News: children are filled with joy, adults are filled with dread and local government is filled with stupid

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A City Born Under The Bad Sun

Started by ThatGreenGentleman, December 23, 2014, 01:24:30 AM

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   Sunlight sneaked in through the slats of the blinds, landing on a pile of blankets on the floor. The shaky groan that came from the blanket bundle was the only sound in the musty old trailer. A man in his mid-twenties emerged from the blankets, blinking against the harsh sunlight and cursing under his breath. He couldn't remember what day it was, maybe it was Tuesday? No way to be sure, he and his friend never kept calendars, hell they didn't even have a clock anywhere.

   "Hey asshole, get up. It's Tuesday. Maybe." He didn't receive a reply. Shrugging he went over to the kitchen counter and cut the leftover coke into lines. He waited a few minutes for his friend to join him. No one came out of the back room. He grabbed an eviction notice and started going to town on the drug.

   About halfway through, his phone began to play Ride of the Valkyries. Shit. He began to scramble back to the pile of blankets on the floor looking for his phone. He had to find it before the song ended. He found it and answered hastily.

   "Mr. Ryker, sir, what a pleasant surprise, it's only Tuesday."
   "Shut it you drugged out shit stain. It's Thursday," replied the voice of Ryker. "I talk, you listen. Now, I bet you're wondering where your friend is, no?"
   "In his room?"
   "Wrong. I have him in my custody. Do you know why?"
   "Did he... not do well with sales?"
   "No. I thought you were the smart one, Sweet Pea."

   Sweet Pea swallowed hard, wondering what his idiot friend did this time. He thought back to anything his friend might've said but nothing was coming to mind. Realization dawned on him and he slowly turned to face the kitchen counter.

   "He didn't give you your share of the money," Sweet Pea said, barely above a whisper.
   "Correct. If you want him back, alive that is, you'd best make back the money he owes me. With interest of course. No one steals from Ryker and gets away with it. Failure to get me my money means your friend here gets to meet a wood chipper. Feet first. Do I make myself clear?"

   The call ended and Sweet Pea stood in the middle of the room, letting the reality of the situation sink in. Get the money or Cash dies.
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.

Doktor Howl

Molon Lube

Nephew Twiddleton

Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro


Doktor Howl

Libby stopped her unmarked car just outside of the trailer park.  She half-snorted with laughter...Unless you were the right kind of police - which would mean state police - your "unmarked car" was about as subtle as a chainsaw.  Standard, boxy sedan in beige.  May as well just put rollers on the top and "To Protect and Serve" on the back.

And that's just what Libby was here to do today.  She lit a smoke, took a long pull on a bottle of something or other, and drove slowly into the trailer park.  She pulled up in front of the trailer in question and got out.  She slammed the door, and then sprinted around the back of the trailer, just in time to clothes-line the skinny kid who was piling out the back door.  The kid hit the ground like a sack of potatoes, and let out a groan.

"Are we in a hurry, Sweet Pea?" Libby asked, giving him a light kick, just to get his attention.

"Oh, crap.  It's you."  The kid looked ill.

"Why, Sweet Pea, it's almost like you aren't glad to see me.  But I am certainly glad to see YOU."  She hauled him up by the neck and marched him back up the three steps into the trailer.  "I am so VERY glad to see you.  And I think you know why?"

"Because I'm sexy?"

"Oh, no.  No no no, Sweet Pea.  While you ARE adorable, it's your stash I'm after, not your bod.  Now give it up."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Libby gave him a playful kick in the junk.  Sweet Pea fell down like he'd been poleaxed. 

"Now, the stuff."

"But...I...Need it.  Ung."  Sweet Pea was now in a fetal ball, with his hands covering his junk.

"Not as much as I need it.  Now give it up or I use the heel of my shoe instead of the toe."

Sweet Pea pointed at a cupboard.  Libby yanked the cupboard open, and moved a few cereal boxes out of the way.  Jackpot.  There was some wrapped meth in one bag, and some cocaine in another.  Libby grabbed them both.

Leaving him on the floor, she went back out to her car.  Once inside, she spilled half the cocaine on the dash, and rolled up a notification form from Internal Investigations (duly informing her that she was under investigation AGAIN).  She slammed a line up into her sinuses like a bullet.  Suddenly, everything was right with the world.

