
If it quacks like a sociopath, but also ponders its own sociopathy, it's probably just an asshole.

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Letter to Horab (or, why don't we all just settle down)

Started by BADGE OF HONOR, November 18, 2005, 08:55:29 AM

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This is a PM I sent to him, but on second thought I decided that everyone ought to see it.  Some people have noticed that I bitch every time there's a major grudge-fest around here.  Well, here's your answer for why.

Horab:  let me explain my motivations to you, since you appear to be upset by what I said.  

I'm apparently an anachronism, because I uphold human decency and civil behavior.  Especially on the internet, where all we have to judge each other is our words.  Whenever someone stirs shit, I get pissed off.  It doesn't matter who it is.  

I was happy when Roger left for that couple of days, because that meant that (hopefully) peace would return to the boards.  Of course, that was not to be, but it was a respite.  So then you show up and start it up again, rehashing the same arguments for the sake of...whatever.  I can assume, but I don't know.  It's bad enough with Roger and Turd and Cain and Fnrodie and god knows who else around, ready to explode at the slightest provocation, without you getting all self-righteous.  I agree with you, I really do, but the way you acted was just as bad.  Ergo, my ill-will.  That will stop as soon as you stop acting like a jackass.

Maybe I'm stupid for wanting a little bit of peace in a place that is characterised by endless bickering and posturing.  Really, all I want is for everyone to just shut the fuck up every once in a while.

All I want is a little more decency and a little less hating.  I didn't even hate Eric or Aini, I just wished they'd stop being total asshats.  Civility is all I'm asking for.  For at least a couple days.  That's all I want.
The Jerk On Bike rolled his eyes and tossed the waffle back over his shoulder--before it struck the ground, a stout, disconcertingly monkey-like dog sprang into the air and snatched it, and began to masticate it--literally--for the sound it made was like a homonculus squatting on the floor muttering "masticate masticate masticate".

Horab Fibslager

i bet it'll be alot moer civil without me.

<-- really thinks it won't be, even if it does get peaceful for a day or four.

in two weeks, soem anonymous troll will start sending someone emails or pm's or something, causing bumps of a highly irrelevant nature to start jumping out, insults will be flung, you'll all get the distinct an dnot all all new nature of hearing how you're inferior to someone else in a general way which doesn't include names. you might even speak your mind again, which will earn your venom.

it won't be next week, it might be next month, or next year.

i won't be here to enjoy the high schoolery of it.

i've asked the mgt to delete my account.

i know where i am not wanted, and it's abudnantly clear i'm not wanted here. it's not ech or fnord's orroger's or the nub's opinions that lead me to this conclusion.

i hope you all choke.
Hell is other people.


I don't want you to leave, horab. I wish you would stay.
just like in a dream
you'll open your mouth to scream
and you won't make a sound

you can't believe your eyes
you can't believe your ears
you can't believe your friends
you can't believe you're here

Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy

I don't want you to leave either Horab.  Please stay.


East Coast Hustle

Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"


Quote from: Rabid Badger of GodThis is a PM I sent to him, but on second thought I decided that everyone ought to see it.  Some people have noticed that I bitch every time there's a major grudge-fest around here.  Well, here's your answer for why.

Horab:  let me explain my motivations to you, since you appear to be upset by what I said.  

I'm apparently an anachronism, because I uphold human decency and civil behavior.  Especially on the internet, where all we have to judge each other is our words.  Whenever someone stirs shit, I get pissed off.  It doesn't matter who it is.  

I was happy when Roger left for that couple of days, because that meant that (hopefully) peace would return to the boards.  Of course, that was not to be, but it was a respite.  So then you show up and start it up again, rehashing the same arguments for the sake of...whatever.  I can assume, but I don't know.  It's bad enough with Roger and Turd and Cain and Fnrodie and god knows who else around, ready to explode at the slightest provocation, without you getting all self-righteous.  I agree with you, I really do, but the way you acted was just as bad.  Ergo, my ill-will.  That will stop as soon as you stop acting like a jackass.

Maybe I'm stupid for wanting a little bit of peace in a place that is characterised by endless bickering and posturing.  Really, all I want is for everyone to just shut the fuck up every once in a while.

