually destroy it, as it's digital and can just be relocated as easily as redirectly a dns

Quote<triplezero>if it's not the domain, obviously you want to raze the community, so what then
<triplezero>monad btw all the above is roughly what you could have gotten from your thread as well, just with a bit more bile and stomach acid
<monad>again,  I think it's a shithole but I wouldn't want to take their community away from them. I'm not going to create a new one because I'm not a discordian
<monad>so if I'd been polite and removed the bile and stomach acid from my OP post, I'd have gotten some in return anyway?
<monad>when, leaving it in, I got it without the bile and stomach acid in here, and made the posters on there look pretty silly, mainly due to their lack of reading comprehension and critical thinking?
<triplezero>are you asking me? cause you mgiht have confused me for PD's alleged hivemind




I didn't know cool people were still in IRC. The few times I dropped by most recently, it was full of monads whining about the forum and posting word salad.


Depends what times you log on.  It can be Cram and myself discussing tumblr, or tripzip and BDS discussing English lit and hacking news, or something.

Or yeah, it can be that.


The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.

The Good Reverend Roger

Heh.  Fuck that guy.

"That tone was justified!  Everyone there is STUPID!"
" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.

The Good Reverend Roger

" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.


If anything has remained the same about this place, what drew me to it in the first place, it is that you cannot last too long behind a curtain of your own bullshit. It's easily washed away to expose you for exactly what you are.

In monad's case a big ol' baby.

BTW, the bile is ours. If you had shown any in your OP things might have gone different. But your belly has no bile, only the tears of your own pathetic whining.

Also, BTW, called it. You guys just cannot handle the domain ownership, which, oh, just delights me in ways you cannot understand.

I hope The Mgt. has some sort of trust or living will in place for the domain. It would be a shame if it fell into the wrong hands.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.