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Rant 109: Pinealopathy

Started by Irreverend Hugh, KSC, August 17, 2005, 10:07:11 PM

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Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Rant 109

<Though THEY* have tried to stop, silence, or distract the rant machine, the robot is still going strong and at full speed for it is subtle and swift to laughter.>

"Asperger's Disorder: A severe and sustained impairment of social interaction and functioning. In contrast to autism, there are no clinically significant delays in language, cognitive, or developmental age-appropriate skills."
-Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary (Edition 20)

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

"All activities are like the games children play, like castles being made of sand. View them with delight and equanimity, like grandparents overseeing their grandchildren..."
-Nyoshul Khenpo Rinpoche

"It's not going to stop till you wise up."
-Guess who this quote comes from

Are you sick of running around in circles? Enough to puke? Do you find yourself hating stupid people but then doing things others consider stupid? Have you ever thought that maybe it was just a matter of perspective? Or do you still insist that you are smarter than most people and that they are all idiots anyway? The condition of pride or hubris is fogging up your lenses and your pineal gland (the poor thing) may now be forced to take action. (And you know if one of your body parts is forced to take autonomous action then something is really messed up. If you decide to try to talk it through with the concerned body part, you should probably not tell anyone else about it. They still have scary places to put people who are brash enough to tell others about conversations with body parts, angels, demons, and staplers.)

Many of you out there think that those people who say that existence is pure joy are simply in denial of the "real truth(tm)." If you think thus it is only because you have confused the new agers with the alchemists. The New Agers go around and blandly cover up the world's problems and sorrows with their "happy happy joy joy" philosophy, whereas the alchemists transmute their sorrows and pains into joy via control over the nervous system and psychology. That's why some of them can say that all existence is pure joy. Some of you may hate their example because it implies that if YOU are miserable, then YOU can change. And not many people want to change or take charge of their own emotional states, do they? Not many are willing to take responsibility for feeling the way they do. It's so much better and easier to blame another or to blame some circumstance that is supposedly fixed and unchanging... or supposedly immensely important, no matter how trivial it could really be. If people could learn just this one truth about the nature of alchemy, the majority of the world's human-created problems would finally be threatened with solutions.

Every one of your experiences is necessary for growth simply because you have experienced it and cannot undo the history. You can use them all as sacraments in your quest or your path or whatever you call however it is that you live. You can take care of yourself, physically and emotionally, so that you are not an annoyance or a burden to others. You can be an authentic person for once in your life, not needing the validation of others and not seeking their rejection. Just being. If this sounds impossible, you may have to ask yourself, why it seems that way? Are you more of a victim of inculcation than you think?

You have no obligation other than to find your own needs and desires and to fulfill them. Taking on the world or the system or society is just another trap to get you to do something that is damned near impossible and to look outside of your own life for solutions you have been dutifully trained to care about. You only continue to care about such ideas because you think you must. But your Will doesn't work that way. You find your Will by being honest with yourself and then doing what it is that you really want to do, even if what you really want to do is just hang-glide or write occult books, or work in a factory while attending weekly bible-study meetings. Who cares about what others may or may not think? Most people are so lost from their Will that they wouldn't understand you at any event, unless you do as they do and pretend to do things out of their nobility or sentimentality or civility.

Your pineal gland is meant to glow, and whether that means you will end up a brilliant mystic or an equally brilliant shoe salesperson, it doesn't matter so long as you are free. Likewise you see other people in this light. They are also free to do as they will and to be as they wish. And everyone is responsible for their own actions and has to live with the consequences. Seeing that others are free doesn't mean you do not hold them accountable (despite what years of popular pseudo-therapy and the New Age have done to the idea of personal freedom). Religions and political ideologies are all geared to make you feel guilty for not adhering to the doctrine of social obligations. What was once considered a natural virtue has now been made onto a guilt trip. Religion and politics cares nothing about people actually doing anything to change the world or to solve problems. The point is for you to feel guilty and once you feel guilty you can be brought back down and easily manipulated. So let the martyrs die for their causes. Let the ideologues pontificate and theorize. And let the religious clergy members rant and rail about their gods and their salvation/submission complexes. Chaos is now. And freedom is yours if you choose to live it. If you want your wishes to come true, then remember that they are made true. What are you doing about them?

What have you done? Remember that this is a question for you to think about. But it is also the question that others will use to try and guilt trip you into their sorts of futility. Beware of those who use perfect logical constructions to try to get you to trip and fall under their sway. The difference between ideas that liberate you and ideas that enslave you is that the latter leave you with no choice or they give you an either/or choice while the former open you up to more possibilities. Logic is merely a tool and those who would see you enslaved (for no other reason than misery loves company, if not direct or indirect manipulation) use this tool to break you down to get you to agree with their position. Those who would see you free use logic to expose the falsity and the limits of all logic, and by implication the limits of all thoughts, ideas, and opinions. (To some degree anyway.) By all means, use thinking to free yourself or to solve your problems, but once done, those ways of thought should be abandoned at the first sign of their obsolescence. Who decides? You decide.

Stupidity is as common as the air we breath, but so is wisdom. It's just that people assume stupidity is the easier of the two and then go on to deny it by positing that their own brand of stupidity is in fact intelligence or even wisdom. It happens everyday. One example of this: Sometimes when I am walking home and about to go into my building, a neighbor who lives in the same complex will run, sometimes for over a block, to catch up to me so they don't have to be bothered by using their own key to get in. I let them in cheerfully. They are neighbors, of course. But I wonder how much easier it is to run and try to catch up to me? Wouldn't it be easier if they would simply use their own key to get in? Aren't they expending more energy trying to catch up to me as I open the door? This example is a simple one that points out this common behavior on many other levels. What are some other examples you yourselves have witnessed or even done?

