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Started by ..y.E.R.M.O.M., September 11, 2005, 07:19:05 PM

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In a world where religeous radicals do such useless things as suicide bombings or standing on street corners with signs saying "pray to end abortion", one wonders why any rational person would buy into any religeon.  Perhaps I give people to much credit saying "rational", maybe we're all taught irrationality from birth. On the other hand I meet people all the time and most of them don't seem insane or psychotic. Untill they talk about religeon.

I had this conversation with two people at a party a while back. It started pretty well, we were talking about alternative fuels and polution etc...  Then the lady says "have you seen Mel Gibson's 'Passion'"  I told her I didn't need to, I know how it ends.  Then its " Do you believe in God?"  "Why do you hate Jesus?"  How did I get myself into this one?(I'm thinking to myself).  So I said "NO! I don't believe in god. In fact the question doesn't at all occur to me, and I don't think it's Jesus I hate."  Then the man pipes up "If a Buddhist or a Muslim were talking to you, would you react so negatively? Why do you have a bummer with a dude you never even met?"  There was so much wrong with what he said, I don't even know why I chose to respond, but I said "Yes, I would react negatively to anyone spouting bullshit and trying to get me to believe it."  I quickly ended the conversation and left the party.  The amazing thing is that these people are perfectly "functional" human beings.  They're buisiness owners and do ok buisiness.

One has only to know a little about this place we live in to know asking the wrong questions leads the wrong direction.  We live in a physical, cause and effect, universe.  Asking the metaphysical question of"Why?" always leads in a circle and never solves anything.  I think we should ask more linear questions, such as 'How?" or "What?"  What is the problem?  How do we solve it?  They still may be the wrong questions, but I think they have more productive solutions.

Life is not about whose ideas are right or wrong.  I think it's about preserving all life on this planet.  This planet our and our childrens home and we will never have another.

When I was in my teen age years, I did some hunting and killed lots of animals.  Ive seen the death of human beings.  I am a "firm believer" in death, as I have never seen any evidence to the contrary.  Everything has a beginning and an end: all life, all species, all things.  To wish for eternal life is only natural.  It is also only fantasy.

Iron Sulfide

you get a grade of P

your style has improved, but i might point out many suggestions.

and i will.


why were so you so aggressively anti religion in the conversation?
your tag line implies you has a sense of reverence or some such for
practicing OM? well then, YOU FUXXORD UP.

you could have fucked with these guys so hard. religion is the easiest
venue to fuck with people's heads, just about. proof? look at the way you
reacted when you found out these people were religious. maybe THEY
wer fucking with YOU.


more focus. more focus. more focus. just a suggestion.


your belief in a strictly physical world is bunk. energy is not physical.
and that's the weakest argument for that. more, a 'cause and effect' type
universe has to have an initial cause. and what would that be? . . .
(i'll give you a hint: if you reject initial cause of cause and effect, then you
end up in an infinite regress...)


QuoteLife is not about whose ideas are right or wrong. I think it's about preserving all life on this planet. This planet our and our childrens home and we will never have another.

yes. no. no. in that order.

the problem with this is your first sentence in the quote NEGATES any
attempt at a point or a focus.
if all life is preserved the way you suggest, we'd choke the fucking planet
that you're concered about in sentence three.
"we will never have another." says you. you've been to the future?

Lastly (Fifth):

so you've been hunting. a lot. yeah? and? so? what?

that things die physical deaths mean that, and only that, they die physical
deaths. that's just consciousness though. matter and energy are never
lost, just rearranged. the energy "lost" at death, then, is not lost, but
displaced. not converted into matter. not "lost". not even trascended to
a 'higher plane' of some sort.

what does happen to it? fuck if i know, i haven't been dead.

and physical immortality isn't a fantasy either. well it is, but not strictly
so. i suggest you research nanotech and longevity drugs. still in their
infantcy, but fully implicationg that immortality (of a sort) is physically


Summa Conclusia:

i wouldn't have had to address so many issues if you'd have had some focus.
(course, i didn't have to reply at all. no one else seems to have yet.)

also, you should take EVERY OPPERTUNITY TO JAKE JAKE JAKE. you failed
here. ::scrawls a note in yermom's perm. record::

you spend too much time worrying about the things you don't believe,
that means instead of jaking and mindfucking, you've ben jaked.

and in all likely hood...they didn't mean to.

Ya' stupid Yank.