She put the car in drive, and rolled out of the trailer park.
Molon Lube

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Well, Sweet Pea is in a bit of a pickle, it would seem.  :lol:
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


Doktor Howl

Quote from: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on December 23, 2014, 07:39:07 PM
Well, Sweet Pea is in a bit of a pickle, it would seem.  :lol:

I'm just having fun seeing how many fucked up things people will snort that cocaine through.
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Molon Lube


   Winona was what you would call a ball of nervous energy. Now while she was jumpy, she liked having things a certain way. A very specific certain way. For instance, she liked it when her parolees checked in with her on a somewhat regular basis. However, one Miss Scarlet Savoy hadn't checked in. For weeks.

   Needless to say Winona was just a bit worried.

   As she pulled into the trailer park where Miss Savoy resided multiple scenarios played out in her head of what could've possibly happened to Miss Savoy. Even though she reminded herself that Savoy's cousin was there to help keep an eye on her, she couldn't help but jump to the worst conclusions. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she eventually got out of her car.

   Right as she was about to knock on the trailer door, it swung open to reveal Mr. Savoy, Scarlet's cousin. Mr. Savoy and Winona, who still had her hand raised to knock, stood there for a few moments in surprise. When it was clear that Mr. Savoy wasn't going to speak first, Winona cleared her throat.

   "Oh yes, um, hello. I'm Winona Washington, Miss Savoy's parole officer. Mr. Savoy-"
   "Sweet Pea."
   "E-excuse me?"
   "Nobody calls me Mr. Savoy. Only Sweet Pea," came the reply. "Now if you'll excuse me Washington, I've dealt with enough officers for one day, and I'm kind of in a hurry so if you'd move out of the way..."
   And with that, Sweet Pea closed the door behind him as he side-stepped the nervous parole officer. He left the trailer park, waving to the old Mexican biker who was in the trailer next to theirs. Winona simply sighed and got back into her car and called Libby.

   Today was going to be a long day.
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.

Doktor Howl

Molon Lube


I missed this the first tine around. It's amazing.

Can't wait to read more.
"Soon all of us will have special names" — Professor Brian O'Blivion

"Now's not the time to get silly, so wear your big boots and jump on the garbage clowns." — Bob Dylan?

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
— Walt Whitman

Doktor Howl

Juan worked on his motorcycle until the second municipal government car left.  Then he sighed, grabbed two bottles of beer, and walked across the drive to the young man's trailer.  He lit a smoke, then knocked on the door.

The door opened a crack, and the younger man looked out at him.  "Yes?"

"I looks like you're having a bad day, hermano.  I brought you a beer."

The door opened the rest of the way, and the young man stepped to the side.  "Well, come on in.  You can't be worse than that cop."

"I know that cop.  She's bent like Joe Theisman's leg.  I'm Juan, from across the street."

"Folks call me Sweet Pea.  Welcome to my palatial abode."

They twisted the caps off off their beer.  Sweet Pea took a long pull, then stopped and looked at the beer.  "What is this?"

"That, mi amigo, is a decent Belgian pale ale.  There's no sense buying shitty beer."

"Well, it's certainly better than PBR," Sweet Pea said, "and while I'm grateful, I'm wondering if this is purely a social call."

"At the moment it is.  Thing is, ese, I have a beef with the cop.  Not a serious beef, not a killing thing...But anything I can do to make her day longer makes me a happy man."

"She hassle you or something?"

"Bitch ran my cousin up on charges and sent him to the big house for three to seven, because he wouldn't pay her off."

"And that's not a killing beef?"

"Well, he was guilty.  And stupid.  Really stupid."

"Yeah, my best friend is pretty stupid.  I have to come up with the cash to pay his debts, or he's going in the chipper.  And that cop just stole my merchandise."

"Can you get him out of town?"

"No, Ryker already grabbed him."

"Ryker?  That's one bad dude.  How you gonna pay him?"

"I don't know.  I'll figure something out."

Juan finished his beer, and wrote on the back of a utility shut off notice.  "That's my cell number.  You call me if the cop shows up again, maybe we can make her life difficult."

Sweet Pea nodded.  Juan got up and walked out of the trailer. 

As he thumbed the number into his phone, Sweet Pea was wondering, "How do I get the money?"  He looked across the mess of the living room, and his eyes fell on a pile of his cousin's stuff left behind when she moved on.  On the top was a platinum blond wig.

Molon Lube