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Rant 11 - The Aftermath takes Effect

Started by Irreverend Hugh, KSC, November 03, 2003, 11:15:43 PM

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Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Rant #11
The Aftermath takes effect

?¨Somehow we pattern life in way that never allows us enough time to actually taste its flavor.?Æ
-Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

?¨The greatest fun, freedom, and achievement lies in not being yourself. There is little merit in simply being whomsoever you were destined to be by accident of birth and circumstance. Hell is the condition of having no alternatives. Reject then the obscenities of contrived uniformity, order, and purpose. Turn and face the tidal wave of Chaos from which philosophers have been fleeing in terror for millennia.?Æ
-Peter J. Carroll (Liber Kaos)

Plunge straightaway into the chaos you have long suspected is the nature of everything and nothing. It doesn??t matter whether you call yourself a Discordian, an anarchist, a Republican, a raving lunatic, a fundamentalist, a Buddhist, a Witch, a clown, a shaman, a poet, a visionary, a rabid occultist, or a master of something or other. It doesn??t matter whether you realize that the self you hold dear is a convenient fiction. It doesn??t matter whether you realize the world you perceive is a convenient fiction. It doesn??t matter whether you are afraid to admit what you long suspect?ñthat there is no inherent order outside of what your mind projects. It doesn??t matter that you feel you have a unique perspective with a position to defend/support. None of it matters unless you choose to make it matter. Take the plunge.

Your so-called instinctual fear of the mysterious, the dark, the foreboding, and the chaotic is only the traumatic result of socio-cultural conditioning. It is time to wake up from the collective nightmares that societies have you enthralled within. Plunge into the chaos of life and learn what life really is, if it can be said that there is an ultimate reality. Instead of walking around on the ground of traditions and habits, why not dance across the skies of chaotic creativity? For only when you become a sky dancer will you intuit that both order and disorder are side effects of chaos.

It doesn??t matter what you call yourself because that is only a label for convenience. And you are the one who creates the masks you wear in supporting that label. Why limit yourself to just one mask? Paradigms are only the psychological clothing you wear and you should really change your clothes as often as possible. Don??t let the Masters of DUMB and their delusions about the security of order and belief deceive you.

The realization of chaos is the realization that there are always several alternatives in every moment. By all means believe in something strongly, if that will help you choose?ñbut afterwards, be ready to drop that belief at the first opportunity. And if there are apparently no opportunities, then make some opportunities. Be willing to laugh at yourself and your own ideas as readily as you would laugh at others. Take part in the multiversal chorus of laughter. Otherwise, that chorus laughs at you.

Insanity is just a name for socially unacceptable forms of relating to the world. But considering how the socially acceptable forms of relating to the world are destroying it, you would be wise to consider insanity. And whether the world in which we live collapses into an industrial wasteland, or progresses into some more enlightened model, remember that there will always be a place for you, if you choose to make it. Eris didn??t call you because you felt you have run out of choices. She called you because you have the capacity to realize the freedom in celebrating chaos. Chaos is the condition of always having alternatives. Chaos is heaven. And that choice is yours.

Don??t accept the snubbery of DUMB in its attempts to contrive order and shove it down the throats of your minds. The masters of DUMB do not want you to realize the inherent chaos of life, and if you do realize it, they will try to discredit you and exclude you from any meaning or purpose. They believe that they have the patent on meaning and purpose. But you know you can invent your own meaning and purpose. You can change it whenever you wish. You are all the prettiest ones! You are all each a golden apple of discord! Throw yourselves into the midst of the aftermath and set the masters of DUMB at each other??s throats. Their ship of order is sinking into the sea of chaos and instead of learning how to swim, they will fight each other for the ever decreasing dry spaces aboard that ship. Only after they have all been plunged into the chaos will they be open to learning how to swim within it.

In closing, All hail Discordia!

(Boomtime, Aftermath 15th, 3169 / Monday, November 3rd, 2003)
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


that's awesome Hugh. i need to read it over a few more times so i can come up with a decent response, but, WOW.

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

It is my favorite rant so the question is what to write next?
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"