Work smart not hard. There is much to learn about this cliched and overused expression. And in the science or art of learning how to do things according to one's Will, it is this clich?© that will save on years of wasted time and effort. Simply expending a lot of effort to accomplish something does not make it more valuable. In opening up one's mind and getting the pineal gland to glow, effort is practically useless. The harder you work at it the longer it will take you to achieve anything measurable. Contrary to the common sense of most people, the harder you work at freeing yourself the more of a chance there is that you will end up exactly where you started.

Pinealopathy is a common ailment which is easily communicable and can frequently recur. Because the vast majority of people around you may have lopsided pineal glands, you may be singled out as abnormal as soon as you figure out how to illuminate your own. THEY will resent the fact that you no longer go around in circles with THEM or that you no longer take THEM and their circumambulating seriously. The rats don't want you to free yourself. THEY want you to buy their products and lines of bullshit that give you a sense of freedom without actually ever tasting freedom. THEY have all sorts of hoops and jumps for you to accomplish. THEY have all sorts of neat and shiny distractions for you to numb yourself in either nihilistic apathy or pseudo-ecstatic "if only I had this or that" mentations. THEY want you to follow become just like THEM...THEY want you to play THEIR game of leaders and followers and never once question if there is anything more. THEY deny that anything else then THEIR game could possibly exist and THEY use THEIR poorly constructed pseudo-materialist ideologies to distract you from any version of reality that doesn't allow THEM to control or manipulate you. Failing this pseudo-materialism, THEY will use the traditional techniques from the dominant religions to keep you trapped in THEIR thrall.

One thing THEY don't wish for you to know is that the prison warden THEY rely upon to keep you in THEIR thrall is your own mind. Once you no longer care or pay attention to that delusion...once you destroy the inner prison warden, nothing THEY can do to you will ever work again. Once your pinealopathy is cured, it's all over for THEM. You no longer have to listen to the crapscreamers and the peddlers of ideas ever again. The rats within your walls will have no where to live since your walls will be dissolved. All the Choronzonic chatter that THEY will raise and kick up will be seen as the joke it really is. And then you will realize that Eris' laughter wasn't personal.

August 8th, 2005

-Irreverend Hugh, KSC
(Driving under the influence of Liber Kaos)

* The baptists and the people at Moody, FYI.
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"

East Coast Hustle

this is, IMHO, your best rant by far.

and no, I'm not trying to make nice, I don't want to kiss and make up, and I am still slightly pissed at you for things that have nothing to do with this rant, but the sins of the messenger do not render the message any less valid. this was some good shit.

Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"

Zurtok Khan

Holy Shit, Hugh.  You just described my mother and her very, very annoying "You must have a job or the world is going to end" attitude.
Resistance is Fertile.

Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.
-Mark Twain

I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
-Mark Twain


You don't know you did this, but you wrote this for me.  This is pretty much exactly where I need to end up.  The trouble for me is that defining myself without using other people is like trying to draw a chair without displaying the negative space.
- DJRubberducky
Quote from: LMNODJ's post is sort of like those pills you drop into a glass of water, and they expand into a dinosaur, or something.

Black sheep are still sheep.


Quote from: Irreverend Hugh, KSC"It's not going to stop till you wise up."
-Guess who this quote comes from

Aimee Mann!
"Soon all of us will have special names" — Professor Brian O'Blivion

"Now's not the time to get silly, so wear your big boots and jump on the garbage clowns." — Bob Dylan?

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
— Walt Whitman


And, in regards to Hugh's brilliant piece, here is something Bruce from the Kids In The Hall wrote, on the same theme:

"See the sad man in the corner, he is gross and he is old / People steal his shoes and make him eat mold. / His life won't be bad if he does what he is told. / He should be an alchemist, and turn his pain into gold."
"Soon all of us will have special names" — Professor Brian O'Blivion

"Now's not the time to get silly, so wear your big boots and jump on the garbage clowns." — Bob Dylan?

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
— Walt Whitman


Quote from: DJRubberduckyYou don't know you did this, but you wrote this for me.  This is pretty much exactly where I need to end up.  The trouble for me is that defining myself without using other people is like trying to draw a chair without displaying the negative space.

There would be no "chair" without negative space.  Also, there is no negative space, only space we can walk through.

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Quote from: East Coast Hustlethis is, IMHO, your best rant by far.

and no, I'm not trying to make nice, I don't want to kiss and make up, and I am still slightly pissed at you for things that have nothing to do with this rant, but the sins of the messenger do not render the message any less valid. this was some good shit.


That's to be expected, the making nice part. No problem there.

Thanks for your comment on the message however. I actually was going to shit can the rant. Due to trying to write too much at one time, I am sick of staring at all the damned texts. But it is nice to know that at least this time, the damned message was able to get through.
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Quote from: Baron von Hoopla
Quote from: Irreverend Hugh, KSC"It's not going to stop till you wise up."
-Guess who this quote comes from

Aimee Mann!

You Win!

Quote from: DJ Rubberducky
You don't know you did this, but you wrote this for me. This is pretty much exactly where I need to end up. The trouble for me is that defining myself without using other people is like trying to draw a chair without displaying the negative space.

It is okay to define yourself in terms of your relationships to others, it's just that the difference is that you are free to either do so or not do so. And those relationships don't actually become the only locus for you. And there are a million different ways to put it. When I am away from school and have a more clear mind (it is muddied and cluttered with newly acquired Med. Terms at present) I will try to find a way of clearly defining it.
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"

Burning Trees

All right, Buddha.

Permission to come down?
Someone should give you an award.

eighteen buddha strike