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White Nationalist/Neo-Nazi Recruitment Rally

Started by Bathtub Jim, February 09, 2017, 05:31:23 PM

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Bathtub Jim

Hey all,
In Pikeville/Prestonburg, Kentucky, there will be a rally on April 29th in order to recruit white nationalists/neo-Nazis to the Traditional Workers Party and a National Slcialist group. I live in the region and will be attending not in support of the rally. These people are not from the region and are coming to recruit severely economically depressed and desperate people to join their cause.
From what I gather, the locals are not happy this is happening. There are efforts underway to stop this event from happening, but these efforts will likely be unsuccessful as the rally is to take place at a reserved public park on April 28th, and a march in the streets will take place the next day. Both areas are protected free speech zones.
I plan on attending the 29th to counter their presence on the streets of Pikeville, and I don't think I'll be alone. So, what I'm asking is:
1) Are there any discordians or erisian sympathizers in the region of eastern Kentucky, Louisville, Lexington, northeastern Tennessee, southern West Virginia, or the western area of Virginia who would be willing to attend and help prevent groups like this from establishing an open foothold in our backyards?
2) If you are not able to attend, what are some suggestions you have for those that are going? Do you have any fun ideas for matching hats (not Phrygian caps pls), what about an excellent poster design to reallly stick it to those militant greyfaces?
Opossums have opposable thumbs

Q. G. Pennyworth

I'm not local and can't make a roadtrip of that magnitude, but I have a lot of experience in the poster/flyer/yelling at buildings department.

First question, of course, is whether you have some folks together already or can recruit a group to go inside with you.

Are you planning on infiltrating and then revealing? Are you planning on doing a counter-event both days with lots of signs and shouting?

Bathtub Jim

Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on February 09, 2017, 05:41:11 PM
I'm not local and can't make a roadtrip of that magnitude, but I have a lot of experience in the poster/flyer/yelling at buildings department.

First question, of course, is whether you have some folks together already or can recruit a group to go inside with you.

Are you planning on infiltrating and then revealing? Are you planning on doing a counter-event both days with lots of signs and shouting?

So it's a two day event, and the first day is a private recruitment day. They have rented out space in a park and are apparently charging a $30 fee to get in and participate in their rally, speakers, etc, so I'm not sure how easy infiltration would be with a large group. If I was going to infiltrate, I would definitely want a group, maybe 5+, so we're not in any danger. How would you suggest infiltrating, and to what purpose?

I'm certainly not going alone. Though I am not sure of specifics yet, I do know several people who are fucking livid this is taking place and who I have participated with in protests before. This has also garnered a lot of attention in the local news, and I believe there is already a counter rally being planned which will include quite boring things like speakers and local bands.
I'm sort of wondering about how to make the counter-event really raucous and not some tepid pow-wow while also having a fun time full of miscegenation, homosexuality, and other "offensive" activities. Also, avoiding violence would probably be nice too.
If you have any poster ideas or anything saved that is discordian or anti-nazi/fascist I would be grateful for your sharing. 
Opossums have opposable thumbs

Q. G. Pennyworth

If you were to infiltrate, you'd want to have small (regular paper size) signs with a simple image or slogan printed on it. You'd all arrive separately and sit/stand reasonably far apart, and one by one disrupt whatever's going on by displaying the signs and yelling something three-word-chant-y ("No Nazis Here," "Nazi-Free Kentucky," "You All Suck," etc.). Alternatively, you could infiltrate with a camera and dox the shit out of everyone there. Kentucky is a one-party state, meaning it is legal for you to record conversations.

For poster construction! I really like vinyl stick-on letters (the ones from Chartpak are great, but anything large will work) because it solves both the "ugh I can't write neatly" and the "what if it rains?" problems. Use posterboard if you can, cardboard if you can't. Foamcore is better than either but a little pricey. If you go with markers, get the fattest fucking markers you can. I'll dig up some old photos for examples on "good poster" vs "bad poster," but the short version is to limit the content and stay on target.

