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Wurst Council of Principia

Started by Pandemonium, April 25, 2020, 06:43:24 AM

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I am posting this as the declaration of the intent* to combine & modernize the PD, BIP, and BIP 2 electric bugaloo into a single Work for Discordianism in 2020 and beyond.

This will largely consist of blending the works into a semi-coherent whole; It is the express desire to minimize any editing of the individual concepts and expressions within the work.
All Authors will (obviously) still have their respective works attributed to them.**

It is a sincere desire to have the blessing of the writers and the community at large.  So any and all planned edits, deletions etc. and the rationale for the decision will be posted into this thread as the project unfolds for discussion, debate, ridicule etc.

Now to contradict that previously mentioned desire; There are two concepts we would like to include in the finished work. The first is largely a rhetorical framework to facilitate spontaneous collaboration between Discordians without contradicting the parts that dissuade it.

The second may or may not be somewhat controversial, as may appear contradictory to one of the major concepts expressed in the PD. which it both does and doesn't. 

I will be posting these in the near future as their own threads to facilitate specific discussion and link them as an edit of this post or in a reply.

There is a wealth of excellent content on this forum, so please provide links or C/P's of things that you think should be included. Nothing is forbidden***, but page margin style additions are preferred.

Yes. There is an ulterior motive. It'll be revealed in the future as reply to this thread. Suffice to say this project isn't to make a book, It's for the creation a tool.****
Will it work? Yes, no, maybe? Sometimes? It's Discordianism buddy I don't know. but I do think you're really gonna like it.

This undertaking is one bore purely out of love for Discordianism, to that end this account (and expressive style) will be used exclusively for this project; At the conclusion of which will cease to be used or accessed, and will preferably be deactivated or deleted.


*As long as there's motivation and/or a budget remaining.

**These may be placed into a citation page added at/near the end, it'll be posted for discussion if so.

***Any pieces expressing a biased opinion on a specific idealogue will most likely not be included. The reasoning will be elucidated later on. 

****No. it's not a tool for me, or you for that matter; Insofar as a hammer is for a single finger. (To use, not to smash. A hammer is great for smashing single fingers.)

I will probably edit this multiple times, It'll mostly be for grammar & flow.

My Posts format aesthetics will increase as I familiarize with SMF. Hopefully.


I appreciate you allowing me to waste your time.

Picture this any time you think of me xoxo

Even though I'm business casual.

Nobody got shit on my normie skin.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Pandemonium on April 25, 2020, 06:43:24 AM
to combine & modernize the PD, BIP, and BIP 2 electric bugaloo



Molon Lube


I support this, you have my permission to use anything I've posted.

Quote from: Pandemonium on April 25, 2020, 06:43:24 AM
The second may or may not be somewhat controversial, as may appear contradictory to one of the major concepts expressed in the PD. which it both does and doesn't. 

that's cool, we're not, like, super orthodox or anything

QuoteThere is a wealth of excellent content on this forum, so please provide links or C/P's of things that you think should be included. Nothing is forbidden***, but page margin style additions are preferred.

Well here's a big list of shit you might find useful:


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces.


Awesome, excellent to hear Cramulus!

The gobbles was a memetic device meant to deflect criticism back onto itself thereby creating uncertainty.

Failing that it'd served to imply one was ....greyfacing? It was a "well fuck you too" basically.

So it worked I guess. I'm not even sure if that was the rationale in the first place.

What came first, the reason or the writing?

Lemme tell you a story. A true story.
January of 2020 a man jokingly doodled a "discordian sigil" he had pulled out of his ass on whiteboard in the apartment he shared with his 'Nordic Pagan' ex.
The mistake was made when he sent up a prayer to S*rife. He can't even remember what the prayer "was", just that he made one, and he had believed.
5 hours after his ex was involved in a car wreck.
5 days later she found out she had an ectopic pregnancy, and had to have it terminated.
23 days, to the day, with his stuff packed, and he left the apartment for good.

What came first, The prayer or the chaos?


I heard a great example of how higher dimensions are experienced by the ones immediately below once.  it goes:

If we were 2 dimensional beings, our perception of 3 dimension existence would be one line, constantly shifting, but always that single line.
As three dimensional beings, we envelop the 1st and 2nd ones, one is a point, the other flatness, and we can comprehend both in their entirety. Yet time we can only comprehend as a single exact moment (the present).

