
Testimonial: "It's just honestly sad that a place like this exists"

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Stupid-Human Tricks v. 1 --RWHN

Started by AFK, September 13, 2005, 08:31:31 PM

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Okay, so I trimmed my beard down this morning.  It was starting to get quite bushy.  At least that's what my wife and fifty other people have told me recently.  As I was doing so it dawned on me that when I go into work tomorrow I'm going to get the inane, insipid obvious observation from my Boss.  

"You shaved your beard huh?"

Which is the basis of this rant.  Why do some people, okay most people, find it necessary to vocalize painfully obvious observations.  For that matter, why do people need to vocalize so often?  Of course after the above observation I will get the follow-up question:

"So, why did you do that?"

Of course I just respond by saying, "Because I wanted to." and walking away.  Because engaging in any further conversation would be very painful for me.  And my boss engaing in anymore thought may be lethal for him.  

"It's raining pretty good eh?"

So-called ice breakers.  You know, sometimes the ice is better left unbroken.  I mean, when I go into work tomorrow I'm not going to go up to my boss and say, "Hmm, still bald huh?" or "Still an utter moron eh?"

They say ignorance is bliss.  Well, I think silent ignorance would be even more blissful.  Some things are better left unsaid and, in my opinion, most people are better left unheard.
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


I know your pain.  I shave my head, so at least once a week someone will ask me "How often do you shave your head?"  as if that precious piece of information is going to enrich their life in some way.

I tell them I don't shave my head, I daily dip it into a bucket of Nair.  Which isn't as easy as it sounds because I have to place band-aids over my eyebrows first so I don't end up looking like a freak.

That usually shuts them the fuck up.

It all goes back to that grade school "You got a haircut!" mentality . . . yeah, I got a haircut, so what?

I think Ford Prefect had it right when he decided that humans talk even when they have nothing to say because they're afraid if they stop talking they will have to think.
"Soon all of us will have special names" — Professor Brian O'Blivion

"Now's not the time to get silly, so wear your big boots and jump on the garbage clowns." — Bob Dylan?

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
— Walt Whitman

Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy

I didn't get a hair cut, I got them all cut, har, har, har :lol:



Nature is the great teacher. Who is the principal?


I dont cut my hair like nobodys business

Shibboleet The Annihilator