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So I had a series of intense, logical (for a dream) nightmares last night

Started by Freeky, April 03, 2017, 08:31:52 PM

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I don't know where we found the TV, but it was so cool in the beginning. We could watch whatever and nobody would know what we saw. My brother found it. He hid it in the treehouse basement, in a secret room that had an exit in an abandoned office space. We put in a fridge and a couch and locks, because it was dangerous, watching what we wanted. We wanted to watch a television show for young adult girls, but the tv could air unregulated channels, too.

Something tipped the bureacrocy off. I don't know what. They kept coming by. My dad knew by that point. Mom I don't think she did. She stayed inside, always. She was good.

Someone wanted us in trouble. They were my enemy. But they told the buracracy a different name for my father, and the bureacrocy didn't know any better, so they came. I was trapped in the room with the tv and the fridge. I had almost no time to lock all the doors and turn the screen off. They nearly found me. I watched through the windows. They took my brother away. I still hadn't watched the tv. They brought my brother back; they had tortured him, but he didn't give away the tv or my secret.

Someone didn't like me, and they knew a secret about me. She knew I could read the sand, and it would tell me things, or I could use it to talk to distant friends. They used my secret to lie about me, to portray me as a traitor and having committed sedition. We had to run away. We barely escaped.

We went to a cafe that had a different name in the deepest hours of the night. It was a clandestine hangout of one of the five. I was so scared. We were all disguised. The concierge attacked my dad. My dad bit his ear off. We had to run. The concierge came with us.

We found a platuea that might be safe from the bureacracy. We had some elephants, to carry our stuff and help protect us. We had left the tv. It wasn't important. The concierge was trying to light a fire around the top to keep it safe until we got there, but he wasn't leaving a space for us to get in through. An elephant shot water at the fire, and the concierge was attacked by a white ape the size of an orangutan, with glowing red eyes. The concierge bit it's ear off.

The sand showed me a vision - I threw my bike into a chasm. I could be found through it.

Many people were following us. We had to run, because an agent was chasing us. We would all be tortured and killed if we were caught. There was a building, and we went inside. We tried to lock the door because he was coming. There were two doors. I went through the one on the right. There was a stream flowing away from me into another door, and I could see through heavy poles into the next room where there were complicated mechanisms. The first door opening caused a heavy thing to come down. It would take some people to lift it. I went through alone, and went down the chute with water. There was a place to jump to. I missed, and fell a long way into deep water. Body pieces floated up around me. I panicked and reset. I made the jump the next time, and it was a safe path but ultimately a dead end.

I reset again. I went through the door on the left. It took six people to lift the mechanism and killed two people. People could not slide past people holding up the mechanism. There was death in the door beyond. I reset. I tried to tell everyone to go through the door on the right. Some people still went through the left door. I told them to come around but the door had locked on them. They said they would take their chances.

We went down the chute. Some people made the jump. Most of us fell into the water. No dead body parts this time. I held my brother tightly. We swam for the surface. It was dark. We fell again, with the water, and landed on a conveyor belt. Around the corner, there were two directions, and the conveyor belt went really fast, so you could not possibly outrun it. Most people went straight. The halls looked like a highschool - huge concrete bricks painted so many times with cheap paint that the texture of the brick was nearly hidden. Some people went past as the coveyor belt to the right turned on. They went down a different path. I told everyone to stay together, stay to the left. Some people followed their loved ones to the right. I didn't know what was down there.

We were going around, could see the exit. We heard a saw. Horrible, blood curdling, loud. The conveyor belt to the right was a supercomputer that entered everyone into a slave pit, and they were dumped into water. Everyone was being killed by the blades hidden in there. We were frantic. We wanted to save our friends. We could not. I wanted to reset, but everyone said there was no time. A very few people were surviving unharmed. One of them was chasing us, the agent. We ran.

We split up. I was with Toff and two other people. I did not know them. We had had to abandon the bikes, they were too slow and unwieldy for the path we were going to take. We were walking in the mud, sewer mud. Toff examined her knuckles; they were infected. We were all afraid for her. She broke a branch off a monkey tree, hoping it was an antiseptic. She rubbed the branch on her knuckles. It seemed to be okay. A witch's dog appeared to us, barking. We were caught. She put us in a cell with my neighbors who were vampires. We were so glad to see each other. The witch came and told me that she was very pleased to have met me, the WARMTH MAGE, who could talk to sand. She would help us.

Then my phone rang and I woke up. The end.

The Wizard Joseph

 :eek: I Almost never remember my dreams and they're never anything like this.

Holy shit!
You can't get out backward.  You have to go forward to go back.. better press on! - Willie Wonka, PBUH

Life can be seen as a game with no reset button, no extra lives, and if the power goes out there is no restarting.  If that's all you see life as you are not long for this world, and never will get it.

"Ayn Rand never swung a hammer in her life and had serious dominance issues" - The Fountainhead

"World domination is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to call it world optimisation."
- Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality :lulz:

"You program the controller to do the thing, only it doesn't do the thing.  It does something else entirely, or nothing at all.  It's like voting."
- Billy, Aug 21st, 2019

"It's not even chaos anymore. It's BANAL."
- Doktor Hamish Howl


Nope. I take anti-depressants. The coherency was unexpected, though, never had it happen before.