All I want is a little more decency and a little less hating.  I didn't even hate Eric or Aini, I just wished they'd stop being total asshats.  Civility is all I'm asking for.  For at least a couple days.  That's all I want.
Apparently your'e not the only anacronism here dearie.I've been bitching about this for ages.I totally agree with you 100%.But that and 3 bucks will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks. The only way anything is going to change is if we as a community get together and say that we are not going to take this bullshit anymore.The only thing I,as an individual,can do about it is to point out how stupid all this hating is.But there is very little one can do about the assholes on this board,especially if they get off on being assholes.And we all know who are all the Usual Suspects here.I am sorry to see Horab go.But you know what,Fuck him.He reaped what he sowed.This is an internet forum for crying out loud.People pull this shit here because they know that in the REAL WORLD,they would have had thier asses kicked 5x over.It's very easy to be brave and talk a lot of shit when you are in the safety of your own home.
Just because we have a few discordians here that are assholes,doesn't mean you have to be an asshole to be a discordian.(that's what satanism is for).
Vincent Sebastian Verthaine, K.S.C.
Omni-Belevolent Poly- Father of Hedonism In Black of The Erisian Holy City of the Discordian Parish of New Orleans.

Goddess-Son of Sssbela,Prophetess of Doom

Pastor of the Church of Eris,New Orleans

Fizzwitz Glorypoop

Shockingly enough, I don't want you to leave either, and not just because I want to insult you some more.

I was in a really bad mood yesterday and I took it out on you. That was not cool of me in the slightest. It's not that I neccessarily think that what I said was wrong, but I shouldn't have said it.
Fizzwitz Glorypoop, Baroness of Paradox, Episkopos of the Cabal of Innocent Absurdity

"Snorting ground up crows beak off the broken shards of your bathroom mirror might not get you high, but that doesnt mean its not worth doing." - Z3


Quote from: Fizzwitz GlorypoopShockingly enough, I don't want you to leave either, and not just because I want to insult you some more.

I was in a really bad mood yesterday and I took it out on you. That was not cool of me in the slightest. It's not that I neccessarily think that what I said was wrong, but I shouldn't have said it.

Whoa.  I wasn't expecting that.

Good show, Fizz.

And V, you really hate on the Satanists, huh?

East Coast Hustle

Satanists are mostly weenies, but they probably throw the best parties.

cuts people alot of slack if they throw a good party

Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"



Guess I'm off the hook.

-If the sun's not up, the party isn't over.


To add on to that:  I'm outing myself as an optimist.

I've only ever met two truly worthless bags of human flesh.  One of them is a 22 year old guy who uses MySpace to hook up with 13 year old girls.  The other one is a girl who has no personality, no initiative, and no opinions.  Other than that, every single other person I've met has had at least one thing to say that was worth listening to.  Sure, they may be annoying as fuck, but occasionally there will be a glimmer.

It's the same on the internet.  Just because they're faceless doesn't mean they aren't human, that they don't have emotions and backgrounds and extraneous circumstances.  So it is best to treat everyone as I would in real life, which is generally politely.  You want an argument?  Fine.  Just don't try to carry it beyond the one thread.  Because that is not polite.  

I'd be fine with all the bickering and carrying-on if it were done in the proper venue.  But no, every time it happens everyone involved has to hijack as many threads as possible in order to prove their dominance.  It's stupid and irritating and it makes me hope you all swallow your own tongues.  Being so uncivil drags down the civility of everyone else.  

And that is why I get pissy as fuck whenever somebody stirs some shit.
The Jerk On Bike rolled his eyes and tossed the waffle back over his shoulder--before it struck the ground, a stout, disconcertingly monkey-like dog sprang into the air and snatched it, and began to masticate it--literally--for the sound it made was like a homonculus squatting on the floor muttering "masticate masticate masticate".


i may have to start a badger fan club

lnmo gets to make up the official membership cards


Quote from: erotic
And V, you really hate on the Satanists, huh?
With damn good reason.
QuoteWoman in ,Äògoth' case seeks protection

Witness recalls night of man's hotel death

By Nikki Usher
Staff writer/The Times-Picayune

Hours before his death last month in a Warehouse District hotel hot tub, Shawn Johnson was seen flashing cash in Jackson Square, then hopping into a taxi with a group of young people dressed in the "goth" style, according to a member of the group who has sought protection as a potential witness against her companions.

