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Lock her up

Started by Zenpatista, June 24, 2018, 04:18:33 PM

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Oh you poor fellas. What's wrong? Wife is all up in arms over kids in cages and you just can't seem to explain why you "know better" and "just vote the way you're told"? #Trumpjail is what they're calling it now. Ooh, better not let her hear that! You'll really catch it then!

Look, you chanted it. CBP heard you. Well, it's not my fault you weren't more specific. Loud and clear you were. 100+ decibels of riotous, roiling hate - completely ignorant of the rule of law. Well, now you get to own it. "Lock her up", you shouted. Chanted along with the mob mentality of the rest of the inmates. We couldn't have mean mommy as President. It was difficult enough for the previous 8. Aw, poor broflake. When you were chanting "Lock her up" I guess CBP got a little confused? Maybe they think this is OK because they were distractedly drooling over their new wall? Oh didn't you hear your glorious yellow-stained (that's not gold y'all - just saying) leader did an in depth study with local and regional law enforcement and leading border experts? Psyche!! Hahaha yeah right. No, my "friend", what you got was what you wanted. You screamed for this. Hollered yourself hoarse for it. Presidents are package deals and you got the entire thing. Now you get to own it.

Now look, I know you may be thinking "What about this?" and "What about that?" "What about how Hillary colluded with the aliens to hide the evidence of her killing spree at the Vatican....?" Nope. Uh-uh. Sorry dude. "B-B-b-b-but Obama bombed weddings!" OK. I'll agree with you on that one. And he got a peace prize to boot. Sheesh! But here's the thing. Obama was a President of the US and all that that entails. I'm cognizant of the huge (yuge) number of drone bombing assassinations carried out President Obama. Do you think they stopped? No. Does that make them all "correct"? No. But before Obama we hadn't had a decent president in a *long* time. I'm not making excuses. However, if there is one thing a decent electorate can handle, it's the subtle, nuanced (or hypocritical and not-so-nuanced) flavor of the proffered shit sandwich that is US politics. Go on. Take a bite. Nutty? Find a corn kernel or two? That's presidential right there.

No, we don't deal in "Whatbaoutisms". We don't stoop to "But but but..." Why? Because there is still a difference between the presidents. Some are a complete shit show, literally trolling their base from a porcelain throne while children rot in #Trumpjail. Others may have been the best president we've ever had. Room for improvement in Obama? Oh hell yes. But still possibly the best president we ever had. Probably not better than Carter though. And HRC would probably have given him a run for that title. She too would probably have done a great many things that piss me off but she would easily have been better than the current circus.

But right now? Kids in camps? and your "news channel" arguing *for* it? Are you agreeing with them? This administration is different. Exceptionally worse - like worse than Nixon. God, I miss Nixon. Instead of locking up Hillary for crimes she didn't commit and wasn't tried for, y'all locked up little girls for the crime of having a parent that wanted asylum. "Lock her up" indeed. Own it you savages. That's all on you. Little kids sleeping in cages in space blankets. Space blankets. That reminds me, did you hear about "space force"?

Doktor Howl

This is the future everyone screamed for.  Some actively FOR it, and many who were AGAINST it but had their heads so far up their arses that they were more effective for the Mango Mussolini than his actual supporters were.

And you know the FUNNIEST part?  The part that makes me PEE?  There's still assholes circulating PETITIONS.   :lulz:

Because we all know Donald Trump and Stephen Miller CARE about what 100,000 hippies think.

PROTIP FOR STUPID DO-GOODERS:  You don't fight actual EVIL with petitions.

Now, the people hounding Miller and Nielson where they eat and where they live are onto the right angle.  My kinda assholes.  Don't let them take a SHIT without screaming at them from the stall over.  It might not stop them, but who the fuck says THEY get to have a good time or even a moment's peace while toddlers are "lost" in the system?
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Molon Lube


I can publicly admit to signing petitions but I don't think they really do anything. It's a click or two - doesn't take long but equally doesn't have any chance of doing anything. I remember getting fired up about W years ago and petitions were how I got connected with groups that were actually doing things. Nowadays it seems like a lot of people are angry but *still* not ready to scream for impeachment. Or an end to citizens united, or unwarranted wiretaps, or drone bombing with "collateral damage", or any of a ton of other issues.

The "shame" chanting in the restaurant though - brilliant.

I'm honestly worried that the lines are drawn up for the next civil war. I'm hoping that Mueller is smart enough to make the case solid and timed right. I hope to hell he knows what he's doing. But at this point I think an impeachment will bring militia uprisings and martial law a very near inevitability. We are knee deep in the fascism now and people be walking around like, "meh".

Quote from: Doktor Howl on June 25, 2018, 11:02:18 PM
It's a good thing that Hillary would be just as bad.  Or words to that effect.

Yeah - HRC would *clearly* have been just as bad. She would have those kids sold off to the pizza kitchens. </sarcasm>

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Zenpatista on June 26, 2018, 04:56:24 AM

I'm honestly worried that the lines are drawn up for the next civil war. I'm hoping that Mueller is smart enough to make the case solid and timed right. I hope to hell he knows what he's doing. But at this point I think an impeachment will bring militia uprisings and martial law a very near inevitability. We are knee deep in the fascism now and people be walking around like, "meh".

I'm okay with people getting hurt right about now.
Molon Lube


I'm still trying to figure out how large the fascist side is, anyway.

I mean, we're talking about a small core subset of Trumpistans of a larger subset of 'likely' Republican voters from a larger set of "eligible voters"...

As far as I can make it out from the hazy numbers, it seems like 15% of the country would honestly take up arms in defense of the Orange One, at best. 

They do have a disproportionately large media/social influence right now, but I'm not sure that gets us to civil war levels.


