
So essentially, the enemy of my enemy is not my friend, he's just another moronic, entitled turd in the bucket.

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For Suicidal Bunnies Everywhere...

Started by Trollax, December 12, 2003, 12:30:22 AM

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Here's a book that needs to be given to every fluffy bunny on the face of the earth...

and enough has been said...


"Sanity is a one trick pony -- all you have is rational thought. But when you're good and loony, the sky's the limit!"
-The Tick


We had a rabbit who was like a 2 year old psychotic ventrilaquism doll with ADD on speed...

she eventually got terminally ill from eating all the carpet in the house



There's the book I'll be reading to my kids at bedtime  :twisted:
1. e4             e5
2. Bc4           Bc5
3. Qf3           Ne7
4. Qxf7++

Blue Bomber

They have laws regarding discordians reproducing.

In a bout of coincidentality, the laws regard the eating of floor surfaces.
And putting things in toasters.
And people with the last name whitehouse.
(not really)
(yet)Indulge in your thoughtcrime
----->Disturb not do.<-----
We of the newly forme(d)r nation of Sporkinsteinsylvaniaistan can handle cabbages any day.....Indulge in your thoughtcrime[/color]
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