It was July 19, 4 a.m., and the plan was to buy champagne for an unusual "bubble bath" in Johnson's hotel room, the woman told police.

"He was very drunk and flashing around a lot of money in Jackson Square. You just don't do that," said the woman, 21, who goes by the street name Catt.

Three weeks later, three of the people Catt said joined Johnson, 34, for the party in his room have been booked with first-degree murder. One is a self-described Satanist[/u](Kriss Lane) and another believes in vampires, she said. Two are in custody in Florida; the third suspect is in Orleans Parish Prison.

Relatives of Johnson, a lighting expert from Atlanta who had been hired to work a Microsoft Corp. convention in New Orleans, think his death might have been a "ritual killing," an assertion the Orleans Parish coroner's office denies.

Catt, a former street person trying to make a fresh start in New Orleans, said she was in the hotel room the night of Johnson's death but left before any violence occurred. Faced with testifying against her friends and fearing for her life, she entered a witness-protection program last week.

Sunrise at the Dungeon

Johnson's rendezvous with death began before sunrise at the Original Dungeon Bar on Toulouse Street in the French Quarter, where he was seen with the suspects, according to police.

"I was at the Dungeon earlier that night and saw all four of them there. First Never and Worry, and then I saw Catt and Ben," said Dennis Adkins, a Dungeon regular. Never and Worry are the street names of two of the suspects, identified by police as Kriss Lane, 24, and Karla Frye, 20, respectively. The third suspect is Ben Anthony, 24.

Catt said she also first encountered Johnson at the Dungeon.

"He was just kind of standing on the sides and watching everyone," she said.

Later, about 4 a.m., she was sitting outside Jackson Square when she saw him again. About 30 minutes later Frye invited her to join a group heading back to Johnson's room at the Courtyard by Marriott on Julia Street.

Catt said she resisted but Frye dragged her to her feet and promised a champagne bubble bath.

"I had never tasted champagne before because I've lived on the streets since I was 11, so I wanted to come along," Catt said. They began heading back to the hotel room, but Johnson was so drunk he couldn't remember how to get there, she said.

The group of five then tumbled into a cab -- no easy task given how drunk Frye and Lane were, Catt said. For Frye it was a challenge just to remain upright in her high-heeled leopard-print shoes, Catt said.

Once in Johnson's second-floor suite, Catt turned the TV on to cartoons and the group began spraying each other -- and the room -- with champagne from the 10 bottles they had picked up, Catt said.

What was left they poured into the small tub and then climbed in, some of them partly naked, Catt said.

She said she began feeling increasingly uncomfortable and wanted to leave. When she said so, her companions pressured her to stay.

At one point Frye tried to push her into the tub with everyone else. "I had no idea how these five people were going to fit, but I wanted to go," Catt said.

Catt said she had had enough and left the hotel room about 6:40 a.m.

"I remember Never saying something creepy to me," Catt said. "Never said, ,ÄòYou don't know what kind of fun you're going to miss.' "

'This is no cult murder'

About six hours later, at 12:30 p.m., a chambermaid found Johnson in the hot tub, bleeding and unresponsive. Johnson "drowned due to being hit on the head," according to chief coroner's investigator John Gagliano.

Though the coroner's office has said Johnson's death was not noteworthy or unusual, family friends said they think it might have been a ritual killing.

"I've heard the term ,Äòcult murder' used by the coroner," said Theresa Teague, Johnson's girlfriend. "I saw the photo of the woman they arrested, and something in her face tells me that this was something macabre."

The coroner's office rejects Teague's theory. "She is not correct. This is no cult murder. We said nothing like this," Gagliano said.

Within hours, police had surveillance camera photos from the hotel and went around Jackson Square looking for people who could identify the suspects, said Adkins, a tarot card reader at the square.

"I saw the photo and was like, wow, I know all of these people," he said. He said he gave police photos of Frye he took when she stayed at his home the previous week.

