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Introducing the Anti Social Network

Started by Baltshazzar the Unhinged, January 26, 2020, 11:59:09 AM

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Baltshazzar the Unhinged

Just the content then. point taken. Shall be discussed at our next gathering.

You're alright mate. Isn't there a saying about communication only occurring between equals?
know more = understand less

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Baltshazzar the Unhinged on January 27, 2020, 03:34:59 AM
Just the content then. point taken. Shall be discussed at our next gathering.

You're alright mate. Isn't there a saying about communication only occurring between equals?

I have always understood it as "communication only occurs in a non-punishing situation."

But close enough for government work.
Molon Lube



Not a "bloke". Understandable mistake, not going to make a thing out of it. Just for future reference.


The point being made in that FAQ entry is overshadowed by a very real, very current legion of morons who really do want a second Holocaust, and make shitty remarks about "the six million dead".

I looked into it when you initially responded to my statement, and found the apparently intended message. (Didn't have time to respond till now.)

Remember what the Doktor said about it being very 1965?

The problem is that this kind of message only works when your audience is a bunch of privileged people complaining about traffic. I.e., 1965.

Meanwhile, I'm homeless and considering how I'm getting food leading up to my next paycheck, and I'm beset on all side by Nazi goobers telling me how I and everyone I love deserve to die horribly and they're coming for us. I.e., 2020.

In other words, I wasn't your target audience, and the target audience doesn't really exist these days. We aren't oblivious to horrid shit going on elsewhere because we are insulated from it, but because we have our own horrid shit going on at home.

Not saying the two kinds of shit are comparable in degree, but in any situation where distant atrocities are competing for airtime with at-home survival needs, the survival wins. You can't care about the genocides if you die because you were depressed about it when you should have been panhandling for lunch.

Judging by your writing style here, you're a UKian of some flavor. It's quite possible that you've not seen the shit going around. I don't want to derail your thread any further here, but I'd be happy to get into why you might come across as a Nazi chud given your forum name and that FAQ entry, and why particularly around Discordianism I am a bit hair trigger about this shit.

Oh, right. This isn't a blaming-you thing, for the record: genuine offer to explain all this. It's esoteric and fucking stupid if you aren't already in it, you have perfectly good reasons to not know.


The design is fine, as was said. It's a bit too bright and far too high contrast for my tastes, but it does what it needs to in every other way, and doesn't look horrible doing it. (Impressively, given you said you had no formal experience, it works well on mobile!)

I would recommend a dark mode and/or a lower contrast color choice, because white/black can cause eye strain. I'm personally fond of the Solarized color scheme, but I know for sure it isn't for everyone.
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.

Baltshazzar the Unhinged

I have always understood it as "communication only occurs in a non-punishing situation."

But close enough for government work.
I can dig it. Unfortunately some other folk have not been so polite. I can take a joke as well as the next but I guess some folk are just mean-spirited. I can't help but feel that there are people who use the yoke of Discordianism as an excuse for basically being an arsehole. I had looked forward to coming here for a laugh and plug a brand that draws influence from Discordia. Obviously representing the Anti Social Network is not about making friends but I think I'll stick around, even if the organs are failing as you so succinctly put it.
know more = understand less

Doktor Howl

Thing is, the late 50s - early 60s were very much in the grip of order.  So much so, in fact, that a different cut of suit in the office could get your fired.  No kidding.

Now we've gone wayyyyy the hell to the other side of chaos, being extreme disorder.  Requires different tactics.

For example, if you are trapped in a burning building, and the fire department is standing outside chanting "FNORD 23 LAMPSHADE SKIDOO," you are not going to value their input, or take it into account in any way other than to maybe curse them as you die.

And then this:

QuoteIn other words, I wasn't your target audience, and the target audience doesn't really exist these days. We aren't oblivious to horrid shit going on elsewhere because we are insulated from it, but because we have our own horrid shit going on at home.

At some point, we have to decide if this is all
1.  End times porn.
2.  A way to whistle past the graveyard, or
3.  An attempt to change things up a bit.

Now, if you're a strict Erisian, you really have to be cheering on the Schindler's List Bloopers on the news, because this isn't a PATCH on what happened to humanity, on a per-capita basis last time she had a case of the ass.  I mean, it CAN get worse, and the smart money bets that it will.

Molon Lube

Baltshazzar the Unhinged

Yo Altered,
Sorry for misgendering. I did actually see your profile and should have known better.
I'm so genuinely sorry, if my comment has been misunderstood. I can't help you with that.
I did not come here to make friends. I didn't come to make enemies either.

I'm sorry but my PC fuse blew out 20 years ago and sometimes shit gets misconstrued. I don't don't have telepathy... yet.
It really wasn't any of the ASN's intention to do physical, mental, or spiritual harm on anyone.

It really seems though, that people here want to have something to hate. The ASN are good for that too.

know more = understand less

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Baltshazzar the Unhinged on January 27, 2020, 04:04:37 AM

I can dig it. Unfortunately some other folk have not been so polite.

Typically, that was me.    I have gotten a little old, though, and am perhaps a pint shy on venom these days.

QuoteI can take a joke as well as the next but I guess some folk are just mean-spirited. I can't help but feel that there are people who use the yoke of Discordianism as an excuse for basically being an arsehole.

Speaking candidly, that's the entire appeal to the whole thing, really.

QuoteI had looked forward to coming here for a laugh and plug a brand that draws influence from Discordia. Obviously representing the Anti Social Network is not about making friends but I think I'll stick around, even if the organs are failing as you so succinctly put it.

