
"Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed." - Jesus

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Started by Thurnez Isa, December 29, 2006, 04:11:55 PM

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In a barn in Alabama, Bannon came full out in support for Moore. Moore also had firearm he pulled out as a demonstration of his second amendment rights.


Quote from: Cain on September 26, 2017, 07:19:28 PM
What does Trump find so objectionable about Moore?  I mean, his views aren't that far from Trump's, if he's posting Britain First videos.

He likes Strange better, because Strange supported him during the election/primaries, I believe.

Loyalty, et al.

Prelate Diogenes Shandor

Quote from: LMNO on September 26, 2017, 06:08:53 PM
I feel weird that I'd rather have Luthe Strange in office than Ray Moore, in that I'm agreeing with Trump.

Or is having an unhinged assbat in the senate somehow better than a guy that will rubber stamp Trump's whims?

It would seem to me that an assbat working at cross purposes with the existing assbat would be less dangerous than an assbat working in concert wih him
Praise NHGH! For the tribulation of all sentient beings.

a plague on both your houses -Mercutio

It is an unfortunate fact that every man who seeks to disseminate knowledge must contend not only against ignorance itself, but against false instruction as well. No sooner do we deem ourselves free from a particularly gross superstition, than we are confronted by some enemy to learning who would plunge us back into the darkness -H.P.Lovecraft

He who fights with monsters must take care lest he thereby become a monster -Nietzsche

You are a fluke of the universe, and whether you can hear it of not the universe is laughing behind your back -Deteriorata

Don't use the email address in my profile, I lost the password years ago


QuoteThe information that President Trump sees has been a major subplot of the White House's internal drama. Aides often privately describe the president as highly susceptible to acting upon the last piece of information he's seen — no matter how dubious. And controlling that flow of information is a big part of new White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly's effort to right the ship and keep the Oval Office on-task.

But rarely do you see someone close to the president just come out and admit how unsophisticated he is as a consumer of information.

That's what Stephen K. Bannon did Monday night, though not quite in so many words. While chatting with Fox News's Sean Hannity, the former White House chief strategist suggested that Trump was essentially duped into supporting appointed Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.) in Tuesday's Alabama special-election runoff. And it wasn't really all that subtle.


Quote from: Cain on September 27, 2017, 11:34:44 AM

QuoteThe information that President Trump sees has been a major subplot of the White House's internal drama. Aides often privately describe the president as highly susceptible to acting upon the last piece of information he's seen — no matter how dubious. And controlling that flow of information is a big part of new White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly's effort to right the ship and keep the Oval Office on-task.

But rarely do you see someone close to the president just come out and admit how unsophisticated he is as a consumer of information.

That's what Stephen K. Bannon did Monday night, though not quite in so many words. While chatting with Fox News's Sean Hannity, the former White House chief strategist suggested that Trump was essentially duped into supporting appointed Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.) in Tuesday's Alabama special-election runoff. And it wasn't really all that subtle.

The depressing thing is that this will probably come as news to a lot of people. And, when I say "people" what I mean is organic material currently covering a lot of the surface of the continental united states. And when I say "come as news" what I mean is travel past said organic material in the form of sound waves.


I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
Ass-Kicking & Foot-Stomping Ancient Master of SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK
Awful and Bent Behemothic Results of Last Night's Painful Squat.
High Altitude Haggis-Filled Sex Bucket From Beyond Time and Space.
Internet Monkey Person of Filthy and Immoral Pygmy-Porn Wart Contagion
Octomom Auxillary Heat Exchanger Repairman
walking the fine line line between genius and batshit fucking crazy

"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark

Brother Mythos

Another Prophet Profiteer Not Accepted in His Own Country

"Disgraced evangelist Jim Bakker warns critics they will face God's wrath for making fun of him"

QuoteIn video captured by Right Wing Watch, disgraced evangelist Jim Bakker raged at his critics saying, they will face the wrath of God for mocking his End Time warnings and making fun of him throughout his checkered career.

