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The next time Trump says something stupid about Muslims...

Started by Cain, June 15, 2016, 12:54:49 PM

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Remember this:

His campaign advisor, Paul Manafort, took over $4 million from the Pakistani ISI in order to "highlight the plight of the Kashmiri people". This was part of a "false flag operation" designed to secretly influence American policy towards Kashmir by diverting American public attention away from Pakistani state-sponsored terrorism in the region.

Paul Manafort was also involved in the Karachi Affair, getting over $200,000 for helping arrange the corrupt deal between Pakistan and the French government for the sale of Agosta attack submarines while running the election campaign for Edouard Balladur. It is alleged that money from these commissions was used by the ISI to fund Kashmiri militants, and that when Chirac cancelled the deal, the 2002 Karachi Bus Bombing carried out by either Al-Qaeda or Harkat-ul Mujahideen al-Alami was retaliation for this.


This is, of course, the same Paul Manafort who has done significant work with pro-Putin oligarchs in Russia and Ukraine as well.


Sounds like a poor man's Karl Rove.

Is there any evidence that Rove and Manafort are not actually the same people? I've heard nothing about him since his public meltdown but I must assume he's still stealing oxygen/children's souls from somewhere.

Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Rove's a grade A asshole, but I'll say this for him - he's never taken money from people connected to terrorism, and I've seen nothing to suggest he should be a registered agent of a foreign power.

Manafort, on the other hand...

(incidentally, Russian hackers stole Democratic Party opposition research on Trump the other day.  The chances of this not somehow getting back to Manafort are so perishingly small I am willing to go out, buy a hat and eat it if somehow it does not)


You should go buy a hat anyway.  Hats are nice.

Anyhoo, what could be in the DNC files that he doesn't already know?  "Trump's an asshat.  Attack him on his asshattery."


Could be their planned lines of attack on Trump, not just the info itself.  Sources, maybe.  Allows him to get out in front of their game plan, prepare counters, poison the well, all that stuff.

Also I dont believe for a minute Trump would tell Manafort every dirty little secret he has, or the skeletons in his closet.  Trump is the kind of guy who would lie to his own lawyer, let alone his campaign manager.

But given Trump is basically now implying Obama is an ISIS mole, I have no problem pointing out how Manafort takes money from sponsors of international terrorism.


What sucks is that the best truths are often non-meme-able.  There's usually a lot of necessary backstory and nuance.  Doesn't go well with Impact Font.


Kashmir one could be.

"Trump: complains that Obama won't say "radical Islam", ignores his campaign manager getting paid $4 million to deny Islamic terrorism in India" then source it at the bottom.

Edit: or "Trump so concerned with "American Muslim sleeper agents", doesn't realise his own campaign manager was part of a "false flag operation" to play down Islamic terrorism"


Q. G. Pennyworth

"Trump campaign manager accepts bribes to distract public from Pakistani-sponsored terrorism.... But that's none of my business"

Should fit on the Kermit one okay.


Sounds perfect.  Maybe "Pakistani-sponsored Islamic terrorism", to highlight the hypocrisy?



Q. G. Pennyworth

Never tell me I can't meme something. Or flyer it. Propaganda erryday.


Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on June 15, 2016, 02:02:21 PM
Never tell me I can't meme something. Or flyer it. Propaganda erryday.

You're now my go-to.  I can make things more complicated, you can make things simpler. Together we fight crime!

New thread idea: Meme complicated truths.