Watching Sanders and Miller and Nielsen getting blasted by the public has been CATHARTIC

I have this grim feeling about it though, that we're looking at the future. I can't help but visualize crowds following around Elizabeth Warren doing the Tomahawk Chop.


I'm comforted by the fact that so many of the alt-right demonstrations had a disproportionate amount of counter protesters, though. 

Doktor Howl

Quote from: LMNO on June 26, 2018, 03:29:10 PM
I'm still trying to figure out how large the fascist side is, anyway.

I rate it as "the people who approved of toddler gulags."

So 34%.
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cramulus on June 26, 2018, 03:56:38 PM
Watching Sanders and Miller and Nielsen getting blasted by the public has been CATHARTIC

I have this grim feeling about it though, that we're looking at the future. I can't help but visualize crowds following around Elizabeth Warren doing the Tomahawk Chop.

They're going to be assholes anyway.
Molon Lube

tyrannosaurus vex

A solid 30% of the country is entirely in the Trump camp and will not be moved. There's no talking to them, there's no opening their eyes or waking them up or whatever. They see the world they see, and nothing short of clearing out their sinuses with lead is going to move them. But not all of them are the militant type. Let's say maybe a third of them are willing and able to show up to a muster point of some kind and take up actual arms. So, 10% of the population (and that's being generous to the other side).

Doesn't seem like much, but 10% of Americans was about how much it took to start, fight, and win the Revolutionary War. This is also the 10% who owns probably 50-60% of the guns in the country, so there's that. And you can add to this number every squirming cockroach of a police officer who is already convinced that Keeping the Peace means tasing black kids to death and summarily executing anyone who looks at them wrong. Civil unrest will be like a candy store to those people. And the military, of course, which is so far up its own authoritarian, flag-worshipping asshole that it isn't even worth dreaming that they'll oppose any of this in any meaningful way.

If worse comes to worse, a few states will manage to organize their national guard troops, maybe. Other than that, the military capacity of the Left amounts to roving bands of Antifa kids with paintball armor and makeshift batons, and a smattering of left-leaning gun clubs that might lift a finger (or not, depending on property value considerations). At least in the last civil war, the feds were on the side of sanity, if not actual nobility. Not so much these days.

If shit actually hits the fan, I'm taking my family and leaving if it's at all possible. There's nothing left of America that I am particularly keen on fighting or dying for.
Evil and Unfeeling Arse-Flenser From The City of the Damned.


Quote from: LMNO on June 26, 2018, 03:29:10 PM
I'm still trying to figure out how large the fascist side is, anyway.

I mean, we're talking about a small core subset of Trumpistans of a larger subset of 'likely' Republican voters from a larger set of "eligible voters"...

As far as I can make it out from the hazy numbers, it seems like 15% of the country would honestly take up arms in defense of the Orange One, at best. 

They do have a disproportionately large media/social influence right now, but I'm not sure that gets us to civil war levels.

You also have to factor in the other side who will decry any effective action as "incivility".

My Twitter feed has transformed in the last two days from "children in camps, how awful" to "denying SHS service in a restaurant is the real racism".

Oh, btw, in addition to making children recite the pledge of allegiance, in English, every day to the country which took them from their parents and put them in concentration camps, this is now being considered.

The thing is, there is no good end game here.  There is no "great wave" of immigration, so to justify costs, those camps will eventually be used to house those people raided by ICE and awaiting deportation.  As the legal pushback against deportation grows, the camps will be used to indefinitely detain those immigrants.

As they're trapped in legal limbo, sitting around in camps...well, the issue of cost is going to come up eventually.  Either those camps get turned into labour camps (slave labour in all but name) or they look for other ways to reduce costs.  They can't just put 12 million people into camps and leave them there, nor can they easily deport them all.

tyrannosaurus vex

It's easy to fit 12 million people into a group of camps that can only fit 6 million people. You just have to put half of them in a ditch out back.
Evil and Unfeeling Arse-Flenser From The City of the Damned.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on June 26, 2018, 06:12:31 PM
Quote from: LMNO on June 26, 2018, 03:29:10 PM
I'm still trying to figure out how large the fascist side is, anyway.

I mean, we're talking about a small core subset of Trumpistans of a larger subset of 'likely' Republican voters from a larger set of "eligible voters"...

As far as I can make it out from the hazy numbers, it seems like 15% of the country would honestly take up arms in defense of the Orange One, at best. 

They do have a disproportionately large media/social influence right now, but I'm not sure that gets us to civil war levels.

You also have to factor in the other side who will decry any effective action as "incivility".

My Twitter feed has transformed in the last two days from "children in camps, how awful" to "denying SHS service in a restaurant is the real racism".

Oh, btw, in addition to making children recite the pledge of allegiance, in English, every day to the country which took them from their parents and put them in concentration camps, this is now being considered.

The thing is, there is no good end game here.  There is no "great wave" of immigration, so to justify costs, those camps will eventually be used to house those people raided by ICE and awaiting deportation.  As the legal pushback against deportation grows, the camps will be used to indefinitely detain those immigrants.

As they're trapped in legal limbo, sitting around in camps...well, the issue of cost is going to come up eventually.  Either those camps get turned into labour camps (slave labour in all but name) or they look for other ways to reduce costs.  They can't just put 12 million people into camps and leave them there, nor can they easily deport them all.

I called this 10 days ago.  It will be labor.
Molon Lube


Initially, for sure.  It will be very easy to bring the prison contractors in and expand their already existing system to the new camps.

But that won't be extreme enough for the radical right.  It will never be extreme enough, "our money being spent to house and feed these illegal vermin".  The implication will be left unsaid, at least in the immediate future, but it will be clear what is meant.