Bathtub Jim

I'm a little nervous about infiltration. The Traditionalist Workers Party and the affiliated groups represented there are borderline paramilitary.
I don't think this will be like the whiny internet troll Richard Spencer type of rally where internet dweebs come out from their basements to see what their fellow hate spewers look like.
From what I gather these people are very serious and potentially dangerous. Given that this is taking place in far eastern Kentucky in an impoverished community, I doubt police presence will be very strong if tensions to rise or if a single person becomes a target after disrupting an event.
Matthew Heimbach is a leader of the Traditionalist Workers Party and is currently being sued for battery for physically harassing a black woman at a Trump rally. He will be there likely leading the group and is even distinguished enough to earn his own page on Southern Poverty Law Center's website.
I'm not opposed to infiltrating, but I am concerned about being isolated among radical neo-nazis.
Opossums have opposable thumbs

Q. G. Pennyworth

Yeah in that case disruptive infiltration is not a great idea.

So, I grabbed some examples of protest signs to give some basic bounds on what makes a bad sign:
This is bad because 1) creases in your cardboard are seriously amateur hour 2) too many words 3) too small words 4) poor hand drawing of symbols 5) scribbly letters due to thin marker.
Thisis bad because 1) too many words 2) too small words 3) scribbly letters due to small marker 4) confusing message.
This is bad because 1) too many words 2) too small words 3) scribbly letters due to small marker 4) confusing message.
This is better than the first two, but could still use improvement. 1) Written on paper, get some damn posterboard 2) still too long 3) letters are much more legible (yay CRUISE CONTROL) but still would benefit from a thicker marker.
This is an iconic sign for a reason. Big, thick block letters, short phrase, easy to remember. The only problem is that the message is a little confusing. Still, this is gold standard on the design front.
This is another good sign. It's made from layered foamcore (the black in front has been cut out to reveal the red where the letters are) which means it's super durable and good for multiple events. Short phrases, totally on target message, the only possible complaint is on the legibility for the bottom lines. Red on black isn't easy to read from a car.
Which brings us to this. Four words, clearly conveys the message, easy to read from far away, easy to carry, easy to make. Even with this guy's shitty handwriting, you immediately know what is up and which side he's on. Be this guy.

Which brings us to sign ideas!

WHITE does not mean RIGHT

*insert the correct self-deprecating local slang as needed, in Boston we would go with "Masshole"

Bathtub Jim

I mentioned to my girlfriend about infiltrating the training and seminar portion of the neo-nazi hate fest and she gave me a grave look, so I think that part is a no go for me (and because I'm slightly intimidated to be isolated with actual factual skinheads).
However! I do appreciate your other kind suggestions! I've made signs before, and I've waved them and shouted at people while holding them, but I've never really thought about the anatomy of a sign or what makes one catchy, so your thoughts are very helpful!  :)

So I guess the next logical question is, obviously, given that there is a neo-nazi gathering within reasonable travel distance, and given the recent uproar with punching Richard Spencer, is it ok to punch nazis?
Opossums have opposable thumbs

Q. G. Pennyworth

Just cleaned up the mess from my earlier post! I am terrible at formatting sometimes.

I am in the "always punch nazis" camp. I, however, am not your girlfriend, doctor, lawyer, or next of kin.

The Good Reverend Roger

Quote from: Bathtub Jim on February 10, 2017, 03:29:01 AM
I mentioned to my girlfriend about infiltrating the training and seminar portion of the neo-nazi hate fest and she gave me a grave look, so I think that part is a no go for me (and because I'm slightly intimidated to be isolated with actual factual skinheads).
However! I do appreciate your other kind suggestions! I've made signs before, and I've waved them and shouted at people while holding them, but I've never really thought about the anatomy of a sign or what makes one catchy, so your thoughts are very helpful!  :)

So I guess the next logical question is, obviously, given that there is a neo-nazi gathering within reasonable travel distance, and given the recent uproar with punching Richard Spencer, is it ok to punch nazis?

It's sort of a moral imperative.