Maybe that's why we comprehend synchronicity, deja vu, etc. the way we do. Because the mechanism for it's occurrence occurs as time, not in time.

It's hoped that this project will result in a rudimentary tool that can in some form or fashion interact with that. We do not know what will happen, or even if anything will happen at all. Depends on how hard people believe I guess.
Picture this any time you think of me xoxo

Even though I'm business casual.

Nobody got shit on my normie skin.

The Wizard Joseph

I reserve my rights to my shit here, not that it's all that, but it's mine. Ask first. Accept no. Good luck building you meme superweapon or whatevs.  :)
You can't get out backward.  You have to go forward to go back.. better press on! - Willie Wonka, PBUH

Life can be seen as a game with no reset button, no extra lives, and if the power goes out there is no restarting.  If that's all you see life as you are not long for this world, and never will get it.

"Ayn Rand never swung a hammer in her life and had serious dominance issues" - The Fountainhead

"World domination is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to call it world optimisation."
- Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality :lulz:

"You program the controller to do the thing, only it doesn't do the thing.  It does something else entirely, or nothing at all.  It's like voting."
- Billy, Aug 21st, 2019

"It's not even chaos anymore. It's BANAL."
- Doktor Hamish Howl


Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on April 25, 2020, 09:49:31 PM
I reserve my rights to my shit here, not that it's all that, but it's mine. Ask first. Accept no. Good luck building you meme superweapon or whatevs.  :)

Of course bud, wouldn't have it any other way. it looks brown all the way down so far. I wish I had the comprehension to make a meme superweapon.
This is at best a cardboard rocket with candy on the seats in the hopes of luring some poor sob onto it.. (Don't tell anyone though okay).

TL;DR: use the PD to prime the proper worldview, then the BIP to crack the current, native worldview, throw in a bit of how2maymay then sit back and observe.

It's going to end up having to be something minimalist since there's a limited capability for dissemination. Cuz there's no way a "curvy" manifesto is gonna be able to be forced into propagating, Unless one of ya'll just happen to have a  social media b'net lying around you'd let us borrow [just slide on into my DMs].

It's my hope that some ya'll will help me whittle down and make some of these ideas much more concise and manageable, ya know since


I'm like Theo Huxtable and you guys are a collective Bill Cosby.
and my adolescence is all of those women.


Picture this any time you think of me xoxo

Even though I'm business casual.

Nobody got shit on my normie skin.

Q. G. Pennyworth


Quick question, but I think it needs to be addressed before it goes any furthur (sic).

When this is finished, what are your plans for dissemination?  More to the point, are you expecting to sell it?  And if so, what do you plan on doing with any profits?

Doktor Howl

Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on April 25, 2020, 09:49:31 PM
I reserve my rights to my shit here, not that it's all that, but it's mine. Ask first. Accept no. Good luck building you meme superweapon or whatevs.  :)

Molon Lube


Quote from: LMNO on April 27, 2020, 01:50:59 PM
Quick question, but I think it needs to be addressed before it goes any furthur (sic).

When this is finished, what are your plans for dissemination?  More to the point, are you expecting to sell it?  And if so, what do you plan on doing with any profits?

First and foremost, regarding selling anything: Goodness no, It'd be freely distributed. I'm not that kind of dick. lol. Generating revenue or any income from this is about the furthest you could
get from any real or imagined "goal" set for this.

As for dissemination; just your typical posting across different platforms on various threads/posts with the aim of achieving propagation.
There's some more to that of course, but that's further down the road (And frankly one of the more straightforward/easier(relatively) objectives to achieve)


Now that I'm no longer suffering/enjoying acute sleep deprivation I may be able to articulate things a a little better.

First: To say there's any sort of plan of any sort would be putting things generously, to say the least. So do bear that in mind.

As of right now the best option appears to be a lean compilation of several interrelated concepts&ideas and broad inclusion of the esoteric-esqe / "Secret Society" themes.

I'm unsure of whether or not the exclusion of some of the memes in the PD would be a good or bad decision.

Picture this any time you think of me xoxo

Even though I'm business casual.

Nobody got shit on my normie skin.


Cool, simply wanted to get that out of the way.