
MysticWicks endorsement: "I've always, always regarded the Discordians as being people who chose to be Discordians because they can't be arsed to actually do any work to develop a relationship with a specific deity, they were too wishy-washy to choose just one path, and they just want to be a mishmash of everything and not have to work at learning about rituals or traditions or any such thing as that."

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OPEN BAR: Top 10 things millenials hate about OB that we didn't know last week!

Started by Doktor Howl, April 23, 2015, 04:00:29 AM

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I should feel bad about this new thread title, but I don't.

Not because of Ambien.  But because I'm basically a bad person, who laughs at the wrong sort of things.

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Quote from: Doktor Howl on April 29, 2015, 03:22:00 PM
Quote from: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on April 29, 2015, 06:45:46 AM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on April 29, 2015, 01:19:50 AM
More pills here.

Getting old is balls.


Yes. It's kind of crap. And yet also kind of hilarious for reasons I cannot define or articulate.


Back on Ambien.  Only they call it something different now, because people paid attention to the side effects of Ambien, which is a happy name which should have no side effects other than the shitting of joy all over the immediate vicinity.  I've seen the commercials, people are almost as happy as they are in the commercials for getting your dick hard.  But it doesn't make you happy, no.  It makes you not CARE, which - despite certain superficial similarities - is a different ballgame altogether.

Oh holy shit yes. So different. Xanax does the same for me, which is great when what's happening is that things that are temporary and I have no control over, like my mother, are bothering me/living in my loft for three months. In that case it's ideal is all the  feelings are diminished to the sweet hum of no fucks given.

On the other hand, if shit that I need to do something about is going badly, not caring is exactly the wrong response.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

I had a dream that I was arguing with my Cognitive Neuroscience professor about systemness, and that one of my essays for the midterm (which is tomorrow) was about how becoming reliant on jargon dooms a discipline to become stultified and irrelevant, because everything is always changing and jargon stifles growth. I recall that I said "our understanding of processes evolves and terminology may change, but being able to visualize and describe those processes in simple terms is an interdisciplinary skill that will endure forever".

In real life I don't think I would ever say that something would "endure forever", that sounds like an engagement ring commercial. Maybe "advance the science".
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on April 29, 2015, 05:36:41 PM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on April 29, 2015, 03:22:00 PM
Quote from: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on April 29, 2015, 06:45:46 AM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on April 29, 2015, 01:19:50 AM
More pills here.

Getting old is balls.


Yes. It's kind of crap. And yet also kind of hilarious for reasons I cannot define or articulate.


Back on Ambien.  Only they call it something different now, because people paid attention to the side effects of Ambien, which is a happy name which should have no side effects other than the shitting of joy all over the immediate vicinity.  I've seen the commercials, people are almost as happy as they are in the commercials for getting your dick hard.  But it doesn't make you happy, no.  It makes you not CARE, which - despite certain superficial similarities - is a different ballgame altogether.

Oh holy shit yes. So different. Xanax does the same for me, which is great when what's happening is that things that are temporary and I have no control over, like my mother, are bothering me/living in my loft for three months. In that case it's ideal is all the  feelings are diminished to the sweet hum of no fucks given.

On the other hand, if shit that I need to do something about is going badly, not caring is exactly the wrong response.

Molon Lube

Demolition Squid

I just had a full on flamewar about why saying 'I don't understand how people could or should want cosmetic surgery' is a stupid, dumbass thing to say.

Apparently feeling sick makes me want to pick fights over stuff that doesn't really matter.

Quote from: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on April 29, 2015, 05:41:54 PM
In real life I don't think I would ever say that something would "endure forever", that sounds like an engagement ring commercial. Maybe "advance the science".

I was going to say you should keep 'endure forever' in your back pocket for your eternal empire of doom, but on reflection I think 'advance the science' works better there, too.
Vast and Roaring Nipplebeast from the Dawn of Soho


Quote from: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on April 29, 2015, 06:44:54 AM
Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on April 28, 2015, 02:06:33 PM
Cleaned all the kitchen yesterday. Husband actually took point, which is why so much got done, because I suck at cleaning SO MUCH. But lots of work was done by all and now surfaces are clean and stuff.

Currently shopping around for people to feed waffles to.


This!  I know I am delicious, but I don't wanna be eaten.
"At first I lifted weights.  But then I asked myself, 'why not people?'  Now everyone runs for the fjord when they see me."

Horribly Oscillating Assbasket of Deliciousness



I discovered something about this place which makes way too much sense.  This whole building was set up to fail.  The reason I was hired was because they were expanding, built a new building for the younger students.

What they did was the staff they wanted to keep, they moved over to the shiny new flagship project.  The people they couldn't get rid of, the fuckups and generally incompetent, they put over here.

They did that because they had no plans for this place.  They knew they couldn't fill it, so they were going to use till the end of term as a trial run.  If the returning numbers were good, they could continue with the status quo.

I've seen the returning numbers.  They're not good.

Downsizing is coming.  Even though this place needs more staff, its not cost-effective for the college to main staff for adult students.  They'll reduce it to one person per shift, at least on days but probably on nights too.  And I'm not working here alone, no way.


Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Quote from: Cain on April 29, 2015, 08:48:52 PM

I discovered something about this place which makes way too much sense.  This whole building was set up to fail.  The reason I was hired was because they were expanding, built a new building for the younger students.

What they did was the staff they wanted to keep, they moved over to the shiny new flagship project.  The people they couldn't get rid of, the fuckups and generally incompetent, they put over here.

They did that because they had no plans for this place.  They knew they couldn't fill it, so they were going to use till the end of term as a trial run.  If the returning numbers were good, they could continue with the status quo.

I've seen the returning numbers.  They're not good.

Downsizing is coming.  Even though this place needs more staff, its not cost-effective for the college to main staff for adult students.  They'll reduce it to one person per shift, at least on days but probably on nights too.  And I'm not working here alone, no way.

Well that sucks. What giant, puckering assholes.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


I just woke up and found this in my kitchen, courtesy of expired Mexican Librium, or something, whatever, I can't read French.  Note to self:  lock doors at night, hide golf clubs :lulz:

Doktor Howl

Molon Lube


Such is, such is.

I was hoping to leave after the M.Litt was done...if this is the case, I'll just have to step up my plans some.  Still, it would be nice to not work for complete asstards at least once.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on April 30, 2015, 04:44:29 AM
Such is, such is.

I was hoping to leave after the M.Litt was done...if this is the case, I'll just have to step up my plans some.  Still, it would be nice to not work for complete asstards at least once.

Yeah, it's getting harder and harder to stay at this job while I haggle with the new job.  If I could afford a break in income, I'd be out the door already.  This place was awesome, because Jim was awesome.  Now I wake up angry on work days.
Molon Lube


At least money is one thing I don't have to worry about in the near term.  Things are actually getting sorted out on that front...May should be a good month for me and, if nothing else, should cover the cost of moving again if I have to. 

Though hopefully I'll just find another boarding role and continue in my efforts to never have to pay proper rent.


"At first I lifted weights.  But then I asked myself, 'why not people?'  Now everyone runs for the fjord when they see me."

Horribly Oscillating Assbasket of Deliciousness