If you are not the punchy type, find some other way to make them miserable.
" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.

tyrannosaurus vex

I like the idea of going and playing along while hiding a video camera of some kind and getting as many faces in frame as you can manage without getting caught. Later, do horrible shit like print out photos of people and post them on light poles with phrases like "HAVE YOU SEEN MY PET NAZI" or "THIS MAN IS A RACIST PIECE OF SHIT" "WANTED FOR THOUGHTCRIME" or something. Also online, of course. At the very least, the video could be edited into a documentary hit piece that has a relatively good chance of going viral, especially if you manage to catch them saying good things about Trump.
Evil and Unfeeling Arse-Flenser From The City of the Damned.

Bathtub Jim

Quote from: V3X on February 10, 2017, 05:14:48 AM
especially if you manage to catch them saying good things about Trump.

Now this might actually be worth paying $30 and pretending to be a really shy and quiet nazi all day while maybe fearing I don't get outed and potentially hurt in the isolated mountains of Eastern Kentucky.
Opossums have opposable thumbs


Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on February 10, 2017, 04:39:16 AM
Quote from: Bathtub Jim on February 10, 2017, 03:29:01 AM
I mentioned to my girlfriend about infiltrating the training and seminar portion of the neo-nazi hate fest and she gave me a grave look, so I think that part is a no go for me (and because I'm slightly intimidated to be isolated with actual factual skinheads).
However! I do appreciate your other kind suggestions! I've made signs before, and I've waved them and shouted at people while holding them, but I've never really thought about the anatomy of a sign or what makes one catchy, so your thoughts are very helpful!  :)

So I guess the next logical question is, obviously, given that there is a neo-nazi gathering within reasonable travel distance, and given the recent uproar with punching Richard Spencer, is it ok to punch nazis?

It's sort of a moral imperative.

If you are not the punchy type, find some other way to make them miserable.

Stabbing is much more effective. They become noticably less nazi with every pint of blood they lose, right up until you hit that sweet spot where they're totally cured

I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
Ass-Kicking & Foot-Stomping Ancient Master of SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK
Awful and Bent Behemothic Results of Last Night's Painful Squat.
High Altitude Haggis-Filled Sex Bucket From Beyond Time and Space.
Internet Monkey Person of Filthy and Immoral Pygmy-Porn Wart Contagion
Octomom Auxillary Heat Exchanger Repairman
walking the fine line line between genius and batshit fucking crazy

"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark

Pope Pixie Pickle

Bathtub Jim

Quote from: Pope Pixie Pickle on February 10, 2017, 02:11:38 PM
Do you have local antifa in your area?

Yea, but they aren't very large. I know a few guys in it, but they aren't hardcore, and I don't know how "down" they are with traditional antifa tactics.
Also, I'm wondering if antifa tactics would be very effective in this instance. Most antifa instances occur in larger cities with larger groups of people, where its easier to blend in and disappear. This event is taking place in a small town, and any antifa group would have to travel from a nearby city, which is not very close. If shit goes down, there's nowhere to really run to or disappear.
Alternatively, this is a small town with a very small police force that might be overwhelmed by this activity, it's hard to tell how effective something like that would be ahead of time.
There's already a counter rally, but it's all about good vibes, which is to be expected I guess.

So.... I'm sort of town between a more confrontational approach and between having a very loud and offensive, flamboyant party.
I really want to stamp out nazis with all of my rage, but I also don't want these nazis to gain a foothold in the area. The folk in that area, who probably already have low-key racist ideas or might be sympathetic to those ideas might be drawn toward fascist groups if the other opposition to those groups are equally offensive to them. Another part of me feels that pandering to people who may be on the fence is a terribly craven thing to do.
Opossums have opposable thumbs

Vanadium Gryllz

Do you think violence or nonviolence from the "We don't like Nazis" group would be more effective at swaying those who are on the fence away from the "We do like Nazis" group?

Do you think people that are on the fence will be swayed by outside actors in either case or will they just go with what feels right for them?
"I was fine until my skin came off.  I'm never going to South Attelboro again."