Not mentioning his time in the wilderness, after he spent time in prison after bilking his followers out of $158 million, Bakker boasted that he has made many predictions — including 9/11 — that have come true, and that he is not being treated like the prophet he is.

"When God says something to you, you don't always know the exact time it's going to happen," Bakker thundered. "[So] stop beating up the prophets because God says, 'Woe unto you when you beat up on the prophets.'"

Bakker then threatened damnation on those who have ridiculed him over the years.

Here's the link, all you Sinners:

So, I guess that means woe unto me. Again.
Discordianism is fundamentally mischievous irreverence.

Brother Mythos

"Cub Scouts kick out 11-year-old boy after he asked Colorado Republican 'hard' questions"

QuoteAn 11-year-old Cub Scout in Colorado has been kicked out of his den after he asked a local Republican lawmaker about controversial remarks she made about black people in 2013.

The Denver Post reports that 11-year-old Cub Scout Ames Mayfield asked Colorado state Sen. Vicki Marble about a past statement in which she seemed to suggest that black Americans had poor health because they ate a lot of barbecued chicken.

"I was astonished that you blamed black people for poor health and poverty because of all the chicken and barbecue they eat," Ames said to Marble, who was visiting his den's meeting.

QuoteIn 2013, Marble remarked that "when you look at life expectancy, there are problems in the black race. Sickle-cell anemia is something that comes up. Diabetes is something that's prevalent in the genetic makeup, and you just can't help it," and then added that, "I've got to say I've never had better barbecue and better chicken and ate better in my life than when you go down South and you, I mean, I love it."

Here's the link:
Discordianism is fundamentally mischievous irreverence.


so this is concerning: & this:

I know, I know, RT but as far as I can tell, they have no reason to lie about this.  Are we hitting NK this weekend to maintain economic hegemony?


@thedailybeast :: A small group of Iraqi hackers fought ISIS with porn

QuoteBEIRUT—Six young Iraqis are taking a strategy straight out of the Kremlin's mischievous playbook, but with no thanks to Moscow. They're using hacked accounts to attack the so-called Islamic State and fake news to disrupt its "virtual caliphate."

Prelate Diogenes Shandor

Quote from: Brother Mythos on October 19, 2017, 02:21:49 AM
Another Prophet Profiteer Not Accepted in His Own Country

"Disgraced evangelist Jim Bakker warns critics they will face God's wrath for making fun of him"

QuoteIn video captured by Right Wing Watch, disgraced evangelist Jim Bakker raged at his critics saying, they will face the wrath of God for mocking his End Time warnings and making fun of him throughout his checkered career.

To be fair, since the election I could totally see these being the end times. And if they are it means that Trump will only serve three and a half years of his term of office (Revelation 13:5)

Though on the other hand the end times predictions in the books of the subgenius posit that government by evil clowns will last for many years
Praise NHGH! For the tribulation of all sentient beings.

a plague on both your houses -Mercutio

It is an unfortunate fact that every man who seeks to disseminate knowledge must contend not only against ignorance itself, but against false instruction as well. No sooner do we deem ourselves free from a particularly gross superstition, than we are confronted by some enemy to learning who would plunge us back into the darkness -H.P.Lovecraft

He who fights with monsters must take care lest he thereby become a monster -Nietzsche

You are a fluke of the universe, and whether you can hear it of not the universe is laughing behind your back -Deteriorata

Don't use the email address in my profile, I lost the password years ago


Putin announced intention to stand for re-election in 2018.

In other news, Putin wins 2018 election.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.

Doktor Howl

McConnell is refusing to seat Jones prior to the tax bill.  As expected.  :tgrr:

Molon Lube


Naturally.  It's not like they held up an entire Supreme Court nomination recently or anything...

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on December 18, 2017, 08:16:36 PM
Naturally.  It's not like they held up an entire Supreme Court nomination recently or anything...

He is in fact the man I hate most in US politics.
Molon Lube


Sexy Octopus of the Next Noosphere Horde

There are more nipples in the world than people.