Sounds good.  The thing to remember is that while this is discordia, it isn't the discordia you were expecting.  Even if you WERE expecting it.

Just be glad Cramulus wasn't here.  He and LMNO are sort of like the welcome wagon.  Only it's on fire because it's electric and the battery exploded, and they are blocking your escape with their ridiculous mustaches.
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

I have to admit that the Cramulan HR method and the LMNO money-diddling philosophy does seem more appealing as time goes on.

We got your future, right here.  All the future you can choke on.  All the future YOU demanded, bigger and better, delivered before you even order it!  Who are we?

We're the retro-pulp people.  Some of you may have noticed that the future is beginning to look disturbingly like pulp novels and comics from the 1920s.  That's no accident!  Pain rays, killer robots, mind control, torture chambers, drug conspiracies, shadowy bad guys, everything just like you wanted it, faster and more efficient...and more REAL!  Sure, the bad guys aren't mustachioed Chinese freaks or Nazis (may not apply in Portland or Boston), but our governments and corporations do a better job, on a lower bid!  Who are we?

We're the Animal Farm people, growing a bumper crop of George Orwell's nightmares, just for you!  Whether you're interested in giant, faceless collectives, or an all-controlling government, we have a program that suits you!  How, you may ask, can we bring you all this future at yesterday's prices? 

Simple.  We use the technology of tomorrow on the monkeys of 200,000 years ago, to make your grandest nightmares into tomorrow's reality!  This allows us to keep you AND our stockholders happy!  And isn't that we all want?  Happy stockholders?  Sure, it's what the American Dream™ is all about!  Who are we?

We're the "They" people.  You've heard of our brand name, everywhere you go!  "They'll get you.", "They'll hear you talking.", "They took Joey away, and his wife and kids, too!"  Sound familiar?  It will!  And you wouldn't have it any other way.

Our marketing experts have pored over the data, and we've adapted our business model to give you, the consumer, what it is you're looking for.  Nice Things™, White neighborhoods, paralyzing anxiety, and fear! Sound weird?  Naw!  Who doesn't like a scary movie?  We all do...And now you can LIVE in that scary movie, with our patented Reality Distortion™ technique, by which we make the normal, workaday world into the sort of horror show you've always wanted.  Who are we?

We're the window people.  We look through your windows, to make sure nothing dangerous is happening.  Oh, we know YOU aren't doing anything filthy dirty, but you know at least one of your neighbors is, and we have always believed in being fair!  Who can complain about that? 

We've even brought the window out of  your house!  You can have it anywhere, now!  In your airports, on your streets, at every traffic light...There's nowhere smudgy terrorists can hide, and nowhere you'd WANT to hide, because you aren't like them.  You want things shiny new bright happy better faster NOW, unlike those people walking.  We're against them.  Who are we?

We're the YOU people.  We're you.  Because you wouldn't have it any other way.

Or Kill Us.
Molon Lube


I find it kind of ridiculous that you took "understandable mistake, no worries, just for the future" as "being PC".

Alternatively, you meant that as a response to the bulk of the post, which is nothing to do with "PC" or "not PC" and everything to do with dog-whistles you can put your foot in by accident. As I devoted a whole paragraph to explaining, complete with offer to explain the specifics in detail. It has nothing to do with intent or lack thereof, that's the entire point.

And I don't see anywhere in my post that looks like "something to hate" is what I'm after.

It's puzzling and a little ridiculous looking, really. Either you have decided I am the adversary by default because I stepped up critical and wrong, which, okay, I can oblige — or you are reading an alternate universe version of my post. Hell, I get that. Sometimes it's hard to remember what goes to which reality.
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.

Baltshazzar the Unhinged

Oh Doktor Howl, I did expect a welcome wagon of sorts. That's fine - Mindfuck away whatever's clever.
I didn't have any expectations coming here. Actually that's a lie. I did expect a difference from other message boards, forums and social networking... now work with me a second cos that's essentially the topic... I genuinely didn't expect such sensitivity from people HERE. Wow. I guess it's only MY version of Discordia that encourages the thickness of skin. The degree of serious here does bug me a little BUT perhaps I could stand to tune back in a little too.

There was some shit you said there about watching the news and laughing at it while knowing the world is headed for worse times. That very much encapsulates Baltshazzar. I am not engaged. In saying that, people will think the ASN isn't hip to what's up. Well like is said on our website somewhere, we know the world's a mess, we even have a fair idea as to why it's a mess, but even the ASN will never agree on how to FEEL about what we know.

know more = understand less

Doktor Howl

Quote from: altered on January 27, 2020, 04:34:40 AM
I find it kind of ridiculous that you took "understandable mistake, no worries, just for the future" as "being PC".

Everyone wants discordia until it they get it.

Then it's all, "No.  Not like that."

Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Baltshazzar the Unhinged on January 27, 2020, 04:36:38 AM
I genuinely didn't expect such sensitivity from people HERE. Wow. I guess it's only MY version of Discordia that encourages the thickness of skin.

Self-destruct protocols engaged.

Pour a little out for my homie.
Molon Lube

Baltshazzar the Unhinged

I don't mix words Altered,
Another misunderstanding that I do not have the time to clarify for you.

know more = understand less

Doktor Howl

Communication has now been subordinated to ego.

Let the usual shenanigans begin.
Molon Lube

Baltshazzar the Unhinged

uh uh. I'll return. Can't live online mate. nigh night
know more = understand less