One of the biggest problems with this species is that many of them hate to be"the odd man out".Individuality is o.k. by them ,as long as everyone is an individual in the same way.The greatest fear they have is "thinking for themselves".Many people fear being wrong.Yet it is impossible to be always correct.
Humanity tends to only think that their immediate surroundings are real.The Megaverse is a really big place.By just using your imagination,you can escape the confines of your immediate surroundings.You cna travel throughout the multidimensions just by using "make-believe".But then again,to many religions,using your imagination is one of the greatest sins you can commit.Sad really.That is why most of the multiverse thinks humanity really won't amount to much.To many of this planet are afraid to dream.
Vincent Sebastian Verthaine, K.S.C.
Omni-Belevolent Poly- Father of Hedonism In Black of The Erisian Holy City of the Discordian Parish of New Orleans.

Goddess-Son of Sssbela,Prophetess of Doom

Pastor of the Church of Eris,New Orleans


85 billion points for trying
keep it up.

Quote from: ..y.E.R.M.O.M.
Life is not about whose ideas are right or wrong. I think it's about preserving all life on this planet.

ah, yeah, the comment about choking

life seems to progress in cycles and waves
we had mass extintions in order to clear out for what follows

anyway, it seems normal for all species to die off eventually
so if we perserve all life, aren't we trying to stop life?
since life seems to be beginning, muddling along, and then ending?

whenever i see an "environmentalist" trying to perserve all species
i think "there is someone afraid to die"

they are trying to stop evolution
(which requires species to die off)
in an attempt to overcome their own mortality.

doesn't mean we can't save the whales
but it does mean that maybe saving whales means something else won't get a chance

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"

Iron Sulfide


again, i don't mean to be TOO harsh on you, in the event that
you aren't a troll. rog and more than enough others see to that on
their own.

but, in the event you are a troll, i can't get all soft on you.

here's to the benefit of the doubt! may ye be real and not some sort of
cabbage impersonating a human for some reason. (Cliche's ROCK!)
Ya' stupid Yank.


Quote from: N'yo B?©, Terrorist Zenjayou get a grade of P
Your first point was something about mindfucking. Point taken.

Your second point was stupid.

Your third point was also stupid but deserves response.  
Matter is energy. The whole theory of relitivity.
As for an "original cause".   I never said any thing about it, but since you did, I don't think it had any intelligence behind it and it happened so long ago it hardly matters.

Your forth point was about semantics.  When I say "all life" I'm not talking about individual specimens, or even species.  I'm saying we need oxygen and a way to process sunlight into fuel for our bodies.  Both of which we are not equipped to do.  Since we are on the subject, most life forms on this planet draw their energy directly or indirectly from the sun.  In fact the only possible exception is  micro organisms at the bottom of the ocean near volcanos.  Which arguably draw their energy from the earth (then again the earth was once part of the sun, so...)  The point is at speeds theoreticly possibly even today, it would take hundreds of years to get to another planet outside the solar system.  Then it has to be inhabitle.  All the life forms we know about can't live away from solar power that long, including us.  Then we have to power a machine that long.   Since this is the only inhabitable planet in this solar system, I think it's pretty likely this is the only home we will ever have.

As to your fifth point,  a biological entity is like a complecated machine. It needs fuel and when it dammaged beyond a certian point, it no longer processes fuel.  The energy is stored chimically and doesn't "go anywhere".  Any more than your gas tank is emptied simply because the engine stops working.

This is all my opinion. It is what I "believe" to be "true".  That makes it "philosophy" and all "philosophies" suck.  Including mine.

East Coast Hustle

I thought you were pretty much spot-on.

that said, you're wasting your time responding to that toolbag's solipsist deconstructionist act.

just ignore him and keep writing.

Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"

Lord Daddy Lombrosis

Sounds like a typical reaction.  Unless, as mentioned before, they were fucking with you.  I love to convince people that I am an Orthodox Jew, and am highly successful despite not being Jewish or circumsized.
Yeni istifadəçimizə: "Discordian, xoş gəldin!"-deyək!

The Good Reverend Roger

Quote from: ..y.E.R.M.O.M.
I think it's about preserving all life on this planet.  

" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.

Horab Fibslager

Hell is other people.

Buddha's Ghost Penis


Horab Fibslager

Hell is other people.

Buddha's Ghost Penis


Horab Fibslager

it's thesilly hat! omg !i am no teven jewish! i jsut look like jesus!
Hell is other people.