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Quarantine Larps

Started by Cramulus, March 19, 2020, 02:49:04 PM

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I'm trying to come up with some ideas for silly little 2-page games you can play while under quarantine. I've got this idea I'm still braining through, and I figured I'd just toss the pieces up here and see if any of you brain-geniuses have any ideas. I don't know if anybody would actually play this, but as we go insane from boredom, it starts to get more likely.

The game is called What The Fuck is the Matrix. Give it a read here:

Lemme know if you have any other ideas or jokes I could add.

tyrannosaurus vex

i like the LARP actually. it could be fun, maybe i'll try it. my only real concern is replayability. also there should be some way to drag it out longer. this quarantine might last *months*, so it would be cool to have a game that could last, idk, days, at least.
Evil and Unfeeling Arse-Flenser From The City of the Damned.


yeah I like the idea of an ongoing game, something you play over the course of weeks... what kinds of activities would be fun for that?

Scavenger hunts (find the object I hid... might take days)
Arts & Crafts
what else?


Hide and Seek, only renamed "Infect Grandma"


Back in college, my friends and I came up with a bunch of stupid games. Some of them were

  • And A Bottle of Rum was a pirate-based tabletop RPG. At the time, we had these homemade crossbows made of bungee cords and badly sawed wood. Each crossbow had a little trough made from PVC pipe, and there was a wine cork attached to the bugee cord that would slide along the trough and launch shit. We discovered that you could launch steak knives from this thing and they would stick into walls. So the next step was to lay down on a big roll of butcher paper and have your friends trace your body. These were called "character sheets" and we taped them to the wall.

    During the RPG, if you shot at another character, you had to fire a steak knife via crossbow at their Character Sheet. If your outline got hit in a vital area, you had to take a shot. There was some plot about escaping the island but it was immediately ignored in favor of shooting each other. As the game progressed, and drunken kids are shooting steak knives at truly dangerous speeds, it stopped being a good idea.

  • Samurai Breakdancing Pizza Party World Crisis World Tour was a game played on a giant world map. Every player had a colored thumb tack that they could place somewhere in the world. That represents your samurai. It turns out that Samurai can breakdance up to 1000 miles per day, and everywhere they dance through becomes a pizza party. So every day, you get to put another thumb tack 1000 miles away from yesterday's thumbtack, and then connect them via string. If you complete a polygon without it being interrupted, the entire area "fills in" with a pizza party, and any samurai trapped in it are, um, killed I think? So it's basically just a maneuvering strategy game, but that takes place very slowly. We kept adding new rules until it was unplayable. The real goal of this game was to have a map with thumbtacks and string that makes it look like we're up to something cool

  • Future Chess is how Chess will take place in the year 3000. Every time you finish a bottle or can of beer, it becomes a piece in your army. You begin the game with a handle of cheap-ass vodka which is your "king". It has 10 hit points and a speed of 1.

    When a bottle enters the game, you place it somewhere in the house (I'm fuzzy on what these rules were). You also attach a little post-it note to it, with that piece's 'stats'. Each piece gets 8 points to spend on its stats - speed, health, damage, and range. I think we used another handle of vodka as a measuring tool. During your turn, each of your soldiers can either move or shoot. If you are shooting down hill, the range is increased by the relative height of whatever surface the piece is on. A piece can "climb" a vertical surface at half speed.

    In practice, this meant that the apartment was completely covered in empty beer bottles, and when someone got frustrated and started to clean them up, we'd all yell at them for fucking up our game.

  • The Mutiny Axe - our apartment had one Pirate Captain's Hat, and only the captain was allowed to wear it. But you could try to mutinze the captain by taking a foam boffer axe off the wall, sneaking up behind the captain, and axing them in the back of the head. If the Captain isn't surprised, it doesn't work. Then, you get to be the captain, and mark a tally next to your name on the score board. The captain has rights like - getting to choose pizza toppings, and the captain always leads toasts when we're drinking. But if the captain busts a mutineer three times, they can call for a public execution. Then we'd all drag that person outside, and the captain would shoot them in the back of the head with a cap gun.

    This actually became a huge spectacle... when people heard the pirates dragging someone into the quad, people would line up at their windows to watch the execution.


Some sort of territory control game, where you need to not only find what the person other person hid but replace it with something of yours, claiming the territory.