Catt also is visible wearing goth-type clothes on the surveillance tape. She turned herself in and said she has been cooperating with police. She was later released and police said she has not been charged in connection with Johnson's death. Police declined to confirm the details of her statement but said she is not a suspect.

'A bad name on goths'

Frye was the first to be arrested, in Florida. The Manatee County Sheriff's Office report said she went to Manatee Memorial Hospital's emergency room to report that her boyfriend had been kidnapped and that she had been raped. She also told hospital staff she had witnessed a murder in New Orleans, The Bradenton Herald reported. Frye said her boyfriend was killed trying to escape from the kidnappers, but she got away, the report said. Frye was arrested July 27.

Her boyfriend, Lane, 24, of Ruskin, Fla., was arrested early Aug. 2 outside a Denny's restaurant in Bradenton. He showed police his tattoo of an upside-down pentagram, a common satanic symbol. Lane was also wearing a pentagram necklace and had the word Worry tattooed on his leg.

The third suspect, Anthony, was arrested at his apartment on Dumaine Street on Aug. 1. Police said they were aided by a Crimestoppers tip.

Catt said she has known Frye since her first day in New Orleans, July 7, and called her "manic." "You had the feeling she could turn on you at any moment," she said.

She and Adkins said Frye always carried a rag doll with her, even to the Dungeon. The night of Johnson's death, they said, Frye was wearing a spiked collar, a bondage bracelet and a corset. Also in goth regalia, Lane was clad in black and had a large metal chain hanging from his pocket, Catt said.

Anthony was in goth makeup: white face paint, black lipstick and eyeliner, Adkins said.

Adherents of the goth subculture tend to have funereal wardrobes and enjoy lugubrious imagery in their music. However, many goths said they are worried that Johnson's death will be misperceived as an outgrowth of the style.

"This puts a bad name on goths because we are normally peaceful people who keep to themselves and read morbid poetry in coffee shops," Adkins said.

First off,I know all the people involved in this.Karla was a real good friend of mine.
Second,I was at the Dungeon that night.
Third,I was hanging out with Shawn prior to him leaving With Kriss Lane and Co.(he was the only other black person there).I saw him leave with them
Fourth,I have a problem with cops coming to my job asking all types of questions.

I warned Karla about Kriss.He knocked up another good friend of mine (Kelly) and them dumped her.Me and him never got along.He is a thief and a liar(and now a murderer)
Everyone knew that Karla was a bit of a nutcase,but wasn't a bad person once you got to know her.She was just niave and easilly manipulated.And Kriss is a very manipulative bastard.
He was always bragging about what a hardcore satanist he was.
His dumb as got caught because he bragged about the murder about it in Florida.He was busted early in the morning in "of all places"a Denny's.
Gee,besides a goth club,where else can you find a gioth,but in a Denny's?

During Karla's trial(this past July) Kriss tried to pin the blame on Karla(gee what do you expect from a satanist),but was shown to be the instigator of the whole thing.Karla was given 5 to 7 years for being an ascessory to murder.Kriss' trial is coming up soon.He faces the death penalty.Could'nt happen to a nicer guy.

Every satanist I have ever met have been self centered,manipulative,materialistic,cowardly racist bitches.

Oh,then there was the time I got jumped outside a goth club in Colorado by a group(4) of satanist goths for dating a white chick.Even manage to actually kick the crap out of 2 of them before they manged to get me on the ground.Luckily for me(thank Eris) my people came out of club before the bootstomping I was recieving caused permanant damge.And wouldn't you know it,the satanists ran away when the numbers became even.I had Bruised ribs,a black eye,a busted lip,and a broken hand.And i gave as well as i received.I broke one(David, I'll never forget him)of the guy's jaw.

So yeah,you can say I hate satanists.
Vincent Sebastian Verthaine, K.S.C.
Omni-Belevolent Poly- Father of Hedonism In Black of The Erisian Holy City of the Discordian Parish of New Orleans.

Goddess-Son of Sssbela,Prophetess of Doom

Pastor of the Church of Eris,New Orleans


Hey, I wasn't saying you were wrong for hating satanists...

-Never could see the point in betting on a losing horse.